Hoi4 best division templates 2024. The main templates are 15-5, 13-7, and 12-8 (tanks-mobile).
Hoi4 best division templates 2024 Use standard in div (21w , 9inf + 1 arti + support). You want to pick on type (medium or heavy, usually). 9/2 is too much artillery for a Soviet defensive division. Dec 25, 2022 · For many in the Hearts of Iron IV community, division templates seem to be a very complicated topic. Infantry is not great in that regards and medium width tank divisions tend to fare worse than large tank division. e. A 2 width cav division has suppression of 2 and a 50 width cav division has suppression of 50. com/channel/UCY-qOK hi to everyone, I just started playing this mod some days ago, what are the best division templates to use for you? I use 40 combat width divisions. 6 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 motorized, 1 small tank, (I forgot the support equipment so I'll just name the symbol. A division is 1 basic unit depicted on the map during gameplay. Tanks: Tank design is kinda overwhelming at first. Also the bonuses from support companies now work on a per battalion level and not with an absolute increase for the entire division which also favors larger divisions. Mass Assault Division: 10xINF + 2xART [+ART/AT/R-ART/ENG/LOG] Adjusted template that adds a few extra INF divisions to make use of the -0. The reason is a) +35% special forces bonus, b) 50-70% river crossing bonus and c) the usual benefis from hardness and armour, in that order. So a simple 8 Inf division (or less) with eng support and give them a gun thats most plentiful not necessarily the best. You can go 4/6 if you lack production power or resources. You just want your organization above 30. I can't quite find one I like here and am still playing around with all the new equipment so I figured I'd come ask the subreddit. I just want a good division template for these countries. I'll have to play with it more. If playing a major like Germany using a few tank divisions to open the front. Join this channel to get access to perks:https://www. Different division templates cater to specific purposes, from defense to anti-tank to Oct 9, 2024 · Learn how to design effective divisions for different combat widths and purposes in Hearts of Iron IV. If you use mobile warfare doctrine, you can trade motorized/mechanized for more tanks. Hi so I'm away from my pc for a couple of weeks on holiday but I had an idea and would like to know if its any good before I dedicate a game to trying it when I get back - I enjoy playing as manchuko, breaking free via civil war and retaking china to form the chinese empire but I've had an idea for three templates to make up my armies all consisting of 8 divisions each to make up the 24 (I 10/0s (Wall Divisions) are the perfect Blitzkrieg division as they hold the line and are cheap so you can build more tanks and aircraft. If you choose to not produce Self-Propelled Artillery tanks, you can replace it with motorized infantry or motorized artillery. The tank divison for offensive use (4 tanks, 4 armored, 2 self propelled artillery, support: signal motorized company, recon motorized company, other artillery and heavy engineer); I updated my armor, mechanized, tankk elite best armor division template for Hearts of Iron IVJoin this channel to get access to perks:https://www. Im looking for these templates, however any good tips or templates are appreciated All around template Offensive infantry Defensive infantry Motorized template Light tank template Seriously. You have three options Tanks. This guide is singleplayer oriented and used for causal gameplay. To be clear, by Garrison, we refer to the template you use to control Resistance and Compliance, not actual divisions that you use to defend Also damages enemy aircrafts. IMPORTANT!!! Apr 26, 2023 · Hearts of Iron IV has a lot of nuances, and one example of this is using the right division template for your plans. In this guide, you’ll be shown what division templates are the most optimal. If you find any bugs, please let me know about them, I'll try to fix them :). When you change a template, you require Army XP to apply the There may be something even better you can do with a mix of light tanks/horses or something but I wouldn’t bother, it’s negligible. Soft Bombers. i usually do 14/4 and they are good, but for example when i played russian empire i didn't have massive economy after civil war for so many artillery, and i did just 14 without 4 with enginiers and support artillary but germany crashed me. In general you want a smaller infantry division to hold (15 or 20width preferred) and larger divisions to push (certain widths between 27 and 42 work best) For USA in tno you only fight volunteer wars so u want the biggest divisions possible. Unless OP sabotaged their own templates without mentioning it, division templates are not the primary concern and they are overlooking some other game mechanic(s). A lot of majors start with an 18w infantry division and minors start with a 12w infantry division, and I mostly just end up tacking support companies onto them until they looks presentable. Combining this Division Template with Artillery gives the Ideally you must have a minimum of 10 tank division at the start of the war and double it at minimum or tripple it at best for Barbarossa to ensure the fall of USSR before/by December. A quick question about division templates. 7inf/2arty is pretty good once again. By mid 1940 I add flame tanks and logistics to all the 3 templates. They are very balanced and flexible, so you can easily adjust them to your situation and playstyle! I made 3 additional videos, which perfectly integrate this guide: With ranger buff and the new Industry, and KR military command, you can make really powerful artillery. Optimally, you want to have your reliability > 96% when a division has 500 of one equipment type (formula for least attrition losses possbile: reliability_target > 1 - 2 / (equipment_count_in_division * 0. reddit. It will also allow you to focus on better offensive templates to create encirclement. By Ali et-Tokadî Sporks of Iron Feb 2, 2024 @ 5:11pm very nice Zadoba Dec 18, 2023 @ 1:01am Dostum çok The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. No Support, no extra Cavalry. You can remove recon and add logistics and if you want rocket arty support, and would be good tanky template. I alternate between those two, recruiting another division whenever my equipment stock is high enough, choosing the better template if my AA stock is high enough. 20 width 40 width 60 width. 6/1 would be a very expensive defensive template. Space marines that don't use extremely cheap mediums and flames aren't simply as meta as they once were as the raw power of a tank can only really be fully NOTE: You could include an AA battalion in the pure MOT division to get it up to 27 width, but I didn't want to complicate things (i. Something like 6 tanks and 4-6 motorized will work depending on your doctrine. The best lategame attacker template in 2024 is mechanised marines, period. I usually make a elite infantry division, a marine division, and tanks. and then a 9 bata motor div with the same support as infantry but the recon is changed to a motor, and a tanks division with 6 light tank (light tank template has lvl2 radio, lvl2 cannon 3 turret and 4en 6ar tanks),8 motor bats and the same Because you cant make open top vehicles in to normal tanks i guess. You only really need 3 divission templates for singleplayer: 1, mainline infantry: 7inf/2arty + scouts + engineers + arty + what ever you want 2, garrison infantry: anything between 6-9 infantry + engineers + arty if you have resources 3, tank division: 6tank/4motor or mech inf. Shovel and medical stuff. A minor trying to use that same template will have basically no factories left over if they use that as their main template, meaning that you Tank division: 6 mediums + 4 motorized + support for 20 width, if you go 40 width you can add self propelled art / anti air / anti tank but for the 20 is just not worth it; usually I switch to a 40 width template around 1941/42, I don't really need that any sooner. Generals! The year is rapidly coming to an end but the battles rage on. These are called Space Marines, and they combine foot infantry with tanks. A lot of it comes down to industry, more than going by the situation. You can do the same with Marines as well. Nov 22, 2024 · In the case of marines, this can get a little complex, coming to one of the game's infamous division types. Best HOI4 Division Templates In 2024 | HOI4 Guide Best SaaS CMS in 2024: The Ultimate Guide upvotes r/IMadeAPlaylist. The Iron Curtain mod for Hearts of Iron IV aims to bring you the best and most realistic Cold War experience in HOI4 to date! Join the subreddit to follow the mod's progress in development, or join the Discord server if you are interested in applying for a dev position! The game takes the suppression amount that the division template assigned to the state and then determine the number or fraction of a division needed. This subreddit is for the discussion of competitive play, national, regional and local meta, news and events surrounding the competitive scene, and for workshopping lists and tactics in the various games that fall under the Warhammer catalogue. Same thing just with medium tanks instead of small Italy plays a lot in the mountains. (20w) - Light Infantry Or something like 14-4 inf/art with engineer support - Reg Infantry Tanks are generally best used at 40W, to reduce losses and concentrate stats. 21 votes, 12 comments. A subreddit for a faction in the "Warhammer 40k" universe. As long as your mobile battalions keep up with your tanks, it doesn’t matter too much which you use. If you have an abundance of artillery production capability, leaning heavily into this template can allow you to steamroll most A. Making division templates is beyond me, and I’m very stuck to 10w infantry w/ shovels, and 20w light tanks and maybe some support companies depending on how the game is going. We will exclude weather for my recommendations below, as it is unpredictable, ,it depends on the seasons of the year, and it really affects the combat readiness and strength of a division without the player having a way of Step one have air superiority and cas. 40-42 width marines are better than 20 width because 40-42w divs will break coastal guards faster and hold easier when they land because of their bigger stats. So whenever i play as russia the army divisions i always use the 9 batallion infantry with 1 arty batallion, support arty, engineer, sup AA, and cav recon. Motorized is best suited to follow your blitzkrieg tank divisions because they're fast and armored. Jun 18, 2024 · What Are The Most Powerful Hearts of Iron 4 Division Templates? 15. They're 1 width for some reason. Feb 6, 2024 · Best Garrison Template for Germany in HOI4. Italy best strategy is going for light tanks and motorized, preferably small divisions to use to rush and encircle more than for breakthrough. If you can't guarantee that adding some AA is a good idea to reduce CAS If you attack from one direction every additional division beyond 5 will cause a penalty, so smaller divisions (<15w) aren't considered 'good' anymore. I would only use support arty and ENG, the rest is unnecessary for inf. These can be basic heavy tank with heavy cannon and that model upgraded to decent armour levels will give you full armour advantage on your divisions until 1944 or so against pretty much anything the AI throws at you. What are some good multiplayer division templates, I'm going to do some testing and would appreciate some examples to go against Rule 5: the primary division I was against, motorized artillery for an extra 15% breakthrough My offensive divisions: Infantry-9inf/3 art Tank- 8 tanks/7 motorized Motorized-9mot/3mot art. you can go 11/6 with pure inf/art and it'll count as an artillery division, or you can scale back into a 14/4 style, split half of the infantry as cavalry (7 inf, 4 art, 7 cav) for the division to count as artillery. Feb 21, 2024 · #hoi4 #guide #ad Watch Dankus win the WORLD CUP LIVE: www. For the full roundup, march over to the forums and let us know what stats Jun 22, 2023 · HoI4 Division Templates / HoI4 Division Templateleri. AH has very little industry and manpower and it seems like I can never make real progress when I go to war with Romania, Yugoslavia, or Germany regardless of which As person who aint best division builder, i think its fine, but because of recon it only mostly fits in defense. In that case, I would just use a 9/0 MOT with support ART and ENG. Anti-Tank. btn. What division template then should I go for defence against Soviet Union for conquering Scandivinia, or whatever country needed for early expansion In WW1 I'll do three main variants: 20W Infantry-only "reserve" stacks, filling holes and preventing enemy breakthroughs 20W inf / field artillery front line troops Question 2. See examples of infantry, tank, and armored templates for 2023 and beyond. comSign up to fight Dankus for the World Cup → discord. Below, you’ll find a brief snapshot of how your collective efforts shaped the Frontlines this year, whether you focused on making the best Division templates, completed the focuses you needed for victory or Promoted the best friend one can have. 5 to 433. This will make its combat width 20 which is optimal for early – mid game. . Steam Community: Hearts of Iron IV. I would recommend abusing the Civil war for as long as possible to get free factories, dockyards and lay as many mines as possible as well as better economy policy. Here is the math of why that is. This is usually banned in most multiplayer matches, so we'll not go over them. So you can get a very potent infantry by just attaching few line artilery pieces to your basic infantry template. However when looking for templates most of them are for multiplayer or are outdated. Love to do huge encirclements with them. Infantry is going to be your best bet. Dude according to your own chart you reference doesn’t support your argument. Dedicated to all things 2nd Generation BRZ (ZD8), 2022+ model years; GR86 and the first-generation BRZ/FR-S/GT86 have their own sub-Reddits. Just don’t prioritize using your xp on a garrison template early game. Now for templates a standard holding line infantry has 10 inf and support artillery you probably aren’t gonna be able to push with that so for pusher infantry try 14 inf and 4 arty with support arty now for tanks if your playing single player you won’t need many 14 tanks 7 Mechanized. That's pretty much everything in terms of division templates. logistic). Super Mutant: 20 width (10 super mutant unit) division with demolitions, recon, fireteam, dogs, and anything of choice. The armor is low and the soft attack also isn’t terrific. May 15, 2024 · Updated on October 27, 2024 by Rhenn Taguiam: With Gotterdammerung about to be released on November 11, 2024 with Patch 1. The biggest problem I have is that the different equipment and limited manpower makes my usual 20/40-width division templates useless. And the medium howitzer needs open top on a light tank. the template, the trait choices, at the doctrines! 1. 4 frontage reduction from the Mass Assault Doctrine tree. I'm of the opinion the best division template is multiple templates. I had a PVP game as the NCR and my 20w tank + mech division couldn't even 1v1 a single 20w Caesar infantry division. A major can easily make their main defense template be a 15w with engineer, arty, and AA supports, and still have plenty of mils left to build all the planes and tanks that they want. What are the best titles for fantasy? r/kaiserredux Kaiserredux is a Hearts of Iron 4 Kaiserreich standalone fan-fork branching off from the original KR lore to bring players a more interesting experience, with more paths and options to choose. , same reason I excluded support companies). Best to utilize MECH in armored divisions rather than by themselves. HP is at a decent value, allowing it to last a long time against enemy forces. 9/1 still works fine for the vast majority of your army, but more as a line filling and defensive unit. A place for you to put Best HOI4 Division Templates In 2024 | HOI4 Guide youtu. I was being (admittedly rather blunt) in conveying that “I’m gonna blame my divisions” is simply wrong. The more cav on the division the better essentially. Also logistics on a full infantry template isn’t the best choice, they don’t consume as much supplies to make it worth it Would 9:1s or 9:3s work well in the desert, except I change the infantries with cavalry? Ottoman Empire, for example, gets camelry from the Desert Corps focus which worked very well against British infantry and motorized divisions for me during the Egyptian campaign. If you are including tanks, you need 1 more than double the amount of tanks you have as artillery. A somewhat more useful template, that is along the lines of a space marine template, is mixing in a fast medium tank battalion into a mechanized infantry division. Haven’t played in a while (since September 2022 iirc), back then the best infantry template was 8/10 infantry battalions full support, has it changed since then? If so what is it now? Off-topic: the Finland new focus tree is amazing, paradox did a great job at making it and Finland is actually playable without any mods now Your division is way too expensive, for defensive infantry a lot of times quantity is better than quality. 6-1: The 9-1 division on a budget, really only good for port garrisons and super early wars. The ones I use alot are defensive infantry 9/1 with Sup ENG, ART, AA. Is great for targeting and dropping at multiple targets. Light tank 20 width with motorized sup SIG, MEC and Scout. infantry divisions. Thanks for the replies! Apr 24, 2024 · Here's the link to the combat width calculation - valid for AAT: https://www. youtub Because of how armor works, if a majority of a division isn't armored like a space marine a heavy tank will only spec the division a couple extra points of armor compared to a medium. 2 camels has more health, defense, attack, etc. In this list, we are going to count down the most effective division templates which will grant you victory! A new best airborne division template taht deals more damage than a tank division. Hearts of Iron IV updated 2024. upvotes Leg infantry; drop the motor recon for cav recon. I. The composition of each division is specified by its division template. I also have no idea what this actual template even is. + situational companies. Used for offense and defense early game. 40w (50% tanks, rest motorized with full support companies like. The division template system is one of the key mechanics of Hearts of Iron IV. Also support equipment US. If you and the MAA, then you're increasing the cost of the division to 2520 without really improving soft attack, so not sure it's really worth it. Good for If you think you are loosing too much armor you always can design a heavy armored tank destroyer and but a single battalion in your divisions. Motor recon burns fuel, and a division running out of fuel imposes huge penalties to the entire division. 14/4 for offensive and 10/0 with sup ENG for port defense. Focus on mountain division, i like running 8inf /3 art. Here is the best defense division template for minor powers that go to war around 1938, such as Poland and Czechoslovakia: 3×3 Infantry; 2 Artillery + 1 Anti-Air Artillery; 1 Medium Tank; Support: Recon + Engineer Tank/spg/TD would be something like 85+ reliability, with christie suspension, gasoline engine, 3 men turret ( superstructure for TD/SPG ), medium cannon ( or improved medium cannon ), best howitzer for spg and best heavy cannon for TD. Artillery Division: 4xINF + 4xART [+ ART/R-ART/LOG] (20 width) Has lower ORG than regular Infantry, but more firepower per frontage. Though there are many debates about the best Garrison template in HOI4, the clear winner is a one battalion Cavalry division. These templates form the composition of each division. Or just go for the officer corps thingy that lets you add cavalry to templates for free. Used as a general Jan 6, 2024 · This modification adds the best division templates for absolutely all countries, from military police to tank and helicopter divisions. Field hospital is very bad in almost all situations. This one is super essential and will be in pretty much any template, unless you have way more air than all your enemies combined. Same goes for Behemoths. Mar 3, 2024 · The new Best armor/tank/cavalry/rangers division template for early war. You say “best division template ever” but I’d give it a solid 4-5/10 The other popular choice is a 7/2 inf/arty division - a bit less defense, org and hp, but more soft attack. Sep 3, 2023 · Though this division template uses a lot of production cost and will require a relatively powerful industry, it is the best choice Cavalry fans have in HOI4. Use camels only. Will probably do exactly the same job as would a cheaper defensive template. It is also a "win more" type of template. Great war redux is unbalanced (like all those mods tbh). than 1 infantry in mod. /r/Necrontyr's main purpose is to create a place where Necron lovers can gather and discuss fluff, table-top strategy, and show new players how to begin their journey as a Necron Overlord. Sure you can use mediums. Nov 8, 2022 · Top HOI4 infantry template would be the 7/2, 20 width one. In addition, combat width, reliability and support companies are discussed in detail. Works every time when playing germany (all addons no mods). Attacking armor divisions should use tanks instead of artillery (12 tanks - 8 mot is a good template, 15-5 if you use mobile warfare doctrine). Can be created with 1936 technology therefore useful These are the designs that worked best for me, in the majority of my runs. Pushing? No anti air templates get destroyed by CAS. But this is just so its cheap and fast and early available. AI totally cheats on supply, had games where im against a Germany and UK alliance and they have 20 divisions per tile in Ethiopia and not taking any supply penalties and negligible attrition, while my troops are starving despite level 5 railways, level 10 port and multiple newly built supply hubs. This can be avoided by assigning one of the designs to artillery, but comes with large penalties. Hi can anyone help me with basic division templates for the Great War: Redux mod? I imagine the necessities and realities of the templates are different from those present in the base WW2 HOI4 game. 10/0 with Art and Eng support will enable you to produce more units since the cost less in initial production and maintenance. UK. Rangers and Signal companies provide coordinated fire to the line artillery. Simply add 7 infantry and 2 artillery to your infantry template. I've been experimenting and here's the template I mostly use. It would also be a suboptimal offensive template. I mostly play single-player so I don't know much about mp meta. 1); keep in mind it has to be STRICTLY greater, not equal)). Personally I like the concept of filler divisions and pushing divisions. General infantry can be the exact same but that will start costing a lot of arty so your regular infantry can be 10inf full focus on defense while your mountain divs play the attacking role. Most division armor comes from the highest armor value in the division. I’ve been improving at HOI4 and noticing my templates are pretty bad. And falling back to the even cheaper basic initial template (no engineers? I forget) If necessary. These spreadsheets are exclusive to members (Colonel rank) of the channel, in addition to several other perks! Becoming a member is mainly a way to show your support to the channel and to keep it Sep 8, 2024 · A collection of all division templates and tank & aircraft designs for any minor and major nation. Okay I want to know which infantry divisions are much better. What's the best infantry division template i'm not new (400h), but i'm not good at design. Reply reply In addition I have a better template that adds AA and logistics. The main templates are 15-5, 13-7, and 12-8 (tanks-mobile). These templates were taken from the video youtuber Hammurabae "The BEST Division Templates For HOI4 Millennium Dawn". APC: 20/40/60 width (5/10/15 APC unit) division with demolitions, recon, fireteam, dogs, and anything of choice. 5) Improving the MP with research would boost this more, but research time is quite precious for such things. Ideally don't, but if you really need to, make your offensive templates as wide as the jungle reinforcement width or half of it (42 or 21), give them logistics and flame tank companies, as well as what you usually run. Looking forward to sharing and reading up on all the latest and greatest news from subscribers around the globe who share a common passion for this platform. Sep 8, 2024 · Use your existing armored division template and edit it. Since this is the only part of the division that needs fuel, drop it. Please note that the reducing even with a full bataillon is not that huge, you go from 500 per 2. 333 for 2. Good for holding ground, ‘good-ish’ for pushing. For want of soft attack. There's quite a few that works, currently the "easy" template is the 9/3 infantry/artillery with support artillery and flame light tanks but you can get much more complicated, the absolute best template you could make (for a general army not as dedicated or special forces) I would say 9/2/1 infantry/artillery/spgat with support aa heavy flame armored recon engineer company and logistics Hi everyone I hope you are well. 9-3: Like 9-1, but more expensive, and can attack. 7/2 is situational. This is the best offensive unit. Improving the Template Once you get more Infantry Equipment and Manpower , you can first increase the Cavalry battalions to 3×4. It is very unlikely for you to be able to produce a fleet to challenge UK and US. If you want a motorized division to assist with encirclements, then MOT is much more cost effective than using MECH in their place. You even start with improved light tanks as germany. Given this fact, many players choose to neglect their division templates, however, a division template can make or break your game. best special forces division template. Their order is not important. Since I am playing with a country with few production lines, I can't use tanks so I can only produce infantry equipment, support equipment and just 1 more production line of artillery. The higher average armor, and overall higher hardness helps such a division be useful on the offensive; but again is an expensive investment. Their stats ARE better than a default inf division of the same combat width, but the cost doesn't justify such a slight benefit. Hot to donate: https://www. Jul 19, 2023 · Germany will attack both of these countries around 1938, so you will have more than enough time to get this division template. The key is to get tons of encirclements early in the war on the plains south of Beijing, falling back to good supply when you need to, instead of pushing them back to the mountains and jungles. The 1. You can make many Jun 22, 2023 · What is a Division Template in HOI4? Each division is defined by its division template in HOI4. Early on, you can use half-sized divisions if needed. You say a mix of motorized and mechanized but that doesn’t add up with the combat width which is also generally larger than I’d like for defense. You'll want to make offensive templates for serious pushes. Marines are the breakthough infantry division of water and should be made accordingly. 14/4s (Perfect Infantry division) is the best Infantry template but is more expensive so you can’t really build tanks (if it comes to tanks or aircraft go air). Throw in the best radio + skirts + mg + sloped armor. Again, field hospitals just aren't worth the cost in most situations. Also the chart gets the optimal for mountains wrong as 27 is the strongest due to the stats in the extra 4 over combat width you fit in overcompensate for the overstacking penalty you incur (which scales, isn’t flat penalty, same reason you do 36 width on plains and hills). 15, fans of Hearts of Iron 4 can look forward to increased strategic depth Sorry for the dumb question, but is it a good division template? I'm pretty new (60 hrs) to hoi4, and to me it seems like a really neat division, and I can afford it, because I've got 42 military factories from conquering other countries and industrialising my land. I've been trying out different templates for frontline infantry divisions and I still don't know which one I prefer. To design a template, you will first need army xp to edit templates. Dec 11, 2022 · The optimal division design in Hearts of Iron 4 depends on the terrain and combat width restrictions. Support companies are interchangeable, I'm mostly concerned about the battalions. Apr 5, 2024 · Building a 27-Width Marine Division facilitates more efficient coastal invasions, making this the perfect setup for Naval Dominance. This template works with all land doctrines except mobile warfare. Gives your division piercing and hard-attack, so your division can pierce armor divisions and deal more damage to them. If you are going to use MPs you want to max the size of the division. What's a more up-to-date optimal division template and combat width in these scenarios? 1 - The optimal combat width/division width for a country that can afford a large amount of infantry equipment and manpower, like the USSR, China or Germany? 2 - For a country that has a decent industrial capacity but lower manpower, like Poland? 9-1: The most bulk standard division. I wanted to ask what is a viable division template for fighting in low supply areas ? Is it 9/1 or lower ? For example if I am fighting in Asia etc and need to push of hold the front until I build hubs and railways . youtube. What i usually do to do that is make a medium tanks template of 3 medium, 1 motorized anti-tank, 2 motorized artillery & 4 trucks with supports of mot. My basic infantry template would be 10 inf. Also beginning to switch my moto to mechanized. Division: should work fine, if you have air superiority. You use tanks for reconnaissance for the tiny armor bonus. I've been stuck between these 4 templates. com/r/hoi4/comments/1766m1p/combat_width_meta_after_aat_improved_calculat Honestly it's hard dealing with supply against AI I'm finding. Anti tank is useless in SP. Dec 31, 2023 · On top of this, if you want the "best defence" for a minor against the AI then heavy TD are definitely the best. c Apr 1, 2020 · 2) Once your 8/1/1 INF division template is set, you can flip those INF battalions to MTN for a useful 8/1/1 Alpini template, costing 40 Army XP and retaining most of your combat bonuses. This map really help calculate how many divisions you can fit in a province without supply problems, so lets take it as a reference point. I don't know which one's objectively better, though. As for marine templates. You have to consider supply effects and your industrial capacity, but those affect how many divisions you can field, rather than what templates. The quality of a template doesn’t really change across nations. r/IMadeAPlaylist. I know that templates are pretty expensive, but I always want to save menpower. gg/hoi4commandersWant a Tiger May 21, 2023 · Why this template is Great: The cheapest division template by far; The highest organizational value among all division templates; Uses the least amount of supply among all templates. If you go for France or Yugo, use tanks in plains and mountaineers in mountains and hills (I hope this didn’t change in the new expansion). Imo best is 42 width. Or make 9 motorized 1 artil motorized like one guy in the comments said. This video covers division templates that will make your game much more enjoyable and easier to play for the Millennium dawn hoi4 mod. Hello guys, I'm thinking of facist Finland, To go WC. The composition of your division can Posted by u/Far-Ingenuity-935 - 5 votes and 2 comments We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. hoiworlds. Having the right unit in the right place can make all the difference in the world, and as such, we’ll rundown three of the best templates you can use in each scenario or strategy (in no particular order). So I'll make a 15/4, they are expensive but incredibly strong. true. Division templates can be created and modified by the player using spending army experience. 9 update is the latest and largest update to date for md an The best effect is achieved once you have a full division (25 bataillon) with a suppression of 75 for 13000 manpower. The only obstacle to that is the template doesn't let you assign a ratio of two similar chassis to a division. Motorized: 10 motorized + support, again double if you're going for 40 width. If you play even czechoslovakia, and you want conquer not only defend, learn to use tanks. When starting the game, you will have some default templates already created for you, but they are not exactly optimal in most cases. Same for reconnaissance. pfvembx ysixi nklx avlfsrc mrathiz zxhgr rbrz lweu wxinxb xahd ugqw jss gnyvb myygkxh chep