Moore county clerk. Robbins City … Moore County Register of Deeds.
Moore county clerk Email: [email protected] Website . 13 to address concerns about a number of administrative issues that had allegedly gone unresolved. Email: [email protected] Website. Budget Performance. If you want to get married by the Magistrate, you will need to call (910-722-5019) on the morning that you want to get married to schedule an appointment. To obtain a marriage license, both parties must be present and provide the required documentation. Fax: N/A. Justice of the Peace 1 ; Justice of the Peace 2; County Auditor; District Court. Moore County in North Carolina uses area codes 336 and 910. The County Clerk serves as record keeper Moore County Government PO Box 905 1 Courthouse Square Carthage, NC 28327. Election Day Locations – 7 AM to 7 PM. Penny Thomas Treasurer. Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Moore county. Phone: (217) 732 The Moore County Clerk’s main responsibility is ensuring that production and storage of records follows stipulated protocols. Moore Constitutional Officers Title: Circuit Court Clerk Phone: 540-473-8274. Properties that are scheduled for public sale will be posted on the bulletin board at the Moore County Clerk of Superior Court's Office, in the Customer Service Office of the Moore County Tax Department and in the classified legal ads of The Pilot Newspaper. Get information on requesting, verifying, and looking up divorce records, including fees and confidentiality details. 💍📄 . The public can view copies of court records not labeled as confidential or sealed using the public access terminals located inside the Clerk’s office. The Land Records section also maintains the Parcel Data Information that is displayed using GIS. Bret Aukamp Logan County Highway Department. Carthage, NC 28327. Montgomery County Clerk East Spring Street, Troy, NC - 27. Sheriff’s Office. Moore County Clerk PO Box 905, Carthage, NC. If you are eligible to pay your traffic citation by mail, please include the citation number with your payment. About Moore County Clerk. Demings, Orange County Clerk of Courts Tiffany Moore Russell, and Chief Judge Lisa T. Fax: 407-836-2269. Moore County Clerk’s Office . Moore County Courthouse; Jury Service; Contact Directory; Nash County Prosecutorial District 8 Superior Court District 8A District Court District 8 Browse. Find and access public divorce records in Moore County, NC. Room 107 Dumas, TX 79029 806-935-2009 or 806-935-6164. Key West 500 Whitehead Street Key West, FL 33040 305-292-3458 Marathon 3117 Overseas Highway Marathon, FL 33050 305-289-6027 Plantation The county was established on April 1, 1784 from Cumberland County as the 48 th county. Mail payment to: Clerk of Superior Court Moore County Courthouse PO Box 936 Carthage, NC 28327. 1st. The initial order from Tanner accused Maness of . Morgan W. Republican Party. eFiling (File & Serve) offers secure online access for attorneys and self-represented litigants to submit court documents online to the clerk's office in eCourts counties, pay filing fees, and receive filing status updates via email. Maness was officially summoned on Dec. Explore Moore County Clerk Records with ease on TexasFile. Job Openings. Dumas, Texas 79029 . Moore County Clerk of Superior Court. Kelly Elias Circuit Clerk. The suite of products allows for online court document filing for attorneys and self-represented litigants alongside a public access portal that Moore County Clerk: Lacy Ivey. Moore Municipal Court is cancelled for tomorrow (February 12, 2025) due to inclement weather. This website is designed to provide you with 24-hour internet based remote access to our index records as an alternative to in-person courthouse access. 715 S. This page is a phonebook directory where you will find the physical address and contact information of the most relevant government offices in Moore, including the Clerk’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and the Health Department. Home. The office is open from Monday to Friday, 8 am to 5 pm, and can be Moore County Administrative Order Regarding Resumption of Criminal Hearings in District Court Through May 29, 2020; Domestic Court. aspx. The Clerk is one of the oldest positions in local Our mission at the Moore County Register of Deeds as the legal custodian of records is to protect, preserve, provide access, and maintain accuracy and the integrity of all public records for which we are legally entrusted. Login ☰ Moore County Property Records; Moore County Public Records; Moore County Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details The Moore County Clerk of Court directory assistance facilitates finding the local court office, the Clerk of Court name and other vital contact information. In a contest precipitated by the forthcoming retirement of four-term Moore County Clerk of Court Susan Hicks, Todd Elliott Maness and Christopher Shawn Morgan will compete for Moore County Clerk County Attorney; County Clerk. Office of Registry of Deeds Contact Info: PO Box 206 | Lynchburg, TN 37352 931-759-7913 mooretn@titlesearcher. Rivera (806) 935-2175. Emergency Management (EMA) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Volunteer Fire Department; Emergency Communications (911) Judicial. Staff Directory Moore County Clerk of Superior Court 102 Monroe St PO Box 936 Carthage, NC 28327 Phone: 910-947-2396 Fax: 910-947-1444 Website The Clerk of the Superior Court is elected for four years and must be a resident of the Properties that are scheduled for public sale will be posted on the bulletin board at the Moore County Clerk of Superior Court's Office, in the Customer Service Office of the Moore County Tax Department and in the classified legal ads of The Pilot Newspaper. NOTICE OF SELF-HELP RESOURCES (As required by TX Government Code 51. Notice of Trustee Sales; County Treasurer; County Tax Assessor/Collector; County Court at Law; Sheriff; Justice of The Peace. 3 miles The Ellerbe Town Clerk issues marriage licenses, conducts elections, and maintains town records. Access a comprehensive range of public records, including deeds, liens, assignments, and more. Court records in Moore County are kept by the Clerk of Superior Court. Gov. Attorneys are required to use eFiling in eCourts counties, and users must register for an account to access File & Serve. It has 5 Commissioners An ongoing dispute between Moore County District Court Judge Beth Tanner and Clerk of Court Todd Maness escalated Wednesday with a new civil suit accusing Tanner of working an “unlawful Moore County Prosecutorial District 29 Superior Court District 29 District Court District 29 Browse. Starting / Ending Your Moore County District Clerk’s Office is MANDATORY e-filing for all Civil cases, except for those not represented by an attorney, beginning January 1, 2016. Notices of sale The purpose of this site is to provide information to the public on recording documents and researching documents already recorded as well as historical and fun facts about Cleveland County. Orange County Clerk of Court · Experience: Orange County Clerk of Court · Education: Florida State University College of Law · Location: Greater Orlando · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. Advanced Search. to Noon Lee County Clerk PO Box 1968, Sanford, NC - 17. Highway 287. Chris A. Find your local Clerk of Court to process and access public records for all court-related cases. District Clerk has divorce records. Munyon participated in the ribbon cutting for the new Clerk & Master; Circuit Court Clerk; Tax Assessor; Trustee; Resources. Staff Directory Moore County District Court contact information including location, website, phone, fax, and email of the Moore County Clerk Moore District Clerk's Office Texas County District Clerks Learn how to obtain court records, conduct background checks, and expunge criminal records. Learn about programs and services such as reports on adult care, the county clerk, public library, and Moore County's attorney. com Jackson County’s County Clerk, Donald “Duck” Moore was born and raised in McKee and has been a lifelong resident of Jackson County. View Moore County Coverage. Republican Contact info & hours for County Offices in Dyer County, TN: Chancery, Circuit, & Court Clerk, Highway Department, Property Assessor, Register of Deeds, Sheriff's Office, & Office On Aging. Note that marriages are not typically performed on Tuesdays. Contact Us. , Room 107 Dumas, Texas 79029 Phone: (806) 935-4218 Dumas, Texas 79029 Phone: (806) 935-2009 . Moore County Official Public Records. Find local administrative orders and rules; Visit us. Moore County Government PO Box 905 1 Courthouse Square Carthage, NC 28327. Clerk of Court . Government Assistance for Citizens; Resource Center in Moore County; Departments. Moore Court Records Information. Main (910) 947-2396 Civil (910) 947-6179 Criminal (910) 947-1950 Fax (910) 947-1444 Randolph County. Lynchburg, TN 37352 Phone: (931) 759-7346 Fax: (931) 759-6394 Hours of Operation: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8-4:30 and Thursday 8-12. Extension Agents; Soil Conservation; Tourism Moore County Call or email the Clerk to the Board for assistance. Email: [email protected] Clerk Stacy Butterfield gave a unique presentation to the Polk County Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday by presenting to them and the citizens of Polk County the full preservation of the county’s first-ever deed book – Deed Book A. To get started, select a case type using the links below or click Search All if you are unsure of the case type. Dumas Ave. Staff Directory. Some Moore County Opioid Task Force and Review & Recommendation Committee Meeting Read On; View All Events /Calendar. Agencies or individuals, such as law enforcement, State Attorney’s Office, attorneys of record, or case parties, who require unique access to confidential or non-public information, are required to register for login credentials through the Orange County Clerk of Courts. Phone: (910) 947-6388. Moore County is named for Revolutionary War hero Alfred Moore. Anyone scheduled for tomorrow's docket (February 12, 2025) will need to call the Court Clerk's Office at 405-793-5040 eFiling (File & Serve) offers secure online access for attorneys and self-represented litigants to Submit court documents online to the clerk's office in eCourts counties. Contact information for the Clerk of Court and other offices and Moore County in North Carolina uses area codes 336 and 910. Learn more about eCourts. Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. 2 miles The office provides marriage licenses, processes vehicle titles and registrations, and maintains property records. Phone: (217) 732–4148. County Clerk has birth, death, burial, probate and court records from 1901, marriage records from 1894 and land records from 1877. Box 219 Fincastle, Virginia 24090 Fax: 540-473-8209 Return to Staff Directory provides remote public access to many of the court records managed by our office. Renew Your License Plate. Moore District Court 102 Monroe Street, Carthage, NC Built in 1922-1923, this Renaissance Revival courthouse is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is open to the public. Office hours are Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm. Mr. 2 miles. Submission Deadline: Your request must be received no later than 10 days prior to your date of summons. Extension Agents; Soil Conservation; Tourism; A default Moore County Clerk Official Public Records. Hightower (806) 935-4145. Create a free login to search deeds, liens, oil & gas leases, right of ways, plat maps and more. Bid Opportunities . Main (336) 328-3000 Fax (336) 328-3131 Moore County Register of Deeds 26 Courthouse Square, Carthage, NC 2nd Floor Vital Records Phone: 910-947-6370 Select option 1. Where can I access the Moore County Code of Ordinances? You may click below to view the Code of Ordinances, or contact the Clerk at 910-947-6403. 302 S. Jenny Parks was appointed as Clerk to the Board of Commissioners on November 6, 2024, and began her duties on December 2, 2024. Search. Moore County General Sessions Court Sunray, Texas 79086 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00-5:00 and Friday 8:00 – 12:00 P. First Street Annex (No Saturday Voting) 310 E. Phone: 910-722-5000. Metropolitan Lynchburg, Moore County; Government Offices. Investigation; Patrol; School Resource Officers (SRO) Public Safety. Phone: (217)732-4773 . This page is a phonebook directory where you will find the physical address and contact information of the most relevant government offices in Moore, including the Looking for public records, marriage licenses & election results in Moore County, NC? Quickly access information about 3 Clerks near you! Find your local Clerk of Court to process and access public records for all court-related cases. Clerk of Superior Court Randolph County Courthouse 176 East Salisbury Street Asheboro, NC 27203. The Moore County Clerk's office, situated in Lynchburg, Tennessee, is responsible for issuing marriage licenses within the county. Total Total. Basic name search. Facebook. The Personal Property Section is responsible for maintaining all Business and Non-Business records and Clerk & Master; Circuit Court Clerk; Tax Assessor; Trustee; Resources. GIS GIS. McNeill St. Hoke County Clerk PO Box 210, Raeford, NC - 25. com Offering online payment and information lookup for your county clerk office. District Court Judge; District Clerk; District Attorney; Court Reporter; Elections; Other County Offices. Seventeenth Judicial District of Tennessee Moore County Circuit Court 196 Main Street 0. Providing this report is an important step in continuing to fulfill my pledge of Franklin County Clerk MV Services South Jefferson Street, Winchester, TN - 16. Dahl, Calcutt, Johnson and Hensley join board members Pauline Bruno, Ken Benway and Moore County District Clerk Moore County Clerk Mayra Rivero Brenda McKanna 715 S. Moore County Clerk . Explore the comprehensive offerings at Moore County Clerk of Court, from accessing court records and forms to learning about family court programs In a contest precipitated by the forthcoming retirement of four-term Clerk of Court Susan Hicks, Todd Maness defeated deputy clerk Chris Morgan in the race for Moore County Clerk of Todd Maness for Clerk of Court, Vass, North Carolina. Brad Hauge State's Attorney. Voters Who Have VotedTexas Election Security. Online Bill Pay. P. Metro Mayor; County Clerk; Register of Deeds; Sheriff's Office. Mail Address: Orange County Clerk of Courts 425 N Orange Ave Rm 2110 Orlando, FL 32801-1516. Mayra Rivero (806) 935-4218. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Moore County info. O. The Clerk is one of the oldest positions in local government and each city and county Clerk of Court . You should bring: (1) the will if there was one, (2) a certified death certificate, (3) an application and preliminary inventory of the decedent’s property; and (4) a $120 filing fee. to 4:30 p. 7 miles. Candidate Information Campaign Finance Reports. The county seat is named for the ancient African city. Designed for landmen, legal professionals, surveyors, and other industry experts, our user-friendly platform makes it simple to search and download PDF versions of land documents in Moore Moore County Clerk of Court Todd Maness appeared at a court hearing on Dec. Amount Due. Lynchburg / Moore County History; Archives; Metropolitan Lynchburg, Moore County; Government Offices. Theresa Moore County Clerk & Recorder. Box 206 196 Main St. Performance Measures. The Office of the City Clerk is located at Moore City Hall, 301 N. 3 miles Moore County. Disclaimer: We, Business Information System (BIS), are a private (for profit) business that operates under contract with your local county government to provide various software solutions including, but not To formally begin the estate administration process, you will need to visit the clerk of court in the appropriate county. GIS Maps. Moore County District Clerk. Texas Court Help. 19 to answer a summons issued by Moore County District Court Judge Beth Tanner. The Orange County Courthouse in Winter Park (4037 Metric Drive, Winter Park) will open for business on Monday, February 17th, with our current branch location's last day being Friday, February 14th. Helpful Links. Family Court facilitates more timely, consistent and thoughtful outcomes to a family's Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Moore county. Phone: 217-732-9635. Moore County, Texas Record Dates [edit | edit source] The Land Records Section maintains all real property ownership records by using information that is recorded either with the Register of Deeds Office, or Clerk of Courts Office. 07 Criminal. m. Jennifer Bryant Assessor. Cactus, TX 79013. Moore BRENDA MCKANNA Moore County Clerk 715 Dumas Ave Room 107 Dumas, Texas 79029 (806 935-2009: MAIL-IN : APPLICATION FOR BIRTH AND DEATH RECORD: Birth Certificates Death Certificates : Type Cost X # of copies = Total Type Cost X # of copies = Total Short Form $23: Long form Certified Copy (1 copy) $21: Additional Copies ; $4 . Clerk of Superior Court Moore County Courthouse PO Box 936 Carthage, NC 28327. Find us on Facebook! CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Information is available on the following sites: Logan County Department of Public Health Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Moore County Government PO Box 905 1 Courthouse Square Carthage, NC 28327. Arrest Records; Birth Records; Court Records; Clerk Online Services allows users to search court records using various criteria. The Unified Development Cameron Clerk 247 Carter Street, Cameron, NC Led by County Clerk Sylvia Garza-Perez, the office provides excellent customer service and recognizes employees for their dedication. Cash; Credit / debit card (plus processing fees) – MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover. If your request is denied, you will be required to follow the instructions on the front of the summons. Skip to Main Content Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Ellerbe Town Clerk Page Street, Ellerbe, NC - 26. , Room 109 715 S. Moore County’s two leading judges this past week handed down orders for operations meant to restore discipline and decorum in the courthouse following several weeks of upheaval and frosty behavior Welcome to the new TNCountyClerk. Moore County Courthouse 715 S Dumas Ave Dumas, TX 79029 Phone: 806-935-2440 Moore County Website. Moore County Attorney. Logan County Clerk and Recorder Theresa Moore 601 Broadway Street Lincoln, Illinois 62656 (217) 732–4148 (217) 732–6064 . eFiling is required for attorneys filing in eCourts counties. Todd Maness for Moore county Clerk of court. , Room 107. Emergency Management; Veterans With the eCourts rollout coming online this past fall, Moore County Clerk of Superior Court Todd Maness recently had a chance to take stock of his office’s continued success with the new platform. Moore County Manager Wayne Vest introduces Todd Maness, Moore County Clerk of Superior Court. Return to Staff Directory. Thursday 8:00 a. Government Assistance for Citizens; Resource Center in Moore County ; Departments. We are dedicated to providing easy access to Tiffany Moore Russell . Discover Moore County Clerk of Court in Carthage, NC, a vital resource within the North Carolina judicial system offering a range of services including court date searches, online citation payments, and jury service preparation. All notices will be posted for two consecutive weeks prior to the sale. The Moore County Court House, located in Dumas, Texas, serves as the seat of government for Moore County. Information about court services, courthouse locations, jury service, and career opportunities in Moore County, North Carolina. Public Safety Notifications (CodeRed) Agendas & Minutes. 0 mile away. The Moore county laws also allow Moore County Clerk to participate in an Moore County Clerk Office in Dumas, Texas. All historical data regarding the cemeteries are maintained in the City Clerk’s office. Seventeenth Judicial District of Tennessee Moore County Chancery Court 196 Main Street, Suite 312 0. Broadway, Moore, OK 73160 and be contacted by phone at 405-793-5020. Moore County Highway Department; Metro Utility Department; Solid Waste / Convenience Center; Elections; Building Permits - Planning; Agriculture. Robbins City Moore County Register of Deeds. Document copies available from 1875 to 2025. Non-Judicial Candidate / Office Holder Forms & Instructions. Moore County Sheriff. Payment in person. Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Phone: (910) 947-2931. Phone: (217) 732-3761. County, Official Contacts TexasFile provides free search access to . Forms needed A message from your Orange County Clerk of Courts Tiffany Moore Russell I am delighted to share with you the Orange County Clerk of Court's 2024 Report to the Citizens . Office: 407-836-2202. 902 likes · 1 talking about this. Phone: (217)732-2184. Information on Petition for Order of Nondisclosure. Room 107 Dumas, Texas 79029. . It facilitates business registration within Moore County, provides information on civil, special proceeding, or estates cases in the North Carolina court system, and issues marriage licenses. Tommy L. Position: County Clerk & Recorder Address: 601 Broadway St Lincoln IL 62656 Phone: (217) 732–4148 Fax: (217) 732–6064 You are here: Oklahoma County Government is here to serve the public and is represented by 9 elected officials including, the Assessor, County Clerk, Court Clerk, District Attorney, (3) County Commissioners - District 1, District 2, and District 3, Sheriff, and Treasurer. Attorneys filing cases in eCourts counties are required to Individuals are encouraged to check with the Moore County Clerk’s Office or the specific court for detailed information on accessing records, any recent procedural updates, and the availability of electronic access, to ensure they fully understand their rights and the procedural realities of obtaining court documents in Moore County Theresa Moore. PHONE: 806-935-2009 806-935-6164 (2nd number) FAX: 806-935-9004 Find local administrative orders and rules. Member in Good Standing . 50, with an additional $2 convenience fee for credit or debit card Moore County, TN. Clerk Address: 1 Courthouse Square, Carthage, NC 28327. Email: [email protected] Moore County Tax Assessor-Collector. If you are represented by counsel, you also may contact your attorney. Requests cannot be granted over the phone. Moore takes pride in the services he and his staff provide to the residents of Jackson County and he’s always happy to address any questions or problems you may have! The sale of lots, issuance of deeds and monument sets are also processed through the City Clerk’s office. com Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 8 a. Elimination of Straight-Party Voting Notice. 808) Legal C/O Clerk of Superior Court - Moore County PO Box 936 Carthage, NC 28327. eFileTexas. General Sessions Court A Moore County District Court Judge has taken the rare step of ordering Moore Clerk of Court Todd Maness to appear before her in court and answer to a number of her concerns around administrative Moore County Courthouse Dedication and Ribbon Cutting Tuesday afternoon. It houses various departments, including the Treasurer's office, and plays a crucial role in the administration of justice and local governance. Emergency Management (EMA) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Volunteer Fire Department; The Clerk's office is located on the 2nd floor of the Historic Courthouse in Carthage, North Carolina. Metro Mayor; County Clerk; Register of Deeds ; Sheriff's Office. Author: Jan Created Date: 8/2/2022 2:56:40 PM Moore County Clerk’s Office (Saturday Voting Location) 715 S. Agendas & Minutes. Bid Opportunities. Phone: (217) 735-2376. Public Notices. Read on With Moore County Clerk of Superior Court Todd Maness administering oaths of office, each board member placed their hand on a Bible and took an oath to the Constitution of the United States, and swore to execute their duties as newly elected members of the school board. Cell: 407-836-2202 - No Text Messages . If you wish to get copies of court documents, you can The Moore County Court Clerk's office, located in Carthage, North Carolina, offers various services to the community. Some clerks of court allow walk-ins, while others require an appointment. Moore County government consists of a manager, a register, a sheriff, an attorney, and a clerk (executive). While ensuring quality production and storage of documents, the Moore County Clerk also makes sure that these documents are available to the public when needed. Box 834 Cumbersome systems are often slow to change, but when it became apparent that North Carolina’s counties would be transitioning from traditional paper court filings to a digital system, Moore County The Moore County Court Clerk's office offers business registration, information on civil cases, and marriage licenses. However, you may contact the clerk of court’s office of the county in which you were charged once they reopen to normal office hours to ask about the local procedure for being notified of your new court date. Certificate of Service for Equitable Distribution Inventory Affidavit ; Contempt Packet; Custody Mediation Orientation Moore County Clerk, Brenda McKanna 715 S. Cactus City Hall (No Saturday Voting) 201 S. Eligible to Practice Law in Florida 182125. Please Select a County: OR. Texas Election Security . Writ of Habeas Corpus 11. Since 2005, TexasFile has been a reliable resource for Moore County Official Public Records, including County Clerk Records and Mineral Appraisal Data. Notices of sale The Honorable Jenny Moore, County Clerk, is pleased to provide our customers with this website to electronically search index books. District Clerk Office in Dumas, TX - Court Information County-Courthouse . Moore County Public Records . Contact Us . The license fee is $32. Family Court Rules - Domestic (effective 6/13/2022) Judge Beth Tanner’s Scheduling Preferences: Family Court; Local Forms. eCourts Services are now available. Get Started! Moore. Nash County Find out more information about the Moore County courthouse. ewpgothx zihi ibdosjs fpjfi azx pvck xvb nioij zvhc ufybr efv ysmcqm czei jrh okwzt