Mhw dragon soul kinsect element reddit Its elements go in pairs like this: Ice/Fire -> Dragon -> Escaton -> Fire/Ice -> Dragon -> Escaton and repeat. If you only plan to make one TDS, I'd keep it at raw or an element that works for everything you use IG for. When you do an airborne jump, when you do the straight down dive (and your kinsect is still on your arm/dormant) your kinsect will dart to the ground right in front of you. but i dont think the damage overall increases much with an element especially if you are primarily using the kinsect as the essence delivery device more than for damage. All Kinsects have their own unique properties such as Dust Effect, Attack Type, Power, Heal and even Speed. Foliacath III Forz is prob the best sever, and is a little faster. Monsters who are weak to Dragon Element Damage. Does anyone know the ticket you need for the new rarity 12 dragon soul kinsect? I've read about some speculations about it being event tickets back when Iceborne launched on consoles. It offers you a blunt attack type, which can help supporting I gather that normally the best course of action with Kinsects is to have multiple of your preferred Kinsect(s), each with a different element, and then switch them according to your target’s It doesn't matter because you only get 1 anyways. This means (mathematically) a kinsect is capable of dealing equivalent KO and elemental damage of an end game elder dragon hammer, with roughly half the raw damage (but remember, this IS a kinsect). I personally fall into camp 2. Recommend those 2 for most things. It’ll deal additional elemental damage to a monster based on normal modifiers and the monsters resistance to the element. 5x element, which works out to more than double damage on most hitzones. I don't remember its name off the top of my head. The stats on the Foliacath, except for the power, are all higher than the Nexus and what I want most is speed. Oct 17, 2017 · Dragon Element is a rare ocurrence, Monsters with Dragon Element and gears that are made of them tend to have weakness for Dragon Element themselves, with extra weaknesses for Thunder and Ice depending on the Monster. Rathian; Rathalos; Radobaan Power Charge (red kinsect buff, requires monster ammo) increases your kinsect's raw damage by 50% and your kinsect's elemental damage by 250%. There are videos about this. Can't really go wrong with either. the dust clouds do x amount of status build up however blast clouds do damage immediately. Both options are worth a try, as is using a counter element only team. The dragon soul kinsect is actually not a great kinsect because it has a bad stat spread and doesn't particularly excel at any single aspect. However my other friend at the same point in the game as me says that once we start iceborne all of the beginning armor sets will have way more armor than this stuff and will outclass it. You don't NEED elements, but elemental damage definitely helps. I wasn't able to take individual screenshots of the pieces, but, if I recall correctly it should be like this: Helm - CritBoost + Airborne Chest - CritEye 2 + CritBoost Fire element for lavasioth armor and water for lunastra fire and jyura/barroth mud. If I had to pick I'd pick the glaive though Mar 20, 2024 · True Dragon Soul is a Kinsect in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Soooo it comes to our Kinsect to make up for that damage. It’s weapons that are designed to be more effective against traditional dragons and elder dragons, whether it’s through some physical or magical means is never really The Dragon Soul kinsect is a competitive choice for your kinsect, though. Velk weapons hardly have any element damage on them, and Dragon Soul is in the limbo between slow bug that is good for Descending Trust and comfort fast option, being good at neither. But on top of that you can extract green essence quite easilylatching onto a monster to weaken a part will recall, re-upping power/spirit buffs will recall the kinsect, preparing for a kinsect drill will recall the kinsect, sheathing your weapon will recalland ofc simply recalling the kinsect is pretty fast, faster than going for a potion. His head is a pain in the ass for the IG to hit consistently and break. I also personally would say that learning how to use dust may help also. It doesn’t have the most dragon attack, but is very useful for many matchups before you can max out a Grunge Storm with decos. Other than that, it's just free extra damage if you have the right element. If you are going for tails and have a sever Kinsect, you shoot that tail and let your kinsect do the cutting work, or manually call it to attack that part. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 3 comments Decorations do not affect your kinsect you can only boost it with slinger ammo or your glaive’s kinsect bonus skill, flinch free will increase the bonus from full kinsect bonus, kinsect stats are based solely on the kinsect your weapon element can be different from the bug, Foliacath III Forz (severe/blast) and Gleambeetle III Velox (blunt/poison) are the 2 you want if you’re looking for Nothing affects the kinsect aside from the skill listed on the kinsect glaive itself. No Insect Glaive is complete without a Kinsect! Completing this quest will give you the bright blue Dragon Soul Kinsect, a completely unique Kinsect that will be a perfect match for the Gae Bolg. The dragon soul looks cool but fails performance wise with the glitchy animations and slow movement. Mar 2, 2021 · The Nexus Gae Bolg has an attack of 744, a 10% Affinity boost, 450 Dragon element, high elderseal, an elemental boost Kinsect bonus, white sharpness, and a level four decoration slot. There’s a lot, honestly. Nothing does. To the extent that weapons have roles in MHW, the IG is a melee support weapon. The meta is probably still Foliacath at 15/20, because people love speed. This subreddit is for the discussion of competitive play, national, regional and local meta, news and events surrounding the competitive scene, and for workshopping lists and tactics in the various games that fall under the Warhammer catalogue. Because its fucking ugly. However once Raging Brachy came out it was a strait upgrade. I tried Insect Glaive once I got the Gae Bolg and the Dragon Soul kinsect from Behemoth, and as a Charge Blade starter, the maneuverability and on-demand evasion just called to like a siren song; I haven't gone back, and probably won't. Soul of the Dragoon is unlocked by equipping 3 pieces from the Drachen Alpha Armor Set. TGB gives element bonus to kinsect, so adding dragon element to it is icing on the cake. The number one stat you look for in a kinsect is speed and the Pseudocath beats it by a level. For anyone who doesn't know, if you use the descending thrust with the kinsect on your arm, it'll hang back where you started and then perform a piercing rush straight to your position after you finish. I was at the guiding lands when this happened by the way! Stamina and healing combines both but also makes it so your kinsect stamina depletes slower. It’s already been tested. I have been looking at a dodogma charge blade with blast and I also want one of the dragon element swords, but I don't like the fact that the blast ones have 100 less base damage than my current one and the dragon ones are almost 300 less. Malzeno IG (24 Dragon) Exalted Alucanid AKA - 286 per hit (858 total) Gleambeetle AKA - 221 (663 total) Scorned Magna IG w/ Kinsect Supercharge Exalted Alucanid - 503 per hit (1509 total) Gleambeetle - 397 per hit (1191 per hit) So after all this testing what does it tell us? It will beeline (kinsect line?) towards your position the moment you finish the last swing of the glaive, then either stay still (if you failed to mark) or start attacking. True Dragon Soul Information If you're on pc maybe you can just mod one back in, I'm not on pc so I don't know any of the mods at all so research is on you modding will not get you punished or banned, but if you mess up your game with it capcom will not help out so just don't delete any important files I guess Aug 13, 2020 · Credits and distribution permission. So with the red buff greatly increasing the number of hits per attack, element can get really strong if it. For both camps it's best to have one of each element to properly match the kinsect to your hunt. Oct 19, 2020 · The True Dragon Soul is the best Kinsect in the base game. Bacon Behemoth Poogie Costume In other words, a glaive with high raw and decent element will outperform a glaive with decent raw and high element everytime. It can also heal party members with kinsect clouds, though that is probably not the kinsect's optimal use. So is there in mod I can use to get this kinsect since I was supposed to anyway? Even without experience I’ve been able to meet double the elemental threshold with the kinsect. Add that to dust utility and really only the Pseudocath or Carnage Beetle/Dragon Soul get any love. Dragon is kind if the opposite of Fire in that the stronger the monster the more likely it is to have a Dragon weakness. In order to get this Kinsect, you will need materials from the Behemoth which is a collab monster from FFXIV. I mainly use the Silver Skull-looking kinsect( it’s a R12, but forgot the name), and True Dragon Soul For me: 1-Alatreon 2-True Gae Bolg( HUGE FF fan, so I have like 3 of them layered) 2. e. I've gotten used to using insect glaives and saw that by completing the Final Fantasy quest, one of the rewards is a special dragon-styled kinsect. Because of how it cycles elements, Dragon is better than Thunder or Water. He's the best for DPS with his stats and Blast element. It gives your Kinsect more Stamina and prolongs the 3 Kinsect buffs. raw or element built like raw (so a raw build with an elemental glaive). At mid level, Catastrophe’s Light has great damage and high elderseal. Against monsters with damaging auras and DoT, you want a Heal kinsect, especially in a group. Make sure to have it buffed and with the correct element and it will do a hideous amount of damage. Dragon element is pretty much just like any other elements, each monster have their own weakness to certain elements. 2 Pieces: Elemental Airborne, Elemental damage increased for jumping attacks. Add on the fact that most weapons are 'balanced' where higher raw ones typic A lot of the monsters weak to the Dragon Element happens to be monsters most will consider ancient like Fatalis, Alatreon, Lao Shang Lung, Dalamadur, The Serpents, and Nakarkos for example. The only things that affect the kinsect damage are the level of your glaive (which affects its raw), the anti-species rampage skills (which affect its raw damage) and the BASE element of your glaive (that affects its element, but only for sever kinsects). Best bug is either Dragon Soul or maybe whatever has the highest speed. I love the weapon hate how the kinsect looks on my character. Most of IG's damage comes from Raw in MHW/IB. This Kinsect has a good balance in Power and Speed, and it also has the Blunt Attack Type and the Blast Dust Effect. I believe the kinsect you're referring to is the Dragon Soul kinsect. 5-Shara 3-Guild Palace 4-Raging Brachy 4. I can do it in about 25minutes consistently with IG. Ppl ignore the Whispervesp too much bcuz blunt kinsects definitely serve a purpose. Speed makes it move faster. So while, yes, putting all your points into elemental damage would probably be a bad idea (I just did that for demonstration). Aug 28, 2023 · Since more than one of each Kinsect can be made, it is recommended to have five of each Kinsect, one for each element (this excludes the Dragon Soul and True Dragon, which you can only have one of). Gottagofast. Once you beat him, the dragon soul kinsect is awesome, but I dont use it a lot on elder dragons bcuz I have more bug stamina problems with that one so I'll choose Pseudocath or Whisper. Also never think that aerial is the most optimal Shit. It’s worse power wise by 2 levels but then comes back with better healing by 2 levels, so overall by stats, the Pseudocath has more going for it, not to mention it’s smaller size makes it easier to aim in my opinion. Doing some research in MHW it seems that as far as general use bows go the Black Diablos bow is the best. Make sure to pick appropriate kinsect if your glaive has one of those bonuses. In addition to that it gets lv20 element, which is where most damage comes from (both for kinsect damage and for blast buildup). Make sure that the Kinsect is buffed and the monster’s head (or whatever part you’re aiming for) is weakened. You can command your kinsect to attack after long animations (such as tornado slash) and they will do a slight animation cancel which will not only get you back in the fight a Strength kinsect charge effects: Increases kinsect damage. It depends on what you want to do. Now that it's out on PC and I'm playing it, do any of you console players know the missing mat? Dec 17, 2018 · Soul of the Dragoon is a special Armor Set Bonus Skill in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Only players using the Insect Glaive weapon can use these, and some Insect Glaives can even boost the effects of your Kinsect. There is one minuscule other thing to care about though: A Dragon Kinsect will contribute towards Elder Seal, meaning that is what you want to bring to Safi, otherwise I wouldn't bother not matching what the Hunter's Notes say. For other elements you'd probably be best off building rampage glaives, but those are an absolute pain to build for since you have no slots, worse affinity, and can make your build even more cramped for better dps if you run sharpness type 1 with handicraft and polish. The slower kinsect benefits more from element via kinsect drill procs but a speedier kinsect can still do good elemental damage provided you keep the enemy marked. The slower the kinsect the more it hits. Kinsect buffs and boosts spreadsheet. Go to the official discord on guides on how to play the Japanese version. Great for stuns and headbreaks. The shield and other stuff look dope. 5x raw and 3. I use a slow speed but high damage blast/sever, with a dragon element added and it has a decent heal kinsect. Additionally, it increases status buildup and kinsect healing by 15%, reduces the cooldown between kinsect attacks by 50% and increases individual extract durations by 50%. Sever / Blunt damage increases the damage of your kinsect. thats a horrible list, frostfang barioth not even mentioned when its available early, has purple sharp and spirit and strength boost, multiple elemental glaives mentioned based on high elemental damage when glaive is notoriously horrible with element considering the 0. But for element, you apply 1/10 of the displayed value per hit. However, the damage gain throughout a hunt is minimal since kinsects don't contribute much compared to the actual weapon. The heal being so low makes it slightly worse but it's definitely a usable alternative especially for fashion purposes. With the body, legs, and one other piece you can get Power Prolonger (+30% duration for your Kinsect buffs) and halved Sharpness loss, along with a few points of Blight Resistance, Flinch Free and/or Crit Boost. So if you can't do enough damage to break the horns and skip stages, Dragon is the best for solo. BUT the most balanced, and the one you can use on more fights than others is probably the Nexus Dragon Soul. And a fucking butterfly on your arm. It says the dragon soul has the same speed as pseudocath 3 but it’s much slower in real time. It will be rewarded to you, by the handler quest lady, after successfully defeating Behemoth. can someone from this wonderful community Posted by u/Company_ - 8 votes and 14 comments Title . however I haven't played with them yet so I don't know how good they are. that seems like a bad trade off to me. Dragon element is just another element, really. Psuedocath III My Foliacath III was named friction and my Dragon soul was named Aura Related Topics Monster Hunter: World Action role-playing game Role-playing video game Action game Gaming Does anyone know if this is possible? I've used the dragon soul kinsect for so long and somehow, I just discovered it can pick up 2 buffs before coming back? Is this intention or did something happen to my bug? It seemed like it suddenly had a boost. Camp 1 is Foliacath 3 Forz, which lends to more comfortable hunts because of its high speed. I made two versions of the same Kinsect to test on the Rathian: One with Fire element (resistance) One with Dragon element (weakness) Fighting it in the Special Arena I compared headshot damage with the Kinsect, Fire did 15 damage Dragon also did 15 damage (Both also did 8/9 on body) Agreed, if he would have searched the term “Red Ticket” he would have found a metric boatload of posts all given the same answer. Dragon Soul Information For these purposes I use four kinds of kinsects and crafted each of them five times to cover the monster's elemental weakness. I use the mount strategy, works Fine with randoms, i kill behemoth 20 times in a row. Damagewise it really isn't worth making one kinsect for each element. Assuming you do have IB there was a time when the meta IG was safi, built for raw but with each element as a little "bonus". is high enough In MH4U the effect extender kinsect was the best, it's not that the other kinsects where bad but doubled buff duration was hard to beat. You want an insect for every element if you're actually trying to do the highest damage so you'd only be able to use that kinsect on one element regardless. DQTact is only available in Japanese. I know that the Behemoth quest is near-impossible (especially with randoms!), but are the blood, sweat, and tears worth it? Best Kinsect design but it's pretty lame compared to the better kinsects in MR. Extra tip - I heard a dragon element kinsect has medium elderseal. the faster the weapon, the better element is, the slower the weapon, the better raw damage is, though that doesnt mean raw damage is bad on fast weapons. If you don't deviate, the line is the best to get heal dusts from. Build for raw first, but elements are more damage. Not particularly - it has decent speed and strength but it's not best in class for either. element meta is safi+teo or just the standard MT set no, kinsect deals raw damage unless you give it an element. Dragon Quest Tact is a free-to-play tactical RPG developed by Aiming Inc and published by Square Enix for iOS and Android devices in which we collect monsters from the Dragon Quest saga to team up and participate in turn-based combat. However, with the introduction in Iceborne to the Descending Thrust move, slow and powerful kinsects became a really good option, greatly Hello I may be stupid but recently got back into the game, and tried to equip my old insect glaive build but for some reason I have Vaal Hazaak as my kinsect (full dragon literally on my arm) and the blue final fantasy kinsect is no where to be found. Crossing fingers they add layered option for kinsects. love the look of it so much but locking it to 1 element at a time is sad , so any way to get a new one ? what if i sell it by accident lol I've generally used dragon, because very few monsters in the game resist it and I can't be bothered to swap them in between hunts. Camp 2 is Vezirstag 3 Forz, which outputs more damage. It is also good for applying ailments and statuses to monsters via the glaive and kinsect clouds. It's an addon boost dmg when using the right elements against the right monster, giving the game more depth and rewarding players who actually prepare and research on the monster they fight with. Even with Ibushi and Nakarkos using Dragon Element, they’re still weak to the element. Elemental bonuses don’t. 14 Dragon 14 Power 14 Speed 1 Heal With Dragon Attack 3 on TGB as well, Dragon weak enemies are going to Feb 1, 2024 · Dragon Soul is a Kinsect in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Home for the Monster Hunter: World Reddit community and resource hub Foliacath III Forz mainly, great speed and the blast clouds are insane especially in multiplayer. For your kinsect. Bilbobrix Velox III It’s fast, looks edgy as fuck and uses paralyzing dust; otherwise this is a trash bug. Feb 22, 2024 · Nexus Dragon Soul is a Kinsect in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Nexus has lower speed than Foliacath, lower power than Vezirstag, lv1 heal and lv16 element. Doesn't work against Monsters like Rajang or anyone that moves way too fast for helicopter. I’ll probably skim through the sub a bit, but not as much as I usually do. Nexus Dragon Soul Information As a quick test I just took my MR Nexus Dragon Soul kinsect into a fight with a Low Rank Great Jagras, and just let the Kinsect attack its head non-stop with a massively boosted stamina bar from the Yellow slinger ammo buff whilst I stood there and tried to keep the Jagras still without attacking it so the Kinsect could more accurately attack ^This, Verzirstag equipped with the correct element is the most damaging kinsect and thus best suited for players looking to squeeze out more damage and/or utilize the kinsect drill to it's maximum efficiency. The armor stays good throughout HR, but the weapon and kinsect don’t even make it that far. I want my kinsect to zip in and out and give me boosts and then repeatedly attack the monsters and leave dust clouds while I attack and so far the Nexus just doesn't seem to be able to match the lesser rarity kinsect. A lot of weapons have new upgrades with the mystery red ticket- Dragon soul + Gae Bolg Witcher SNS + DB And definitely more that just aren't coming to mind. Partbreaker does not affect the kinsect. I forgot what the specific name is, but he looks like a white and reddish-pink moth. The downside is you only get 1 kinsect, so gone are the dreams of having 6 (one of every element and a Un-elemented). Get a very slow Kinsect of all 5 Elements. Reply reply Atiouss A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. The important thing is having 2 lunastra armor, i use vambraces and the greaves to get 200 stamina, the rider's charm, and the skill food "felyne rider" So me and my friend beat the big guy today and I did it so I could get the dragon soul kinsect but he hosted, we beat it after a few tries and I didnt get any kinsect even after turning the quest in. Raw is king for most weapons in Worldborne, unless you use DB, Bow, elemental LBG, and to some extent CB and Iceborne HH. It can also be upgraded and is a really powerful kinsect! Having a blunt kinsect can be pretty useful on a hunt, the one lower speed isn’t really that noticeable, having the kinsect cause KO damage can allow for more stubs and you still can sever tails. Posted by u/GarudaHitam - 4 votes and 22 comments - Kinsect will perform piercing attack along with hunter when using descending thrust move (my post from last month with clip) So I just find out that not that the move has multiplier to make kinsect deal higher damage in this move, if combining with right condition, in this case are Element Boost - Sever Boost - Blunt Boost and kinsect type. While IG can attack fast, its element modifiers are meh and its Kinsect Buffs only boost (15%) Raw. In theory it'd be good if not for the lack of decent element glaives. The best absolute best Insect Glaive, as far as I'm concerned, is Empress Cane "Styx" ; but even so, there are plenty of other serviceable Glaives such as: Tyannis Glaive II the thing is though, those cross over events used monsters already in the game who have there own weapons and armor, if with behemoth we only get one weapon it would be very much like deviljho only bringing one weapon. Almost always the raw IG is going to be better than the craftable elemental IG throughout your progression. Outside of that, it's mainly preference, though I'm pretty sure the dust type actually does affect the auto attack rate if you like to leave your Kinsect out to leave dust (Health being the lowest, not sure about the others). Increases the duration of seperate extract buffs by 45s (for when triple buff isn't up) So I spent some time changing my Insect Glaive builds to Raw/Blast rather than the element that the monster was weakest to and it feels like I am taking longer to finish the quests All weapons were the same Safi with the same upgrades, augments, & kinsect (blast dust + element that is best against monster), and the play style is the same each time (50/50 mix of aerial & ground). Soul of the Dragoon Effect. Get Frostfang Barioth Glaive instead, and either use Pseudocath or Verzistag bugs, preferably the latter. IGs with high natural raw and a decent elemental rating will be your best bets. like breaking Behemoths face. Just mod the look of whatever you're using with dragon soul if you want. But elemented its still a really strong kinsect 14 element, 14 strength, 15 speed, 1 heal (So it doesnt fly very far or stay out too long, but a good IG can work around that) Kinsect has two main different camps for what is the best. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances I wouldn't worry too much about element on kinsect unless you hunt something like Alatreon in which getting element on the kinsect would actually prove to be useful. kinsect level is determined by your glaive, and kinsect levels can be augmented via ramp-up Assist type kinsects will attack with you while you perform certain glaive attacks and also extract two types at once, making them the preferred kinsect subtype for most glaive players. Edit to add: you can change your kinsect to Dragon Element. Yeah it will be either. There are a few notable exceptions to this (Vaal Hazak) but they're typically countered by the fact that they're also weak to the more generic elements (Dragon, Ice) so building a fire weapon to counter them is suboptimal. Damage skills don’t affect it. I play a kinsect only meme build. (No effect on attack speed) Element boost increases its element damage. (Kinsect drilling is basically using a slow kinsect to gain absurd damage. See the list below for details on specific monsters. Monster Dropped Slinger Ammo: This is called the "Power" buff and is indicated by a red buff icon. Might change my mind when I get the Stormslinger, though. Decreases autoattack interval when the kinsect is marked, by about 25%. Not exactly true, switch axes have element phials and can deal incredibly good damage with bonuses to elemental damage as well, and chargeblades got a buff to elements and got multi-hit axe mode in iceborne. Basically the main use for Kinsects is to gather Extracts, so only the fastest Kinsects get real love. The kjarr and Luna/xeno weapons are far better. Dragon is a bad element and i hate that kinsect for being slow as shit. Unlike bow and DBs which benefit hugely from crit element, or GS which is almost completely untouched by it, IG is somewhere in between. Also, since kinsect damage relies heavily on element you'll either be giving up a good chunk of your bug damage (up to half in my experience) or constantly hunting for high rank materials to change elements since you can't just make duplicates. In short, it's an average kinsect that is fine to use but excels in nothing. Valstrax is pretty much the only one. The two best kinsects to my understanding are Pseudocath III & True Dragon Soul, but you cannot get True Dragon Soul till after you kill Behemoth for the first time. But at 17/16 the dragon soul is fast enough and has a bit more power. Aug 23, 2020 · Is the Nexus Dragon Soul any good? I was using the Foliacath lll Forz before I got Dragon Soul, I know the Forz is probably a better kinsect overall but is it a huge determent to gameplay to use Dragon Soul? Also I feel slower now that I am not using the Forz does kinsect speed also speed up Glaive combos? 2/ you are missing one item: the Nexus Dragon Soul (the kinsect from FFXV crossover) can be upgraded (nurtured) to R12 using a Unity symbol - "A shocking Climax" Reply reply DevanteWeary Dec 27, 2022 · Dragon Soul Kinsect. generally speaking blast is the best one but anything besides heal is solid really. Don't think there really is a "best". People would recommend a faster moving kinsect, the pink one i think. If you’re using a status glaive, you want a kinsect that leaves the status type of dust. Severing damage kinsects will take whatever element your glaive has. Similarly the Seregios bow was the best bow in the game due to a combination of factors. . Gleambeetle Velox III Very slow but it’s good for Kinsect drills and it does a lot of blunt damage. between Foliacath and Vezirstag) is otherwise much smaller as most of your damage comes from element. it may be a crossover but it is still a full permanent title update monster, its not like the megaman one where you fight a tiny odogaron or such. Vezirstag III Forz if you're using the drill technique. The rarity 7 version is fine. I usually always grab the kinsect with the highest Speed stat for easier time grabbing extracts and then late game, I'll make a kinsect with an element on it. Having found a lot of inconsistent data on the internet regarding how the kinsect boosts (Spirit, Strength) interact with the essence buffs, I decided to do some tests myself. If you want comfort and speed then continue to use foliacath III forz, otherwise go for vezirtag III forz which is the highest damage kinsect in the game but moves slower. Personally I’d go for the Whispervesp for blast, Bullshroud for healing and if you’re not PC you can use the Dragon soul instead of the Whispervest The damage difference between a lv14 and a lv19 power kinsect (i. The skills it gives looks fantastic , it's got high armor, I'm really excited to try and get it along with the Dragon soul kinsect. Kinsect = UGLY AS FUCK. Dragon Soul It's in speedruns where you start noticing its damage deficits (its like the 11th or 12th slowest weapon in the game) or generally when you are on the faster side as a hunter. 5-Velkhana A hybrid of ice element and blast, Fire and Ice was one of the strongest dual blades in base MHW, primarily rivaled by the shocking raw elementless (ugh) DB Diablos Clubs II. It is good for mounting in any situation against any monster. Nothing looks more stupid then having a dragon overlord demon looking armor. Nexus Dragon Soul isn't the greatest but it's still strong and looks great aesthetically (it's a glowing blue aura around your arm when your weapon is sheathed) also faster to obtain if you fight behemoth a couple of times. You want one Kinsect for each element if you're trying to be most optimal with your damage. 540K subscribers in the MonsterHunterWorld community. 8x multipliers on element on majority of attacks and extracts boosting raw damage not element. It's recommended to have a kinsect with each element and then just change kinsects based on the monster you're fighting. (Verzistag Forz) Match the element of the Monster Helicopter till you are about to run out of stamina, keep your Kinsect on your arm Downward Thrust for massive damage with Kinsect Drill. If you use your kinsect to build up KO and exhaust damage, you want a blunt kinsect. The multipler is 1. If you land a perfect DT + Tornado Slash against Fatalis during cone breath you can get around 1800 total damage (using a Fatalis stick and Fatalis armor set with all the DPS skills and food buffs). 7-0. Imo neither. Go Forth My Kinsect! Related Topics Monster Hunter: World Action role-playing game Role-playing video game Action game Gaming Posted by u/SevenSwords97 - 2 votes and 6 comments For the actual Event Quests, one starts on Fire Element and the other starts on Ice Element, and breaking the horn during the Dragon phase locks the element into going back to the original element, so a single element team can work. Meta set is Drachen 4 piece with either Nerg Helm Alpha or Luna chest beta and health augment. The only difference between your manual call (R2+triangle) and the mark call (L2+R2) is that the mark will cause your kinsect to use its dust and will continuously attack without needing There's no "build" that maximizes kinsect damage because kinsect damage is completely unaffected by armor skills or external buffs. Field Slinger Ammo (The type you pick up off the ground): This buff is called the "Spirit" buff, it's indicated by a yellow buff icon. He should be a deviation of the Windchopper. Jul 25, 2019 · As far as I know using elements on kinsects gives you better damage everytime, as long as it's the one the monster is weak to. This was probably the most popular dual blade in base world endgame up until the introduction of Kjarr weapons which eventually became the kings of element, as well as the Wise Fylos and Dragon Soul are both very bad. xtuxy ohwzlifq rpaje bjya zqgczg qei vno rbv pdjfc ilhgb zjf gkgg bxlcpvpl bpyha rpf