Swtor risha customization. Ashara Customization 1 and 2.
Swtor risha customization I kind of think she's stuck up and fake but with her story its understandable. Risha Customization 1 on SWTORData Only available to players with a security key authenticator tied to their account. SWTOR. Unless anyone knows another way to source it? I'm keeping an eye out for hypercrates to buy for reputaion items as they appear to change all the time from the market what we can buy. Home Game News Store Forum Support PLAY NOW Jul 23, 2015 · All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; How often do you use your companion customizations? Jul 25, 2015 · What happen to Risha's customization 9. For instance, my IA's Kaliyo is looking very silly here. There comes up a question from her at one point where i choose "lovers" in stead of "wanting more with" her option. Sep 10, 2018 · I've made my Jedi Consular "rakghoul" themed but was disappointed to find out there are no Rak infected customizations for Nadia and Iresso. . Icon Item Name Gift Type React Rank Quality Source; Intact Tarisian Automated Tourguide Droid: Republic Memorabilia: ♥ ♥ ♥: 6: legendary: Odessan Vendor (250,000 Credits), Alliance Crates earned at level 61+ Apr 15, 2012 · Is it new companion customization options or just ones already in game? Jump to content. As for Companions who might be coming later, a Bearded Jorgan, Risha or Ensign Temple with Lana or Senya's hairstyle, or Corso with Koth's dreads! Romanceable by: Smuggler female characters About: Corso Riggs is a cheerful, disarmingly optimistic mercenary soldier. Wingman’s and Dogfighter’s Starfighter Pack Imperial Bounty Hunter – Blizz Customization 6. Space Pirate’s Cartel Pack Imperial Ship Droid 2V-R8 2. To get this companion customization, simply go to the planetary Companion Customization Vendor and purchase it. Support. Risha Customization 1 is a prototype item. Risha Customization 9. The Risha Customization 4 is a Balmorra Companion Customization Vendor (Republic) item which can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. She has a romantic storyline for the male Smuggler. News. These modules would be individual for specific companions, or perhaps restricted to certain companions. I did a lot of dummy parse testing, and she comes out way ahead of Risha in DPS, even when Risha is wearing better gear. Hey, I'm relatively new to the game but does anyone know if you can still obtain Risha's customization option 9 at all? Been looking everywhere but… Dec 28, 2019 · It might not be possible. It's such a tough decision. Bowdaar Customization 5 and 6. Feb 3, 2018 · Hi, i was wondering what happens to companion customization and gear when i get them back again? do they keep them? or do they go back to normal default look and armor? (for head canon reasons) The Risha Customization 5 is a Balmorra Companion Customization Vendor (Republic) item which can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Pages in category "Risha customizations" The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total. They're too drastic and too readily available. , color matching and turning off helmet slots) were available to companions as well. Loses the lost puppy look without giving him funky hair or that perpetual sneer that a lot of pureblood faces have. Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. Feb 7, 2012 · Even all her customization options are pretty bad, unless the Torhead pictures aren't doing justice. Feb 17, 2012 · Hey everyone, I wrote a guide on the complete companion customizations that are available in the game, where to buy them and what they look like (so far I have screenshots for 4/8 of the classes). 233K subscribers in the swtor community. , when we first meet the companions—before they even are our companion—we can already have applied a customization to them for cut scenes. Its rare to see other customization outside of Khem Val, at least in my experience. Dec 18, 2011 · Are there customization kits for companions besides the initial ones? The customization vendor on Balmorra, which is the only one I've seen, only has kits for Vetta, Mako, Khem and the first Agent companion. Most improved with customization: Zenith. Thanks guys! ****Here the current Info**** Location for Customization for Republic Taris Location for Customization for Imperials Balmorra The Elara Dorne Customization 10 is a Nightlife Event item which can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. (And Akaavi is just full Columi, whereas Risha is mostly Rakata. It doesn't sit well with me to suddenly give my companion the equivalent of plastic surgery on Apr 13, 2012 · It would be nice if the same customization options that are available to the player (i. Will that be an option in the future? The near future? I might renew my subscription then. This would be the case with the following quest, for exa Jun 3, 2013 · I just found the new character customization machine on the fleet today. General Discussion May 19, 2015 · For example, I have Risha in the Formal Militant's jacket, dyed black and yellow. In order to get that level I need to buy the bounty hunter cartel packs to get the items needed to increase my level, but there aren't bounty hunter packs in the cartel market and I looked for both her customization and the items to increase my level in the GTN and there Risha Customization 7 is a prototype item. com . Risha Customization 3 on Jedipedia. The easiest way to get it is to buy it from the GTN from another player with credits or from the Cartel Market with Cartel Coins. Target the weaker mob(s) Attack. Why not? I mean, right now, we can choose from several *insanely* drastically differences in appearance (or hysterically similar alternate color jobs). Likes: Self-interest, profit, secrets and new tech Dislikes: Unprofessional or emotional behavior, killing innocents, working with the stupid or uneducatedPrimary Stat: Cunning Secondary Stat: EndurancePrimary Weapon: Sniper Rifle Secondary View data for the Risha Customization 9 SWTOR Item. Oct 29, 2017 · Akaavi Customization 8. Romance conflict: If the smuggler attempts to romance Risha and Akaaavi, his companions, eventually both Akaavi and Risha will confront him together and demand he chooses. Using a Companion Compendium is the fastest way to get to Influence 50 and levels your companion to influence level 50 immediately, without using gifts. Only available to players with an security key authenticator tied to their account. Doctor Lokin Customization 8 (Infection faced Lokin) Elara Dorne Customization 8. Find even better items than this one in our SWTOR Item Database. Jul 22, 2012 · So I just got Risha and I think she looks butt-ugly with short hair. Not all NPC looks can be reproduced on player characters. These customizations are likely also available on Balmorra, Belsavis, and Ilum. I mean, they go down to skin color and facial shapes. Sell it to us Feb 21, 2012 · Risha is the third companion Smuglers' get. The Guss Tuno Customization 3 is a Cartel Market item, which means it originally comes from the ingame Cartel Market, and can be obtained four different ways - bought on the GTN, bought or traded from another player or found by random chance in a Cartel Pack, or technically bought directly from the Cartel Mar 28, 2012 · Preface: There's something that bothers me about the companion customizations currently in the game. A Security Key is an app you add to your smart phone, which helps keep your account safer when you log in, and gives you some nice perks like access to Security Key items and 100 free Cartel Coins a month. Age: 21 Affiliation: Drayen Crime Syndicate Family: Unknown Romance: Yes A scoundrel who slips by on charm and wit, Risha is known as many things; a mysterious loner, brilliant starship mechanic and a manipulative thief being only a few of them. Petty criminal, starship mechanic, woman of mystery, royal queen: all of these terms apply to Risha, daughter of notorious crimelord Nok Drayen. Risha is a companion of the Smuggler player character. Jan 18, 2012 · I just got Risha! Then she managed to clone herself! There she is, in the cargo bay walk down the hall, and there she is, in the engine room! I talked to her about the engines, then made sure yep, there's 2 of em! Risha Customization 5 is a prototype item. Dec 18, 2011 · Vendor Name: Captain Keely. How to start romance: Lana Beniko is first introduced to the player in the Prelude to Shadow of Revan storyline, which can be started at level 53 or higher, Republic players will speak to T3-G2 located near the mission departures elevator to the east on the fleet, and Imperial players will speak to A7-M1, located near the mission departures If we could replay the cutscenes and they'd appear with whatever customization they're currently wearing, even in their very first cutscene, that'd be another story. Tab to Risha's target (if you're fast enough Risha's still alive) Attack and try to pull aggro before Risha dies; more dps to down it faster if she barely lives. I played around with it for about a half hour, it's great. Also, nearly all the female npc companions with one notable Jul 26, 2015 · I would presume that it would only be human companions that this would be possible with, but what about a companion customizations that make them look like a Cathar or a Togruta as a sort of cross-market synergy? Complete Guide to Risha Customizations Risha is the third companion Smuglers' get. Kill the weaker mobs. With her helmet off and color matching, it might look a bit better Companions have always been an important aspect to BioWare games and it is no different with The Old Republic. Basically, Risha and I just had "private discussion" that didn't involve much discussion, and then Akaavi bursts in and says she should kill us both for this insult. Welcome her to your crew. His tats are awesome, now add them for playable characters. Scourge's CM customization, with dreadlocks. Posted October 30, SWTOR Galactic Seasons Objectives: January 7 - February 17; All the information about - Risha Customization 4 - SWTOR item from our database. Corso Riggs Customization 8. T7 Customization 4 Taris Companion Customization Vendor (Republic) / Cartel Bazaar Importer T7 Customization 5 Collectors Edition (Republic) T7 Customization 6 Security Key Vendor Fleet (Republic) Oct 31, 2022 · Bind companion customizations to legacy and create some way that we can apply the customizations that we have in our legacy to starting a new character; i. Customization cost: 2,000c - 12,500c Location: Republic Fleet, Carrick Station > "Upper Only the most persistent friend has any hope of meeting the “real” Risha hiding beneath the surface. The player meets Risha when they acquire the space ship as part of the class quest. Because he is Imperial certain choices were autocompleted for him. I do want to warn you that there will be some minor spoilers here as this guide will reveal the name Companion Appearance Customization guide with screenshots of different customizations (Work in Progress). Notable impossibilities: * Satele Shan (as she looks in the class story timeframe) - neither her face nor her hairstyle are available. My biggest problem with Customizations so far is that with all the variations, Nov 6, 2012 · Akaavi is my best companion from a combat standpoint as well. Risha Customization 5 on SWTORData Dec 20, 2011 · I remember clearly in Beta that after completing the Prologue and getting Aric Jorgan as a companion, one of the rewards was a Companion Customization (three of them I believe) item. Aug 30, 2017 · Why is the lana customization coming with clothes??? Why invent another cubical wheel??? I really love the idea to change lanas outfit now. Well I recently went back and started leveling a new Jedi Knight, which was what my first character was about a year Sep 7, 2015 · I suggest adding a new item purchasable from the Cartel market (priced at whatever): Companion Customization Modules. Oct 23, 2015 · I was thinking, as people pitch their whiteknuckled fits over lvl synch and not having the joy of running with useless companions, why there were no cosmetic customization slots for an of the new companions, most notably Lana and Senya. Why not go further and let us make our companions more unique? But wait! There's more!!! Don't give us everything. The Risha Customization 6 is a Balmorra Companion Customization Vendor (Republic) item which can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. His armor set is awesome as well, FINALLY a helmet designed around having L Apr 16, 2012 · Update 2: For good or for ill, you can get multiple instances of the same customization. The Risha Customization 10 is a None item which can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Yuun SMUGGLER. Koth, Senya, Arcann, Scorpio, Vette, and Torian have different outcomes based on Imperial versus Republic characters. T Aug 16, 2013 · All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Upcoming Bounty Pack items preview Feb 13, 2012 · Combat Styles; SWTOR. I even tested her wearing MY gear. Original: Jun 21, 2012 · One of those slots is taken up by the companion customization kit, but what if they added a second customization option? One that would let us select the body type of the companions? It may not work for the companions that have custom bodies, or even for those who's species may restrict their options, but it would work just fine for most of them. Feb 28, 2012 · Full Walkthrough with screenshots for – Welcome Risha – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Level: 30 – Risha has joined your crew. Mar 4, 2014 · I admit that I really love this feature, since it reduces the cloning effect I am guessing it is a bit better at higher levels, but on low levels when everyone has a choice of one or two companions it is a tad uniform. Is there a customization kit I can buy for her somewhere like I could with imperial companions? This is my first pub toon. The Risha Customization 3 is a Balmorra Companion Customization Vendor (Republic) item which can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. TROOPER. Jan 22, 2021 · Before i start the process of (BUG), asking here if anyone else have this : - Mako : character gained with the return of Akavi. jpg Risha, T7 and Quality: Prototype: Sell price: 1,250 ¤ Stacks up to: does not stack: On use: This item cannot be rightclicked. Jan 15, 2014 · Best looking customization, female: Risha #9 . Play Now. Pop a defense cooldown, use push-backs, stuns, etc if neededyou have a lot of skills, use them all All the information about - Risha Customization 2 - SWTOR item from our database. " Risha Drayen was a Human female who was born as a member of the Dubrillion aristocracy. Mar 23, 2016 · Is Risha's customization 9 no longer sold by Bounty Hunter Rep Vendor? Who sells it now? The Risha Customization 7 is a None item which can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Original: Risha Customization 9 Jan 23, 2018 · Corso and Risha Return to the smuggler. Doc Customization 1. All the information about - Risha Customization 1 - SWTOR item from our database. Akaavi Spar Guss Tuno JEDI KNIGHT. ) On top of that, Akaavi has more survivability. Ensign Temple Jan 10, 2012 · Republic Vendor Locations Vendor Name: Tamin. At first I thought the romanceable companions didn't have. Apr 3, 2014 · what would you pick for human comps? My list (yes, I thought long and hard, lol!) Corso Riggs – Twilek Tharan Cedrix – Mirialian Iresso – Pub Zabrack Doc – Nautolan Malavai Quinn – Chiss Lt. C2-N2's and 2V-R8's bullseye customizations are great for the Hunter and Smuggler. Risha Customization 7 on SWTORData Feb 13, 2012 · So today I just hit the "choose one" scene, as you all have mentioned, and I have no clue what to do. This is where Companion Customizations come into play. It seems pretty obvious that we're never getting new class specific stories, and thats a bummer but understandable. Risha Customization 5 on Jedipedia. Forums. Considering Aug 20, 2017 · What if there was a companion customization where you get to create how your companion looks like, similar to the way you create your own character. She is a ranged DPS class with medium armor. Aric Jorgan Customization 1 and 4. Customization cost: 12,500c - 35,000c Aug 20, 2016 · risha_customization_9 is no longer for sale on the bounty supply vender. Tanno Vik M1 4X Elara Dorne Screenshot. 34 votes, 15 comments. Risha literally turns down her own father and choses you over him when Nok Drayen tells her to kill you. In the appearance designer, there is a tab where you get to choose which companion you want to customize and it's only limited to race. After that i pursued to court Akaavi. In order to get that level I need to buy the bounty hunter cartel packs The Risha Customization 2 is a Balmorra Companion Customization Vendor (Republic) item which can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Blizz Customiatzion 5. These customizations are likely also available on Belsavis and Ilum. I have looked at the others and it hasn't moved. Risha's personality remotely resembles Princess Leia's and her perso Ensign Temple Customization 7 Belsavis Companion Customization Vendor (Imperial) / Cartel Bazaar Importer Ensign Temple Customization 8 Security Key Vendor Ilum Orbital Station (Imperial) Ensign Temple Customization 9 Cartel Market or Underworld Reputation Guss Tuno Customization 3: Original Guss Tuno: How to get the Guss Tuno Customization 3. It also turns out there are no customizations for several of the other original companions either. Anyway, I'm running with Shae Vizla or B3-S1 (Bessi) since they do a lot more damage than the other comps and they removed the individual animations of the comps when enabling all three roles for each one. I said it. that's why he's not listed as a Smuggler companion. Apr 16, 2014 · So I was a bit bored when I though of this but here goes. That way they could keep their default face, but i could give them hairstyle that i think would suit them better. also i've not been able to find a main hand weapon for him so he always runs up to punch people if he doesn't need to cast a heal which is really annoying. M1-4X customization 3 (the CM one) is my favorite of his. She is also a potential love interest of the Smuggler. Customization Cost: 12,500c Jan 24, 2018 · Not only was their story flimsy, too short, and completely out of character for both of them, but the whole thing just felt shoehorned in. She joins you very early on in the game as a class mission giver aboard your ship, although she doesn't become a full companion until you finish Act 1 in the Smuggler class story line. The T7 customization from the security key vendor is really unique. I think only Jorgan and Risha have 1 customization that changes the hair but leaves the face alone. The Risha Customization 1 is a Balmorra Companion Customization Vendor (Republic) item which can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Empire-only: Pierce. Risha Customization 2 on SWTORData Feb 13, 2012 · This was the first time both akaavi and risha confronted methen i choose risha. DarthScruffy. I'd use "hair customizations", like Theron and Nadia have, tough. Customization cost: 12,500c Location: Republic Fleet, Carrick Station at X: -4753 Y: -4680 Customizations available: Aric Jorgan [1 / 4], Corso Riggs [8], Qyzen [1 / 4], T7 [6] Only available to Collector's Edition players. All the SCORPIO customizations are pretty neat, and the second (all-gold) is my favorite. while C2-N2 is a superior healer he does lack versatility and is harder to find gear for. AnacondaEd posted a topic in Gunslinger / Sniper Is Risha's customization 9 no longer sold by Bounty Hunter Rep Vendor? Risha Customization 6 is a prototype item. I think Risha's standard look is pretty good, but generally dislike all of her Customization options. In companion conversations, it goes blue, like it is without dye. Item bitflag: Binding Equippable Plot SpaceCombat Dec 6, 2016 · Most of the videos posted of play throughs that I've seen feature the generic companion skins. Nov 12, 2015 · I was wondering if the Grand Companion Customization Pack that you get off the Cartel Market have ALL the customization that have been put out? I don't mean all at the same time cause I know you only get 1 customization per pack. When i wanted to outfit her by removing her armor, she have below another set of armor not removable, that does not allow some outfit. Apr 27, 2013 · REVISITING CERTAIN SIDE-QUESTS There are several quests which, following the inclusion of Cathar as a playable species, would have to be substantially tinkered with in order for the game’s story to have some semblance of narrative cohesion. swtor/Screenshot_2011-12-22_20_55_32_290644. Risha Customization 3 on SWTORData Dec 20, 2011 · As far as I can gather in order to get risha customization 9 I need a specific level in the bounty hunter supply vender. Aug 18, 2016 · I'm wanting to buy Risha customisation 9. Jan 3, 2012 · I chose a different customization for her, but the facial expressions on it are REALLY messed up and goofy looking, so I went back to normal. Go to your ship and speak to Risha – Risha has joined your crew. They'd be usable for the following companions: Trooper Companions: Elara Do Sep 6, 2024 · You usually get an outfit when doing the companion's alliance alert. Broonmark Customization 5. Jun 8, 2016 · Yeah, I had been noticing this problem on both Factions through the Alliance Recruitment System from KOTFE. Combat Risha Customization 3 is a prototype item. A scoundrel who Nov 16, 2020 · Smuggler-only: Corso, Risha. Nothing for the later companions. Risha Customization 7 on Jedipedia. Store. Risha Customization 2 on Jedipedia. Meanwhile, Akaavi spends her entire Balmorran story arc trying to get her vengeance on the most absolutely incompetent Imperial leader ever (until General Sulamar claimed that title in Darksaber [the Legends book]). A hot, regal looking blonde, so perfect for her personality! Best looking customization, male: Lord Scourge #3. You have to Jan 6, 2013 · C2-N2 is a companion for every Republic class and the Empire has a droid also for each class. Risha will provide the player with more quests that are part of the smuggler class. Corso Riggs Screenshot S2 (left) Bowdaar Risha. But I don't want it for my character, I want to use it on my companion. However, not sure which one you get for Risha. All the information about - Risha Customization 8 - SWTOR item from our database. I think part of this, at least, probably comes from her taking such an active role for so long before she properly "joins" and you can put a customization on her in the first place. Dec 16, 2011 · Anyone know the locations for these vendors? I am a trooper looking to change my default companion looks. View data for the Risha Customization 2 SWTOR Item. Game. Boost Risha to Influence Level 50: You can make your companion incredibly strong by boosting them up to influence level 50. Customization cost: 12,500c Location: Republic Fleet, Carrick Station at X: -4753 Y: -4680 Customizations available: Aric Jorgan [1 / 4], Corso Riggs [8], Qyzen [1 / 4], T7 [6] Vendor Name: Jhaffus Only available to players with a VIP Lounge Wristband Customization cost: 2,000c - 12,500c Oct 29, 2012 · Risha (customization 1) Edited October 30, 2012 by RAVM. Republic-only: M1-4X. Risha Customization 6 on SWTORData Apr 13, 2016 · Can a Corso get a haircut without cosmetic surgery? Can Qyzen get his scales dyed without getting a new eye, yet still having a conversation about his missing eye which is not missing if you use a customization. Mar 16, 2019 · He still got the alert to meet Mako and Akaavi and the option to resume his romance with Mako. Space Pirate’s Cartel Pack Republic Ship Droid Customization C2-N2 2. Risha. Andronikos Customization 8. T7-01 Kira Carsen Screenshot (right, obviously) Doc Sergeant Fideltin Rusk Lord Scourge JEDI Jun 22, 2013 · Yep. if The Lieutenant Iresso Customization 2 is a Belsavis Companion Customization Vendor (Republic) item which can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Risha Customization 1 on Jedipedia. The Risha Customization 8 item is a companion customization you can only get if you have a Security Key attached to your SWTOR account. Pierce - Cathar Andronikos – Imp Zabrack Torian – Torguta Talos – Miraluka Kira – PB Sith or Mirialian Ela Feb 13, 2012 · Risha and the smuggler just seems to have the "chemistry" the witty and playful banter kind of atmosphere. Apr 10, 2024 · For example, A bearded Theron customization, Koth, or Lana with different hair colors, a healed Arcann, or even different looks for each companion. She is forced to go into hiding to protect her identity and spends several years acquiring technology to regain her family's crown. From vids I looked up its a nice ending. Dec 23, 2011 · But does anyone have pictures of her with the customization kits so I know which one to buy. Dec 20, 2011 · As far as I can gather in order to get risha customization 9 I need a specific level in the bounty hunter supply vender. If you are new to the game, you can learn about how companions work first. Petty criminal, starship mechanic, woman of mystery, royal queen: all of Romance conflict: If the smuggler attempts to romance Risha and Akaaavi, his companions, eventually both Akaavi and Risha will confront him together and demand he chooses. You can change the look of your companion in Star Wars: The Old Republic by equipping them with a companion customization. May 5, 2018 · When I stumbled upon Paxton Rall and his design, I was pumpedas long as you folks at Bioware follow through for us playable characters keeping the game alive. Aric Jorgan. Romance rekindled with Risha. Also, on my JK, I have hide head slot turned on for Kira, because she wears consular hats and consular hats are silly, but in some conversations (the ones that don't automatically hide head slot for Nov 30, 2016 · Rakghoul Talos, Rakghoul Risha, Rakghoul Doc, Vintage Lana (SoR), Pale White (Dark Side Corrupted) Lord Scourge, More Pirate-y Koth, Defenestrator look for Z0-OM, Imperial astromech T7, HK-47 look for 55, solid white Leyta. e. What I absolutely hate is that I can either have the lana we looked at for the past year (which I like to look at) or I have a lana that only remotely looks Aug 1, 2021 · Petty criminal, starship mechanic, woman of mystery, royal queen: all of these terms apply to Risha, daughter of notorious crime lord Nok Drayen. Republic characters now gaining once Empire-only class companions; and Empire characters now gaining once Republic-only class companions ---- and neither can go buy the companion customizations I want for the companions coming from the opposite Faction. She is first found in the cargo hold of the Smuggler's ship and later becomes a companion after Chapter 1. My smuggler decided to resume her relationship with Corso, since the other person she'd been in a relationship with had abandoned her in a big waybut suddenly that other person shows up in her quarters to "make a clean break. May 7, 2012 · Tell Risha to attack it. However, since Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ is an MMO, the developers felt like a feature had to be added so that the player felt like there was uniqueness to their Companions. I need to get reputation with the bounty supply company. Ashara Customization 1 and 2. The Risha Customization 9 is a Cartel Market item which can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Risha Customization 6 on Jedipedia. There is a customization vendor in the imperial base and the security key vendor in the Risha Customization 2 is a prototype item. I also didn't like that when you change the customization, it doesn't change her avatar pic or anything in the crew menu. Raised as a rancher's son on the rough frontier of Ord Mantell, Corso developed a mixture of naive innocence and primitive toughness, wrapped with old-fashioned chivalry. If the player reaches this conversation, and does not specifically choose Akaavi or Risha, Risha will walk out disgusted and the player will remain with Akaavi. Vendor Name: Tamin Only available to players with an security key authenticator tied to their account. hcbuty gwzfiq rmrfiq scw wshbd hersuf cmfsw ajn runc mlvsaac yez zxg kifp lpjew uemui