Ck3 best doctrines. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3.
Ck3 best doctrines Each ruler can create or reform a faith once! Beside the Hellenic-only 'civilized' doctrine which is just absurd, stability and meritocracy are pretty great. Also, some tenets have two different names for two different religions. Oct 12, 2020 · The best thing about this tenet is that Divine the Stars give you a whopping 25% increased XP to a random lifestyle-changing every 10 years. I am by no means a CK3-expert, and a lot of the tenets could have hidden effects, events or considerations that could make it a lot better/worse than it seems at face value. Oct 2, 2020 · This page was last edited on 2 October 2020, at 12:02. Bonus round. Alexandrian Catechism. Can literally set strict set of laws for the way of life with your own custom religion. All of these are things that can't be changed by creating a new religion. it makes ‘wise man/mystic/miracle worker’ virtuous traits. Im not searching for anything in particular, just something better than the starting ones. As for "new Christian faith": CK3 allows only creation of new faiths based on an existing religion, but they can be "Christian" only in theory; no one stops you from creating a cannibalistic, witch-friendly heresy. 5 health boost through ages 0-15 which helps a lot if you get a sickly genius baby. Grants county and duchy conquest CBs and the invasion CB, plus great holy wars, so when paired with a temporal HoF gives you yet another kingdom level CB. 1. Crime Doctrines: Same-Sex Accepted, Only Male Adultery Accepted, Deviancy Shunned, Witchcraft is Allowed, Kinslaying Shunned. Eldership is like tanistry, in that you can elect anyone from your dynasty to be your heir, allowing you to elect that Ambitious Strong Attractive Genius as heir, but instead of having vassals as electors, there are 7 Dec 1, 2023 · The mod changes several religious tenets into doctrines, allowing more flexibility in your choice of core tenets. Also if they have the Gnosticism tenet, rather than doctrine like the Dualist faiths, then it also helps to combat stress (giving away titles removes stress) and lower the amount of obese people in the realm (Temperate is a Virtue and Gluttonous becomes a Sin). At the top of our CK3 best tenets list is Alexandrian Jan 9, 2025 · Category Trait Doctrine Max piety cost Description Same-Sex Relations Sodomite Crime 200 if Criminal; 400 if Shunned; 600 if Accepted; The sinful desires of sodomites are a danger to society itself, so they shall be punished and locked away for their transgressions A complete and up-to-date list of all CK3 doctrine IDs. Personally the things I always shoot for are Doctrines: Witchcraft: Allowed (I mean it's just a good trait if you get it) Bastardry: No Bastards (Allows your dynasty to be huge since all children born out of wedlock will be considered that dynasty instead of a bastard house) See full list on lucrorpg. ; About CK3 Wiki; Mobile view What do you guys think the best religious doctrines and cultural strategies are for playing tall? Monasticism seems like a very strong doctrine because it allows you to disinherit undesirable heirs with the "Take the Vows" decision. Apr 2, 2023 · Pursuit of Power grant's a tyranny reduction gain (meaning that -20 tyranny you get for imprisoning annoying vassals is only -10, never bother myself, though), title creation is cheaper (in the original version, you could stack that doctrine, and other title reduction perks to make it so you could form an Empire at no gold cost), and to top it Sep 28, 2019 · Strengths: This is a powerful doctrine, mostly for the fact that you get to have the best succession law in the entire game. com Jul 16, 2024 · Warmonger is one of the best tenets in my opinion. Jun 19, 2023 · Best 15 religious tenets in CK3 explained in detail. Faith creation is a pain so id hope to not deal with that. Both give the same bonuses but named differently for Asatru and Christianity. Simply imprison your children then release them on the condition of taking the vows. Now, I don't mean what's the best current religion, but rather best potential religion; meaning what religion has the best holy sites, potential tenant, and virtues/sins. So, the Civilized doctrine is probably best if you want to do something else like recreate Hellenic Ptolemaic Egypt. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. So if you don’t mind a bit of randomness to your lifestyle leveling, you could create a powerful ruler with Astrology. Polyamory is now a new type of doctrine in the Marriage group called "Relationships". Marriage Doctrines: Consorts & Concubines, Divorce Must Be Approved, No Bastardry Legitimization, Unrestricted Marriage. I'm not exactly a fan of that and the character I'm playing is of the Roman culture, so it feels like it would just make converting harder. Learning all about these Doctrines and what beliefs they follow exactly will allow you to progress Sep 14, 2019 · Ironically, this doctrine has negative synergy with restoring the Roman Empire, as the Roman Empire uses Imperial Elective Succession law which is incompatible with Heir Designation. To do this, it also creates three new categories for doctrines. The only doctrine that is better than normal for Hellenism is Polygamy, as Hellenists do not get concubines, so the Polygamy doctrine is the only way to have more than one partner. CK3 BEST DOCTRINES < Equally important. Choose your heir + no short reign penalty makes succession a breeze, and stability also lets you pay gold to give your heir a +1. Like Ecclesiarchy / The Pentarchy. They usually have names of the form "Teachings of X" and appear at the bottom of the Special doctrines are specific doctrines that certain faiths are given in the mod files. Console Commands. CK3 Cheats. Esoterism is a tie (imo) for the best tenet for the following reasons: 1. Apr 21, 2023 · What are the best tenets and doctrines for custom/reformed faiths? Which are useless? Which should I avoid at all costs? < > Showing 1-5 of 5 comments . There's no way for a religion that isn't christian to pick the Alexandrian Catechism tenant. The following tenets are affected: Divine Marriage is now a Consanguinity doctrine. wei270 Apr 21 Special doctrines are specific doctrines that certain faiths are given in the mod files. In vanilla CK3, these doctrines are used primarily to define which faiths have their hostility levels altered by syncretism tenets, although some may have other effects. This tier list is based on my own gameplay experiences and written mostly for my own reference and amusement, and are rated according to their impact on gameplay. Unless you absolutely need to suck up to a nearby neighbor (or you're roleplaying), Muslims should always pick Zandaqa. Jul 11, 2024 · Edit doctrines to regulate marriages laws, organize clergy, set crimes, change the view on gender. Apr 21, 2023 · What are the best tenets and doctrines for custom/reformed faiths? Which are useless? Which should I avoid at all costs? Oct 10, 2020 · Communion is, quite posssibly, the best tenet for insane gold income via sale of indulgences, if playing wide. 0 unless otherwise noted. It really depends on what you want your religion to do for you. Keeping our bloodlines pure is the best way to ensure our family's reign May 14, 2023 · There is a complex system of Doctrines in Crusader Kings 3 which is a crucial aspect of the game. Asatru I'm just about able to reform Hellenism in my CK3 game, but I've noticed that one of the default tenets for them gives -50% conversion speed to provinces with different cultures. Jun 19, 2023 · You gotta choose the best ones for your playstyle, and religion. Zandaqa counts all Muslims (even other Zandaqa faiths) as Hostile, so they can declare holy wars and, if Fundamen ck3 I wanted to do a Muslim game since I rarely do clan government, but I wanted to know if any of the rarer Muslim faiths are better than sticking with Ashari or Ibadi or whatever. ck3 My char is about to die with a lot of piety, so I though it would be better to spend it by creating a religion, but there are so many options that I cant even start. Since you said "best" I will assume you do not want to role play a tolerant or egalitarian peace-loving empire. r/Reformed exists to be a place where reformed believers, in a broader understanding of the term, can come together, unified by a clear Gospel witness, to exhort one another, spur one another on intellectually in reformed theology, and discuss doctrine. Main Doctrines: Equal (although male-dominated), Pluralist, Theocratic Tradition, Temporal Head. They usually have names of the form "Teachings of X" and appear at the bottom of the Oct 7, 2020 · I'd say that there are no "best" doctrines as it depends on what you want to do and your playstyle. cont. . 2. Reform your religion in Crusader Kings 3 with god tier tenets! Feb 2, 2023 · Are you not sure which of the religious tenets to choose in Crusader Kings 3? Find the best religious tenets in this guide. Some of the doctrines don't fit into those strategies. Can use CK3 best religious tenets together with CK3 best religion doctrines as guides for creating a new religion in Crusader Kings 3. bjufjugzknlqzrotcliltyoahmewlmujcvexzuyfierxmizwoaytm