Ck2 wife traits. I don't try to create a pur bred of genius.
Ck2 wife traits The trait ID for the Naive Appeaser trait is naive_appeaser. They can be gained or lost during events and education. So the cross on these trait symbols is changed to whatever is relevant to your current character. how resistant they are to another character's Dread). That said, if you do have control, genetic traits are great. Related: CK2 (Crusader Kings II): All Traits in AGOT (A Game Of Thrones) Mod. For anyone coming from CK2 you will likely be surprised by the much more Some rulers neglected the "have children with wife" part, though. 4 The head of religion interferes; 1. You can even make a custom child by opening the Ruler Designer > choose your child appearance > enter the game > open the console and type charinfo > write down the charID > All Traits with IDs in CK2. Most important trait is homosexual paired with lustful. Secondary Criteria - Must have at least a single high stat, I usually use her as an adviser. However, I don't really Hello everyone, I just got into CK2 and im having a hard time judging what i should looking for when choosing a wife. That's what infuriates me in CK2, stressed trait was a death sentence more reliably Take a different Lover (or ten) and upset your wife. Some of these traits are AGOT specific and some are in base CK2. It's pretty reflective of real life in my opinion: of all the sins, sloth is What sort of traits do you seek? Do you let traits override the stats you're seeking? Are you willing to take an older wife for a better stat? No negative traits like inbred, ugly or slow, that's all. . Traits give bonuses and penalties both to the character in question, and often to inter-character relations. (That can be changed. Had a Quick super-stats all-green traits good looking heir to Poland as a wife, recently. The Seduction focus is great here. - like in CK2) The level of the Education Trait is determined by how well the assigned Education Focus matched the child’s Childhood Trait as well as the skills and Education Trait of their Guardian. This page is here as a reference guide for all trait names and traitids in the Crusader Kings II A Game of Thrones mod. So I would assume those hidden effects are what drives cheating. If won't marry, by -999 due to religion, seduce her. A person can only have one educational trait (traits 1 - 20), and gets this upon their coming of age (age 16). Unlike ck3 its not always guarenteed based on different perks and legacies. They affect a variety of areas, everything from attributes to relations. Do you ever stay unmarried once you have the heir you want? Chinese Traits. These traits are given at birth, and at any time only a small There should be a "Well-Endowed" trait for females (and males) that increases fertility and attraction opinion. When I’m looking to marry off my heir, I’m first looking for traits, especially intelligent or genius, If i can somehow manage to take the betrothed as a ward, I’ll try to point them towards What do you value most in a potential spouse? Assuming you don’t need an alliance or prestige gain from a match. Find the Celibate trait and simply delete it, save the file and you're done. Homosexual characters get a modifier if the character with the attractive/unattractive trait is the same gender, heterosexual ones get a modifier if the character with the attractive/unattractive trait is the opposite gender. order. It looks like Honest/Deceitful has the highest impact on Honor, so I would wager a character with the Deceitful trait is more likely to cheat than a character with a Lustful trait. Characters tend not to have more than 3 Divorce or kill, and then get a midas touched (+15%), lustful (+20%), hedonist (+20%), strong (+10%) wife (or someone with some of those characteristics) for a baby factory. Unfortunately, there isn’t a console command to just set the fertility of a character. Last edited by Cactus; Apr 24, 2017 @ 11:02am < > Showing 1-3 of 3 One of my favourite RP stories in CK2 was to play as count Holmger of Bornholm and immediately find him a wife with the best possible Martial stats. I've been chaste and homosexual with a celibate wife, still had a kid (gotta breed dem geniuses ya know). I played a lot in EU4 but it's my first time in CK2 Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. As no character ID is specified, this command would give your own character the Final Months trait. With one wife or concubine I believe it's 66% percent according to the wiki. From special Valyrian Steel sword names, to weird Lifestyle characteristics, there are many new traits added in the CK2 AGOT mod that you will need to see for yourself. Here is a complete list of cheats and commands and also a list of events (some of these can give you traits as well). 7 Courtier accuses woman of poisoning primary_heir; 1. Share Sort by: They have a chance to gain the leveled blademaster trait which increases it more. No older wife, at least 2 years younger. Usually my first concern is to establish a healthy family base, encase I have future problems with heirs dying I have several backups. Warrior Lodge CK2 AGOT Mod Traits. Other than that good genetic traits and good in whatever stat my ruler is lacking in Reply reply [deleted] • Pick the first 16 year old with genius trait and quickstart the eugenic program, then just keep mixing the good stuff among the offspring, remember that keeping it in the family is always wholesome! Really, the only wife skill Basically, Attraction is a conditional opinion modifier based on sexual preferences, which applies when things match up. CK2 Cheats CK2 Province IDs CK2 Event IDs Other CK2 IDs and Codes . (Shen's Let's Play CK2: Treviso with the Deerman Dynasty) Reply coyote_gospel Holier and Favorite personality traits are definitely Diligent, Ambitious, and Just. 2. There is an icon that when you hover your cursor over, shows you the effect of that character's (i. Men can sire dozens of Ck2 its supernatural. One of the main flaws of the original mod is, that the new very well made personality traits were not gained by Player Characters or AI characters over the course of a game, but only at spawn, and also Total cost 60 realtions points with one poor chancellor (whom I'd already cuckolded, after insisting his wife become a good Catholic first before I could have an affair with her), and about 100 prestige. CK2 Trait IDs. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Control Fertility using the Cheat Console in CK2. Jun 29, 2001 Rurik's wife, Ingrid became the Queen of Sweden. Moderator. I know characters don't actually have to feature a trait Hey there everyone! I don't know why, but there isn't still a merged mod of the two (Better looking garbs and portraits than traits), that's why I wanted to make it! I have a some modding experience in EU4 and little of CK2 but I sincerely have no idea which files (other than similar names) i need to edit and which lines in particular. Reply. Any kids will appear to be your son's. I don't try to create a pur bred of genius. The effects that look like they would affect it are honor and socialability. Queen or independent ruler, high martial skill, (perhaps Brave), poor Wife Swap; The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; My 600-lb Life; ck2 help: script to adjust fertility, health, and add traits of heir and his spouse and concubines Also, add_trait and remove_trait are clear enough to use once I've passed in <ID>, but is there a script command to set fertility At 16, the child becomes an adult and their Education Focus is replaced by the corresponding Education Trait (Naive Appeaser, Thrifty Clerk etc. Login Store Community This mod replaces the ranked corner triangles of portraits with full borders, more like CK2, and which are easier to see. Coupled with the Organized Marcher perk in the Strategy branch and you have a ridiculous 40% speed bonus (might as well be the modern day blitzkrieg). No bastards. Make sure however you avoid being cheap and not fulfilling you wife's cravings during pregnancy or your kids will have a high chance of being born Clubfooted, Harelip or arbitrary (at least in ck2) came with some really bad events; that and intrigue being the second hardest skill to flip into a successful character (learning tends to be harder) make arbitrary fairly bad. Below is a table of Make sure your hair marries someone with one of those traits as well to increase the chances of your dynasty developing it; then go for the 'strengthen bloodline' decision. But better late than never. Personality traits [edit | edit source]. a fan-made continuation of the original After the End mod for CK2 and CK3. Wife Swap; The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; Any way to raise Prowess besides traits? Like how in CK2 could raise personal combat through dueling. Not a whole lot of time in my life for it these days but every once in a while Ill straggle in the kitchen in the AM and explain I was up late because I had to murder my relatives. The formula is your attributes + the coresponding councilors + half the spouses attributes. 2 Try to divorce spouse; 1. And also, holy warrior is a battlefield commander trait, which has nothing to do with monks or holy orders. AndrewT The Full Monty Python. Toggle signature Gök Tängri would, if it really isn't too much of an imposition, like to will it! I've noticed that CK2+ has both changed existing traits (gregarious now has negative modifiers) and added new traits. Feeding your wife a Quail's foot = Clubfoot child Feeding your wife a Hare's head = Harelip child Feeding your wife a Fish's eye = Ugly child Parents have limited control over their younger than 6 year old children's personality traits and tutors have limited control over their pupils personality traits. Wife Swap; The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; can find them all in your mod\A Game of Thrones\common\traits\dragon_traits. But they can also conceal low base stats. It is awful when your lean, attractive, strong wife sires a son with Count Triple Chin, you don't realize until he comes of age and then suddenly your amazing heir looks like ass. txt file Reply reply ireyne and adryan velaryon, ocs inspired by my ck2 save <3 The game is primarily dynasty simulation. Go to the save file, look for the DNA and properties (portrait) lines of one of the twins and copy/paste them over the other twin's values. But when I try to do this, add_trait (trait) [NPC ID] It says “adding trait (trait) to no character” Edit: I DONE FIGURED IT OUT! I put brackets around the character ID, not supposed to do that, thanks guys. I normally edit my save to give my wife good traits but i'm using a mod (elder kings) and it doesn't have them listed by ID. Low intrigue, High stewardship. It should have been added to ck2, given the abnormal amount of cheating. Report. My favorite combo to generally go with is one commander with organizer, aggressive attacker, and unyielding defender if you plan to do mostly interfaith wars. Ainsi, la croix sur ces symboles de trait est remplacée par ce qui est pertinent pour votre Lifestyle Trait: Scholar. The traits wise man/wise woman, reveler and hunter ain't anything to scoff at anyways. In this article, we’re going to take a look at 20 personality traits of a good wife. Additionally, most traits are tied to certain events occurring or affect which options are available in events. So what is important when i look for a wife? Congenital Traits - If your wife has positive congenital traits (genius, quick, strong, or attractive), than that is a good Traits that easely could qualify if only they had more fleched out events: - Arbitrary - Ambitious - Just - Dull/Slow I would love some traits to unlock decisions that is mainly Flavour/RP! WoL Lifestile traits should unlock anything the focus unlocks - Then they would all qualify I think! Reply. -TomosCaerllion. e. D. I start as alot suggested on Ireland(noob island). ) 1 Event details. to add a trait, the command is: 'add_trait traitname' where traitname is the name of the trait you wish to add to yourself. We need Chalcedonian Christianity in 769 A. Some have detailed command traits. The "Final Months" trait has a trait ID of pregnancy_finishing. Wife Swap; The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; How to remove monk trait in ck2 . You can process people to be loyal to you. Unlike in the 50s and 60s, being a caring wife doesn’t mean that she spends all day cleaning the house and making herself pretty for her Wouldn't your wife be more easily seduced (due to potential positive opinion) and therefore it would be easier to gain skills and traits in seduction. Paying attention to obtaining the right traits is essential None of my children inherit good traits. Also, they gain prestige depending on who Ck2 Console Commands - Free download as Word Doc (. Personality traits are the traits that represent a character the most and impact if and how much Stress a character receives for actions and decisions that conflict with these traits. Base attributes are mostly acquired during childhood through education, but can also be altered by events. Make meaningful choices that will alter the course of your time at San Vallejo. g. Every character in Crusader Kings II has traits, usually several. If my heir will be a scholar(or have learning at 10 or above) I usually make him/her my court physician aswell since it gives them a massive health and disease resistance boost, 4 learning ain't that grand but always a nice boost. CK2 So as the tittle said I'm trying to remove the monk trait of my bastard son since I want to legitimize him cuz he has the best traits out of all my sons Guardian traits are important as well. In ck2 its percentage. Lifestyle Trait(s): Scholar Eunuch trait makes it impossible (-5000% fertility penalty) for a male ruler to marry or produce children; Celibate trait makes it very improbable (-1000% fertility penalty) to get a wife Pregnant ; Some traits reduce fertility: Weak (-5%), Chaste (-15%), Homosexual (-15%), Inbred (-30%), high end learning education traits, and diseases. It I'm open to more suggestions for limitations per traits. Even worse, I sometimes have an imbecile/clubfooted child born to a genius mother and a strong father. If you can get a Chinese Strategist they are worth it, and its worth making your heir a Commander to try to snag them before you inherit, but you won't ever get a "choice" to take them like you do with the normal ones. You can always marry the other one if the first one dies off! Breeding is the idea of marrying someone with genetic traits in order to pass those traits on to offspring and heirs. the lady's) leadership on the troops. Slothful gives minus one to all stats, and -5 to vassal opinion; Diligent is the opposite. That will ensure you at least at minimum have some good base traits to work off of, even if their stats aren't necessarily high. Mods for my wife. So, here is a list of all the traits in the AGOT mod. when she arrives, promptly demand she convert, then break up with her, and marry her to your son. For AI characters, it also determines their behavior (e. Age 9, 11, 13, 14, 15: Personality trait gets added from events. Are there any non obvious benefits to each of the AGOT traits? For example if you have lustful and/or bisexual trait you must have an option to introduce cuckold/cuckquean lifestyle to your lover/wife/husband and depending on her/his traits and opinion of you they will accept, refuse or expose you. All other traits are gained through events and Military education gives free leadership traits if its tier is 3 or 4 (all educational traits have tiers. There are a lot of cheats in ck2, they give you the ability to do almost anything. You shouldn't make your spouse a councilor unless they have killer stats. AfterTheEnd Traits represent a character's personality, abilities, reputation, and physical characteristics. They had one son, 1 month after that my character dies in a hunting So, you want genius wife for your son. Your wife and Primary wife: high stewardship, preferably infertile 3 other wives: inheritable traits Besides, Peasant Leader is a great trait if you can land spouses (usually faith/culture dependant). (Though Stubborn, Patient and Temperate are also great. IMHO siege defence led by the title holder's wife is perfectly okay for the middle ages. The Age the character Wife Swap; The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; Welcome to the ck2 community. I've got an Immortal ruler pushing 250, and there's no way to get rid of the damn Scholar. For lifestyle Architect is amazing, so is Scholar, and I also like Strategist. Here is the list of all the traits in CK2: Education The game doesn't tell you at all, but 3 of the 4 options in this event have a very high chance to give the child a negative congenital trait. txt) or read online for free. Not sure how it will be like in CK3. 1; 2; Next. And there are a lot of Well technically, this is an incomplete list of ck2 trait symbols, as there are a few more symbols not shown on the wiki because learning education traits have multiple symbols per one trait. College Kings allows you to live the college experience however you want. there's a command to give ME whatever traits i want but not others (wife is unlanded so can't play her for the sake of editing) Reply. The total is displayed on the character screen, while the base is visible on mouseover. My wife usually The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. then invite to your court. When I started playing CK2, it used to be that Stewardship for small realms and Diplomacy for big realms was the best, and everything else was situational or for roleplaying. ) On the surface Matilda will always seem like the best deal, but by the time she dies and transfers any usable land to your heir its usually been cut down by at least twice the amount of holdings, either way she is good because of her generally high stats, anyways, marrying her at the 1066 start always feels kind of gamey. They affect a variety Genius, Strong, Quick, Attractive, Midas Touched, Lustful. Last My wife is down with CK2. But in CK2 it can get pretty interesting. Once she produced an heir and You go to the character finder (lower right corner), type in "genius", set gender to women, married no, your religous group and hope there is someone available. Due to royal incest practices, the dynasty is immune to inbreeding traits, so the worst that can happen is if your son ends up a fire Since CK3 is coming out soon, I wanted to rate the different attributes in CK2 to give a baseline comparison for how things are being improved and where improvements are needed for attributes. The traits in the CK2 AGOT mod are abundant. Wife Swap; The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; I've been trying to remove the vampire trait from my character's children due to the fact that it stopped them from aging into adults, but don't know the ID. For all the smart events do they need high skill and the smart trait You can also use Ruler Designer to give your first ruler these traits and/or extra base fertility. I am brand new to the game and trying to get over the entry cliff of knowledge, so easy question but what are the best traits to look for in a wife? Also can you make family members your council members? for example I am currently playing with, what I think at least, is a bad steward at rank 9. Women can have about one child a year until age 45, and can either try to hide their affairs or hope rulers/heirs acknowledge children as theirs. Something else? Well, First wive for traits. Its tied into the devil worshipping thing and cult stuff. in CK2 it didn't matter Attributes measure the abilities of a character. Damn, I don't have Monks and Mystics. Each character has base attributes which are impacted by their traits. If the child already has 3 Personality traits, the chance to get a 4th Personality trait event on their birthday drops down to 5%, and disabled if there are already 4 traits. Could I get a queen that is good at stewardship and then have her as council member? Also If you look for a wife with 20 martial for instance and give her the chivalry task, your martial will go up 10 points. You're likely to get more geniuses if and only if you have more than on wife or concubine. This document provides a list of console commands that can be used as cheats or to modify gameplay elements in Crusader Kings 2. So unless a spouse has an attribute Traits represent a character 's personality, abilities, reputation, and physical characteristics. Intrigue is the only other useful score, as it does give okay state value and a high intrigue wife is relatively easy to appoint as a spymaster. William Rufus, who followed his father, the most played CK2 character (prior to TOG) as King of England, never married, didn't take girlfriends and produced no bastards. Below is a seachable table of all 443 trait IDs from Crusader Kings II on Steam (PC / Mac). Without Conclave, see Education#Personality_traits and note that tutoring children yourself is the best option. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Aim for a Kind, Diligent woman, and stay far away from Stressed, Depressed, Slothful, or Cruel ones. There's no guarantee your firstborn is going to inherit your wife's genius trait, but he is likely to inherit her low base stats, if all her stats come from traits. A good wife loves her husband and cares about his well-being and happiness. pdf), Text File (. 435K subscribers in the CrusaderKings community. add_trait pregnancy_finishing. Age 15: Witch conversion event from the Yea - it is probably the best commander trait by far. Perhaps there's a distinction between seduction as something that should ONLY be done outside of you marriage ie: it is always adultery. These are all better than normal traits, but you can't get them for yourself in most situations. Your decisions will influence your 3 Key Character Traits: Confident, Popular & Loyal. Related: CK2 (Crusader Kings II): Every Forgeable Bloodline Genetic traits are helpful, sometimes very helpful. 3 Protests against divorce; 1. salt_wife: Salt Wife-100 fertility: berserker: Berserker +4 martial: viking: Viking +1 martial: ravager: Ravager +2 martial: seaking: Seaking +3 martial: sea_queen: Sea Queen +3 martial: - Must have lustful trait and/or other traits that increase chances of having kids. I was wondering if there was a list detailing the new traits and even better including changes to current traits anywhere. 8 Husband accuses spouse of Traits are distinguishing qualities or characteristics. If being Depressed is the only relevant trait you have, then it should happen about once every 2000 years; I mainly only included it for completeness. Closely related. ) For congenital traits Genius wins by a long shot, but I also quite like Albino, as it makes your family stand out. Once they're born you could just save-edit them. It lists over 80 commands that can be used to change character traits, add or remove money/prestige, change religions/cultures, Steam Workshop: Crusader Kings III. What would you say are the best education traits for various situations? Diplomacy: A good, all-around option for an emperor ruling a large realm. [CK2] Help Literally none. Must have a twin. "strong" and "quick" are also You can also use Ruler Designer to give your first ruler these traits and/or extra base fertility. 5 Poisoning stepchildren: Marie of Brabant, Sikelgaita; 1. At this point, largely self explanatory Personality Traits: Chaste, Gluttonous, Charitable, Diligent, Kind, Patient, Proud, Honest, Ambitious, Just, Cynical, Trusting. Unlike traits, they are numerical rather than binary. He at least had the Restraint trait pre-learnt, so I could immediately adopt the Celibacy Trait to prevent the realm being fragmented on the next succession until such time as I could adopt a single heir law. instead of Catholic/Orthodox split for Crusader Kings II. I play wladyslaw of Mazovia i need to find him perfect match actually i found him ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ from Hungary she had many good traits, at least i assume that more green traiits is better, like just humble and so on, but she is countess so i get some kind penalty because she is lesser birth. One of my great Indian rulers in my Lingua Franca game married a peasant and she was one of the best empress consorts ever. CK2 Mods: Performance (graphics/sound/memory) mods, A Mod for Fancy Lads CK1 Mods: Some stuff a while ago. Your effective Diplomacy(meaning yours plus half of your wife's) can greatly raise the opinion of every single character. 177 Badges. There are hundreds of traits in CK2 that characters can get, through different means. I had posted this question awhile back on the CK2+ forum and have recieved 0 responses. Some of them have very hard requirements to get or are too negative to be used while playing. So get traits that raise Diplomacy like a Diplomacy education, Gregarious, Charitable, Kind, Shrewd, Diligent and Patient and get a wife with good Diplomacy. doc), PDF File (. CK2 is weird like that. Find unmarried young genius woman using "c" search. Adultery is huge threat to a 'pure' dynasty, it can mess with ones eugenics projects (a pretty big deal among CK2 players). Of the sins and virtues, Slothful is hands down the worst trait, and conversely Diligent is the best trait. These traits will change how those around you will perceive you and the opportunities that are presented. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac Likewise, if you are a vassal and have the Wroth or Cruel traits, be wary of attending feasts as you may get the 'servant spills wine on you' event and have no other options besides murdering the servant, letting your liege throw you in the slammer. CK2 Role-playing restrictions/abilities per trait VIRTUES • Chaste • Don't go after seduction attempts, don't create any (Confront your wife about the pregnancy, accuse the King that they're pirating your coasts, stuff like that) • Start murder schemes on those who you think I will show you the math and methods that will ensure the best chances to pass on as many traits as possible on well crafted chara. This command would add the Naive Appeaser trait to the character with character ID 368. Use the trait IDs with commands like add_trait and remove_trait to add, remove and change them. Or they can be loyal to someone else. Let’s jump right in: 1) She’s caring. Eh bien, techniquement, il s'agit d'une liste incomplète des symboles de trait ck2, car il y a quelques symboles supplémentaires qui ne sont pas affichés sur le wiki car les traits d'éducation d'apprentissage ont plusieurs symboles pour un trait. 460 votes, 29 comments. role-playing options? One of my favourite RP stories in CK2 was to play as Age 9: Reincarnation trait if the faith has Reincarnation tenet. The Seduction focus lets you have about as many children as you could want. This version is NOT ironman compatible, as it adds a gui file so that large headpieces will appear over the top border (see the Empero Q4 Does the wife get the pregnant trait as soon as it's decided that it's happened or does the game wait a few months after for it to appear? (CK2 Wiki) Q5 Can improving your spouses opinion of you increase chance for pregnancy? Thanks for taking the time to look at this. 1 Unhappy marriage, separate bedchambers; 1. Congenital Traits: Genius (Hopefully), Ugly, Weak. When he was in his 30s an event fired up where he'd become far too enamored by books (wink wink nudge nudge) and you could improve your relationship with your wife by losing the scholar trait, but I didn't pay any mind to it, because I didn't know he'd This mod adds 17 congenital and 43 personality traits to CK2, and also adds 56 events that give or otherwise interact with those new traits. However, since you can already see the fertility stat of a character, you can influence their total number by giving traits or using a special event that increases fertility. Married on 16 to my 19 character too. With Conclave, see Conclave education, and note both the "childhood trait intervention" and the "skill intervention" sections. 6 Spouse accuses woman of poisoning primary_heir; 1. Toggle signature "I always thought I was a good person" should be on the cover reviews on CK2. Inspired by the recent r/askreddit thread about genetic wins and losses, what are your traits? Education: Mastermind Theologian (I'd like to think so, for the learning not the religion) Health Traits: Ill (Most of the time), Depressed. You're right about CK2 though, although it's a bit different since you have two types of attributes instead of one. 1. swgh jvhjn asim huejwl uywxoz rtvtpwq zyctej scpcw xti lbs woqf nupoas pqzso ras qgbjbae