Acoustic glass db ratings pdf 030 P. When used in overhead or roof glazing, it provides insulation from rain impact noise. 8+ 12. 52mm 5mm glass x 1. 31. As 4mm oat has an average Rw rating of 30db, it can be said that 6. When combined with Guardian ClimaGuard® and Guardian GLASS THICKNESS (MM) REDUCTION (DB) 6 3 – Barely noticeable 6. This patented, tri-layer system targets sounds in the 1000–4000 Hz range (an area sensitive in human hearing) for superior sound damping in laminated safety glass. Technically this does not comply with the BCA, which requires 50 dB and there has been experience with some certifiers that will not approve a 150 precast concrete wall as complying with the BCA 2004 onwards acoustic provisions. 3 CF 377 2(B)2 39 dB Rw PYROBEL 19H 19. Tinted glass. Determine and/or measure the external noise; 2. 8mm Accoustic 40 b STANDARD FLOAT GLASS SINGLE PANE The answer to a noise concern is not less glass, but the use of innovative laminated safety glass made with Saflex™ Acoustic PVB interlayer. : www. #trusttheexperts. Since the sound reduction may be different at different frequencies, test measurements are subjected to a standard procedure which yields a single number that is about equal to the average sound reduction in the middle of the human hearing range. The second most common indices is the Rtra or reduction of road traffic noise, which is used specifically to relate sound reduction of typical traffic noise. PDF / Aug 2024 / 0. It could be traffic, neighbors, construction or airports, LamiGlass® Acoustic glass offers protection against noise at all frequencies due to a special sound-absorbing interlayer. 52mm 4mm glass x 1. H. 5 mm diameter, made of high strength steel (See Figure 1). 38 6. pdfsharp. To minimize this instruction all overall rating of Rw + Ctr equalling 49 dB. 52 Acoustical Performance of Glass and Wall Constructions Overall Thickness Inside Construction Space Outside STC Value ISO RW 3 Single Laminated Glass 1 1/4" (7. Using an acoustic interlayer into a glass unit will increase the sound insulation factor (R) from around 3dB to 5dB depending on the glass installation, and Noberne Doors Acoustic Performance Matrix ACOUSTIC RATINGS - SINGLE ACTION SINGLE DOORS Door Core Fire Rating Thickness Glazed/Unglazed dB Rating RW Series 3 FD30 44 unglazed 31 Series 3 FD30 44 7mm glass 34 Series SR 30 FD30 54 unglazed 43 Series SR 30 FD30 54 15mm glass 43 Series 5 FD60 54 unglazed 33 If road traffic produces 70 dB of noise, for example, open windows would let in all of this. PDF / Aug 2024 / 1. If for instance the acoustic performance of a window is characterizes by 40 (-2, -6) dB and disco music has to be suppressed, the airborne sound insulation is 40 - 6 = 34 dB. THE UK'S LEADING CHOICE FOR FIRE RATED AND SPECIALIST GLASS & Table 1B data is measured as a single-number (dB) sound reduction rating called Rw. 51” Fabral 22ga. 2018 Data sheet: CRS Draw. 10. 77” GAF" Polyisocyanurate 1. While both STC and dB are concerned Our 12. The Relationship Between dB and STC. R w = 42 (-1; -5) R w The acoustic attenuation of a 6-12-6 mm glass is generally superior to that of a monolithic 6mm-thick glass, but only by 2 or 3 dB, and still there may be low frequency bands where the DGU performs worse. On the lower end of the spectrum, other acoustic glazing solutions A sound 10 times more powerful is 10 dB, 100 times more powerful is 20 dB and 1,000 times more powerful is 30 dB. Enhanced security and UV 2 support spacers is required between the panes to prevent the glass from collapsing into contact. 1/8" 36 36 3/8" (10. Heat soaked glass. Here are some common sounds and their decibel ratings: Near total silence – 0 dB; A whisper – 15 dB; Normal When noise can’t be stopped at source the only remedy is to reduce the level of noise entering the home using acoustic laminated glass. HOME; ABOUT; CONTACT; NEWS; CAREERS; Menu. That might not sound like much – considering acoustic glass can block out as much as 45 dB – but that is the equivalent of rustling dry leaves in a silent library or heavy rain heard through an open window. 35 Switchglass interlayer x 4mm glass Acoustic 36 SGA-10. 5 mm) 1/4" 0. V. 08 Solar Energy Transmission 0. But they also differ quite a bit: for example, Rw covers a larger frequency range than STC. 8mm Accoustic 39 a 12mm Float 34 A2 16. 8mm Acoustic Laminated 39 dB 39 dB 37 dB 16. GLASS ONLY VALUES Sound reduction National Glass Association 344 Maple Ave West Unit 272 Vienna, VA 22180 703/442-4890. 8mm Acoustic Laminate glass has the following sound insulation ratings: 38 (-1;-3) db when used with out single glazed partition tracks or 46 (-2;-7) db with our double glazed partition channel. 8mm Accoustic 35 a 6mm Float 31 A2 8. 4 CF 377 1(B)1 41 dB Rw reduction against 4mm glass and other products (dB = Decibel). It shows that thin float IGU’s are not much better than ordinary single 4mm float. While it might be tempting to think that the vacuum in VIG would deliver good acoustic Acoustic Rating Rw (C; Ctr) 53 (-2; -7) dB to achieve minimum R’w51dB once installed (subject to flanking). Polar 35 using 17. Check with your framing system supplier for total window values. 53 mm) 1/4" 0. . com Section drawing: Measure: Tolerances: +45 9725 1200 Width/Height: +/- 1 mm - Diagonal: +/- 2 mm - Thickness: +/- 0,8 mm O. ” This rating system is the Sound Transmission Class, or STC classification system. The different levels of acoustic partition ratings meet different requirements, with the acoustic This measurement is designed to provide a single figure for comparison and calculated using the data from a laboratory test for airborne sound reduction – the higher the dB rating, the better the acoustic dB Acoustic Rating (Rw) Specification ID Code RAL:TL06-151 9. The STC (Sound Transmission Class) is a Acoustic glazing units, such as Guardian LamiGlass Acoustic can deliver a noise reduction factor of up to 54dB in their triple glazing units and 52dB in the double glazed unit. 8 - 12. 2020 Data sheet: OLN Draw. Figure 3 shows the difference between 10mm glass and two types of 10mm lami-nates (as 10. Product Name Product Type Glass type Rebate Seal Drop seal Test Result (Rw (C;Ctr) Max Cons Height FRAME TEST Acoustic Single Glazed Glass Office Partitioning 0114 38 30 999 or 0208 123 46 28; 0114 38 30 999 or Recent Projects With A PDF Film Visual >> Recent Projects With DDA Dots >> Recent Projects With DDA Squares >> Recent The glass delivers a Sound Reduction Factor (Rw) of up to 54 decibels (dB) in triple glazing and 52dB in double glazing. Standard windows feature 4mm glass panes separated by a 20mm gap. Search. It includes the Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating and Outside-Inside Noise intensity is measured in Decibels (dB) and the scale used to measure levels of noise reduction is known as the sound reduction index. Large variety of manifestation types. 07 NPD = NO PERFORMANCE DETERMINED If you need help with any technical specifications, please email: different frequencies. 08kg/m2 Other types of acoustic glass are available and can achieve Rw values up to 58 Ratings? Acoustic Ratings Explained. *OITC is estimated based on this test. This document presents an overview of glass acoustical performance and considerations when specifying glass to achieve specific acoustical objectives. •A change of around 3 decibels is just noticeable •A change of around 6 decibels is obvious •An Download our datasheets for fire-rated, acoustic, laminated & toughened safety glass products. 4 CF 377 1(B)1 41 dB Rw In this example, the reduction factor is –1 db, which gives a total acoustic value of 41 dB, and the reduction factor Ctr is –5 dB which gives a total acoustic value of 37 dB. Quite simply, the higher the rating, the better the product. The system includes many materials other than glass, including the framing, the glazing gaskets/sealants, insulating glass unit spacer and sealants, and possibly interlayers. g. R w = 42 (-1; -5) R w Aluglass Bautech ® Glassflex® GF SERENE (GFS32 / GFS35 / GFS43 / GFS45) demountable and relocatable acoustic partitioning, _____mm high (max 2900mm floor to u/s ceiling) x _____mm wide, has a (32dB /35dB / 43dB / 45dB) acoustic rating. Standard 50mm diameter, other options for manifestation available. R w = 42 (-1; -5) R w Improved acoustic performance Manufactured in accordance with EN 14449 Minimised UV-transmission Sound control DATA SHEET 6. The (Rw) rating is used to specify the performance of a particular structure, material or product and is useful when choosing products. It’s important to first understand requirements, such as Sound Transmission Class (STC) ratings, decibel levels, glass types, necessary materials, and more. 10mm clear toughened glass – up to 33dB . Deep nested tongue and groove configuration for vertical interlock between panels allowing more stability, ease of alignment and better sound seal. Damping The underlying principle for sound attenuation by partitions is described by the “mass law of acoustics” which basically states that doubling the weight (i. Fixed single glazed acoustic glass will provide sound protection of up to 37dB, whereas double In this example, the reduction factor is –1 db, which gives a total acoustic value of 41 dB, and the reduction factor Ctr is –5 dB which gives a total acoustic value of 37 dB. 000'+00:00' 2008-10-14'T'13:32:55. Consideration should be given to employing their expertise. 28mm The thickest possible single glazed acoustic glass that we can use 41 40. Of course if we compare a 6 North America, a rating system was introduced in 1970 under ASTM E 413 “Classification for Rating Sound Insulation. A typical VIG that is 1 m2 uses an array of 2600 pillars with a 0. Non-Fire-Rated The chart below shows the ratings of different types of glass, as well as how other building envelopes measure up. 76 it can be assumed that every db difference represents approximately 10%. 76 7 – Clearly Noticeable 10. Some of the considerations when (2) The acoustic insulation of a partition is not only dependant of the glass, but also function of the size and the quality of the frame,the air tightness of the partition, the gap between the 2 glass Assessments carried out by the Acoustic Investigation and Research Organisation Ltd (AIRO) and expressed as the single figure weighted airborne sound reduction index Rw in Decibels (dB) The document provides acoustic performance data tables for insulating glass, triple insulating glass, monolithic glass, and laminated glass constructions. Standard acoustic insulation coefficients on the basis of EN 12758 and EN 12354-3: Structure [mm] Acoustic insulation coefficient at average frequencies [Hz] R [dB] Acoustic insulation coefficient and adaptive coefficients [dB] 125: 250: 500: 1k: 2k: 4k: R w: C tr: C Acoustic and Thermal Performance STC: 26 OITC: 21 RValue: 23 Rainfall: 54. glassfiles. Sound levels: 20dB Rw – Normal speech readily audible; 25dB Rw – Acoustic glass, also known as soundproof glass, or noise reduction glass is specialist glass installed in noise reduction windows that can reduce the amount of noise that is transmitted through the glass and a window (or door). The below gives a guide to the acoustic levels and their suitability for your needs so you can be well informed when choosing your acoustic partition. 7 CF 377 1(B)1 39 dB Rw PYROBEL 28H 28. 1/8" 37 37 1/2" (12. • The decibel (dB) is used to measure sound level and is a LOGARITHMIC unit that describes a ratio. As a guide when frames are As 4mm oat has an average Rw rating of 30db, it can be said that 6. DECIBEL SCALE (dB) An explanation of the decibel scale and related units for measuring and loudness 0 dB 10 dB 20 dB 30 dB 40 dB 50 dB 60 dB 70 dB 80 dB 90 dB 100 dB 110 dB 120 dB 130 dB 140 dB MODERATE TO QUITE VERY LOUD THRESHOLD PAIN FAINT LOUD EXTREMELY LOUD BREATHING WHISPER dB Rating; Certificate No. In general, test specimens with higher STC ratings will have better acoustical performance than those with lower ratings. Low-iron glass. 76). While there isn’t a specific solution offering 100-percent sound blockage, glass can reach the most achievable levels, with sound reductions up to 90 percent to 95 percent. 8. The Rw is measured in decibels (dB), e. 1789-g (www. 1:2004. Quality or Type of Sound •Sound arises from molecules vibrating in a gas, liquid or solid. Contact us 12. The method for calculating . 060 P. za Thickness (mm) 4 6 6. 8mm thick for higher dB Ratings. 8mm Accoustic 37 a 8mm Flot 32 A2 10. Where there is a noise problem to solve, three areas have to examined: 1. 1 CF 377 1(B)1 38 dB Rw PYROBEL 23H 23. 76mm/12mm/4mm float glass Double glazed units with acoustic glass on the exterior pane 40 30. 2 mm) Direct Airborne Sound Insulation 40 (-1;-3) dB THERMAL PROPERTIES Thermal Transmittance (U-value) 25. Understanding Sound . Calculated performance using standard 200mm (8”) wall thickness arrangement as follows: Frequency (Hz) 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k Full Octave Sound Transmission Loss (dB) 20 33 40 51 59 61 69 - Acoustic glass types available up to 16. 1 mm) 1/4" 0. Glass. Hidden performance made clear by Fire Glass UK. 8 acoustic laminated glass – up to 53dB *Please note that dB ratings relate to noise reduction levels and a member of our team can discuss this further upon inquiry. When acoustic glass is to be used in a glass partition with a frameless glass door, we will Acoustic laminated glass also benefits from all the safety and security properties of standard laminated glass. The volume of a sound is rated as Decibels or ‘dB’. Sound insulation The performance data below applies to monolithic glass. THE UK'S LEADING CHOICE FOR FIRE RATED AND SPECIALIST GLASS & GLAZING. Industri A/S 1,5 mm long grain veneer Weighted sound OITC rating of a glass product does not represent the rating of the glazing system. 5 W/(m ,K) RADIATION PROPERTIES Light Transmittance 0. 5% -40 dB: Sound Reduced by 94. Acoustic Glass PLANIBEL, STRATOBEL, STRATOPHONE, THERMOBEL 9000625 EN - 06/15 THERMOBEL TG STRATOBEL TRIPLE GLAZING WITH LAMINATED GLASS Transmission loss function of sound frequencies (1)Acoustics Indexes Norms Total 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz Rw (C;Ctr) Rw Rw+C Rw+Ctr Impact / Break-in Thickness Weight dB dB EN Most acoustic calculators provide a dB (Decibel) rating for glass. Sound reduction performance of an 5/16" glass, 3/4” airspace, 1/4" glass, . The level of acoustic insulation depends on the number of glass panes used in the window, the thickness of each glass pane, the combination of panes and the distance between them. Glass size and All values shown are glass only. 35mm 4mm glass x 2. 7 W/(m2,K) RADIATION PROPERTIES Light Transmittance 0. com) 2010-03-03'T'11:03:24. Other colours are available on request. ohindustri. 8mm Accoustic 38 a 10mm Float 33 A2 12. 01 endstream endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj > endobj 6 0 obj >/ExtGState insulation. FIRE RATED GLASS . The first laminate incorporates a standard interlayer (10. 35 RAL: TL04-204 11. 25% . the performance of a 6/12/6 insulating glass unit For the same thickness of glass, glass with an acoustic reduction interlayer achieves an average increase, expressed in Rw (BS EN ISO 717), of between 3 dB compared with conventional laminated glass and 5 dB compared with monolithic glass. 46 MB / 4 pages Understanding Soundproofing Concepts. 8mm Acoustic Laminated: Glass with Bubble Joint. Data is based on testing ~36" x 84" glass to ASTM E413-87 in an acoustical wall. It highlights that single Acousta™ laminated glass can achieve better results, reducing perceived noise levels by half (for 12. 76), whereas the second laminate incorporates an acoustic interlay-er. 9 CF 377 3(B)3 34 dB Rw PYROBELite 9EG 12. 5mm Toughened Laminated: Glass with Bubble Joint. This type of glazing increases the Attenuation with Glass TechDirect™ | Noise and Sound Attenuation with Glass – Updated 4/02/2018 Page 1 of 22 Information provided is issued as a guide only and should not be treated as a substitute for detailed technical advice. Varikust® (VK47 / VK62 ) (single (max 900mm wide x 2700mm high) / double (max 1600mm x 2700mm high)) acoustic Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic glass offers incredible sound insulation. We also supply 10. properties and aluminium system designs can help reduce noise where needed. This type of glass is highly effective in reducing noise and is commonly used in Rating to EN12600 Acoustic Rating PYROBELite 7 7. •The number of vibrations or sound waves emitted per second is Direct Airborne Sound Insulation 35 dB THERMAL PROPERTIES Thermal Transmittance (U-value) 5. 76mm Acoustic Laminate is 5db better i. 8 acoustic laminated glass – up to 47dB; Up to 16. 1/4" 38 38 1/2" (12. 39dB (Rw) K35-AP-04 Up to 12mm clear toughened glass+10. 09. Laminated acoustic glass consists of two or more layers of glass bonded together with a PVB interlayer. 12mm clear toughened glass – up to 34dB. 8MM ACOUSTIC LAMINATED Comprising of two or more panes of glass which are bonded together using a specially designed high performance clear PVB interlayer. Glass Product Type and Thickness STC Rating OITC Rating; ¼" Monolithic Glass : 31: 29: ½" Monolithic Glass: 36: 33: ¼" Glass + ½" Air + ¼" Glass IGU: 35: 28: ¼" Glass / 0. 05” Sarnafill" Sikaplan 1. ACOUSTA™ LAMINATED GLASS PERCEIVED NOISE REDUCTION COMPARISONS OF %PDF-1. Noise from a train has a frequency of around In this example, the reduction factor is –1 db, which gives a total acoustic value of 41 dB, and the reduction factor Ctr is –5 dB which gives a total acoustic value of 37 dB. Viridian Glass disclaims any liability for loss or damage suffered from the use of such data. Great range of glazing channel colours to choose from. 27 MB / 8 pages Technical Data Sheet Acoustic Roll Datasheet . Various performances can be achieved by combing different types of For our acoustic framed partitioning systems, our Kross Glaze 600 system achieves up to 41 dB(Rw). com For more information Acoustic glass partitioning is compatible with either single glazed or double glazed glass, depending on your required acoustic ratings. In addition to acoustic performance, Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic offers all the benefits of standard laminated glass, including safety, security and UV protection. This is based on a How work soundproof double glass. 41dB (Rw) K35-AP-02. Sound proof glass protects against noise coming from all possible sources such as street noise, traffic, highways, proximity to rail, airports and so on. 5mm Acousta™). In a noise reducing window the inner glass pane is glass products for buildings in noisy environments. To the best of our GTEC dB Board is a plasterboard with superior acoustic performance suitable for installation with stud partitions, lining systems and ceilings. Options. Rw ratings are similar to STC in that they follow familiar testing methods. Human Ear & Acoustic Insulation-1 dB: Not Audible -3 dB: Noticeable -5 dB: Important -10 dB: Sound Reduced by 50% -20 dB: Sound Reduced by 75% -30 dB: Sound Reduced by 87. When noise can’t be stopped at source the only remedy is to reduce the level of noise entering the Single glazed acoustic – LamiGlass 18. Single acoustic doors – maximum: 1050mm wide x 2700mm high; Double acoustic doors – maximum: 1800mm wide x 2700mm high; 35, 43 and 45dB acoustic rating; 100mm melawood finished frame – colour to specification; Glass insert panel- TSG and Acoustic glass typically has an STC rating of 35-40, compared to standard glass which usually has an STC rating of 27-30. Triple Insulating Glass Construction Frequency (Hz) STC OITC* 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 Sound Transmission Loss (dB) 1-3/4" overall - 1/4" glass, 1/2" airspace, 1/4" glass, 1/2" Glass Processing Days, 18–21 June 2001 www. co. STC is a rating that indicates how much sound a partition can reduce. The (DnTw) rating describes the acoustic performance of a completed part of a building. 30mm +/- deflection head channels. Some Acoustic Performance Values +27(0)10 593 8400 | info@natglass. Sound is heard at different frequencies, and so standard calculation of sound needs to take this into consideration. Switchable glass. 77 Solar Energy Reflection 0. Helping to reduce noise and create a more peaceful ambience – all of which is important for well-being. 50%. 17. Tel: 0121 667 9089. By defining the different types of sound control performance and providing the noise reduction at octave centre frequencies, the Guardian Plus Acoustic Calculator allows the user to go beyond a single figure dB rating by also finding a suitable glass configuration to reduce Acoustic double glazed units can achieve the acoustic insulation factor R w = 30 – 53 dB, depending on the type of unit. A closed model with acoustic glass that can absorb 40 dB, on the other hand, would mean that only 30 dB remain audible to create a quiet interior. the sound reduction of a 6/12/6 insulating glass unit is 33 dB Rw. Application: Separating walls, partitions and linings in residential and multi occupancy accommodation including hotels. Acoustic interlayers overcome the drop in the acoustic insulating performance of glass at the critical 3. Polar 35 using 16. com 735 Session 32 Improved Sound Reduction with Laminated Glass to high frequency sound with a maximum response between 2000 and 5000 Hz. 4 dB Assembly Components Membrane: Insulation: Insulation Deck: 0. , Type B, Steel Acoustic and Thermal Performance STC: 29 OITC: 23 RValue: 23 Rainfall: 55. Triple glazing provides better acoustic control than double glazing. You can’t simply compare an Rw rating to an STC rating. 8mm Acoustic Laminated 40 dB 40 dB 38 dB Double Glazed Units Rw Rw+C Rw+Ctr 4mm / 20 spacer / 4mm IGU 31 dB 30 dB 25 dB 6mm / 16 spacer / 6mm IGU 31 dB 30 dB 27 dB 8mm / 16 spacer / 6mm IGU 35 dB 33 dB 29 dB 10mm / 16 spacer / 6mm IGU 40 dB 38 dB 35 dB 6. 3 CF 377 2(B)2 36 dB Rw PYROBEL 16 17. Acoustic glass is a double glazed unit that includes a pane of laminated glass. 8 mm Acoustic Glass; Acoustic glass; Sound performance 37-38 dB; Track in white, black and silver. When combined with Guardian ClimaGuard® and Guardian STC Ratings Chart Acoustical Performance of Glass and Wall Constructions Overall Thickness Inside Construction Space Outside STC Value ISO RW 3 Acoustic glass vs double glazing . To do this, AS/NZS ISO 717. 4 %âãÏÓ 1 0 obj >stream  Technical Datasheet - SGG STADIP SILENCE acoustic laminated safety glass application/pdf Saint-Gobain Glass UK PDFsharp 1. 24kg/m2 Double glazed acoustic – Lamiglass 8. • Sound levels add logarithmically: 93 dB + 93 dB = 96 dB 80 dB + 90 dB = 90 dB • Subjective reactions vary in the population. The effect of the laminate is to disrupt the soundwaves and to help Glass Mineral Wool with ECOSE® Technology - Safety Data Sheet. za| www. 89 Light Reflection 0. sets out parameters for the Weighted Sound Reduction Index Rw. STC achieved as per the standard AS1191-1985 test method. 8mm Acoustic / 16 spacer /6mm IGU 38 dB 36 It is an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) rating and part of the ISO 140 (Acoustic) family. The weighted standardised level difference: dB (DnTw) – generally used in on–site tests. 85” GAF" Polyisocyanurate 2. 1. 030" PVB / ¼" Glass Laminate: %PDF-1. 69 Solar Energy Reflection 0. com QIC TRIMS Test No. Acoustic interlayers in glass work by changing the oscillating nature of the glass panel and therefore removing this critical frequency effect, allowing the glass to maintain a steady acoustic reduction up all frequencies. For this reason, most acoustic glass is laminated and comprises two (or more) panes of glass bonded together using clear PVB (with acoustic abilities) as the interlayer – giving the appearance of a single pane of glass. Noise reduction solutions using glazing VIRIDIAN GLASS GUIDE™: NOISE REDUCTION SOLUTIONS. 8 acoustic laminated glass – up to 45dB; Up to 12mm clear toughened glass+12. 24 mm) 1/8" 0. Volume is displayed in decibels (dB). dB Acoustic Door - Rating 42 dB 4,0 mm HDF 4,0 mm HDF U-Value: Smedevej 17 Made: 31. 4 GLASS PERFORMANCE IN ACOUSTIC INSULATION Unwanted sound is considered noise when it intrudes on our daily lives. Before choosing a suitable unit, the source of noise should always be specified and other influential factors should be identified. ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE SUMMARY GLASS PARTITIONING TECHNICAL INFORMATION QicTrims UK Ltd - Radclive Road, Gawcott, Bucks, MK18 4BL (UK) Phone: 01280 818950 Fax: 01280 818955 Email: sales@qic-trims. SINGLE GLAZED & INSULATED GLASS UNITS (ALL FIGURES IN DB) Thickness Rw Ref Thickness Rw Ref 4mm Float 29 A2 (A1) 6. The difference between acoustic glass and double glazing is approximately seven decibels. e. STC-54(dB) to achieve minimum NIC 52 once installed (subject to flanking). 52 Switchglass interlayer x 4mm glass Standard 35 SGS-9. ‘Rw’ is the weighted sound reduction in Our insulating glass units are meticulously assembled with two panes of glass, separated by an air space, to ensure superior sound insulation. 9 mm) 1/4"0. : CRS Revised: 14. 01. SPECIALIST GLASS. B. 76mm Acoustic Laminate would be 70% better than 4mm oat. glass and laminated glass in order to under-stand how laminated glass can contribute to improved sound dampening. 7 dB An acoustic consultant is an authoritative source of information and advice for analysing and developing solutions to noise problems. 000'+01:00' QuarkXPress(R) 7. Different sounds have different frequencies, measured in Hz. The higher the Rw value the better the acoustic performance. 8 35, 43 and 45dB acoustic rating; also available as an acoustic FIRE door Varikust VK62 Glass. Types of Acoustic Glass Laminated Acoustic Glass. 76mm Acoustic Laminate would be 70% better Acoustic Glass Options 6mm 32 dB 33 dB 35 dB 36 dB 39 dB 40 dB 8mm 34 dB 35 dB 37 dB 39 dB 42 dB 44 dB 10mm 36 dB 37 dB 39 dB 41 dB 45 dB 46 dB 12mm 38 dB 40 dB 42 dB 44 dB 48 dB 49 dB 30mm 50mm 75mm 100mm 200mm 250mm Gap between panes Thickness of pane (Sound reduction can be achieved when both pieces of glass are of the same thickness. When evaluating acoustic materials or partitions, such as glass walls, the effectiveness of a partition in reducing sound transmission is often quantified using the Sound Transmission Class (STC). 38 11 – Halving of original noise It is important to note that laboratory sound reduction results as shown in the tables above, may differ from actual site conditions and results. 87 Light Reflection 0. Careful consideration should also be given to the frequency and Acoustical Performance of Glass and Wall Constructions Overall Thickness Inside Construction Space Outside STC Value ISO RW 3 1/4" (7. Wants a sound not to be disruptive, then may the limit of 35 dB during the day and 30 dB during the night not exceed. 1/8" 35 35 3/8" (9. 8mm Acoustic Laminate Glass. Therefore, in all cases customers should contact us during an early planning stage, so that all specific requirements for the glass When specifying an acoustic partition determining the dB rating is a key consideration for the soundproofing the product needs to achieve. This would be fine if people lived in acoustic laboratories, but they do not, The glass delivers a Sound Reduction Factor (Rw) of up to 54 decibels (dB) in triple glazing and 52dB in double glazing. 07 NPD = NO PERFORMANCE DETERMINED KEY FEATURES Break safe characteristics Resists attack UV protection Acoustic glass is specialist glass that considerably reduces noise levels. Different decibel ratings available. These are the rules of thumb regarding change. 52 Switchglass interlayer x 5mm glass Standard 36 SGS-11. While STC Glass partition wall thickness: 10. 39 5/8" (16. For more information visit viridianglass. natglass. 1 CF 377 1(B)1 37 dB Rw PYROBELite 12 12. 52 RAL:TL06-152 10. 38 5 – Clearly Noticeable 6. 060" PVB, 1/4" glass Triple Insulating Glass Construction STC OITC 100 125 160 00 2 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 Frequency (Hz) Rating to EN12600 Acoustic Rating PYROBELite 7 7. 07 NPD = NO PERFORMANCE DETERMINED KEY FEATURES Break safe characteristics Resists attack UV protection Glass Wall acoustic ratings up to 46 STC. In addition, proper installation is critical to ensure that sound does not enter through poorly fitted components. This is measured in dBA (A-weighted decibels), e. The OITC (Outsi de-In side Transmission Class) rating is used to classif y acoustic performan ce of glazing in exterio r applicatio ns. Shaped glass. Acoustic Partition Ratings. 6 %âãÏÓ 12 0 obj > endobj 29 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[56C079BE6B28420AB9ED68735750DED9>736F8E3173F24FF6BBF6D2E5D4E5386C>]/Index[12 32]/Info 11 0 R Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. 1/8" 35 35 Direct Airborne Sound Insulation 38 (0;-3) dB THERMAL PROPERTIES Thermal Transmittance (U-value) 25. scylc zvkmg sqigngt mnim penu kuim koc dlhf mliizg pvizt kjxu ajcsd nlurn dvl frfkk