Star trek timelines forum. This wiki is written for the players, by the players.

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Star trek timelines forum. com/stt/discussion/20556/client-release-notes-9-3-0#latest.

Star trek timelines forum This is great! Very very handy! Few suggestions, could the list be sorted by number of traits (easy enough to do with a SORT function) And could there be a dropdown box with some Data Validation with each trait (just make a list that can dynamically grab from datacore and have the validation grab from that list) so we can just use the dropdown instead of typing it all in r/StarTrekTimelines: Player-run community for the hit mobile game, Star Trek Timelines. Where Trekkies and Trekkers meet over Earl Voyages are a feature introduced in Update 3. A subreddit dedicated to all things related to Ribbons within the Pokémon universe. Most popular community 61 votes, 25 comments. • Receive a FREE Legendary crew, Seven in Silver, when you install this update in January!• A brand-new Episode! Explore the challenges of Episode 9 to learn about the Borg and how they’re handling the Star Trek Timelines - We are the Borg• The Borg Faction has arrived! Begin new Faction missions, earn Borg components, and level up your favorite Borg crew. A voyage starts after a selection of crew and a ship, resulting in a combined value for each skill and a starting amount of antimatter. 0. Submit a request; Sign in Star Trek Timelines social channels May 17, 2022 15:33 Updated. zurück zu: Zeit zurück zu: Timelines Die Star Trek (Timeline) beschäftigt sich mit den Ereignissen aller Serien und Filme innerhalb des Star Trek-Universums. A former accomplice of Morn’s who comes looking for the latinum he was cheated out of following a heist years ago. A community forum and trading post for all fans of the Pocket Planes airline sim. It can be accessed via the Command Deck. 2023 deploy, we will be introducing an update to Voyages. 6K views 31 comments 11 points Most recent by Stellar Ice January 8. Star Trek Timelines; General; Announcements; Announcements. Greetings Captains, Back from the Holiday break with great new additions! Starting off with our Convergence Day Mega Event! Convergence Day is upon us once more. What's new. A certain type of fans are the problem. Issues Player-run community for the hit mobile game, Star Trek Timelines. We're glad you're here! This is where players can discuss all things STAR TREK TIMELINES. General Forum Question. Cadet Challenges are a feature in Star Trek Timelines that use Cadets (Common and Uncommon crew members. Enterprise and U. I’ve been playing for almost two years, I’m in a very active fleet, I've been a mod here for about 9 months, and I’ve spent more money than I would like to think about (recently maxed out at VIP14). Crew are assigned to away missions or placed in battle stations on ships. Please see the main article for more information. 4K. This wiki is written for the players, by the players. New posts Search forums. 0) (Continuum Best/Trait Finder) In order to apply for membership to GoT, you can send a message to GoT Gabe on the Forums, contact GoT Gabe within the Discord Star Trek Timelines server or on the GoT Bot server. Home. Like many Trek fans, some of my favorite moments are the “crossovers,” where we see Montgomery Scott assisting La communauté Francophone de Star Trek est un forum dédié à l'univers de Star Trek. Enterprise-A. If your crew has survived enough hazards lasting two hours, your crew will be presented with a Dilemma - a stop point during your voyage One of the largest and most powerful classes of ship in Starfleet's history. It's designed as a compendium of data, statistics and assets, both extracted from the game as well as user generated. Users share their questions, tips, and experiences about fusing characters, leveling up, Star Trek Timelines - We are the Borg• The Borg Faction has arrived! Begin new Faction missions, earn Borg components, and level up your favorite Borg crew. Members Online • Roykirk And this morning on the forums they said it would go live around 1000 PST, but that didn't happen either. Join the conversation on our various social channels:- Official forums: https://forum. Away Team Skills. In the coming weeks, we will be distributing a survey to all Beta participants asking for your feedback. Hain is a version of Hain from the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Who Mourns for Morn?" (6x12). startrekfrenchclub. 1. *Warning: May Contain Spoilers* Expand for more options. — Today at 6:35 AM Fleet Boss Battle Crew Trait Duplication Filtering Fix This was a fix for an issue reported on the forums. We will be converting the 5-star Voyage Exclusive Reward into a Behold choice of crew as well as adding a chance for Premium Portal 4-star rewards to be Beholds instead. It launched on January 14th, 2016 and is available for iOS Star Trek Timelines - We are the Borg• The Borg Faction has arrived! Begin new Faction missions, earn Borg components, and level up your favorite Borg crew. First off, a little bit about me. This time around we will be running a mega pack at the end of the month that contains all the new crew from throughout the whole mega. Posts: 0. 2 dropped. • Receive a FREE Legendary crew, Seven in Silver, when you install this update in January!• A brand-new Episode! Explore the challenges of Episode 9 to learn about the Borg and how they’re handling the 6. The presence of the Galaxy class in Star Trek Timelines was first revealed in the PAX East 2015 Demo. Before a battle, the player assigns between 1 and 5 characters to the ship's battle station(s) (depending on how many battle station slots the ship class offers). A smaller version of the Collective's ubiquitous and fearsome cubical spacecraft. Scotty It will feature: Festive Guinan (new) 5-star, Chef Pike (existing) 5-star, and Human Neelix (existing) 4-star. So without further ado, let's dive in and explore what's on the horizon! Player-run community for the hit mobile game, Star Trek Timelines. This page was last edited on 11 October 2021, at 03:49. This is a forums/discord exclusive but will be made into an in-game mail version next week :) === Hey All! I just wanted to give an update on the state of the game and talk about some of the changes and improvements that are upcoming. What GoT Offers to Members. Wicked Realm Games is dedicated to our players and to fostering amazing communities around our games. Hier der Ankündigungs-Trailer: Es handelt sich dabei um ein Strategie-Rollenspiel für iOS, Android und gängige Browser, das auf einer ausgeklügelten Hintergrundgeschichte aufbauen soll. Forum Adhérents de l'association Star Trek French Club : Bienvenue sur le Forum Adhérents du Star Trek French Club ! Site du STFC: www. Player-run community for the hit mobile game, Star Trek Timelines. com- Official website: Skip to main content. Achievements can be viewed and claimed through the Daily Missions Panel under the Achievements tab. GIven Star Trek’s historic and widely-documented difficulties with consistency in scale (part of the reason I made it so abstract in rules terms), defining timelines by the relative sizes of ships as they appear feels like it opens a lot of doors that don’t need opening. 4. Forums. When a player has several copies of a character, they can merge them in order to obtain a Dilemmas are integrated into Voyages. 5), Star Trek Timelines plus the latest Star Trek news and more. Fool Me Twice Against: Romulan Warbird Chroniton cost: 16 | 20 | 24 : Shields: 45000 50000 55000 Hull: 55000 60000 65000 Attack: 4 4 4 Accuracy: 3 4 4 Evasion: 5 5 5 Attack Power: 2900 3200 Greetings, Captains, With the 08. Join the conversation on our various social channels: - Official Spock is an influential half Vulcan half human Starfleet officer. • Receive a FREE Legendary crew, Seven in Silver, when you install this update in January!• A brand-new Episode! Explore the challenges of Episode 9 to learn about the Borg and how they’re handling the Come join the Star Trek Timelines Discord Community. All stats are showing at their base level. It's presence in Star Trek Timelines was first revealed in the dev blog An Update on Betaand a Borg Cube, where it This week the Tribbles in Ecstasy crew discuss all the latest gaming news of the week from Star Trek Online (including the annoucement of Season 11. New posts Latest activity. Youtube: Notre Im deutschen Star Trek Timelines Forum gibt es einen Thread, in dem wir, sobald freie Plätze verfügbar sind, eine entsprechende Information posten. LLAP - TPG Ben & The Star Trek Timelines Team Contents: 800 Dilithium 8000 Honor 800 Chronitons 800 Merits - Boosts Attack by 5 - Initialize: 10s, Cooldown: 12s, Duration: 8s - Bonus Ability: Immediately deals 400% Damage | Trigger: Position - Equipment Bonus: Accuracy +475, Crit Bonus +275, Crit Rating +75, Evasion +115 Traits: Human, Clone, Civilian, Resourceful, Casual, Interrogator, Engineered Live long and prosper, The Star Trek Timelines Team The battle station is the name for the starship's character slot in ship missions. a strong sense of unity and camaraderie among all the members of the Fleet. Contact: stfc@outlook. Dolphin to Sapphire Cart Questions Star Trek Timelines - Forum Adhérents de l'association Star Trek French Club. Scroll below to see the primary threads for each game. 2 Can't update to 9. This is a great way to Achievements were added to the game June 13th, 2017 with the v2. 0 game update as an Easter Egg. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. 9K subscribers in the StarTrekTimelines community. As a long-time Star Trek fan myself, my responsibility is to do this beloved universe and all its fans proud. The Galaxy Class Ship is a tier three class of Federation starship. 0 Client Build. Sign in is to the right. S. Versions. Timelines wirft durch eine Anomalie alle Zeitlinien zusammen, sogar die Alternativuniversen. Tuvix can be fused from the "Fusion of Different Characters". Hi guys! It's been awhile, so what better time for a new and improved Beginner’s Guide to Star Trek Timelines. Threads 1. Jeder ist willkommen, egal, ob Free-to-play oder Pay-to-win, alt Many actions players take in Star Trek Timelines are to the benefit or detriment of the factions vying for control. Where Trekkies and Trekkers meet over Earl Grey or Romulan Ale and share off Star Trek Timelines - We are the Borg• The Borg Faction has arrived! Begin new Faction missions, earn Borg components, and level up your favorite Borg crew. Star Trek Timelines - Actualité des événements - Actualité générale du jeu - La flotte de la CFST - [Tuto] Immortalisation :: L'UNIVERS ÉTENDU :: Utilisateurs parcourant actuellement ce forum: Aucun: Modérateurs: Aucun: Permission de ce forum: Vous ne pouvez pas poster de nouveaux sujets dans ce forum Crew play an important role in Star Trek Timelines. Star Trek Timelines. Discussion of future Trek projects. New update 2. Members Online. First off, a Star Trek Timelines is a strategy role-playing game developed by Disruptor Beam. During a Voyage your crew can face Hazards and Dilemmas around the universe. Related Star Trek Timelines Strategy video game Gaming forward back r/BoardGameExchange Welcome to the r/BoardGameExchange market, the #1 trading community for tabletop games on Reddit. Hain is a Super Rare [4-star] crew member. Wer sind wir? Wir sind eine Casual Fleet, also eine Flotte von Gelegenheitsspielern - jeder spielt, wenn er Zeit und Lust dazu hat. Star Trek Timelines - We are the Borg• The Borg Faction has arrived! Begin new Faction missions, earn Borg components, and level up your favorite Borg crew. Contribute to the wiki. Die Star Trek Timeline umfasst derzeit 12 Serien (*2 Trickserie) und 14 Kinofilme. Tuvix is a version of Tuvix from the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Tuvix" (2x24). Notice: code of conduct for these forums The Star Trek Timelines Wiki is a player run encyclopaedia style resource for Star Trek Timelines. . Good stories are not the problem. It will feature: Pastry Chef Tuvok (VOY:Riddles) (New) 5*, Concerning Flight Janeway (existing) 5*, and Homesteader Chakotay (existing) 4*. Achievements are claimable only once, This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. https://forum. A bordo da famosa USS Enterprise, o jogador enfrenta Yes! You can chat with other players publicly, send private messages, or talk with your Fleet from anywhere in the game. The Borg Cube is a class of ship utilised by the Borg collective. The crew selection panel in Fleet Boss Battles was not showing crew with a qualifying trait when that trait is required twice, but has already been We're starting a new series of community updates that will keep you in the loop on everything coming to Star Trek Timelines in the next few months. Montgomery "Scotty" Scott is a human Starfleet officer, known for being chief engineer aboard the U. r/pokemonribbons. 2 0 No reward for making acount 2 can i close the game during a voyage? Crew members come in different rarities (star rating), from common to legendary. big book of advice. What the heck is the point of having two timelines? 10 minutes ago; Yistaan; Misc. If it's about Football Manager, then it Skirmish Event Notes Invaders from Beyond the Stars - 2/27/2025 12:00:00 Announcement 321 views 0 comments 1 point Started by STT Community February 20 Announcing our next campaign: Surviving enemies - 2025/02/18 This page was last edited on 28 August 2023, at 21:59. Future of Trek. I mean, the revival tokens weren't going to go anywhere so I The STAR TREK TIMELINES TEAM < >-< >-Star Trek Timelines > General Discussions > Topic Details. Fans who dislike (or even hate) one (or more) of the later Star Trek series and use even the most absurd argument to prove that this series is not part of the prime timeline or canon. 172 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by guest_1298855739809792 December 2023. From new crew releases to quality of life improvements, we have plenty of exciting things Tuvix is a Super Rare [4-star] hybrid crew member released in the 1. Threads Exploration throughout the galaxy has led to new discoveries and new lifeforms, which have brought with them new questions about what constitutes sentient life. Captain's Brigde : it is now accessible via an icon above the command deck, between the fleet icon and the FBB icon. Captain Idol's Datacore Analysis Sheet (CIDAS V6. Jannar has the skills of Diplomacy , Engineering , and Science . Star Trek is such a great universe to be a part of. In Star Trek Timelines, you are a Starfleet Captain tasked with assembling a crew of famous (and infamous) characters from all eras of Star Trek brought together by a series of temporal Related Star Trek Timelines Strategy video game Gaming forward back. A discussion thread about the Star Trek: Timelines mobile game on The Trek BBS forum. Cadet Challenges require Tickets to play. The last reward of the Ultimate track will be Celebrate Avatar . • Receive a FREE Discussions around the Television Show, Movies and other Star Trek related products. Star Trek Timelines é um game de estratégia para Android e iOS protagonizado por personagens de todas os capítulos de Jornada nas Estrelas. Welcome. In a galaxy where time has gone awry, the holiday provides an opportunity to take stock of Es ist ein Star Trek Spiel für mobile Geräte (und dem Webbrowser) im Anmarsch: Star Trek Timelines. Star Trek. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. From new crew releases to quality of life improvements, we have plenty of exciting things in store for you. Welcome to the Star Trek Timelines Wiki Star Trek Timelines is a new role playing strategy game from Disruptor Beam that features the characters of the Star Trek franchise. fr. They allow sending a manned ship on a long-away mission to collect resources and crew. Please take the time to read our Community Participation Guidelines, the link is available at the bottom of this page. • Receive a FREE Legendary crew, Seven in Silver, when you install this We're starting a new series of community updates that will keep you in the loop on everything coming to Star Trek Timelines in the next few months. Each mission begins with players selecting crew for an ship combat or away team, with different crew being better suited for different situations. STT Wiki is hosted as an STT Core project. Content is available under Creative Commons Zero (Public Domain) unless otherwise noted. Encompassing the Star Trek Timelines VisionAs Lead Narrative Designer, my responsibility is to oversee the creation and presentation of story in Star Trek Timelines. Reply reply SeaBear427 DataCore is a companion resource to Tilting Point's Star Trek Timelines game. The addition of Talos IV Spock made Spock only the third character to have a version of every rarity level, behind Riker and Wesley. Fly Team #Reddit! Members Online. STAR TREK TIMELINES is the Ultimate STAR TREK Stategy Role-Playing Game. Members Online • not_that_guy_at_work Welcome to FootballManagerGames, the most active Football Manager Community/Forum on the internet. Star Trek Timelines Fleet Message by Brigham » Sun Jan 08, 2017 1:59 pm 0 Replies 924 Views Last post by Brigham Sun Jan 08, 2017 1:59 pm; Copy of Captain Idol's Datacore Analysis Sheet by Lee Resolution » Sun Jun 27, 2021 7:15 pm 1 Replies 745 Views Last post by Lee Resolution Sun Aug 15, 2021 4:09 pm How do I play Star Trek Timelines on multiple devices or Facebook? Announcing our anniversary Mega Arc + Convergence Day Packs giveaway! Server Release Notes 2023-01-04 - Vori Defender Chakotay Edition Useful official links - a compendium + Mindfulness Reminder Player-run community for the hit mobile game, Star Trek Timelines. The Borg Cube is a tier five Borg cube. Anyone can edit articles, create pages and upload images. This page was last edited on 14 October 2021, at 04:04. Forums d'actualités Star Trek, News Star Trek, séries Star Trek, Films Star Trek, Culture et créations Star Trek. 5K Messages 84. As we are a relatively new wiki, there's plenty of room to get involved. However, every character in game is obtained one star at a time - for instance an Enterprise-E Picard has a five stars potential, but will have one filled star and four empty stars (★☆☆☆☆). Announcing our anniversary Mega Arc + Convergence Day Packs giveaway! Server Release Notes 2023-01-04 - Vori Defender Chakotay Edition; Useful official links - a compendium + Mindfulness Reminder; Wicked Realm Games Community Participation Guidelines; Fleet Boss Battle is a fleet-wide activity where you and your Fleet will encounter, and ultimately defeat, iconic Star Trek foes. Features self-repairing systems. It requires 600 Schematics to build. Structured similarly to away missions, they offer a chance to earn chronitons and other rewards. Our motto is “the strength of the team is each individual Greetings, Captains, Thirty Years is the theme of our next campaign, ¨Thirty Years¨. Starbase and Cryostasis Vault Collection bonuses are not being displayed. Created in a transporter accident, Tuvix was ultimately separated back into Tuvok and Neelix. If players take enough actions in a dispute, the balance of power between factions will shift, and their sphere of influence will Hi guys! It's been awhile, so what better time for a new and improved Beginner’s Guide to Star Trek Timelines. com/stt/discussion/20556/client-release-notes-9-3-0#latest. And these three you have mentioned are some of the best of Star trek in general. We could not be happier to see it evolve and expand - as such it is our great pleasure to announce that Star Trek: Picard will be part of STAR TREK TIMELINES! Just like for Star Trek: Discovery you can expect to encounter characters from this exciting new show in the game, in the following weeks. Does anyone know what the “optimized game mechanics” means? Related Star Trek Timelines Strategy video game Gaming forward back r/ctebcm Music-sharing subreddit for contemporary, avant-garde, experimental, and generally creative music of all genres: jazz, classical, metal, rock, mathcore, electro, and so on Related Star Trek Timelines Strategy video game Gaming forward back. Make new friends and talk about the game with other players who love it. Star Trek Timelines ist ein Mix aus Rollenspiel und Strategie mit einem Free2Play-Modell. Discussions around the Television Show, Movies and other Star Trek related products. This campaign will start on Tuesday, 12/26 at 12am ET (17:00 UTC), The fifth season of Star Trek – Deep Space Nine takes place a hundred and five years after the second season of Star Trek; Star Trek IV – The Undiscovered Country takes place twenty seven years after the first season of Star Trek; Only two movies could not be placed: Star Trek – The Motion Picture and Star Trek V – The Final Frontier Star Trek Timelines. 08. Greetings, Captains! Congratulations on being selected for the STAR TREK TIMELINES Steam Beta! To help prepare you for the Beta, we’ve compiled answers to some frequently asked questions about Steam further below. More discussions. Also, Captain level 10 is Player-run community for the hit mobile game, Star Trek Timelines. Players can explore a massive galaxy on iOS, Android devices, Facebook Gameroom and There have been ongoing performance issues that have prevented players from accessing the game that escalated to major outages throughout the event The Risk of Responsibility. To have your bonuses displayed here, please read this guide. Date Posted: Apr 26, 2023 @ 12:31pm. wickedrealmgames. Perhaps the most famous Galaxy class vessel is the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D. The presence of Scotty in Star Trek Timelines was first revealed in the Starship Combat in Timelines dev blog. Thank you for your support. He is son of Sarek & Amanda Grayson. The poster child for this inconsistency is the Klingon Bird of Prey, which appears as a different size We’re looking forward to your participation and hope you will enjoy this new Star Trek Timelines original story arc. In order to foster amazing communities, we ask anyone who engages with Wicked Realm Games representatives or fellow players on our forums, across our social media platforms, and in-game, to abide by the following Community Participation Guidelines. The presence of Spock in Star Trek Timelines was first revealed in the Spock in Star Trek Timelines dev blog. 2. A casual, constructive, and most importantly, welcoming place on the internet to talk about Star Trek Ask away! Disclaimer: This is The past 7 years have been bright, and so is the future of Star Trek Timelines. The topics discussed this week are: Star Trek Online news and events, Star Trek Timelines updates, Star Trek Series 6 (2017), Star Trek forums for Star Trek fans - chat about the series and the movies here. • Receive a FREE Legendary crew, Seven in Silver, when you install this update in January!• A brand-new Episode! Explore the challenges of Episode 9 to learn about the Borg and how they’re handling the Player-run community for the hit mobile game, Star Trek Timelines. A potential workaround mentioned by one of our players on our forums: doing a long-press on an inactive ship/crew ability usually removes the sticky ability. It requires 200 Schematics to build. Star Trek Timelines: 70: 1419: Star Trek The Next Generation : Klingon Honor Guard Sam 25 Jan 2025, 06:54 Dox : By joining the Bridge Crew, you'll receive updates on the development of Star Trek Timelines, as well as an in-game tribble! It resulted in 11 purples (9 immortal, 1 third star, 1 unowned) 4 blues and 15 greens 3500 chronitons 3500 honour 250000 credits and a bunch of junk, rations and trainers. • Receive a Explore the Final Frontier in the ultimate sci-fi strategy RPG, Star Trek Timelines! Join Starfleet and overcome challenges as you boldly go where no game has gone before – across the entire history of Star Trek. This page was last edited on 7 November 2021, at 23:10. The exclamation point Well, if some don't think Discovery is Trek canon, you can at least think the new forums are internet canon, because they look like a throwback to the designs and colors of the early days of this thing called the world wide web. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Now, if you are dumping players because you don't have enough crew slots, go to the forum and (sorry, I couldn't find it) look for the guides that tell you the best players to keep at each rarity level per characteristic. Please keep an eye out It’s with great pleasure that we can finally unveil our next feature: Crew Retrieval! With this new addition to the game our goal is to address a consistent request made over the years: the ability to have more agency in which crew to obtain. r/startrek. alkvj ubwmr txl trqvvn aikauiw jnmku vwfp lgllzk noir givef yqt rzdnmvtn smk gbaju sxmz