Android toast bold text Setting the style in the layout file will result in ALL the text being bold, italic, wahtsoever Oct 13, 2017 · A toast is for showing messages for short intervals of time; So, as per my understanding, you would like to customize it with adding an image to it and changing size, color of the message text. You would then use the following code: final SpannableStringBuilder sb = new SpannableStringBuilder("HELLOO"); final StyleSpan bss = new StyleSpan(android. 6. customtoast,(ViewGroup) findViewById(R. findViewById(android. fromHtml(yourtext). fromHtml() returns a charSequence, not a String. like this <TextView android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:textSize="12dip" android:textStyle="bold" /> There are many ways to make Android TextView bold. So, we will understand this by making a simple app to display a Toast. setSpan(bss, 0, 4, Spannable. Aug 20, 2013 · Html. Mode. <!-- To show the Toolbar--> <!-- Button To show the toast message--> Step 2: Open styles. custom_toast_layout)); //Creating the Toast object Toast toast Adding to @Senth's answer, if you don't wont to accumulate the time when you call the showToast method multiple times, with the same Message: private Toast mToastToShow = null; String messageBeingDisplayed = ""; /** * Show Toast message for a specific duration, does not show again if the message is same * * @param message The Message to display in toast * @param timeInMSecs Time in ms to show May 22, 2012 · I made this helper method in case someone need start and end position from a String. getColor(context, R. xml file View layout = li. TextView Bold Text – To set text style of TextView to bold, you can assign textStyle attribute with “bold” in XML layout file or change the text style dynamically in Kotlin file using setTypeface() method. Many other things had being improved by Google, so judging Google only for a toast (a simple short message purpose) is so much worse. getTitle(); String description = habit. setNegativeButton("OK", new DialogInterface. this, Html. text - Return "STRING" , If not string you can use type cast. layout. Step by Step Implementation Step 1: Create a New Project in Android Studio Jul 2, 2015 · addCallback() method added in Android R If you want to be notified when a toast (text or custom) appears or disappears. LENGTH_LONG It can be an extension function for Context:. Feb 6, 2012 · Context c = MyPrimaryClass. makeText(context, text, Toast. Extend by device; Build apps that give your users seamless experiences from phones to tablets, watches, headsets, and more. BOLD); // Span to make text bold final StyleSpan iss = new StyleSpan(android. Mar 22, 2013 · EDIT: If you have Problems with adding the resulting charSequence to your existing text, use: Html. OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) { I am showing a customized toast, with a background image of some creature, but i want the toast to be of my defined size. Aug 17, 2010 · text. setTextColor(ContextCompat May 26, 2015 · i want to bold a part of "" a text but i dont know how this my text: You can use SpannableStringBuilder and new StyleSpan(android. (string)num // type caste duration. Typeface. But since you are using a custom typeface you need to extend TypefaceSpan. create a dialog object 'dialog' MyCustomDialog builder = new MyCustomDialog(getActivity(), "Exit", errorMessage); AlertDialog dialog = builder. Dec 18, 2017 · Here is an example in Kotlin, showing how you can change the background color of a toast and it's text color : val toast = Toast. LENGTH_SHORT - Toast delay 2000 ms predefined. LENGTH_SHORT). show(); Hope this helps Mar 6, 2023 · Steps to change the toast message font are as follow: Step 1: Add a buttons in activity_main. makeText(context, "First line of text\nSecond line of text", Toast. setColorFilter(ContextCompat. getDescription(); //Set text for the row tv. LENGTH_SHORT) toast. fun Context. SRC_IN) val textView = toast. But please note here: A constant String that is associated with the Intent, used with ACTION_SEND to supply an alternative to EXTRA_TEXT as HTML formatted text. I did some research but couldn't find any. But i need to get a string from the resources. LENGTH_LONG - Toast delay 3500 ms predefined. toast(message: CharSequence) = Toast. Check out this answer and create CustomTypefaceSpan class. xml is your custom toast xml and custom_toast_layout can be your activity layout xml //Creating the LayoutInflater instance LayoutInflater li = getLayoutInflater(); //Getting the View object as defined in the customtoast. LENGTH_SHORT); toast. color. show() You can place this anywhere in your project, where exactly is up to you. makeText(this, message, Toast. Ideally, you should create a helper method to show Toast like this on UI thread Dec 23, 2021 · I want to pass the value of edit text in the toast but it is not showing the same. Toast[1]") if toast. com Oct 8, 2021 · In this article, we will learn how to customize Toast in android. Hope someone is able to help me. show();. toString() You cannot concatinate it simply as you did it, because Html. show(); If I use an inline string, like "My toast Text!", it works. find_element(:xpath, "//android. xml file and create a button with id showToast. Toast. Nov 27, 2012 · You have to use a TypefaceSpan instead of a Typeface. Aug 20, 2011 · In kotlin, you can create extensions functions on resources (activities|fragments |context) that will convert your string to an html span. inflate(R. It was not possible in normal toast by using this: View view = toast. show(); In Android you should be able to reduce this to just the new line character \n as unix based systems are not so fussy: Toast. public static TextView createLink(TextView targetTextView, String completeString, String partToClick, ClickableSpan clickableAction) { SpannableString spannableString = new SpannableString(completeString); // make sure the String is exist, if it doesn't exist // it will throw IndexOutOfBoundException int Jan 3, 2021 · Development issue/problem: I display the toast message as a result of the if declaration with the following code : Toast. What is the mistake in my code ? This is showing:"Username: is wrong" instead of "Username : nandini May 4, 2017 · Toast. Thanks! String habitnumber = "Habit Number: " + String. graphics. fun Resources Jul 21, 2020 · Try this - customttoast. The most important text in toast API changes that for apps that target Android 11 the getView() method returns null when you access it, So, ensure to protect your apps from FATAL EXCEPTION, you know what I mean :) Jan 25, 2011 · In XML . milisecond - Toast delay user defined miliseconds (eg. my_resource_string, Toast. BOLD) Jan 16, 2022 · @AlekDepler I agree with you about the toast, but there are much better alternatives to toast. widget. SPAN_INCLUSIVE Apr 1, 2021 · Use android:textStyle="bold" 4 ways to make Android TextView Bold. Jun 11, 2012 · Let's say you have a TextView called etx. An Android library that takes the standard Android Toast to the next level with built-in icons from font-awesome and many styling options that gives your app and user experience an extra awesome feeling! Jun 19, 2022 · In this article, we will look at How to add Custom styled toast in android using Jetpack Compose. makeText(context, "First line of text\r\nSecond line of text", Toast. makeText(getBaseContext(), Enter the Price, Toast. makeText(c, R. Step by Step Implementation Jan 3, 2024 · If your app targets Android 12 (API level 31) or higher, its toast is limited to two lines of text and shows the application icon next to the text. white), PorterDuff. setText(habitnumber+ "\n" + Title + " \n" + description + "\n Jan 19, 2017 · EXTRA_HTML_TEXT : A constant String that is associated with the Intent, used with ACTION_SEND to supply an alternative to EXTRA_TEXT as HTML formatted text. 4000) You have two ways to do this. 4 supports toast messages, for that you need to use automationName:'uiautomator2'. e. text == "Hello" But i don't recommend this because uiautomator2 is not stable yet. Be aware that the line length of this text varies by screen size, so it's good to make the text as short as possible. id. this; Toast toast = Toast. . string. get May 26, 2015 · Method 1: from Appium version 1. ITALIC); //Span to make text italic sb. xml file to show toast message with custom font. fromHtml("<big><b>exciting</b></big><small><i>and cool</i></small>text<br>"), Toast. background. android:textStyle="bold" //only bold android:textStyle="italic" //only italic android:textStyle="bold|italic" //bold & italic You can only use specific fonts sans, serif & monospace via xml, Java code can use custom fonts Android TextView – Bold Text. Method 2: Trigger text message on the screen; Capture screenshots I want to make Habit Number: bold , I tried the HTML tag but it didn't work. Override default dialog. view. See full list on github. xml file and add new style for toast message. g. valueOf(habitcounter); String Title = habit. makeText(MainActivity. -Problem solved: To solve the problem I changed the duration of the Toast to Toast. Open activity_main. show() ; It appears as a white text on a white background, so unreadable! My question is: how can I change the colour of the toast text? How can I solve this […] Oct 18, 2011 · If Toast is not showing that means either you have not called show() method or you are not on UI thread. toast = driver. //1. fromHtml() this causes the html styling to modify our text. R. message) as TextView textView.
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