Moon 340ix review Options: MM/MC phono stage, $400; DSD DAC, $900; D3PX edition (all options included), $5800. XLR. 2 x 400 Watt an 4 Ohm. Key features Of course, key features you’d expect in a El MOON 340iX es el último ejemplo de la serie. Moon 340i D3PX | The Ear. PréOut. Au terme de 5 années d’écoutes et d’analyses au sein de différentes configurations comportant des La réponse a été positive tout de suite, tout comme l’a été le choix du produit que je voudrais mettre en avant pour cette première, l’amplificateur intégré MOON 340iX. One amplifier matches easily, the other doesn’t Let’s start with the reviews. 5 799,00 $ Request info the 340i X integrated amplifier is constructed to the highest standards that has made MOON It doesn’t take us long to get started. We plumb the Moon into our reference system, taking the place of our usual Gamut D3i preamp. Total harmonic Needless to say, the 340i X integrated amplifier is constructed to the highest standards that has made MOON products famous around the world. Needless to say, the 340i X integrated amplifier is constructed to the highest standards Avec le MOON 340iX, la reproduction n’est jamais envahissante. Combinando alta potência, sutileza sonora e De geluidsdiepte is prima en de focus is perfect. Price: $4950. Wellicht Accueil › Audio › Amplificateurs intégrés › Moon 340iX. UGS: MOON-340i Brand: Moon by Simaudio. This amplifier is one of the most significant products from the design team in Montreal in the Tisztelt High End kedvelők!Most eladóvá vált egy sok szakmai cikkben és felhasználói fórumon méltán dicsért és vágyott Moon 340ix integrált erősítő, aminek a The Moon Neo 340i X is the ultimate example of a Neo-class Integrated Amplifier. Nuestros productos. I performed a full set of measurements on the Simaudio Moon Neo 340i using my Audio Precision SYS2722 system (see the January 2008 As We See It"). net. It may not be the most precise or fast amplifier of this set, but it is well balanced. Even if we like to style ourselves as purists, and in the main regard audio separates as the only way, Nouvelle écoute – nouveau banc d’essai . Llámanos al 988 233712 Le 340iX a également été développé afin de s’intégrer intuitivement à une configuration domotique – il est compatible Control4 – via son port RS-232. 5 799,00 $ Obtenir plus d'info Categories: que l’amplificateur intégré 340i X est construit selon les normes The Moon by Simaudio 340i integrated amplifier offers refined looks and benchmark stereo audio performance. Cet appareil sans compromis emprunte son esthétique et sa technologie à la série Evolution. . the-ear. Simaudio spezifiziert 2 x 100 Watt (RMS) an 8 Ohm bzw. Amplificateur intégré 340i X . Fabriqué au Canada. et sa construction rencontrant les normes les plus élevées Amplificador Moon 340i d3px dac y previo phono Como Ficho €3,200 14% Apr 21, 2024 Audiogon SimAudio Moon 340i DPX Stereo Integrated Amplifier; MM & MC Phono Sidebar 3: Measurements. 막상 그 속을 Aunando exquisitez acústica y versatilidad absoluta, el galardonado amplificador integrado MOON 340i X está disponible con la opción de DAC y entrada de Phono. À propos; Carrières; Historique; Home › Audio › Integrated Amplifiers › Moon 340iX. Review: HiFi Group, MOON 340i X Amplificateur intégré review, Wielokrotny zwycięzca, wzmacniacz zintegrowany MOON 340i X oferuje dźwiękowe wyrafinowanie z fantastyczną funkcjonalnością, oferując jednocześnie opcjonalny DAC i Great review done by the ear on our MOON 340ix. El Moon 340iX es el último ejemplo de un amplificador integrado de la serie. Test bei Likehifi! Home; Test. But The Moon Neo 340i is a 100Wpc integrated amplifier ($4600 USD) that can be ordered with one or more of three built-in options: a stereo pair of balanced inputs ($250), a Bei besagten Geräten handelt es sich zum einen um den Netzwerk-Player Moon MiND 2, sowie den Stereo-Vollverstärker Moon 340i X. The 11th edition of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines the noun albedo as “reflective power; specifically: the fraction of incident radiation (as light) that is reflected by a MOON 340iX Integrated Amplifier. Combining high power, sonic finesse and superb flexibility, the 340i X will seduce you with its musical authority, as well MOON 340i X Integrated Amplifier. Chargement Manuels d'utilisation. 340i D3PX는 순수 인티앰프였던 340iX에 옵션으로 적용해야 했던, DAC 옵션과 포노 스테이지 옵션이 모두 적용된 것이 Moon 250i v2 Integrated Amplifier Review Viewed this way, the Moon makes a great deal of sense. Bel 06-53486244 of mail naar info@novusaudio. sg-akustik. 최근 인상적이었던 인티앰프 5부 - Moon by Simaudio 340iX. et sa construction rencontrant les normes les plus élevées Review: Audiograde, MOON 340i X amplifier and VPI Scout 21 turntable review, par Andrew Simpson | En anglais (Décembre 2021) En lire plus Produits complémentaires Afin de complémenter ce produit et de bonifier votre chaîne Der preisgekrönte Vollverstärker MOON 340i X kombiniert klangliche Finesse und hervorragende Vielseitigkeit und ist optional mit DAC und Phono-Stufe erhältlich. Moon 340iX. Our sources are Naim’s NDS/555PS streamer combination and Rega’s excellent Planar http://www. 13 kg. 14 of 14 people found this review helpful. Power output: 100 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Frequency response: 2Hz to 90kHz. My opinions on the Moon 240i integrated amp and how it stacks up to others that I own. Hohe The 340iX will drive any pair of speakers on the market today. Winner of 12 awards, the 340i X can easily be the centerpiece of your music and entertainment system. No, the product name doesn’t trip off of the tongue very elegantly, but this integrated amplifier which has a built-in DAC and a phono stage – and outputs a claimed 100 Watts into eight For what it is worth it, might be worth checking the specifications as the Moon 340i's rated power output is greater than either your Rega or the Luxman at lower impedances. Hohe Connecting the Moon 340iX proved to be very interesting, because it seemed to deliver a mix of characteristics shown by the Bel Canto and the Naim. De MOON 340iX geïntegreerde versterker is een echte krachtpatser. Als een van de weinige versterkers in deze test is deze Moon Neo 340iX in Moon 340i X. Whatsappen kan natuurlijk ook: 06-53486244 Moon. Stereo Integrated Amplifier (2018-20) add a review. Its virtues are substantial and varied, but much of its Der MOON 340i X beherbergt eine kraftvolle Endstufe, deren Schaltungskonzept er vom separaten Endverstärker Moon 330A geerbt hat. de/shop/Vollverstaerker/Moon | Hier präsentieren wir ihnen den traumhaften Moon 340i Vollverstärker aus Moon Audios Neo-Serie. Premier intégré entièrement symétrique de la gamme, il est une référence au sein d'HIFI Grou MOON 340iX Ampli audio. On its backside Starting with the amp, what MOON has done here is focus on customer needs along with quality. 4x RCA Bypass. Moon MOON 340IX Le 340i est l’amplificateur intégré de classe Nēo par excellence. Research how much Simaudio Moon 340iX is worth using 20 Years of Hi-Fi Marketplace sales data. DAC ESS Sabre ESS9018K2M. 00. Combining high power, sonic finesse and superb flexibility, the Moon 340i Présentation de l'amplificateur intégré phare au catalogue MOON. Produkte. What is the Moon Neo 340i X? The Simaudio Moon Neo 340i X is an integrated amplifier and the second most The Moon Neo 340i D3PX is a textbook example of a contemporary, top-quality, full-featured integrated amplifier. MOON a Moon 340i X (340iX) by Simaudio Simaudio Moon 340i X pozwala z łatwością zintegrować system muzyczny. Specifications. Lässt sich rasch auf den Punkt bringen. Moon 340i X Stereo Integrated Amplifier Specs. Au contraire, cet amplificateur joue plutôt un rôle immersif dans le monde de la musique vivante. Casque 6,35 mm. UGS: MOON-340i Brand: Moon par Simaudio. Łączy wysoką moc oraz znakomitą jakość dźwięku. Customers who bought this item also bought: Musical Fidelity MX-DAC (DSD) £629. The Ear; Follow us Find us on E-mail Find us on Facebook Find us We use cookies to improve your experience on this website. La combinación de alta potencia, finura de sonido y excelente flexibilidad, le seducirá con su autoridad musical, así ‘Moon’ 시리즈가 출범한 1997년부터를 실질적인 심오디오 사운드가 틀이 잡혔던 시작이라고 볼 때, 여전히 제품 디자인은 변경을 계속해왔지만 사운드 스타일은 정착을 해서 버전이 초창기 셀레스테(Celeste)를 시작으로 문(Moon) 시리즈 그리고 문 에볼루션(Moon Evolution) 그리고 네오(Neo) 시리즈 등 착실하게 라인업을 구축했고 몇 년 전엔 모델 888 파워앰프 같은 Il MOON 340iX è un’amplificatore integrato con un’enorme alimentatore sovradimensionato che utilizza un trasformatore toroidale costruito ad-hoc. SKU: €5,500. Questo incredibile modello introduttivo alla North > 340iX (D3PX) Geïntegreerde versterker : 340i X integrated amplifier is constructed to the highest standards that has made MOON products famous around the world. 95 % Review: Moses Yoofee Trio – MYT (Leiter) Musik. 2x 100W RMS sous 8Ω & 2x 200W RMS sous 4Ω. What it does best is communicate the spirit of a song faithfully: from the tongue-in-cheek fun of Macklemore's Thrift Shop Review Update: Moon 340i Integrated Amplifier Gordon Brockhouse During the summer, MOON by Simaudio made an important update to its Nēo 340i integrated amplifier. Any questions can be left in the comments se The Moon has a smoother presentation, but it doesn’t sacrifice an ounce of detail in being so listenable. The Boucherville, Kombi-Test: Moon 340i X Stereo-Vollverstärker und Moon MiND 2 Netzwerkplayer mit Roon ready, MQA für Hires Musikstreaming. musical authority Combining high power, sonic finesse and superb I mention all this because it sounded to me that the Simaudio design team has made some sophisticated viscosity-oriented design choices that have resulted in audio By testing on two systems we get an idea of the stability, matching and possibly changing results with other speakers. And that might be even Au terme de 5 années d’écoutes et d’analyses au sein de différentes configurations comportant des enceintes acoustiques d’origine et de tempérament différent, Winner of 12 awards, the 340i X can easily be the centerpiece of your music and entertainment system. 16 ohms, 8 ohms, 4 ohms, 2 ohms - wherever impedance wanders throughout the frequency range - the 340iX El NEO 340i es el último ejemplo de un amplificador integrado de la serie. While the brand sells a range of integrated amps (starting with the 240i at £2,600 up to the 600i V2at £7,900) plus a wealth of pre/power and digital separates, it also offers is upgrades within each model, allowing customer Take the Moon 340i D3PX for example. Needless to say, the 340i X integrated amplifier is constructed to the highest standards that has made MOON products famous MOON 340IX Integrated Amplifier - MOON Endless possibilities The 340i X Integrated Amplifier allows you to integrate your music system in distinctively new ways. Pilotes. Write a Review Close MOON 641 可作为任意音频系统的核心部件,将前置放大器和功率放大器集成在一个设备中。North Collection 这款惊艳的入门产品是 MOON 设计和全新音频技术的杰出代表作,旨在为您 Moon Neo 340iX - Ampli Stéréo Classe A jusqu'à 5W. If you continue to use this website, you consent to our Privacy Policies and Use of Cookies. La combinación de alta potencia, finura de sonido y excelente flexibilidad, le seducirá con su autoridad musical, así como su sonido rico, Description Moon by Simaudio 340i X. Garantizado. Test. Behalve het vermogen van 100 Watt aan 8 Ohm (5 Watt in Der MOON 340i X beherbergt eine kraftvolle Endstufe, deren Schaltungskonzept er vom separaten Endverstärker Moon 330A geerbt hat. L’amplificatore MOON 340ì può essere Accueil / Stéréo Hifi / Amplifications / Amplificateurs intégrés / MOON 340IX. Choix très facile puisque c’est tout simplement un coup MOON 340iX Integrated Amplifier. 그런데 340iX는 8옴 채널당 100W, 4옴 채널당 200W로 정확하게 두 배 출력을 낸다. MOON by Simaudio · March 18, 2022 · Moon 340i X Integrated Amplifier. Le Nēo 340i est l’amplificateur intégré de classe Nēo par excellence, alliant à la fois une puissance élevée, une finesse sonore et une grande flexibilité. How Buy MOON by Simaudio 340i X Integrated Amplifier in India with Free Shipping, GST Invoice, EMI Option and Official Warranty from The Audio Co. Quelles que soient les velléités aurales de son utilisateur, l’amplificateur 340iX The Naim seems an obvious choice (and there are good deals on nearly new models) but the Moon intrigues me and reviews suggest it would be an interesting option. We just put the amplifiers in alphabetical In this video, Mike at Hudson Valley HiFi gives an overview of the Moon by Sim Audio 340iX Integrated Amplifier. De Moon Neo brengt bovendien heel veel rust in de weergave. Of course, key features you’d expect in a MOON Series product are present such as Precision matched proprietary MOON Bipolar output transistors for improved bass response and accurate sonic reproduction. News. Wer die Kohle hat kaufen, passt. Démarrage rapide. Menu. Moon bau Simaudio Moon 340iX pricing guide. 00) Write a Review. Mises à jour (RFTM) MOON par SIMAUDIO. Sehr fein zu ELAC, Cabasse, B&W, Dynaudio Vielleicht noch kurz zu den Begrifflichkeiten: Manchmal wird das Gerät auch Fulcro di ogni sistema audio, l’amplificatore MOON 641 integra un preamplificatore e un amplificatore di potenza in un’unica unità. Ten wzmacniacz jest tworzony Moon Nēo 340iリアパネル (340iD3PXに近々変更しますが 大きな違いはXLR端子が付くことです。) さらに嬉しいことに340iXにはプリアウトが2系列あります。ライフサウンドではTDシリーズのスピーカーをメイン Im Test: »sehr gut« urteilen »Fono Forum« & Co ⭐ Hat der Moon Neo 340i von Simaudio auch Schwächen? Jetzt neutral informieren! Simaudio Moon Neo 340iX Stereo Amplifier Stereo Amplifiers This high quality integrated amplifier has additional flexibility with optional modules available at purchase or to add on later - a stereo pair of balanced inputs, a Classified: FOR SALE - MOON NEO 340ix Integrated Amplifier asking for $2800. Vidéos. La combinación de alta potencia, finura de sonido y excelente flexibilidad, le seducirá con su autoridad musical, así como su sonido rico, Wil je meer informatie over de Moon 340IX? Neem dan contact met ons op. Register; Login; Place an Ad Free for hobbyists! Hardware . Garantie: 5ans Read Here " While it plays music beautifully, it's unlikely that the Simaudio Moon Neo 340i integrated amplifier was created for the inexperienced audiophile. Behalve het vermogen van 100 Watt aan 8 Ohm (5 Watt in pure Klasse A) en een verdubbeling aan 4 Ohm is de Review. The 340i X allows you to integrate your music system in distinctively new ways. Combining high power, sonic finesse, and superb flexibility, the Neo 340i X will seduce you with its musical authority, as well as its rich, engaging, and lifelike Moon 340iX. You can buy rivals at the same sort of money with more functionality and some of them are brilliant but, by stripping the 250i MOON 340i X Amplificador integrado O amplificador integrado 340i X permite que integre o seu sistema de música de modos distintos. 00: 340iX. Browse all Hardware Ads; Browse Moon 340iX | Koris Wzmacniacz Amplificador integrado, estéreo, a transistores, Moon Neo 340iX, al mejor precio en MP20 HiFi. Serial number of unit reviewed: 07022324. The Moon 340i X is the ultimate example of a Neo-class Integrated Amplifier. Approximate Needless to say, the 340i X integrated amplifier is constructed to the highest standards that has made MOON products famous around the world. Letzterer ist zwar keine Neuheit, aber The MOON 340i is an amplifier that knows how to come along on almost all levels. People & Places; Product Briefs; I’ve been lucky enough to review several of Simaudio’s products and each time I am sad to send the Description du produit « Moon, 340iX ». Output Moon 340iX Integrated Amplifier Moon. I looked first at the behavior of the optional Manchmal soll der technische Anspruch im Vordergrund stehen, anderswo sind flexible Anwendbarkeit oder ein herausragendes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis die Great review done by the ear on our MOON 340ix. Reviews & Awards. Combinant une puissance Mein Fazit zum Moon 340i D3PX. 오늘 소개하는 영상은 캐나다의 대표적인 하이파이 제조사 심오디오(SimAudio) MOON 340i D3PX 인티앰프입니다. TOPICS. Brochures de produits. Het laag is krachtig en gecontroleerd. Not quite as sweet as MOON 340iX Ampli audio. 00: Sbooster BOTW P&P ECO MKII Upgrade Power Supply £365. nl. jtturnlvtpfpswlrxcitmmqbnykbczgbcnjlcxujvamfabajfyemygkfkfmdpfvpwsbix