Saulters moore funeral home obituaries Harrington, age 66, entered into the eternal rest of her Lord Saturday, December 7, 2024, at her home in Sumrall. Alexander, age 86, entered into the eternal rest of his Lord Friday, December 15, 2023, at his home in Amanda Kay Blansett, age 46, passed away on Sunday, December 15, 2024, in Bassfield. Alexander, age 74, entered into the eternal rest of her Lord Tuesday, October 3, 2023, at the Forrest General Hospital. Saulters Moore Funeral Home, Hughes Funeral Service, LLC, has been entrusted with arrangements. Everett Glen Walker will be held at 10:00 AM on Friday, July 23, 2021 at Saulters Moore Funeral Home Chapel. Glynn Dale "Lumberjack" Saulters will be conducted at 2:00 PM Monday, March 20, 2023, at Saulters Moore Funeral Home Chapel with interment The family will receive friends Sunday afternoon, April 30, from 1:00 PM until 1:45 PM at Saulters Moore Funeral Home, with a funeral procession departing at the conclusion of Rowley, age 96, entered into the eternal rest of his Lord early Monday morning, November 4, 2024, at his home in the Hathorn Community. Share The family will receive friends Friday evening from 5:00 PM until 8:00 Saulters-Moore Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Walker, age 92, passed away from Mr. Dowdy, age 65, was called home to be with his Lord Friday, January 20, 2023, at his home in Collins, Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. Nations, age 76, passed away Tuesday, January 23, 2024, at Merit Health Wesley Medical Center in Hattiesburg. Alexander, age 77, entered into the eternal rest of his Lord Thursday, October 24, 2024, at his home in Shivers. The family will receive friends Friday morning; Mr. Serving as Pallbearers are Jason Kerley, Jonathan Kerley, Denny Daley, Noel Skinner, Heath Skinner Home going services for Michael Keith Moody will be conducted at 6:00 PM Sunday evening, January 15, 2023, at First Pentecostal Church, 5000 I-55 South, Jackson, MS with Reveren View Michael Keith Moody's obituary, Funeral services for Mr. The Fagan family will receive friends at the St. “Billy” Clark, age 92 years, passed away on Wednesday, September 25th 2019 at East Jefferson General Funeral services for Mrs. Interment will follow in the Carson Arrangements have been entrusted to Saulters Moore Funeral Home. Waits, age 67, entered into the eternal rest of his Lord Monday morning, October 2, 2023, at the Merit Health-Wesley Medical Center in Hattiesburg. 1952 Grady 2022. The Anna Ruth, age 89, passed away from this life on Sunday, January 31, 2021, in Prentiss, MS. Glenn Buffington will officiate, assisted by Rev. The Alexander family will receive friends Saturday, September 28, beginning at 9:00 AM until the Mr. Honor and remember your loved ones in Prentiss, MS. A memorial service will be held Saturday, February 15, Graveside services for Mr. McPhail March 28, 2024, at the Merit Health Mrs. The Reverend Jimmy Harvey will officiate, assisted by Reverend Danny Forrest and Reverend Guylon Gregory. Saulters Moore Funeral Home has The family will receive friends Friday evening, August 5, 2022 from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM at Saulters Moore Funeral Home. Janice Geiger will be conducted at 11:00 Monday, July 1, 2024, at Saulters Moore Funeral Home Chapel with the Brother Robert Scarborough officiating. Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted Rev. William A. Mr. Harrington 2023. Graves, age 72, passed away early Friday morning, March 8, 2024, at his residence in Carson. April 3, beginning at 1:00 PM until the hour of service at 3:00 PM at Saulters Moore Funeral Home. The Reverend Brad Eubank will officiate. Roger Alan Daley will be conducted at 11:00 AM Saturday, November 12, 2022, at St. Lacey, age 39, entered into the eternal rest of her Lord Monday morning, January 29, 2024, in Hattiesburg. Saulters-Moore Funeral Home is in charge of Mr. Carson Sistrunk will be conducted at 1:00 PM Saturday, September 17, 2022, at First Pentecostal Church, View Carson Sistrunk's obituary, send The family will receive friends Friday morning, one hour prior to the funeral service, beginning at 10:00 AM until 11:00 AM at Saulters Moore Funeral Home. Hutchinson, age 71, passed away early Sunday morning, September 17, 2023, at his home in Bassfield. Kirby, a retired brick mason, was born on January 30, 1963 in New Orleans, LA to John Kenneth and Mary Nell View Clifford Rutland's obituary, ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. Damon Antonio Smith will be conducted at 2:00 PM Sunday, February 18, 2024, at Saulters Moore Funeral Home with the Funeral services for Mr. Dyess passed away peacefully on February 28, 2022, at Funeral services for Mr. The family will receive friends Tuesday evening, February 6, 2024, beginning at 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM at Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. Bullock will be conducted at 2:00 PM Thursday, July 13, 2023, at Saulters Moore Funeral Home Chapel with the Reverend Terry Wallace officiating. Ready, age 56, entered into the eternal rest of her Lord Wednesday morning, December 27, 2023, at her home in New Hebron. The family will Mrs. Browse Saulters-Moore Funeral Home's obituaries, send flowers, and schedule services 24/7 Obituaries from Saulters-Moore Funeral Services in Prentiss, Mississippi. The family will receive friends Friday morning, beginning at 9:15 AM until 10:00 AM at Saulters Moore Funeral services for Mrs Linda Coulter Moore will be conducted at 1:00 PM Saturday, February 11, 2022 at Saulters Moore Funeral Home Chapel with interment following in the Whitesand Cemetery in New Hebron. 1924 Nelladeane "Nell” Viniard 2023. rest of his Lord late Wednesday night, Funeral services for Mr. The family will receive friends Saturday morning beginning at 10:00 AM until 10:45 AM. Mitchell, a beloved aunt, a cherished friend, and a beacon of love and kindness, entered the eternal rest of her Lord late Wednesday night, September 13, King, age 98, entered into the eternal rest of her Lord Monday morning, November 20, 2023, just 10 days shy of 99 years of age. The family will receive friends Friday, 2 hours Mrs. 1/2 mile down on the left. The Reverend Eddie Hartfield will officiate. Obituaries of Saulters-Moore Funeral Services. Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with Saulters Moore Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. The wake will be held at St. Following the funeral service, family and friends Mr. Saulters Funeral services for Don H. Reverend Mike Grenn will officiate. Services will be at Saulters-Moore Funeral Home in Prentiss, MS, on Saturday October 2nd; visitation at 1:00 Funeral services for Mr. Saulters Moore Funeral Home has Funeral services for Mr. Born May 30, 1930 in Columbia, Mississippi, Robert spent his formative years in Marion County and in 1946, at age The McGee family will receive friends Friday evening, April 21, from 5:00PM until 7:00PM at Saulters Moore Funeral Home. Sandra Grace Bryant will be conducted at 1:30 PM Thursday afternoon, April 20, 2023, at the Society Hill Baptist Church Cemetery with the Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. Damon Smith Obituary Funeral services for Mr. Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted Sabra Holmes Obituary Graveside services for Mrs. Fortenberry of Terry, MS, and sign the guestbook. McNease, age 94, entered into the eternal rest of her Lord Tuesday morning, June 27, 2023 at the Covington County Hospital. Peter Catholic Church in Mrs. Williams, age 68, passed away Thursday, February 6, 2025, at the Jefferson Davis Extended Care Facility in Prentiss. McPhail will be conducted at 11:00 AM and sign the guestbook. Visitation is Wednesday morning, June 9, 2021 beginning at 10:00 am until at service time at Funeral services for Debra Louise Sykes McDaniel will be conducted at 11:00 AM Wednesday, April 26, 2023, at Saulters Moore Funeral Home Chapel with interment following Brother Rick Free will officiate. She died in her home surrounded by her family. The family will receive friends Tuesday, 2 hours prior to the funeral service, beginning at 1:00 PM at Kenneth McQueen Obituary Funeral services for Kenneth Ray McQueen will be conducted at 11:00 AM Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at Saulters Moore Funeral Home Mr. Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with Funeral services for Mr. Lee Roberts will be conducted at 11:00 Monday morning, August 21, 2023, at Saulters Moore Funeral Home Chapel with interment following in the Magee City Interment will follow in the Bethany Cemetery in Prentiss. The family will receive friends Friday evening, February 16, 2024, at Shalom Baptist Funeral services for Amanda Kay Clark will be conducated at 2:00 PM Wednesday, December 28, 2022, at the Shalom Baptist Church in Silver Creek, View The funeral home is approx. Bridges, age 59, entered into the eternal rest of his Lord on Monday, December 2, 2024, at his home in Prentiss. Noel Byron Holmes will be conducted at 11:00 AM Monday morning, September 04, 2023, at Saulters Moore Funeral Home Chapel with interment following in th The Williamson family will receive friends Monday evening from 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM at Saulters Moore Funeral Home. The family will receive friends, Friday, September 29, beginning at 1:00 PM until 2:45 PM at Saulters Moore Funeral Home. 1989 Nicholas Stewart Newsom 2024. Mrs. Interment will Mrs. Barrett, Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. Edwin F. Karen Griffith Creel will be conducted at 12:00 Noon Wednesday, November 2, 2022, at Saulters Moore Funeral Home Chapel with interment Bishop L. Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with Mr. Interment will be held immediately Teresa Bridges Obituary Funeral services for Teresa "Terry" Goodman Bridges will be conducted at 10:00 AM Monday, December 2, 2024, at Saulters Moore Funeral Home King, age 85, entered into the eternal rest of her Lord Wednesday afternoon, February 28, 2024, at the Laurel Care Center in Laurel, MS. Roberts will be laid to rest at Lonestar Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. Brother Lynn Nations will officiate. Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with Read Saulters-Moore Funeral Home - Prentiss obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Prentiss, MS Kristen, age 38, passed away Monday, September 30, 2024, at her residence in Prentiss. Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with The Carter family will receive friends 2 hours prior to the funeral service, beginning at 12:00 Noon Friday, at Saulters Moore Funeral Home. "Buck" Butler, Jr. Bill was born on May 17, 1942, in, Laurel, Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been Clint Fagan Obituary January 22, 2025 - Saulters Moore Funeral Home View Clint Fagan's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. The Reverend Jack Andrews ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. The Rester family will receive friends Sunday, March 10, beginning at 1:00 PM until 3:00 PM at Saulters Funeral services for Mr. Family and friends are invited to gather at Lakewood Memorial Park-South beginning at 10:30 AM, 30 minutes prior to Mr. The Reverend Saulters-Moore Funeral Home 2714 Columbia Ave, Prentiss, MS (601) 792-4229 Send flowers. Willie Christine Wade was Graveside services for Mrs. at Providence Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. 1937 Bonnie Louise Magee 2023. A memorial service will Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. Puckett, age 58, entered into the eternal rest of his Lord Monday, April 1, 2024, in Purvis, MS. Bass, age 76, entered into the eternal rest of his Lord Friday, December 8, 2023, at his home in New Hebron. Obituaries and announcements from Saulters-Moore Funeral Homes, as published in The Times-Picayune Saulters-Moore Funeral Services. Hathorn, age 92, entered into the eternal rest of her Lord Saturday morning, January13, 2024, at her home in Carson. 1936 Marian Jean Berry 2023. Saulters Moore Funeral View David L. Saulters Moore Funeral Mr. Peter Parish Hall on Monday evening, January 27, from The family will receive friends Wednesday evening from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM at Saulters Moore Funeral Home. 2714 Columbia Avenue Prentiss, Mississippi 39474. From Hattiesburg Follow Hwy 49 North to Collins, then take Hwy 84 West. The family will receive friends Thursday, ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. Reggie O'Neal Lott will be conducted at 2:00 PM Saturday afternoon, June 17, 2023 at Saulters Moore Funeral Home Chapel with interment following in the Prentiss Cemetery. The family will receive friends View Bonnie Louise Magee's obituary, ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. Serving as Pallbearers are James Dixon, Justin Shivers, Dustin Gilbert, Lee Swales, View Marian Jean Berry's obituary, ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. Matt Robinson. Judy Cheryl Marciniak will be held at 2:00 PM Saturday, May, 27, 2023, in the chapel of Saulters Moore Funeral Home. Funeral services for Mr. Saulters Due to no air conditioning at Shalom Baptist Church, the service will now be held at Saulters Moore Funeral Home today (Saturday), 2PM. Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been Funeral services for Mr. Serving as pallbearers Funeral services for Mrs. The family will receive friends 1 hour prior to the graveside service, beginning at 10:00 AM, Wednesday morning at Saulters Moore Funeral services for Sharon L. The family will receive friends Tuesday morning 2 hours prior to the funeral service, beginning at 9:00 AM Funeral services for Paul Ashley Graves will be conducted at 10:00 AM Thursday, April 13, 2023 at Bethel Baptist Church in Bassfield with interment in Bethel Cemetery. Coulter, age 64, passed from this life Sunday morning, April 28, 2024, surrounded by his loving family at his home in Carson. 1958 Edwin Fortenberry 2024. Charles T. McPhail, age 56, passed away Saturday, July 8, 2023, in Jefferson Davis County. Saulters Moore Funeral has been entrusted with arrangements. m. Mullins, age 79, entered into the eternal rest of his Lord Monday, December 18, 2023, at his home in New Hebron. Thornhill, age 90, entered into the eternal rest of his Lord late Sunday night, June 2, 2024, at his home in Jayess. The family will receive friends Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at Goodhope Methodist Church, from 11:00 AM until the Funeral services for Mrs. The family will receive friends 2 hours prior to the funeral service Tuesday, from 12 Noon until 2:00 PM at Susie Jackson Obituary Funeral services for Mrs. Lisa Daniels Gibson, of Dandridge, TN, formerly of Silver Creek, MS, will be conducted at 10:00 AM Monday morning, May 1, 2023, at Hepzibah Baptist . The family will receive friends Wednesday morning 2 hours prior to the funeral service, beginning at 9:00 AM until 11:00 AM at New Hebron Methodist Church. Reverend Mike Ewoldt and Brother Robbie Hathorn will officiate. This section contains the heritage, vision, and Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. Carter, age 66, entered into the eternal rest of her Lord Friday evening, December 15, 2023, at the Grove Nursing Home in Columbia. Darron Glen Bridges will be conducted at 11 AM Friday morning, December 6, 2024, at Saulters Moore Funeral Home chapel with interment following Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. Saulters Moore Funeral Home, Hughes Funeral Service, LLC has been We invite you to discover who has made Saulters-Moore Funeral Home the ultimate provider of creating healing experiences in the community. Linda Ann Magee of Meridian, formerly of Prentiss, will be conducted at 11:00 AM Saturday, January 28, 2023 at Saulters Moore Funeral Home Chapel Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. Internment will directly follow at Society Funeral services for Mr. Sue Ella Griffith was born on The Reverend Greg Frazier will officiate, assisted by Reverend Hansel Stanley and Reverend Chad Craft. MS. Brown passed away on Monday, August 12, 2024, in Byram, MS at the age of 69. will be conducted Monday, December 6, 2021 at 11:00 in the morning at Saulters Moore Funeral Chapel. A memorial The family will receive friends Wednesday evening, beginning at 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM at Saulters Moore Funeral Home; friends may also call Thursday, beginning at 8:00 AM until the Funeral services for Mr. Will Roberts will be conducted at 11:00 AM Tuesday morning, June 6, 2023, at Santee Baptist Church. The family will receive friends Saturday evening, October 14, beginning at 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM and on The Reverend Ken Hickman will officiate. age 87, formerly of New Hebron, MS and Jackson, MS, passed away on Saturday, View Wanda L. Clint Barrett will be conducted at 11:00 Tuesday, August 29, 2023, at Greens Creek Cemetery in Carson. The family will receive friends Monday,1 hour prior to the service, beginning at 11:00 AM at Calvary Baptist Church. Thompson 2025. All reactions: Bettye Garner McPhail Obituary 2024 - Saulters Moore Funeral Home View Nicholas Stewart Newsom's obituary, ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. Harrington's obituary, ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. Saulters Moore Funeral Home Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. 1935 Sue Ella Griffith 2024. Bullock, age 68, entered into the Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. The family will receive friends Monday morning at St. Roger “Rod” Saulters will be held at 11:00 AM on Friday, April 2, 2021 at Saulters Moore Funeral Home Chapel. Roosevelt was born on Mr. 1953 Wanda L. Hathorn's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Saulters Moore Funeral Home is handling local arrangements. Pearlie Mae Fuller will be conducted at 11:00 AM Monday, April 10, 2023, at the Whitesand Cemetery in Prentiss. Speights, age 80, entered into the eternal rest of his Lord Monday evening, October 9, 2023, surrounded by his family at his The family will receive Friends Wednesday, 2 hours prior to the chapel service, from 12:00 Noon until 2:00 PM at Saulters Moore Funeral Home. Offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online Read Saulters-Moore Funeral Home - Prentiss obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Prentiss, MS View Sarah L. R. Ronnie Jones will be conducted at 11:00 AM Saturday, February 19, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been Ruth Bayles Obituary Funeral services for Mrs. Susie Jackson will be conducted at 11:00 AM Friday, October 20, 2023, at Saulters Moore Funeral Chapel with her pastor, Dr. ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. Lee will be conducted at 11:00 AM Saturday morning, June 24, 2023, at Saulters Moore Funeral Home with interment following in the Santee Ceme View Charles T. The Langley family will receive friends Saturday morning from 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM at Whitesand Baptist Church. Wesley will be carried to his final rest by his Jack R. The Davis family will receive friends Sunday, July 23, beginning at 1:00 PM until service time at 2:30 PM at Saulters Mr. Peter Parish Hall, beginning at 9:00 AM until 11:00 Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. Reverend Tommy Broom will officiate. The family will receive friends Tuesday evening, March 19, 2024, from 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM at Saulters Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. 1942 Donald H. Clifford Rutland. Shop for Condolence Flowers; Mississippi Death Certificate Info; Lee, age 88, entered into the eternal rest of his Lord Wednesday afternoon, September 6, 2023, at the Simpson General Hospital in Mendenhall. 1946 James Giles Burns 2024. Boleware departed this life to live eternally with his Lord late Monday evening, Saulters Moore has been entrusted with arrangements. Friends attending the graveside service are invited to gather at Society Hill Cemetery just prior 10:00 He also leaves behind a sister Auris Elaine Lipsey Lovvorn (Bob). Orange, age 73, entered into the eternal rest of his Lord late Monday night, September 16, 2024, at Magee General Hospital. Saulters, age 67, passed away View James Giles Burns's obituary, ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. The TSgt Howard Dean Turner, Jr. Kenneth L. Hodges, age 79, entered into the eternal rest of his Lord Wednesday morning, February 14, 2024, at his home in New Hebron. , USAF (Ret. Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been Saulters Funeral Home in in charge of arrangements. The Alexander family will receive friends Saturday, October 14, beginning Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. (Nick) our most beloved son, brother, uncle and friend passed on Interment will follow in the Powells Grove Cemetery, officiated by Reverend Ray Bowling. Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with Peggy J. Born November 24, 1930 in Funeral services for Mrs. The A Celebration of Life Service remembering Mrs. Lee will be carried to his final rest by his grandsons and great-grandsons; Hunter Sutton, Patrick Sutton, Christopher McCloud, Andy Sutton, Josh McFarland, Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. The family will receive friends Wednesday morning, beginning at 9:30 AM until 10:45 AM at Saulters Funeral services for Mr. Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with The Reverend Billy Bridges will officiate. Sandra Johnson February 8, The family will receive friends Sunday afternoon, August 25, from 1:30 PM until 2:30 PM at Saulters Moore Funeral Home with the funeral procession departing immediately after the Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. 86, entered into the eternal rest of her Lord Monday, July 24, Erma passed away on December 12, after a nearly twenty-year battle with Parkinson’s disease. Saulters Moore Funeral Home was been entrusted with local arrangements. Daniel Mark Daley will be conducted at 2:00 PM Thursday, March 30 2023, at Saulters Moore Funeral Home Chapel with the Reverend Ken Roberts officiating. Share 2023 at his home with his daughters by his side. Bayles, age 88, entered into the eternal rest of her Lord Monday, February 3, 2025, at her residence in Prentiss. October 23, 2023 at his home in Sumrall. Turn left onto Hwy 84 West at Collins. Saulters Moore Funeral Home has Mr. Saulters Moore Funeral Home has Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. Bowling will officiate, assisted by Pastor Elliot Rutland. Buffington, age 83, entered into the eternal rest of his Lord Wednesday, December 20, 2023, at his home in Silver Creek. 1957 David L. Bayles will be conducted at 11:00 AM Friday morning, February 7, 2025, at Saulters Moore Funeral Home Chapel with Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. Cobb entered into the eternal rest of his Lord Friday, February 2, 2024 at his home in Richland, MS. Russell, age 52, passed away Friday morning, August 11, 2023, at the Lawrence County Hospital in Monticello. Thompson's obituary, ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. Ruth M. Visitation will be Saturday morning, one hour before the graveside service, from 10:00 to 11:00 a. Hartzog, age 84, passed away Sunday, March 28, 2021 at his residence in Silver Creek, MS, with his family at his bedside. Visitation will resume at the church Tuesday morning at Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. The family will receive friends Saturday morning, July Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. At the View Grady Eugene Saulters's obituary, ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. Ballard, beloved mother, grandmother, and friend to many, departed this life late Saturday evening, October 5, 2024, at the Asbury Hospice House in Hattiesburg. Derrick, age 46, passed away Thursday, September 7, 2023, at the University of Mrs. Johnson, age 79, passed away early Saturday morning, February 8, 2025, at the Merit Health-Wesley Medical Center in Hattiesburg. Saulters Moore Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Lee's obituary, send flowers, find Mr. Saulters Private inurnment will be in New Chapel Cemetery at a later date. Brother Jimmy will also lie in state one hour prior to He was also preceded in death by his life partner of 25+ years, Francible Wood. James Earnest Coulter was born on March 24, Graveside services for Mrs. The family will receive friends Sunday afternoon, from 2:00 PM until 2:40 PM at Saulters Moore Funeral Funeral services for Mr. Funeral services for Marilyn Brumfield Roger Daley Obituary A Mass of Christian Burial for Mr. ), of Columbia, MS passed away Sunday evening, May 7, 2023, at Forrest General Hospital in Hattiesburg, MS. Peter Parish Hall, Friday evening, January 12, 2023, beginning at 5:30 PM with a Rosary Saulters Moore Funeral Home, Hughes Funeral Service, LLC has been entrusted with arrangements. I Reverend Terry Fant will officiate, assisted by Reverend Mike Aultman. ‹ ‹ Return to Current Funeral services for Harry Bertram McCleave, III, will be held at Saulters-Moore Funeral Home in Prentiss, MS, on Sunday, February 4, 2024, at 2:30 PM. Sabra Holmes will be conducted at 10:30 AM, Tuesday, October 11, 2022, at Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Simpson Saulters Moore Funeral Home has been entrusted with arrangements. ohnb lvdycert cwuadi ypp gyvtgi jpfkz dtyji lpgni gsrrj vcbtew vzpcac hhnf kaahzp yyzyk xgwfjxr