Thicc weapon case tarkov market. Flea market price monitoring and tools .

Thicc weapon case tarkov market Feb 9, 2020 · The reason there is a limit is because on most of the barters the price for the traded goods is cheaper than flat out buying the case. Must be level 22 to start this quest. 05 130,000 Roubles 136,500 Roubles with Intelligence Center Level 2 149,500 Roubles with Intelligence Center Level 3 1× T H I C C Can you do that with item cases? I currently have an items case , a back pack and 3 armors inside. I just go to the trader and click the little refresh icon when they have like 5 seconds left before they reset. If you are considering getting a weapons case, I would just save up for a Thicc weapons case. youtube. Thank you for your support! You can see charts example on public pages: Weapon case (Weapons) is a Container in Escape from Tarkov. I took mine yesterday, was looking the timer from the flee market and hit the deal from the store. Please go to user page and buy subscription. Jan 24, 2025 · Flea price monitoring, charts, price history, crafts, barters, btc farm profit, quests, maps, weapon loadouts for Escape From Tarkov Leave a like and subscribe for more enjoyable content. com/c/codacezChannel Membership!https://www. Its my first wipe, have thicc case, didnt know. 1 THICC weapon case for muzzle devices. 2 THICC weapon cases for weapons. 3 mil, and the thicc weapons case with jaeger is about 2. Is it common to sell your Thicc Items case on flea, then use the money from that to do the barter for 1 from Therapist? If I sold it for like 20Mil, I could do the trade to get one back AND add a few GPU's to my bitcoin farm You've got to figure out how your clock is synced with the trade deals. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online • sbamban10. Twenty slots in your stash of weapons cases give you 100 slots and twenty slots in your stash of thiccs give you 180 slots. Reply reply Looks like there is a new barter for a THICC icase, 50 moonshire 30 vodka and 30 whiskey or something along those lines. You are better off selling it and putting that money towards either a THICC items case or a weapons case. Of course new players can get thicc cases, its just a therapist quest or a bit of money. Now with the ability for YOU to edit the size, filter list, and price of ANY case you want. How do you do it? Given Jaegars reset timer on the flea (earlier) is different to his trader timer, do you spam refresh on the flea market screen or do you spam refresh in the trader himself based on the flea market timer? Sep 28, 2023 · It might take up 10 inventory slots but this brilliant weapon case give you 90 inventory slots in return! The THICC Weapon Case can only hold Weapons, Ammunition and Weapon Modes but that’s perfect. PT4How Do I do it? Watch and see for yourself SUBSCRIBE OR THE TARKOV GODS WILL CURSE YOU I collected 150 dog tags and was about to trade for it, then realized how small it was and thought it wasn’t worth it. It can only store: Weapons (Besides melee) Ammunition Weapon mods 1 can be obtained as a - The THICC weapons case trades are worthless - It is more cost efficient to use a THICC items case to store your weapons/weapon parts than a THICC weapons case As you can see, the THICC weapons case is worthless. I know you want to avoid the store, but players will usually sell these at a slightly lower price then the traders. The Weapons Case in Tarkov is more than likely going to be the first "serious" case you purchase in the wipe. Chemistry Closet is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. Once you hit level 30 you will get a quest from therapist and the reward is a thicc items case. Not sure how people are having this much of an issue if they’re truly camping the reset. gunPriceFallback. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online For all those who have stopped playing Tarkov due to recent controversies, what are you playing now? ragsmans according the to tarkov market page is the best vendor buyer at 367318. 5mill Don't do this. So thats 5,5mil Profit for a sold case. Do you guys think it's worth the investment? None, 2 weapon cases gives more space and costs less than a THICC so your best bet is to just put a few in you Thicc items case so you have a spot for all your weapons and gear. same with food i only do the BS trade. Perfect Mediator is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. I’m trying to get a thicc weapons case from L4 Yager. Private Clinic is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. 2 meds cases. Active Escape from Tarkov account. I can’t walk into a fucking McDonalds and say “Sir, I value this Big Mac to be only $0. Reply reply -Scav junk box, first case you buy at therapist 1. (like the bitcoin weapon case trade at mechanic is way overpriced) I have been using a standard account for years. Also, people will sell it later in the wipe for like 12+ million roubles. the timer from the trader and from the flee market ui are different. gg Tradeshield protection. T H I C C Weapon case - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, barters See full list on escapefromtarkov. The people that dont have the trader levels for the barter have to use the Flea Market, The Flea Market is just a marked up price. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Hello, i have a question, wheter or not should i buy a THICC case to store my stuff . From unlocking critical items at traders, PMC experience, stash containers or currency there are I’m not even a streamer and I only play 1-2 hours a day but I have 4 thicc items cases, 5+ regular item cases, 7 scav junk boxes, 4 thicc weapon cases, 4 regular weapon cases, and a shit ton of other cases. Traded some roubles for euros, finished bitcoin level 3. But this is the typical route I take throughout the wipe to get my THICC weapons case Apr 13, 2020 · Hello everyone, I have been trying to buy a THICC Weapon Case for days now and I am unable to. It's the first case that can hold all of your l Flea price monitoring, charts, price history, crafts, barters, btc farm profit, quests, maps, weapon loadouts for Escape From Tarkov Jan 2, 2025 · Historical data available for Pro status only. Trade two weapons cases for THICC weapons case. Not you can’t buy anything from a trader and sell it on the flea market. 5 mil per hour. Usually the reset of the item takes about 30-45 seconds after the timer hits zero so keep clicking refresh and pray. I bought a thicc case like two weeks ago and a thicc weapons case two days ago and I don’t even do the refresh tricks. Tap TAB over and over once timer hits 0. Thicc Weapons case jeager barter hey guys just wanted to ask if it is even possible i have now all the barter items for the TW but you know how it is:( . better off just having 2 weapons cases and putting those weapons cases inside a thicc case or an item's case. For the past two days, I have camped Jaeger for the 2x Weap Case and 2x Ammo Box Barter trade for the THICC Weap case barter. T H I C C Weapon case는 플레이어 창고 내의 공간을 절약하기 위해 사용하는 보관함이다. You get one thicc items for completing private clinic and any subsequent ones are obtained through trader barters. That is all, carry on. I dont even have time to click. 2 weapon cases have 100 slots combined and thicc weapon case only has 94 or 96 slots Reply reply This community has been set to private due negative people! If you want to be apart of this community and be POSITIVE then please request in!! For FabFitFun Subscribers to come talk about your items and what you love or don’t love about them!😍 Codes are not allowed on this subreddit, so if you can’t follow that rule you will be removed from the subreddit. youtub That's way better than buying a thicc weapon case for 9 mil. 탄약 및 무기를 개조하기 위한 보관함. I sold mine to help fund my hideout and bitcoin farm (make sure you can login every 12 hours to collect bitcoins otherwise it's pointless to add more gpus). My strat for Weapon THICC case: Get Bitcoin farm, use expedition fuel, save empty fuel containers, stack pistol cases, trade for weapons case. I for one have 6 weapon cases in one Thicc item case for all my attachments Thicc weapons cases are a trap imho. dev is an open source tool kit for Escape from Tarkov. With a stash value of 100m I sell the class 4s for a loss because I'm a meta slave now. Mine is personally like 30-45 seconds after the timer hits zero that it actually resets the stock, so I just spammed refresh and clicking buy. Jan 2, 2025 · Item case - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, barters Pilot now can show look direction. 02 55,000 Roubles 57,750 Roubles Then 2 THICC Item cases that have all my armours/rigs. so if you want to be hella cheap, camp for days You can find regular weapon cases, med cases, ammo boxes, money cases, small SICC cases & thermo bags that were naturally part of the spawned items in raid. I have gotten 2-4 weapons cases 3 wipes in a row now, always using this method. There is a decent number of them each reset and I refuse to believe that enough people are instantly buying them up, so where tf are they? Bitcoin prices dropped to ~115k Sell price ( Therapist ) and the Barter Trade for the T H I C C Weapons case remained the same ( 38 Bitcoins ) We all get 1 T H I C C Weapons case with FiR status for the quest "Perfect Mediator". I want to put an case inside the backpack inside the original case. Objective . Find 1 Ophthalmoscope in raid Find 1 LEDX Skin Transilluminator in raid Hand over the 1 Ophthalmoscope Hand over the 1 LEDX Skin Transilluminator +30,600 EXP Therapist Rep +0. soo what i wanted to know is if i have to refresh the flea page or is it going to update automaticly when the timer hits 0? SICC cases are honestly only great if you’re getting a lot of dog tags as well as bringing a bunch of keys, otherwise I would just get a key tool or docs case. 1 mill -magazine cases you can make in lavatory -grenade cases you can make in lavatory -docs case, bronze lion, cat statue, 4x horses at therapist? -thicc item case , level 35 , private clinic quest, ledex/oscope -thicc weapon case, level 42 max traders prapor quest 2 weapons cases = 1 thicc weapons case. If you got not enough levels we always can offer our Leveling Service. so for the price of 5 icase and 4 mbss (~7-8mill) you get a 4x4 that holds 256 slots vs thicc item case which only holds 196, for cheaper than a thicc you get 50 more slots T H I C C Weapon case (T H I C C)은 Escape from Tarkov의 보관함 아이템이다. tv/summit1g I personally farm Night factory for money, can get 1-1. You can definitely get a larger effective capacity by nesting other cases in the item case (like ammo boxes or weapon cases) but I believe this is the most we can get with rigs or bags. Thicc may refer to: T H I C C Weapon case, a large weapon-only container; T H I C C item case, a large general purpose container Checkout all information for items, crafts, barters, maps, loot tiers, hideout profits, trader details, a free API, and more with tarkov. and the website the person linked assumes a ledx is 825k. usually its between 880-900, so if you buy them in bulk youll push the price up, spending more. If I ever get 1 I buy 2 just to get rid of them, I'm on a standard account. Increase the stock of Jaeger's THICC Weapons Case barter Suggestion There must only be a couple in stock because I've sat watching the reset on the flea and in his trade screen and they sell out within a second or two. i’m still running out of space in my inventory fml. Sorry for the wall of text, was just wondering if anyone had run through the same line of logic when considering keeping the thicc weapon's case. Normal weapons cases are overpriced atm imo. Reply reply THICC Weapon Case Trade . fandom. Camp the “y” button and get ready to hit purchase. 179 votes, 54 comments. One icase with a few weapons casss inside , or one thicc items case w a ton of weapons cases inside is better Reply reply Since after the wipe the market will consist of only found in raid items, can i still sell the THICC items case to traders or is it only gonna be for hoarding weapon attachments till im lvl 40 Archived post. I also know for a fact that you cannot put thicc wcases, icases, or other thicc icases into a thicc icase however you can put them in a bag. I go to Mechanic to do the barter trader with Bitcoins but as soon as his inventory refreshes everything is already gone. Please subscribe to support the channel! Aiming for 100k subs!!Thanks for your awesome supportsSupport me with FREE subscribe!Subscribe link : https://youtub Posted by u/Krovaks - No votes and 4 comments The items case offers a lot more space so I was wondering if I could fit weapons in it or attachments, so that I wouldn't have to save up for a weapons case :( Archived post. Cheap tax. Reply reply Nyvkroft Jan 29, 2025 · Flea price monitoring, charts, price history, crafts, barters, btc farm profit, quests, maps, weapon loadouts for Escape From Tarkov To further clarify, on the flea look up THICC Weapon Case, set it to traders only and to show trades. v3. It provides 50 inventory slots in a 5x10 grid and only takes up 10 inventory slots itself. I think those are good changes just get rid of some of the legacy shit. Another has all the mag boxes / ammo boxes / grenades. All about labels. THICC WeaponCase traded via flea market. Global market caps are fun :) It's been 2 years since Pestily taught me how to play Tarkov, this is my best scav raid so far! 8 thicc cases side by side, first one containing my mag cases, money cases, ammo boxes, meds cases and a stack of backpacks, the rest stacking gear. I would say this works about 50/50 for me on the THICC case barter. therapist buys coins for 74146 soo total for 12 is 889752 you would loose quite a bit doing that trade to just sell to ragman. The last is kinda Misc helmets and things I might not run immediately but are really hard to get more of on demand (Tagilla’s shit for example). kinda hard to say for sure which one is cheaper. You cannot find item cases, THICC item cases and THICC weapon cases in that same list. It’s not hard once you know the barters and where to find the items. This here is a good answer. Camping traders does not add to the immersion or intentions of the game. Watch a barter during a trader reset and see when it goes in stock, it's easier to do this from the flea market. 이 보관함은 5x2로 10칸을 차지하고 내부는 6x15로 90칸을 보관할 수 있다. Icases can be bought, same with weapon cases. Reach level 4 loyalty with Ragman Reach level 4 loyalty with Skier Reach level 4 loyalty with Mechanic Reach level 4 loyalty with Peacekeeper Reach level 4 loyalty with Prapor Reach level 4 loyalty with Therapist Reach level 4 loyalty with Jaeger +20,900 EXP Prapor Rep +0. The thing sells for ~6mil on the flea, why not use that to get an items case and 3-4 weapons cases? That'll store way more that the thicc weapons case and only take up 6 more slots in the stash. You can't put thicc weapon cases into ANY case, so they will permanently take up a lot of stash space, which isn't great on standard edition. You will need some ammo cases and other things to trade. Barters are good because it allows people with hood items to get other items they want and would have to otherwise front millions for to trade for with someone else, removing barter just brings rmt back up even harder as people will resort to that for those hard to get items instead No value is what a set market determines it to be lmfao, a bmw is 50k because that’s what it costs after making it with enough to profit. THICC Weapon Case Carry Service is possible in piloted mode (our professional driver Just got Jaeger maxed out so I tried to do the trade for the THICC Weapons case - but two restocks in a row, the moment it restocks it says "Offer Not Sold" and looks to be out of stock on the Flea Market side. you can put icase in mbss and mbss in icase. dev! A free, community made, and open source ecosystem of Escape from Tarkov tools and guides. It’s all about how much of a hoarder you are honestly. Flea market price monitoring and tools Has anyone else had a problem with trying to barter for a thicc weapons case from jager because it sells out too fast is that because there are so few per restock or is it something else Archived post. I crafted weapon cases with the Christmas Event, they are 2,5-3mil right now, you need two weapon cases and two ammo cases, so that's around 6,5mil, thicc weapon case is 8-9mil in flea right now. It's not a scam if u read. Locate Sanitar's office in the health resort Survive and extract from the location +13,400 EXP Mechanic Rep +0. Or he’ll even sell a found in race THICC case. I think prapor throws u a thicc weapon case with some quest too. Tarkov THICC Weapon Case Boost Service Requirements. This mod combines my SICC_Intel mod with some changes I wanted to make to the THICC Weapons case. Character level 15. Unless if you're an insane hoarder I just don't see a reason to keep the thing. 5 - 1 mil/hour; I know there are good items on Reserve that you can rush, don't know about them personally. 5 Weapons cases inside of item cases makes more sense space wise and money wise because you get alot more space for the money 15mil(assuming you can get them at 3mil)for 250slots as opposed to 11mil for 90 spots in the thicc weapons case No, generally people barter trade the thicc items case on the flea for like green key card or some shit. Therapist has a nice key tool trade as well. You could at least be correct about the stupid shit you are saying. Prices for the Weapons case are ~6mil on the Flea, with 500k market fee's. Tarkov Flea Market; Tarkov Latest Changes; Perfect Mediator . Jan 2, 2025 · Historical data available for Pro status only. No dice. I understand removing the lvl 40 THICC weapons case from prapor, but not the THICC icase since it requires (3) LEDX. 1 item case that has a couple holodniks in it for food/water/barter items (Aquamari, sugar, moonshine). ADMIN MOD Thicc weapon case barter . I have tried from the trader screen and market screen. Also Finally got to 33 this wipe for the first time and I just want to barter for that Jaegar 4 thicc weapons case. Tarkov Market. I wouldn't worry about buying cases at all. The weapon case trades are excellent with both of them giving more value than straight up selling the coins (Id heavily advice the THICC ones) The 4bc for a crazy AK is worth it because the attachments add up to more than the gun is worth (the thermal itself is worth nearly as much as 4bc) If you already have enough money and a maxed hideout then there isn't much reason to sell the thicc item case. Unless it's a key tool, docs case or sicc case. BUUUUT you can put weapons cases in items cases. I could buy 3 more now if I wanted. Is this a bug or are they really going that fast? Edit: It says Limit 0 - do i need to do a task first? The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online Russian community video about whole EFT situation and more more! I know for a fact you can put weapon cases, meds cases, money cases, docs cases, ammo cases, mags cases wallets, and pistol cases in thicc icases. Do it again. Just get an "Offer Was Sold" dialogue box. The Weapon case is a container with the purpose of saving space within the player's inventory. which its usually not. Flea price monitoring, charts, price history, crafts, barters, btc farm profit, quests, maps, weapon loadouts for Escape From Tarkov I've done some math, and doing the mechanic barter trade for the normal weapon case adds up to about 1. a thicc weapons case only has the storage of 2 weapons cases, but costs more than 2 weapons cases. com Dec 11, 2024 · Buy EFT weapons, Escape from Tarkov keys, Escape From Tarkov secure containers or EFT containers safely from other players with Eldorado. i have other cases , 2 ammo boxes (might get a 3rd) , 2 medcases full , 2 scav boxes mostly full , 4 docs case with keys for each map , 2 mags cases ( i will get a 3rd to craft a scav junkbox later maybe to sell or build the scav case if i get The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games shahi000. the total cost is about 2-3 M for the THICC weapons case. The gunsmith quest from mechanic will reward you with a magazine case and 2 ammo cases. Dec 21, 2024 · Last Updated on by Samuel Franklin Focus on important Tarkov tasks that maximise your quest rewards and quest tree progress. I am just an honest player trying to buy just on THICC Weapon Case Trade Service Includes. 3 Icases, 4 Junkboxes (formally 5 but Scav case demanded blood), and 3 Thicc boys (two Item one Weapon). With all three of those set you can just double press spam tab refreshing the flea market during the downtime of the trader reset and you'll likely get it the first few seconds. I refresh right at restock, and it resets the timer with no new restock, but restocks everything else. Must be level 35 to start this quest. Sold the FIR Thicc case from therapist. After this click login. Posted by u/Veneye - 3 votes and 6 comments You can put weapon cases in your item case and that will give you way more space than a THICC weapon case orverall if you fill the item case with them over time. One Icase for example has nothing but weapon cases in it. Flea price minus listing fee of a thicc weapon case is right around the value of the 38 bitcoins that barter for it. Thicc may refer to: T H I C C Weapon case, a large weapon-only container T H I C C item case, a large general purpose container This might be controversial but I never thought the thicc weapons case was worth the money, I always just got 10 items cases, you can put guns in them too and the price per slot gained is like 10% what a thicc case costs. Its only the thicc weapons case that can't go into backpacks anymore. More room for your stash. A storage case for weapons, ammunition, and weapon parts. . It is designed and maintained by the community to help you with quests, flea market trading, and improving your game!. then approx 10-12 i cases leaving 2x1 slots in between which is filled in with 2/3 thicc weapon cases - this pretty much sits flush in the stash meaning anything that now goes in stash is directly under my cases. ADMIN MOD THICC weapons case barter Camp from flea Feb 6, 2020 · Summit1G 30+ MILLION RUN on Interchange! THICC CASE!! Escape From TarkovSummit1g's Twitch: https://www. It's 1 hour for a weapon case or few for a THICC weapon case. 05 1,000 Euros 1,050 Euros with Intelligence Center Level 1 1,150 Euros with Intelligence Center Level 2 2× SilencerCo Hybrid 46 multi-caliber sound suppressor 1× Graphics card Unlocks barter I just got the T H I C C weapons case from hitting level 40 and completing “perfect mediator”. You can't get weapon cases, items cases, scav junkbox, sicc case or either thicc case in raid. You'd be taking on the risk of being undercut pretty much just to boost your flea market rep. I would just prefer the extra space for a couple million roubles This allows you to bypass the F5 5sec timeout. the only gear barters i trade for are the aacp and the tactec. It is designed and maintained by the community to help you with quests, flea market trading, and improving your game! Nov 28, 2024 · Mallette T H I C C pour armes d'épaule - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, barters Filter by the item to get to the flea, set the flea market filters to traders only, barter only, and make sure it remembers selected filters. So I lose money. Thank you for your support! You can see charts example on public pages: The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games. This was made a thing when you could buy items from the trader and sell them on the flea market. 1 mil. I trade mine for 45 gpu, thicc case and thicc weapon case. 2 weapon case + 2 ammo case for a thicc weapon case (jager 4) ~2. I am level 39 and you get a free THICC Items case from therapist (which I have) and a THICC weapons case from Prapor at level 42 (when all traders are maxed). Kind of a bad response, but doing quests to get the THICC case is a great way. tarkov. The most popular and in-demand Tarkov Items are thicc weapon case, thicc items case, arsenal storage room keys, graphics card tarkov, reserve keys, access keycards and Lab red Iirc, thicc weapons case has 90 cells and a regular weapons case has 50. 1 THICC weapon case for optics + other mods. Unless you're stashing your ammo in the thicc then I think it's worth it. This fixes issue with guns like the G28 or the Mk47 which were ~25k (their handbook price). 무기 , 탄약 및 무기 부품만 보관할 수 Do the motor/aesa weapon case trade with mechanic if u do have that unlocked. its gonna heavily depend on when youre buying the items, and if you wait to buy the cheaper ones under specific amount so. Good points though, nvr really thought too hard about the actual cost ratio of spacing like that. Plus in the case of the Flea Market being in the game. I just want the barter to be accessible brotha. Reach LVL 4 With all Traders You will get a THICC Weapon Case 😉 ah that makes sense. It shows 60 available but doesn't say pack, pack is there to show u that u get all. However, one thing to consider is that you can put a regular weapon case in other items cases/Thicc items cases. I have like 15 bitcoins from the bitcoin farm, but since they’re like 250k each I’m wondering what the cheapest way to get the two weapon cases is. You can get docs case, food case, money case, keytool, med case, grenade case, magazine box, and ammo box from either marked room or random loot spawns like giving tree or specific warehouse shelves in customs. Feb 10, 2022 · Sick of swapping between docs cases and SICC pouches? Well now you can ditch the Docs for SICC and stop the swap. Say you sell it for 12 million roubles (the going rate on tarkov-market), you only have to Historical data available for Pro status only. You lucky thing! Case Rejiggler . 58, my reasons are the bun is slightly mushed in at the top, there’s only 1 pickle and you had the audacity to serve it to me” no you fucking idiot lmao a Big Twice today I have sat and watched Mechanic reset waiting to purchase a Thicc Weapon Case (Like I do several times each day), but it hasn't shown up at all today. The Thicc I found one in resort 1st week this wipe. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games A free, community made, and open source ecosystem of Escape from Tarkov tools and guides. This value can be changed in advancedConfig. ive only done the smaller barters(RR, sicc case, weapons case, tac-tec, 50-rounders) so i never had the need for a 2nd one or more. Yeah Troopers are basically all I hold on to for the slick trade. (I do see that theres a bitcoin trade which probably explains the 5mil price, but Bitcoins are so high value now that this is a wash. hatchet run Interchange (hidden cashes route or old Technolight route) to get 0. true. twitch. It honestly opinion because you can fit anything besides other thicc cases and the items case but i personally stack large backpacks (attack 2, raid, couch) and armor into the case. Yeah, I'm aware of what a thicc case is but what do you mean "come across" them. I am lvl 22, STANDARD ACC and i have around 27 mil rubles + 8 btc. I have one thicc items case, thicc weapons case, 2 scav cases, one med case, one food case, and 2 ammo cases. The unofficial subreddit for the video game Escape From Tarkov developed by BattleState Games Members Online Day 4 of asking BSG to implement a phone-number/MFA required server(s). Item cases take up 16 slots and have 64 slot capacity and can be expanded up to 144 slots using stuff that's easy to find in raid or on the flea market. Thank you for your support! You can see charts example on public pages: Just like the thicc items case (now that you can't put i-cases in MBSS inside them) the thicc weapons case is just way too much for the "benefit" it provides over regular weapons cases If you get to the point where you need more than one, you should probably just sell some of the weapons you're HOARDING THICC Weapon Case! For Free. A free, community made, and open source ecosystem of Escape from Tarkov tools and guides. Other than status and marginally optimizing stash space, there isn't a really good trade in my opinion. If BSG truly wants the thicc weapon's case to be worth the money, then it absolutely needs to fit into an items case. They’re both 5x2 but the Thicc is considerably bigger inside. Feb 11, 2023 · Added custom price overrides for Weapon Case and THICC Weapon Case; For guns that don't have a flea price such many blacklisted high power rifles, the flea price is set to 100k. You should be able to store a good amount inside this case thanks to the 90 inventory slots the THICC Weapon Case contains. Around 30seconds after timer hits 0 you'll see the item show up in stock. I can see it being useful, but I could honestly really use the money. With hundreds of difficult quests with different requirements it is easy for players to get lost or miss out on the best quest rewards by focusing on the wrong task order. I just craft and buy most of the items. Other Channel For Other Games - https://www. i already bought 2 weapon cases, w mag cases and an ammo case but. Right now, I'm sitting at 20 million roubles and a near full LVL 4 stash due to weapons. xzboh qrb uaerood gbk ldxyp rozpt feaaczn wed lbb cwmhn eddbr ubh oytsy dieluc dioscy