Witcher 3 script merger not mergeable. Используйте только один из них.

Witcher 3 script merger not mergeable Are you using Vortex? Other manager? Jan 2, 2021 · Just a quick guide on how to use Script Merger automatically. Compatibility: If you want to use this with Swords on Roach and/or Crossbow and Torch on Roach and/or Swords and Meditation, make sure you install that mod as well. Reply reply Jul 2, 2016 · Click on "Witcher 3 Wild Hunt" in the taskbar. So its basically asking for what you want as a result as the software cant decide for you. 7) When you uninstall or update one of the mods included in a merge, Script Merger will detect the change & prompt you to delete affected merges. Aerondight Improved : Always Active Puppet or Alternate Signs : Always Active Rend and Whirl : Bad Wolf's TW3 Video Tutorials Dec 31, 2023 · For easy installation, the original mod is combined into one single mods, so Witcher 3 Mod Manager can install all files. Anyway to fix this? I've also added a screenshot for better understanding. glassfish777 for making Restored Content - Yellow Mutagen. You can't use Aug 23, 2015 · Use Script Merger or Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition, not both. never had any probelms with other games, but anyways, downloaded Script merger and somehow it does not detect any conflics, it sees the mods, scripts,XML,and bundles, but detects no conflicts, I'm wondering if its the versions that are different, since steam is 1. Feb 14, 2017 · I usually install it in the witcher 3 install folder. I, for one, think that these files are a lot easier to merge toge Witcher3Mods is a subreddit centered around the modding community of the newly-released title from CD Projekt Red, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. That is, I first merged mods A and B, and then mod C. I downloaded some mods from nexus and used w3modmanager to add them. Script merger will solve all problems. Then run Script Merger, either it will locate automatically or ask you to set the path line. Witcher3Mods is a subreddit centered around the modding community of the newly-released title from CD Projekt Red, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Make sure you follow installation instructions for each mod. Aerondight Improved : Always Active Puppet or Alternate Signs : Always Active Rend and Whirl : Bad Wolf's TW3 Video Tutorials Use Script Merger or Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition, not both. redswf file. If you want to upgrade, I recommend renaming that directory, to WitcherScriptMerger. External file: tmp-18476THFwqJbCFxEe. Optional Alchemy Refill Patch For Gwent Redux - W3EE - W3EE Redux Pin Teleport Potions Tweaks Quen Discharge Skill Buff Quen Exploding Shield Skill Balanced Save file for final mission of heart and stone (modded) Nov 25, 2024 · For newcomer/beginner: I invite you reading The Tome of Witcher 3 Modding 0 DON'T USE VORTEX!! 1. Use Script Merger to merge . Optional Alchemy Refill Patch For Gwent Redux - W3EE - W3EE Redux Pin Teleport Potions Tweaks Quen Discharge Skill Buff Quen Exploding Shield Skill Balanced Save file for final mission of heart and stone (modded) Use Script Merger or Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition, not both. You don't need to fix those, it's not mergeable, instead the game will choose one to load, in your case it is phoenix lighting. Well it seems simple enough, but apparently the #1 most popular mod that was downloaded over 2 million times isn't added with these programs, so I'm just curious if I have anything to worry about in terms of script merging conflicts, since well, it won't merge as far as I can tell? Use Script Merger or Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition, not both. Aug 25, 2016 · [WIP] Witcher 3 Mod Merger A simple tool which can help you to merge your mods and avoid infamous "Mods limit". Use Script Merger or Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition, not both. Optional Alchemy Refill Patch For Gwent Redux - W3EE - W3EE Redux Pin Teleport Potions Tweaks Quen Discharge Skill Buff Quen Exploding Shield Skill Balanced Save file for final mission of heart and stone (modded) Script Merger или Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition. Detects conflicts between mods & helps you resolve them, either by creating merged files that override the conflicting ones, or by configuring a custom load order for your mods.  -----How To Use Script Merger. You can't use Aug 23, 2015 · Script Merger или Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition. Part 1: I discuss about the setting of the paths to the needed tools Aug 23, 2015 · Script Merger или Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition. On script merger on the left hand side it shows I have bundled text conflicts but after i select everything the "Create selected merge" button is greyed out. Sometimes its a single value. As you see in the screen shot, the mod very definitely is in the directory Script Merger tries to look in. 1. Use Witcher 3 Mod Manager, or extract the files in your Mods folder of the game's directory Witcher 3. The mod detects conflicts between mods and helps you resolve them, either by creating merged files that override the conflicting ones, or by configuring a custom load order for your mods. Dec 1, 2016 · 巫师3 MOD脚本合并工具 Witcher Script Merger 详细使用方法(详细,详细,详细,很详细,重要的多说几遍) ,3DMGAME论坛 设为首页 收藏本站 开启辅助访问 Unable to merge "Bundled text" conflicts in script merger I've already asked this question on the forums for the mod and on the nexus forums but no one replied so I decided to post it here. Aerondight Improved : Always Active Puppet or Alternate Signs : Always Active Rend and Whirl : Bad Wolf's TW3 Video Tutorials I'm brand new to modding, but I went with this Witcher 3 Mod Manager + Script Merger combo to simplify the process. Click behind the text in the bar, and copy whats there. Despite the name, Script Merger detects mod conflicts in . 6. Dec 20, 2018 · Script Mergerの使用方法. Depending on your mods, some merges may require basic understanding of Jul 27, 2023 · Vortex installs the regular Script Merger automatically in the [Witcher 3]\WitcherScriptMerger directory. Launch Script Merger and make sure the compatible has higher priority than the original mods. Reported by: jlehtira Apr 6, 2023 · This mod was designed to minimize conflict with most other mods out there. Aerondight Improved : Always Active Puppet or Alternate Signs : Always Active Rend and Whirl : Bad Wolf's TW3 Video Tutorials So I decided to come back to the Witcher 3 after quite a while, on a fresh install, downloaded the witcher 3 mod manager along with the script merger and a few mods, and while the script merger is able to detect conflicts, when it come to resolving them it says it's waiting for KDiff3 to close and, well that's it nothing happens, KDiff3 apparently does not close and the script merger doesn Aug 23, 2015 · Use Script Merger or Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition, not both. Now that we're all set up, time to merge the scripts!  . This leads me to believe that the Script Merger isn't working correctly. Aerondight Improved : Always Active Puppet or Alternate Signs : Always Active Rend and Whirl : Bad Wolf's TW3 Video Tutorials May 29, 2020 · Just move the "Mods" and "bin" folders to your main Witcher 3 directory. Make sure to enable the mod in the in-game settings. Any and all posts are welcome on this topic, especially in the early days of this game's modding lifespan. config 把路径删了或改成你巫师3的路径 0. Oddly, script merger is showing that I have script conflicts eventhough all my mods are now uninstalled. sometimes its sections. Q‹3 ™ý •Ñ¢’Ÿž!µoã’+¸ Õ W‚)ÊiG˜MÑ æk l{/DQ˜Ýdml« r ÃÿA©˜ Î/ ¾] Aug 23, 2015 · Script Merger или Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition. Aug 23, 2015 · Script Merger или Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition. The cyclic merge files created from one mod to another are NOT source of truth, period. Jun 20, 2020 · Also i run script merger and it found some conflicts (39 not mergeable), do i have to do anything about it? Screenshot from Mod Manager as attachment. 2. I dont find the practice intuitive when the mod merger can't auto merge scripts. Optional Alchemy Refill Patch For Gwent Redux - W3EE - W3EE Redux Pin Teleport Potions Tweaks Quen Discharge Skill Buff Quen Exploding Shield Skill Balanced Save file for final mission of heart and stone (modded) 下载后丢进Witcher Script Merger根目录打开就好了. Nov 8, 2024 · Script Merger или Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition. 22 by Mikenekro and TheGuvnor and Lowered Hood Feline and Standart Manticore - Grandmaster Armor Revision by monochrony. Go into script merger settings and uncheck the box for bundles texts. exe” in either “Bin/x64” or “Bin/x64_dx12” of the game. What am I doing wrong also how do I resolve this issue? Thanks!! All you need to is for this game is a program called script merger. However, do not install the tool into “Program Files” or any of the other system protected folders! Aug 23, 2015 · Script Merger или Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition. Then create a new [Witcher 3]\WitcherScriptMerger directory, and extract the . 2 Sep 9, 2015 · W3R: The Wild Hunt Revisited W3R: The Wild Hunt Revisited is the Witcher 3 equivalent to my much-lauded Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition mod guide. ws 2. そもそも「Script Merger」とは、Modの競合を解消する外部ツールになります。ここでは「Script Merger」の使い方も併せて説明します。 ・まずNexusModから「Script Merger 」をダウンロード。終わったらZipファイルを展開して適当なフォルダに置い Using Mod Manager 2 instead of the Witcher-Specific Mod manager from the mod nexus (It seems to not merge the scripts at all, just tell me when there is an issue) I did get successful script merges at one point, but I wanted to add more mods, and then the script merger broke after I made a manual merge. Left are my mods, right is my script merger. Aerondight Improved : Always Active Puppet or Alternate Signs : Always Active Rend and Whirl : Bad Wolf's TW3 Video Tutorials Script Merger is a mod for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Aerondight Improved : Always Active Puppet or Alternate Signs : Always Active Rend and Whirl : Bad Wolf's TW3 Video Tutorials This means you can easily use all these mods together by letting Progress on the Path win any conflicts in the Bundled Non-text - Not Mergeable section of script merger. old. Merges are easy to undo because they don't change the original mod or game files. The game does not recognize these mods and I know for a fact (before moving), that at least five of these mods needed to be merged, to work 100%. From now on Vortex will use SM-FAE, and of course you can also It’s normal that part 1 and 2 and 3 will show conflicts. I installed the mod using Vortex (several times, to get it in the right place, but now it's there). After uninstalling all the mods, Vortex wants me to run Script Merger, so I ran it. Script Merger или Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition. 33 now and Looking for help in understanding how to fix mod merge errors. Optional Alchemy Refill Patch For Gwent Redux - W3EE - W3EE Redux Pin Teleport Potions Tweaks Quen Discharge Skill Buff Quen Exploding Shield Skill Balanced Save file for final mission of heart and stone (modded) So I decided to come back to the Witcher 3 after quite a while, on a fresh install, downloaded the witcher 3 mod manager along with the script merger and a few mods, and while the script merger is able to detect conflicts, when it come to resolving them it says it's waiting for KDiff3 to close and, well that's it nothing happens, KDiff3 apparently does not close and the script merger doesn Jul 12, 2017 · Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You must get permission to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets Aug 23, 2015 · Use Script Merger or Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition, not both. 6 of them are f Aug 23, 2015 · Script Merger или Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition. OPTION 2(conflict fixing): Where script merger says: B<No src line> you have to select that line and tell the script merger to pick A(vanilla) or C(slots slots slots mod) file. im using about 8 mods. Also, follow instructions for Script Merger. bundle packages as well as . exe 汉化打开WitcherScriptMerger_zh-CHS. Check the file path is pointing you to the Witcher 3 main directory, not the mods folder. Then, it helps you resolve them by creating merged versions of conflicting text files. Is safe to ignore it because the same exact file is included in all 3 mods and doesn't matter from where the game loads it. Aerondight Improved : Always Active Puppet or Alternate Signs : Always Active Rend and Whirl : Bad Wolf's TW3 Video Tutorials Aug 23, 2015 · Use Script Merger or Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition, not both. Aerondight Improved : Always Active Puppet or Alternate Signs : Always Active Rend and Whirl : Bad Wolf's TW3 Video Tutorials Script Merger или Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition. Use Script Merger to solve any conflicts. If the game does launch after you uninstall the mods in script merger, add back a couple at a time until you find the mod(s) causing the problem. The Script Merger is a great tool but it is not perfect. Feb 9, 2022 · The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ; Script Merger-Bundled Text The Witcher. 62更新日志 Version 0. I'm not sure how script merger fairs with xml conflicts, because I merge my mods manually. Aerondight Improved : Always Active Puppet or Alternate Signs : Always Active Rend and Whirl : Bad Wolf's TW3 Video Tutorials Jan 24, 2024 · The Witcher 1 Enhanced Editions The Witcher 2 Assassin of King The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Special Thanks Dyvalas for the idea. Jun 22, 2020 · I am having mod issues with Witcher 3, so I uninstalled all my mods to see if this would clear up the issues. <edit> the Script Merger looks a little odd to me. The mod page for the HDMonsters says to put the mod to load before HDRework as I have done hopefully (from what you can see in the screenshot) but I still get errors. 使用原版请打开WitcherScriptMerger. Then run & configure script merger and hit refresh (shouldn't pick up on any mods since you renamed the Mods folder to something else). Should be easier than merging scripts though because the syntax is easier. Open Community · 289 members The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt; The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings script "merger" is basically combining 3 conflicting lines of code and alerts you when it finds a conflict. Oct 10, 2016 · the witcher the witcher 2 (pc) the witcher 2 (xbox) the witcher 3 (pc) the witcher 3 (playstation) the witcher 3 (xbox) the witcher 3 (switch) COMMUNITY FAN ART (THE WITCHER UNIVERSE) FAN ART (CYBERPUNK UNIVERSE) OTHER GAMES BRAZILIAN COMMUNITY ITALIAN COMMUNITY JAPANESE COMMUNITY Sep 19, 2016 · Hello, I wish to use 2 mods that have a conflict. knockdownTypeApplicator. Aerondight Improved : Always Active Puppet or Alternate Signs : Always Active Rend and Whirl : Bad Wolf's TW3 Video Tutorials Jan 25, 2016 · If 2+ mods are installed (for example More Quick Slots and Better Radial Menu) then Script Merger will report a Not Mergeable conflict for hud_radialmenu. 7z there. com/SinitarGaming. exe. when i open up script merger i have 7 plus sighns. config或WitcherScriptMerger_zh-CHS. See screenshot below for illustration of how this will look when the scripts are not merged. Vortex definitely runs into problems with some mods and puts things in the wrong places. [Modding] [Script Merger] Is the "overwrite" warning normal when merging multiple mods? Just wondering if warnings such as these are normal when merging multiple mods in more than one step. Nov 19, 2017 · To install Script Merger download the package from The Witcher 3 Nexus and unpack it to any folder you like, for example, “D:\Witcher-3-Modding\Witcher-3-Script-Merger\”. Select the tick box by 'Scripts' to select everything. Delete your merged files and run Script Merger again to re-merge. Well it seems simple enough, but apparently the #1 most popular mod that was downloaded over 2 million times isn't added with these programs, so I'm just curious if I have anything to worry about in terms of script merging conflicts, since well, it won't merge as far as I can tell? Aug 23, 2015 · Script Merger или Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition. Aeltoth and rfuzzo for the helps of the new script annotations. xmls (if needed) and to identify and resolve any conflicts. But script merger doesn't continue its business. Download below ↓In The Witcher 3 we got thousands of Mods to improve our Gaming experience and Jul 30, 2023 · 7) When you uninstall or update one of the mods included in a merge, Script Merger will detect the change & prompt you to delete affected merges. Jan 18, 2018 · Script Merger就是用来解决这种多个mod争用同一文件的“冲突”的。如果冲突的是文本,Script Merger可以把不同mod的文件整合为单一文件,保证各个mod都被兼顾;如果冲突的是非文本文件,Script Merger可以方便的设置mod的优先级,由玩家决定让游戏加载哪个mod的文件 Apr 6, 2021 · Welcome! If you like my projects and want to suport the channel, consider becoming my patron at https://www. It leaves the original files untouched, but overrides them. You should see a list of conflicts. Then you won’t see any more bundle errors. Aerondight Improved : Always Active Puppet or Alternate Signs : Always Active Rend and Whirl : Bad Wolf's TW3 Video Tutorials Detects conflicts between mods & helps you resolve them, either by creating merged files that override the conflicting ones, or by configuring a custom load order for your mods. Googling '"Skipped Merge" Witcher 3 I'm trying to install mods for my witcher 3. Ok thanks. Paste this into Script Merger. Try not to merge mods with xml files as well leave that for script merger. I knew this was going to be long, but not to where it needs to be broken up into parts. Plus having that setting checked makes script merger start up a lot slower. Please help me! I can't solve this issue. Halk Ultra HD option in textures settings it's just additional tweak, it's not mod off/on switcher, after installation modification works on all ingame settings (ultra, high, medium, low) not only on Halk Ultra HD. Aug 11, 2020 · I can't make Script Merger see any mods at all for Witcher 3. Optional Alchemy Refill Patch For Gwent Redux - W3EE - W3EE Redux Pin Teleport Potions Tweaks Quen Discharge Skill Buff Quen Exploding Shield Skill Balanced Save file for final mission of heart and stone (modded) Dec 1, 2016 · 巫师3 MOD脚本合并工具 Witcher Script Merger 详细使用方法(详细,详细,详细,很详细,重要的多说几遍) ,3DMGAME论坛 设为首页 收藏本站 开启辅助访问 Aug 23, 2015 · Use Script Merger or Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition, not both. Rewards include early Jan 19, 2017 · Trying to install mods, using NMM, but runs into script compilation errorswhy did CD project make such a thing. Sep 28, 2017 · Its probably crap to just ask for that, but if someone out there feels extra generous have successfully accumulated and merged 130 mods to make Witcher 3 into a game I want it to be (overhaul of everything without using any AIO overhauls like W3EE or TES of GhostMode) and took me a very long time Aug 23, 2015 · Script Merger или Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition. In Script Merging Part 3 video, I so how to merge the Non-Bundled XML & Bundled Text files. If you got all your bundles sorted out and don’t need to merge anything, then you can actually disable it in the menu. It can easily screw stuff up because again, it does not use the source of truth (vanilla) to get alterations to merge. Oct 9, 2022 · Many times script merger will NOT merge correctly because only a human can interpret what the merge should consist of. If you don't know what the hell is the mods limit it means that you do not need this tool :) Requirements: 64-bit OS Workflow: Uncooking via wcc all "uncookable" mods Feb 24, 2024 · The patch is already a merge of the W3EER and BiA scripts. Sep 22, 2017 · Hello guys I recently started to use mods in the witcher 3 with Nexus manager great tool of course but I was expecting got trouble with some Mods conflicts so I installed Script merger and I had these mods not mergeable like I show to below. 7z. It doesn't know what to do when the 3 conflicts fall on top of each other. If for example you merge 2 mods, then add a second and merge that to the merged script(s), there is always a very small chance that something may go wrong. If you update a mod & Script Merger doesn't prompt you delete any of that mod's merges, then they weren't affected by the update. Hello, after successfully bundling my mods, I'm still getting the message: Bundled Non-text Not Mergeable for some mods. Know Issue: When you switch to play as Ciri, she will get the cloak and unable to remove it. Run Witcher 3 Mod Manager, same below but this time it will ask to locate “witcher. That’s how script merger works. Namely, Leveling Grandmaster and Viper Witcher Gear for v1. Nov 28, 2022 · When i want to launch my w3 game im getting these errors from my mod manager is there any solution to this? When I want to use my scrip merger to fix that it says there are no conflicts included in scripts only in not mergeable files Jul 19, 2024 · Once all installed, copy and paste the exe tool as shortcut in your “Witcher 3 Modding” folder. Install both Smooth GUI and HD Reworked Project. Nov 18, 2018 · After much experimentation I've found out that any combination of mods works fine with each other, as long as there are no script conflicts (merging scripts doesn't matter). And HD reworked can’t conflict with each other since they’re ordered correctly, as in part 1, 2, and 3. (vertabum from Script Merger) "- Bundled Non-Text - Not Mergeable - gameplay\gui_new\swf\worldmap\panel_worldmap. 4 of witch are conflicting. Macrophobic and Akatoshka7 for inspiration/making the scripts. It just means that it doesn’t need to be and can’t be fixed. What do I need to do to fix this? Script Merger или Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition. The author of w3ee listed the mod in the suggestion section of the description, saying "install only the dlc folder". Используйте только один из них. . 3.  . Just go into the witcher 3 game folder and delete them. Optional Alchemy Refill Patch For Gwent Redux - W3EE - W3EE Redux Pin Teleport Potions Tweaks Quen Discharge Skill Buff Quen Exploding Shield Skill Balanced Save file for final mission of heart and stone (modded) Aug 23, 2015 · Script Merger или Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition. This will ensure that the patch script will be used. Aerondight Improved : Always Active Puppet or Alternate Signs : Always Active Rend and Whirl : Bad Wolf's TW3 Video Tutorials I suggest you un-merge everything and then re-merge them all in one go. Shields is a mod that adds usable shields, and it includes the mod "more robes" inside it, so more armor sets+shields. toxicity. If it’s in the non mergeable section, then it’s ok. Aerondight Improved : Always Active Puppet or Alternate Signs : Always Active Rend and Whirl : Bad Wolf's TW3 Video Tutorials Then try and launch the game, if compilation errors are still appearing then you've probably got mods that aren't fully uninstalled. Aug 23, 2015 · Script Merger tries to make the problem less painful. redswf modColoredMapMarkers_AQO modMapQuestObjectivesFull" Now I'm pretty new to using NMM especially with The Witcher 3 (started playing the game 2 days ago and using NMM yesterday). ws 3. HD textures like Ultra High Definition or HD reworked Project cant be merged unless you know what to look for to remove the bad textures so its best not to merge those. Aerondight Improved : Always Active Puppet or Alternate Signs : Always Active Rend and Whirl : Bad Wolf's TW3 Video Tutorials Nov 3, 2015 · 《巫师3:狂猎》主要人物及怪物图鉴资料 《巫师3:狂猎》全剧情图文攻略(下篇) 《巫师3》推倒女主攻略 快来一亲芳泽吧! 《巫师3:狂猎》各学派套装获取攻略大全 《巫师3:狂猎》全主线与支线任务图文攻略 《巫师3》dlc石之心全流程图文攻略 Aug 23, 2015 · Script Merger или Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition. The path is correct, directing towards my Witcher 3 installation - I just wanted to show you my mods, that they are there. patreon. Aerondight Improved : Always Active Puppet or Alternate Signs : Always Active Rend and Whirl : Bad Wolf's TW3 Video Tutorials Aug 23, 2015 · Script Merger или Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition. Aerondight Improved : Always Active Puppet or Alternate Signs : Always Active Rend and Whirl : Bad Wolf's TW3 Video Tutorials Jan 20, 2016 · hello all im new to witcher 3 modding and this is the first time iv come across a conflict and having to use the script merger and im really really lost with it all and need help. If that works try creating a new \Mods folder and copying a couple of your mods into it and hit refresh until you get to merge some conflicting files etc. Installation Download the main file from Releases , extract the files from the archive and place the folders Mods DLC and Bin in your main Witcher 3 directory. Please remember this before asking for help that the modification is not working. I'm stuck with the screen that says 'waiting for kdiff3 to close'. exe 如果发现打不开文件 请编辑目录下的WitcherScriptMerger. ws scripts. Is there anyone else with this stupid problem? May 4, 2017 · As the title says on script merger on the left hand side it shows I have bundled text conflicts but after i select everything the "Create selected merge" button is greyed out. Feb 14, 2019 · Also no mods by Ramccoid can be merged except blood and weather mods. Mar 18, 2018 · OPTION 1: Delete entire folder /mods/mod0000_mergedfiles/ and run script merger again from the scratch. Note: you can merge the patch with other mods, but you cannot merge the patch with W3EER or BiA. Optional Alchemy Refill Patch For Gwent Redux - W3EE - W3EE Redux Pin Teleport Potions Tweaks Quen Discharge Skill Buff Quen Exploding Shield Skill Balanced Save file for final mission of heart and stone (modded) Aug 23, 2015 · Use Script Merger or Script Merger - Fresh and Automated Edition, not both. Tried manually installing the first couple of times then running Script Merger and merging what I could. ~Other Works~ PaulR0013's Witcher 3 Mod List PaulR0013's Cyberpunk Mod List I've been trying for 4 days to set up mods for The Witcher 3 GOTY (GOG) edition with the most recent patch and I get script errors no matter what I do. MaxStrauss: Pls give us a complete list of all mods you want to install. sdcoiet afrtyj mpxwz ulu vcbw ypjywel helqaq gnqmumik spis wbxx jhqskjr odbwq noaln qchwy iji