How to upload tunes to sct x4 Feb 9, 2016 · Got my tuner a few months ago and was able to load all tunes+options, Decided to try out the Return to Stock option and it doesn't come up. I bought a 6. To begin make sure the vehicle is parked safely and then pop the hood of the truck. Select your configuration file, it should be at the bottom of this list. Apr 16, 2016 · So I'm pretty new to the tuner aspect of diesels. If no custom tunes are listed the device will refer you to our website to find a custom tuning dealer. now i have read on multiple forums to not update these tuners, shouldve looked into it before. now i have tunes and unusable device. ” Select the desired tune from the list of tunes. USING CUSTOM TUNES To install Custom Tunes, select Program Vehicle, and scroll down to the Custom Tunes section. The stock file seems to be in a . Page 7 SECTION 8: LOADING CUSTOM TUNES Download and install the SCT Device Updater software and Drivers From your e-mail, save your custom tunes Desktop. When ever I change a tune using the SCT X4, I have the option of changing the shift points, and also the shift firmness in each gear. The tuner is user friendly and even lets tou choose certain preferences for the pre-loaded tunes. Any tips will be greatly appreciated. The X4 has 2 canned tunes preinstalled, 1 is 'Crown Victoria' and the other is '4. 3 PowerStroke tune. I’m tuning a 2008 mustang gt in the video. Our expert shows you everything you need to know. Highlight the tune under the On Device section, then click Program. Method 2- The traditional way entails the Dealer emailing a tune file and you manually load How to load Emailed Custom Tunes to your X4 Device: 1. I leave mine plugged in for gauges. Data logging is a process in which we take a rea Nov 19, 2008 · SCT programmer issues I had a dealer try to install a sct x3 unit onto my stock 2003. Also here is a video from SCT showing this process as well. 4150 Church St. If this handheld tuner fails (which they do, I had SCT X3 die on me), then I lose my three tunes, which is a major disaster. cf4) file - Video Time Stamp 0:29. Sep 2, 2008 · All you need to do is go to SCT site and down load the LIVE LOAD software to your computer and when you get your tuner you can just upload the new tune to it with the supplied cable. How to Load Custom Time using SCT X4 Install MPT Performance Tune using SCT X4 Turner. we are seeing some repeat so do you think that your tune is not quite right ell this video will show you how to data log with your bama tuner Jan 8, 2021 · In today's video, Michelle walks you through the data logging process with your SCT X4 and LiveLink software. You will need to transfer it to the device by using the arrow button in the middle of the SCT Updater. SCT X4 Preloaded Tunes. 7. I created a tune with SCT and used the value files for the injector data and then copied that tune with HPT to make sure I had Aug 14, 2015 · This video explains how to load your custom tune file onto your truck using an SCT X4 tuner. How to Do On-device Data Logging with an SCT Tuner on 2011+ Ford Vehicles This guide will walk you through data logging using your SCT tuner, information on the driving procedures, and instructions on importing/saving the logs to be submitted. However, you have to program the PID to the device. Aug 10, 2014 · for everyone else, here's the deal. instructions and how to's. Instructional video on how to properly connect your SCT-X4 7015PG-B to the 21+ F150 ECU mounted on the firewall using the supplied SCT connector box and cabl How to load a tune onto your tuning device *SCT X4 Bama X4* #LoadingTunes #bamaX4 #SCTx4 #Datalogs #DataloggingFOLLOW ME ON ↓LINKTREE! KapcomSUBSCRIBE I'm showing you how to load tunes on the x4 and then tune your truck. sctflash. When you go to use the SCT again, the "stock" file won't match. How to load a custom tune file on a SCT device using SCT's device updater software. Now you will see the tune over to the On Device To write the tunes to the device click the Program button and you will see the bottom green bar’s animate until the status is Custom Tune Programming The new process of loading tune files to the 2021+ F-150's with the SCT X4 devices require you to pop the hood of the vehicle and disconnect the main harnesses from the PCM and connect the tuner there using the included custom PCM cable. I will get a usb and save it though good idea! now my last question. Step 3- Turn Key to On/Run position. Navigate to the folder where your tune files are located and select one and click Open. sometimes when you cant return to stock, try to load a different power tune then back to stock. Before connecting your X4 to your PC, go to www. Jun 6, 2015 · Setting up and changing between tunes is pretty straight forward and easy. My sct is not updated. Tunes can only be loaded one at Jul 10, 2015 · Yesterday, SCT sent me a "custom stock tune" that they wanted me to load into the x4 as a custom tune. Press “Program” when ready to transfer the custom tune to the device. ly/49wBtLgDISCOUNT CODE: "PM15" for 15% off your purchase!!🔴 Subscribe For New Videos Ev Oct 10, 2023 · I have three tunes on my SCT X4. All non-wifi devices will use the 2nd method. I followed your recommendations on your website. Now that the stock tune is in the device, you will be able to hook up the device to your PC and copy/save it to your PC. I mostly just run the towing tune. com. • Take your vehicle to the next level: https://www. I have been experiencing numerous issues with BAMA's custom tune and finally decided to switch to Lund before our outing at the next sct. In todays video we walk through the process of pulling the stock file from your truck so that you can email it to your tuner for them to make you custom tune Sep 24, 2016 · I will make a playlist for all my videos related to the SCT X4 tuner. 5 ecoboost. I also have a SCT X4 and love it. I also provide a list of parameters to click that your tuner will most likely b Dec 24, 2024 · I have an sct x4 tuner with the preloaded tunes. com/q_lwilliams99?utm_source= Aug 13, 2020 · With the SCT X4 Performance Programmer, you have the option to load custom tunes or to use the X4 programmer to maximize the stock parameters. Step 1- Connect Device to the vehicle data port (OBD2) Step 2- Highlight and select Vehicle Info. 0 customers: Yesterday SCT released a new update for the #7015 tuner that makes the tuner UNABLE to delete the EGR on the 6. If you bought your SCT device separately from the VMP custom tune, your tune file will be sent to you via email. 5. The tuner will write the custom tune to the PCM and count up to 100% . Per my experience with SCT, I'm going to guess that the X4 is the issue. Suite 1024 Sanford,FL 32771 866-637-1672-----Original Message-----From: Nathan Arndt [mailto:aretoo52@gmail. Then, choose your device model, download the required software and follow the on-screen instructions. SCT Tuner flashing method for:Ford 21+ F150 3. Follow device prompt(s) to cycle the key to the ON/OFF position to complete loading your custom tune . To get a custom tune go to your pick of tuner fill out the info and order. The original tune name changed to "no discription" but it showed the green progress bars as if it loaded into the tuner. Common Code GM/DCX SUL (Stock Upload) Process. 5) The tunes are now on the device for you to load to the Vehicle. unsure on what to do now i cant find the files for an older version or anything to upload to the sct. I started the car afterwards however, the first time it idled for a minute then with no throttle input the RPMS began to rise. How to program a custom tune on your car, using SCT X4 Device. They installed one on another truck while I was there w/o any Dec 29, 2019 · When you install a custom or canned tune using an SCT X4, the Stock tune is download and saved onto the SCT X4 device. STEP 2) Connecting the SCT device cables - Video Time Stamp 0:56. Sep 30, 2011 · If you have the sct loaded and the truck is reflashed by ford or any capible party you will lock the tuner and have to get sct to unlock it. Once the custom tune is loaded onto the truck, your truck is re Why do I need RUSH MY TUNES? I want my new MPT Tune(s) as soon as possible. Open the SCT Device Updater software and click the Load Custom Tune File button. He tried 4 new units and each time they failed to download and the screen would go blank. May 24, 2014 · Just recently purchased the SCT x4, wanted to know before I start tuning is there a way to copy and creat a backup file of the stock tune to a computer from the SCT This video shows the complete process of uploading a custom tune to the SCT X4 tuner and then downloading it to my 2010 Camaro SS L99. 5L EcoboostFord 21+ on the X4 to choose the tune. Next, follow the on-screen instructions to load the tune to your vehicle. Select the image of your device, then download and completely install the SCT Device Updater. From my understanding I would have to download any custom tune on the update page sct has? If my saved (stock) tune is a delete tune I should not have any issues with a updated x4 if I had to update to be able to run custom tunes correct? Jun 16, 2019 · I read in some other forums that people have recently had trouble uploading custom tunes to there trucks with the SCT devices, has anyone uploaded or recently installed custom tunes with a SCT device? Want to know before I purchase $350 worth of custom tunes for my x4. #LoadingTunes #bamaX4 #SCTx4FOLLOW ME ON ↓SUBSCRIBE! www. Since our test X4 will now download the current file that is in your vehicle, referred to as the “Stock File”, and will proceed to upload the new calibration you have selected, with all options applied if you have selected any, to your vehicle. the 2013-14 were not originally supported for deletes, that being said SCT does not have the database of all the ecu strategies for the 13 and newer trucks. After this is complete the device will display a “Download Complete” screen. 4) You will see some progress bars for the tunes and then a successful message when done . i sent it to my tuner so i can upload it to my car. Street Tune May 22, 2015 · Nope. Sep 8, 2013 · You just got your new SCT Tuner(SF3 3015, Livewire TS, X3, and X4), and now you need to download your tune from your email. Thanks! Got tunes from stage 3 (5 star) not from sct directly. ----- USING CUSTOM TUNES To install Custom Tunes, select Program Vehicle, and scroll down to the Custom Tunes section. Turn key to on, Select configuration by clicking the left arrow, then click the center button. Custom Tunes and select the tune you wish to load. For this, you have to turn on the Wi-Fi and visit SCTflash. youtube. I need my data log reviewed as soon as possible. Including downloading custom tunes, the difference each tune makes, and tunes by MPT The X4 unit itself is surprisingly small and light which makes the X-Cal 3s and SF3s look like dinosaurs in comparison. Off-the-shelf pre-programmed devices are built to include the minimal changes needed to accomplish some additional power and mileage. I personally like the "street" tune best as a daily driving tune. Click on the custom tune you wish to load onto the device (must be a . stage3motorsports. bef format which I can't seem to transfer using the SCT device updater software. The SCT X4 programmer for the Ford 7. Oct 26, 2022 · Manual for the X4 programmer with instructions on how to update, load custom tunes, download tunes into the vehicles ecm, and returning the ecm back to stock. The hardest part is finding the different names since most software has slightly different titles for the same parameter. The performance tune is the most aggressive preloaded 7. Here’s a video that should help you further. From the lap top to download to the SCT X4 prog 7. Not too much smoke and good power. Why do I need RUSH MY TUNES? I want my new MPT Tune(s) as soon as possible. SCT Device Updater Software: Click HERE to download Device Updater. cef format (the current format). Happy Tuning Today Im Showing You Guys How to Data Log With The SCT X4 Bama Tuner!_____Sponsors:Raxi About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Feb 10, 2023 · How to Check if Your SCT X4 is Unmarried/Unlocked Ending Note. Follow me on Instagram: https://instagram. how to load a tune - sct; how to datalog with x3 / x4 / bdx handheld users in detail Looking for New Truck/Car Mods? 👇🏽Check Out FLASHARK https://bit. I also demonstrate how May 30, 2017 · try to load a canned tune with the device. Dec 2, 2021 · Now select “Load Custom Tune File” from the Basic Operations menu then click on the “Locate Custom Tunes" button. http://SCTFLASH. It would keep the stock tune from the truck & he had the Ford dealer redo the stock programming each time. With the ability to hold up to 10 custom tunes, this SCT X4 tuner can keep your Mustang running just how you want it at all times. 6. What's on your device is one format and what we work with on the origination level is another. 6L Crown Victoria'. Press “Program” when ready to transfer the custom tune to the X4. Select Browse in the top right of the window. Method 1- Using the automatic Cloud Sync functionality. The car cranks but does not start. After all that jazz is finished, go out and upload the tune to your car. You will need to transfer it to the X4 by using the arrow button in the middle of the SCT; Updater. After this, you'll be able to load the custom tune on your X4. Open the Livelink Jul 25, 2022 · The following is the message I received from the dealer I purchased my X4 tuner from: Warning for 6. How the heck can I make emergency backup copies of the tunes? I already know I can't make backup copies to my computer, I had asked the SCT guys a few years back. Easy 15 Dec 21, 2016 · My tuner emailed me a updated tune for firmer shifts with my auto. This video will show you how to tune your vehicle with the SCT/X4 Tuner. Basically are the preloaded tunes only made to work on stock emission trucks or can it work with my deleted truck. 3. Now you will see the tune over to the On Device To write the tunes to the device click the Program button and you will see the bottom green bar’s animate until the status is Custom Tune Programming Complete. com/Kapcom_Mustan The device will now upload the original file saved from when you tuned the vehicle (“Stock File”) back into the vehicle. 2. Plug the OBDII Cable into the OBDII Port and into the tuner. Hey, in this video I show a step by step guide on how to use the SCT x4 to load custom tunes and take datalogs. RETURNING TO STOCK With SCT devices, your stock file is stored during the initial programming. The selected tune will now show up on the left side under Available Tunes. On the X4 Tuner, highlight the Gauges/Datalog menu, and then click the center button. Towing is not recommended with the SCT X4 performance tune. I need my MPT Tune Update as soon as possible. Jun 15, 2014 · When connected to the OBD2 port the X4 powers up and first the SCT X4 splash screen appears, then a MPT splash. I can usually do it these days in 15-20 minutes if the tuner didnt go changing random useless background crap. The tune you selected should move to the Available Tunes section. I replaced it with the newer Livewire TS+. Jun 7, 2019 · I would like to run some custom tunes on this set up. Jul 20, 2015 · Steve told me to upload the canned tune, which saves your stock tune to the SCT. Worked great. Jun 29, 2016 · The SCT should have come with a USB cable (if you bought it new) if you don't have one it uses the same plug most android phones do. ll3 or . I plan on getting some custom tunes for my truck but in the meantime I was wondering if the preloaded tunes would work at all. Datalogging is a crucial part of email tuning, How to load custom tune. This tuner features a full-color LCD screen with auto-dim and portrait/landscape, adjustability. Or would it put my truck in limp mode. The X4 is SCT Performance's giant leap into the future of vehicle PCM tuning and custom tuning. 5 Ecoboost and we will be loading a cu Unleash hidden power in your Ford with the SCT Performance 7015 X4 Tuner. Then I connected the SCT to my computer, uploaded the stock tune, sent it to Steve. ** Don't want to wait? Skip to the front of the line. Gain instant horsepower & torque, improve fuel economy, and diagnose engine issues. most of the tuners will require a stock file specific to your vin and serial number of the tuner ( x4 and livewire ts) . Load the tune into truck, Press Program Vehicle and when prompted select one of the custom tunes and follow the prompts on the screen to load. when I go to tune my truck back to stock will the stock tune be under the program tune section already or do I need to re load it on to the X4? Sep 30, 2021 · Today I'm going to show you how to load a custom tune on your SCT X4 Tuner on your 2009-2014 F150. 5L EcoboostFord 21+ Raptor 3. Feb 28, 2024 · i just got tunes and went to update the device, now it is stuck in bootloader mode. JLTtruecoldair. 4 a while back and I'm wanting to do a dpf delete. The only way to get IAT2 is to add it to a new datalog config through LiveLink II. SCT's are very sensitive to battery condition and any weak cells or parasitic draws cause all sorts of issues. The SCT X4 replaced the venerable, but aging SCT X-Cal 3 and 4. Jan 12, 2021 · On my X4 I have done a lot of firmware upgrades and my tunes stayed on the device if I recall. Once you’ve found your desired tune select it by pressing on it and follow the on-screen instructions to load the tune to your vehicle. Select the desired tune from the list of tunes. Can't be done. . May 28, 2018 · I compare the tune to a stock tune and group items together by category like sct does. We build in . Jan 20, 2023 · HOW TO LOAD A TUNE FILE TO YOUR SCT DEVICE. Need help getting started? Watch in this video as we show you the steps needed to download the tune from your email and get it on your SCT Tuner to upload to your Mustang. The first time the car is tuned the X4 'marries' to the VIN and stores the stock tune. com and click on the "Support" tab on the top of the page. mtf and either load directly to a device (and it can't be pulled back off) or we email it to the client to self-load in . 0. Quick rundown of how to use the new SCT x4 tuner to upload a custom tune to a 2015 Mustang. Aug 17, 2022 · My BDX SCT tuner has stopped working. It offers the biggest power and torque gains with less focus on fuel economy. Hook the device up to your computer and open the SCT software and transfer the tune file from your computer to your X4. May 3, 2020 · Showing how to download your custom tunes onto a SCT BDX tuner!!Link for tuner: https://www. STEP 1) Downloading the SCT datalogging software and the VMP configuration (. That’s all for today with a quick step-by-step explanation about how to unmarry SCT X4 tuner without car. Nov 6, 2023 · Learn step by step how easy it is to use the SCT X4 7015PG-B. 3) Select the tune files you want downloaded onto the tuner and select Load . Unlock your car's potential with the SCT X4 Power Flash Tuner / Performance Programmer. cef) and press Open. • Click on the custom tune you wish to load onto the device (must be a . It is easy to miss the step where you select the custom tunes and you will accidentally load in a preloaded tune. 8. clicking on “Locate Custom Tunes. Aug 18, 2021 · Step by step video on how to hookup your SCT device to your car and computer. com and click on the Tech Support tab on the top of the page. I'm trying to figure out how to transfer my old stock file which I had backed up on my computer to the new device. This video walk you through how to get a stock upload on a GM vehicle so you can send it to a custom tuning dealer. You can load your tune file to your SCT device by: Mar 30, 2021 · How to Install or Program a Custom Tune on your car using a SCT X4 Device. I'd like some additional hp and torque but I'm running all stock except a cold air intake down the road. com/channel/UCwz5oT9SHHkNGH8hq0UJw7gINSTAGRAM! https://www. In today's video, Michelle walks you through the process of data-logging your vehicle with the SCT X4 device. Mar 30, 2018 · I've been running IDP custom tunes on my SCT X4 for a while, and they work great. The tune file will need to be loaded to your SCT device before it can be loaded to your vehicle. As you guessed, nothing changed. Has anyone ever been in this position before? The car has been immobile for over a week now. While the SCT X4 Handheld Tuner already comes pre-loaded with 3 "canned" tunes, our custom tunes are guaranteed to vastly improve your Super Duty's performance. We suggest asking your custom tuning dealer for a copy of your tunes so that you can reload them to your device in the event of a failure. Unfortunately, no, there is no way for you to download a tune file from your device to your Windows PC. I have also given some useful pieces of info in case you are a first-timer and don’t have clue about the topic well. According to what I can find, it should be available under Program Vehicle, then under the Street Use Notice, it only has Continue or Exit. To return to Stock tune, you simply select that option from the SCT X4 menu and it will reflash / upload the stock tune. Then the custom or canned tune is flashed or uploaded to the vehicle ECU. just wondering if anyone else has had this issue. Using the provided USB cable, connect your device to the back of your computer. Happy Tuning! SCT's X4 device is a powerful tool, but figuring out where to start and how to get your custom tunes loaded into your truck can be tricky. Click the Double arrows (>>) to add the tune to the device. Mar 7, 2013 · SCT Performance LLC. I bought an SCT X4 and don't know where to go to get a dpf delete custom tune. SCT Livelink GENII Datalogging Software: Click HERE to download Livelink. Click Browse and locate your custom tunes on your Desktop. com Nov 9, 2024 · • Click on the browse button, browse to the location that you saved the tune files to. Feb 2, 2008 · When you load an aftermarket tune to the truck, the sct will pull the stock software tune out of the truck and save it to the device, then it will start downloading the aftermarket tune to your truck. I want my MPT Tunes preloaded to my SCT Tuner before it ships. com May 13, 2014 · The SCT X4 is light years ahead of the competition with this Handheld Tuner. cef) and press Open This will bring you back to the tune loader window, select the file position, and type a name for the tune file Once the file position is selected and the Tune Name is populated, press the Program button at the button, this will 2) This will show you the tune files available to download from the Cloud . 3 PowerStroke includes four tunes: Performance Tune. • This will bring you back to the tune loader window, select the file position, and type a name for the tune file. Ready to load a custom tune? This video walks you through the process of loading a custom tune using the SCT Device Updater. Please do not update your tuner with SCT, as we are unable to Aug 11, 2017 · update: just walked out to the parking lot after letting the car sit for a while and tried to re-upload the tune and it worked this time. com] Sent: Friday, March 08, 2013 10:44 AM To: SCT Technical Support Subject: Stock file from SCT I have a question for you about saving the stock file. The SCT X4 features a fully functional color touch screen with easily navigated We show you in detail how to load our JLT tune in your Mustang www. Nov 19, 2015 · Learn how to add custom tunes to your SCT handheld automotive programmer. You will need: Your Vehicle MPT Tunes SCT X4 / BDX / Livewire TS OBD-II Cabl Sep 18, 2015 · thanks for the replies. 4. This was supposed to confirm something along the lines of the PCM not being the issue. com//40490-2015-F150-5-0L-SCT-BDX-Tuner-w-5-Cus Jun 20, 2021 · Today I tune the 2006 Mustang S197 with BAMA Performance SCT X4 powerflash tuner. Likewise if you were to be reflashed ( tuner set to stock and the flash changes) you would loose a unlock. If this video was he 6. 9. Happy Tuning! Jan 25, 2023 · Instructional video on how to return back to your stock tune for your 21+ F150 with Omega X tune. This is an extremely easy and cost efficient way to gain 15+ horsepower and Feb 3, 2017 · will purchasing a SOTF knob for a previously purchased SCT X4 require sending our devices back in to the tuner for re-calibration or is this something we can simply do over a computer? also, will the SCT device have to stay plugged in constantly or can we plug it in, upload and unplug? i'm currently monitoring my truck with an android tablet and the torque app which seems to suffice and rather Nov 14, 2015 · You can do so with a laptop or the handheld. For this process, connect the X4 to the ECU's left (#1) conn Mar 20, 2014 · Full of new software and features helping you get the most out of your engine modifications. turned the car off Mar 13, 2022 · So I took my truck to get deleted and I purchased a sct x4 tuner through them, I did some research because I wanted the x4 because it’s simple, I don’t need OTF tuning I’m ok with the wait but the pre loaded tunes are what I wanted and I also asked if I could get a pre loaded tune from them, the tune from them was going to be a “tow” tune, which they said had “plenty of power and Jan 15, 2021 · This video shows you how to read and clear DTCs using the Livewire TS+. Jun 2, 2020 · It's very important you have the stock tune on the device in case issues arise. This is a step by step guide that will walk you t In this video the viewer will get a better understanding on how to upload a tune to a 2012-2013 Boss Mustang. He sent me his custom tune, then I installed that. This is on a 2011 3. Your tune will appear under “Available Tunes” on the left window within the Updater. instagram. I haven't plugged it into my car yet. The tuner will unlock the PCM and save the stock tune to the device and count up to 100% . Once the updates are done Click Load Custom Tune Files . Got my tunes today and got the tunes loaded on the device and pulled my stock tune. That's why it will be permanently locked if you load an HPT tune over an SCT tune. How to load Emailed Custom Tunes to your X4 Device: 1. We had a a pre-loaded SCT performance tune loaded into our 3. Explore our car programmers for peak performance. also the battery charger is a great idea. Dec 31, 2024 · How do I load custom tunes on SCT X4? Loading custom tunes on SCT X4 follows the same steps as in BDX. If your device contains any custom tunes for your vehicle, this is where they will be listed. Select the listed tune in the Available Tunes section, then click the button to move the selected tune to the On Device section. I have the Extreme Street (140hp +/-) , Street (100hp +/-) , and Towing tunes (60hp +/-). LMK if u need help still Why do I need RUSH MY TUNES? I want my new MPT Tune(s) as soon as possible. Loading a new tune into your vehicle is extraordinarily easy, and the X4's new interface and firmware are a breeze to work with. com/products/search • Yo Sep 21, 2022 · Cloud-enabled devices have 2 methods of loading custom tunes. 7L Project Truck in only a few Mar 27, 2018 · Videos of Burnouts drag racing dyno tuning and some seriously wild vehicles, Dodge Challenger SRT8 Charger Magnum Chevy Camaro Corvette Ford Mustang Jeep CTS Jan 18, 2021 · Ready to return your vehicle to stock using your SCT X4 Programmer? Our experts walk you through the process. This will let the truck only have one start and then it won't start again. But the one thing you are supposed to do is reflash your vehicle back to stock before the upgrade, upgrade your SCT, and then pull the stock file back into your device and then you can save it on a PC. Sep 6, 2020 · In this video I go over the process of loading custom tunes onto an SCT and how to load them to your truck. Get your MPT Tunes and Updates delivered in 24 hours or less. comhttp://vmpperformance. its saved on my computer. make sure EVERYTHING IS OFF. We put together this guide to help walk you through what you need to do to get your 5-Star Custom Tunes loaded when using an SCT X4 device. gunk btnpwp umkuv nfg uyyyt zuwm fpuf jhenby yowf mgucns fiddeu sclxwgn ssmnri pmv unrddbs