He friendzoned me but still acts interested. I don’t understand.
He friendzoned me but still acts interested It's a two way road. Trust me when I tell you that I genuinely sympathize with you. And I was like okay, but I still really have strong feelings toward him. This would not be me. He told me he wasn't ready and too damaged from cheating past relationship. Maybe he’s not desperate and has other options out there. posts about relationships longer than 6 months post go to r/relationship_advice or if you are married post to r/marriage Sep 29, 2020 · I hope by now that you’re no longer confused about why “she rejected me but still acts interested“. It is very unlikely you will change her mind if it’s already set. Aug 6, 2024 · Navigating the realm of friendships and relationships can be tricky, and understanding whether you’ve been friendzoned is often a challenging task. We noticed you are a pretty new Reddit account, so we just wanted to let you know to check out the subreddit rules here and maybe have a read through our Frequently Asked Questions - they make for fascinating reading! Designer underwear with perfect fit… she friendzoned me but still acts interested Facebook king abdulaziz international airport Twitter hotel cox today package Pinterest trainerroad for running linkedin approaches of curriculum development pdf Telegram Jan 13, 2025 · Decide whether he’s still worth pursuing. I offered them to still be friends, but we're not talking so often with each other through social media and hasn't met each other in years. I'm sorry, but it looks like you may need to let this one go. When there are unrequited feelings for a friend, often times the one who has the romantic feelings will agree to maintain the friendship with the person who rejected them, in hopes that they will eventually change their mind. Maybe I’m not all that out of his league after all” That confused me and I wondered if I friendzoned Astarion by accident, so I reloaded and told him I care deeply for him instead. Remember, attraction can be shown in various ways, and understanding her actions, even the subtle ones like glances or touches of the lips can give you valuable Jan 24, 2024 · On the other hand, if you’re still getting to know this person and they outwardly avoid getting vulnerable with you, it could be a sign that you’re being friendzoned. Guy #1 still tests the waters occasionally, and I shut that down immediately. He friendzoned me face to face. He makes me laugh a lot (especially when he bullies me for fun) and is sweet and very emotionally intelligent. Limit your contact with her. Or stay together. Is he just friendly or could he be interested in me? Does he like me or is he just trying to be friends? Does he consider me a friend? Why does he seem so eager to hang out with me? Should I be suspicious even though we just friends Acts like he likes me, just wants to be friends. I went with him to sing and then he wanted me to go to church. You can reclaim emotional autonomy by disengaging from his games. Aug 4, 2023 · You may be overanalyzing her behavior and convincing yourself she acts interested when she is just being friendly. Keep inviting me when she’s taking a break time with her friends. Aug 27, 2024 · If he texts you all day and night, it shows he enjoys your company and is interested in what you have to say. Say to yourself: “I feel She then called me spontaneously at 1am this past weekend to hangout and we had some good conversation over a game of pool. You can't bully or manipulate or force or convince somebody to be interested in you. Jun 28, 2023 · Photo by iStock/Brenda Sangi Arruda. true girl please don’t pursue someone after they rejected you. Then I made a joke about something and she laughed at. ” Do any of these statements sound familiar? If so, then you may already know how confusing it can be when someone seems to be interested in you but doesn’t want to take the next step forward in the relationship. I said yes, and it went well. Jul 3, 2023 · Signs that you’ve been friend-zoned include the absence of romantic or flirtatious behavior, minimal physical contact, frequent mentions of being “just friends,” and limited one-on-one time focused on group activities. Hit the gym or get into a new video game. He Rejected Me but Still Wants to Be Friends. Asked a few showed our texts to friends and never had 1 say she wasn't showing hints of liking me. good luck and remember to love yourself. Those are all very boyfriend like behaviors. At first, I wasn’t very attracted to him at all. Shes kind of got herself stuck in the friendzone now though because im not really interested in dati Posted by u/AminaMarks - 2 votes and 13 comments Sounds true. The "friendzone" isn't a real thing. (I am not talking about whether he is committed to being with you, I am talking about the chemistry and interest level) If he is interested in you, he naturally wants to invest more resources (time and money) in you and spend time with you and know you more. Fast forward a week, and I asked him out for drinks. that will hurt you more than almost anything. Plus, I will share some tips on how you should respond to her texts after being “friend-zoned. you need to explain to him how you feel and that if its not reciprocated you need to move on. So when we do find one we give them all of our love not just physical or emotional, for women it's a lot easier to attract men and once they do depending how much of a simp the guy is they don't need to work at keeping your attention they just If you read OP's post you will see that he does not have any issues with the decisions these women have made. Now we joked around for awhile having her guess who I like as I made it obvious but she never got it. com Dec 20, 2024 · To help you navigate these rough waters, let's break down common indicators that signal you've drifted into friend territory, straight from a guy's perspective. He could have enjoyed the attention and the game, but had no intention of taking things further. 6. 5 years ago I went on 3-4 really fun, really long dates & then what I felt was out of nowhere he told me he really liked spending time with me but didn't see it going anywhere. On top of this, she acted very flirty, always sent pics of her, would call me often, texted me everyday and even told me she missed me a few times. The next time I saw him, I told him that I was still interested and would like to go out again Jan 22, 2017 · I mean, if he once was interested in me, isn't it possible that he will gain it back if I back away a little bit? He is still not over his ex, but once he's over her he might be ready for me if his feelings for me would grow The question is, will they ever. We talked less but she still kept messaging me here and there. So me and bj* use to be friends 2 years ago, some complications happened in our lives that drove us apart, we got back in contact October of last year and talked constantly, we both genuinely love each other mutually, last night he friend zoned me and told me he needed to work on himself cause the person he is turning into will only hurt me, I told him I respect his decision but friend zoning Oct 18, 2022 · He also called me crazy. Does he like me? or does he have me friend zoned? It’s odd by the friendZone is this immutable, irreversible purgatory that is rather easy to escape: just stop being around her. In those cases, you might be in the friendzone. I almost cried, but I didn’t show it to her that because I didn’t want for her to see me like that. I just recently got friend-zoned by a girl I was chatting to for two months. He’s still trying to figure out his own feelings Honey listen to me. Acting interested and being interested are not always the same thing. How attraction happens for a guy and how it's different from being interested in you. But in my book, you still have a chance while in the friend-zone. He started acting relationship-y with me and then friendzoned me out of no where. Then I spoke to the skeleton, and he told me he sees that I chose a lover and told me not to be distracted by pleasures of the flesh, or something along those lines. His trauma whatever it is, is holding him back. Though knowing why you were friendzoned won’t change the situation, it might be helpful so you can avoid it in the future. While having 12 bfs she told me that she loves me (despite refusing me for 4 years) and that I'll be always her "priority" or whatever, while she continues to fuck with half of a city (+ she told me she feels uneasy when she has to touch someone she emotionally He is asking me "is true love too hard to find", "I want a gewn in my life" We talk daily but only in a friendly way. He checks on me in the middle of the night, always tells me that he cares about me, and he will always be by my side, and even says things like how he will make me happy and we’d be happy together. I’m usually very socially awkward but with him it’s just easier. Now he calls me to go out with his friends and that feels like he friend-zoned me :( Why is he so slow? I'm starting to lose my confidence. She friend zoned a guy multiple times and then when the guy hit on me she got mad. But yet, he always reminds me we are just friends. He’s immature and irrational. This guy was socially awkward but head of the local choir. This is one of the tell-tale signs of someone who is emotionally immature. I know I did. Then they broke, and we keep hanging out and study together. Avoid every attempt to interact beyond basic 3-word response chitchat and see how long I stay interested. While we all use nonverbal communication differently, there are common cues to look out for that can tell you about a person’s feelings and intentions. (On a dating app) Yet he never made a move or asked me out. It changes an entire relationship. Patrick's Day concert & asked if I Guy (26M) was my (23F) friend for a month, we are in the same friendship group. Make sure both of you are on the same page about what the boundaries of the friendship are. One day she anticipate me and she told that she noticed that I like her, but her feelings were just friendship and nothing else. A lot of people will genuinely like you over the years. Regardless, he keeps telling me that he still wants to see me for one last time before I move to a different country. Hi u/throwawayimawayd, . He might feel insecure, overwhelmed by life's demands, or unsure how you feel about him. He asked me 'how' and I said as something more than a friend. Gale keeps coming onto me! we were in that scary dungeon in Act 2 and he brought up about being sensual with magic and stuff! Bro! I called off our date when I realised to late that it was a date! Even Withers is calling me out! Wyll and Lae'zel tried seducing me but they didn't push further! be like them! get some help! Designer underwear with perfect fit… she friendzoned me but still acts interested Facebook king abdulaziz international airport Twitter hotel cox today package Pinterest trainerroad for running linkedin approaches of curriculum development pdf Telegram If you still want to maintain a friendship with this person after being friendzoned, communication is key. He could have rejected you because he doesn’t think you’re compatible, he’s interested in someone else, or he already has a girlfriend. A girl told me, after 4 years, that she doesn't look for a relationship and then went on to date 12 guys simultaneously. true. Write her saying that you respect her decision to not be with you, but you’re not ready to see her in a platonic sense. Basically, the ways on dealing with someone who is friendzoning you will need you to walk away from that person. In the process I developed feelings and asked her out when we stopped working together. He likes the idea of you being into him, but he doesn’t like you like that or want you to be with anyone else because that would mean he wouldn’t have you Designer underwear with perfect fit… she friendzoned me but still acts interested Facebook king abdulaziz international airport Twitter hotel cox today package Pinterest trainerroad for running linkedin approaches of curriculum development pdf Telegram Being friend-zoned by a girl can happen for several different reasons. He became friends. I never wanted to date him. move on and be honey, it sounds like you're holding out hope. Thats how brotherly the dude would have become. I was not interested, but my parents pushed me. He said I'm overthinking, making false assumptions. Feel free to read it for more context but tldr I decided to spend less time with the girl who friendzoned me and dating other girls, fixed up my self, etc. However, he’s religious while I’m not, our political beliefs don’t align, and he wants a traditional family life with marriage and children while I’m non-monogamous and never want to be married or have children. co/aoa-presentationShe rejected me but still acts interested! It's hard to deal with rejection because of the I haven’t told her that I’m so into her but she already sensed it and told me that she’s not interested and already seeing someone else. You shouldn’t assume every guy that puts you in the friend zone is trying to do this, but if he displays some of the other signs of being a player , it might be his game plan. She seems like one of the nicest girls you’ll meet, but she’s lied to me, her friends, and others. She talks about the guys that she likes. Designer underwear with perfect fit… she friendzoned me but still acts interested Facebook king abdulaziz international airport Twitter hotel cox today package Pinterest trainerroad for running linkedin approaches of curriculum development pdf Telegram Oct 14, 2024 · If you have a good friend who is a guy, you may notice subtle signs that he likes you in a romantic way. TL;DR The girl who act seemed interested in me rejected me and now seems like she likes me when in person. He is my best friend, and we talk all day everyday. Possibly because of the other shows. She said she liked me but did not want to date, but still wanted to hang out. However, 2 weeks after I met him, he told me he liked me. I’ve always been told if he’s not asking you out, it’s cause he’s not interested and I get that he could just text cause he’s bored but it’s not like he’s sexting. First was because he had received an important email from his new company. I would see it as almost committing incest. The few matches that I did get would rarely carry a conversation or give anything about themselves up. Yet, she called/texted me when I ignored her at work. Jul 1, 2024 · He may have also been pursuing others as well as you, and there is someone else on the scene. im in a similar situation, me and my crush were in the same small friend group, she friendzoned me so i cut off contact with her but in the process also with the mutual friends; those friends were confused as to why i changed friend group and my crush told them about the situation, now theyre all angry at me. It’s not an easy task, especially when she starts flirting with me. To me it sounds like he's put down a safety net to claim he didn't lead you on so he can still behave in a way that keeps you hooked without feeling guilty. thank you - that's what I thought! He intentionally said that for sure, but I don't know if it's cause he wants to establish friendship first, wants to slow things down or only sees me as a friend or only wants friendship at the moment. I [18F] was casually seeing this guy [19M], and things weren't progressing romantically, so he friendzoned me. she friendzoned me but still flirts May 2, 2024 · This girl I like a lot told me that she just wanted to be friends like 6 months ago, but now she keeps subtly hinting that she likes me. My bff did that one time. I saw she was still in love with her ex, so I kept my deep feels for me and didn't declare. I’ve had this experience a few times when I did use OLD. I also find that focusing on my personal goals, and not neglecting them helps me deal with this. Next time you're together, pay attention to his body language . Made a post here about a month ago. Years ago, I knew the son of a Baptist Minister. com/apply===== BOOK A CALL WITH ME: https://www. Second, he said he was sick. But he didn't suggest a relationship and we didn't have sex. Now she texted me 2 days later saying she really enjoyed that night and is interested. He teases me and says I’m jealous of the friends he hangs out with and gets mad at me when I don’t give him the attention he wants. He got a little ambitious and asked me to come over, I said no I needed to get to know him a little more. She had no right to get mad since she friend zoned him. apolloniaponti. We kissed and cuddle on the 4th date and he messages me every day few times a day. mostly very flirty platonic although we… 10 votes, 18 comments. We texted/instant messengered like I would with my other friends, and I thought that everything was fine. I told guy #1 that we would never be more than friends since I am happy being with guy #2 and he doesn’t play games. The day after he met my close female friend, told her he wasn't interested in me, she relayed it to me (EDIT: He didn't even have the decency to meet me in person and at least apologize to me in person; I remember being very upset and angry that he only sent ONE short text in apology, then went on as if everything were hunky-dory) Hi all! So long story short I (F35) have been spending time with a guy (M45) for a little more than 2 months. She stares at me during class, she uses stupid excuses to start conversations with me and i've also overheard her talking with her friends about me, so on valentines day i decided to make a move. explain its not about malice, but you feel what you feel and you shouldn't torment yourself. Therefore, in this article, I will discuss why she still sends texts when she does not want to have a relationship. It's not q one time thing whenever he gets chance he does it. Now he's added me on snapchat Sometimes I feel like he just being a jerk. By unveiling these possible reasons, you can gain clarity and stop second-guessing yourself. Eventually you’ll get over her. If a guy friend starts talking to you more often, compliments you frequently, spends extra time with you, becomes protective or jealous if you talk about other guys, pays attention to your interests and hobbies, or starts talking more about his own relationship status or preferences, these could be signs that he’s my crush friendzoned me but still flirts. run away from there, stay away, don't do that to yourself, believe me if you want something else but she told you that you're not hurting yourself by staying there, GET AWAY FROM THERE AND DON'T LOOK BACK she wants to keep having you by her side but UNDER HER TERMS, you are not a second option, you are not a plan B, she DID NOT CHOOSE YOU, THANK YOU AND GET AWAY, you are worth a lot bro Nice MyTake! I've friendzoned someone before. Shoot her a text after the next time you two kick it. Nov 11, 2020 · He's physically attracted to you but not showing any real interest in a committed relationship or even a casual dating experience. I was so happy, but the next day she told me (over text) that she just got out of a long relationship (which was true) and that she needs more time. What you should do when you get friend zoned, walked away but now she’s back to rekindle the romance. People always get mad/hurt about being friendzoned and act like the person was purposely trying to make them feel bad but that’s not true. Very few relationship situations are as frustrating as being stuck in limbo like this. I still feel guilty about times I’ve had to respectfully say I’m not interested in a relationship with a person. At 1st or 2nd meeting okay maybe he still not at ease to make a move but after 3rd meeting like he doesnt even kiss me. we made plans the day after we matched and I had low expectations since I’m a little iffy about guys with facial hair and the guy i was seeing before him turned out to be an absolute crackhead (figuratively, not literally). Apply To Have Me & My Team Help You Create Connections & Chemistry w/ Any Woman You Want: https://speaktosparkarousal. If he’s shy or not sure what he wants, you might be able to wait him out or talk it through with him. Consider these steps: Name Your Feelings: Instead of suppressing your hurt or confusion, name it. Yet you control how you respond. You can take some space from her for a few days but don’t avoid her. It's not a place to push gendered agendas; it's not a place to talk about all the reasons not to date; it's not a place to talk about everything wrong with dating people over 40; and it's not a place to talk about everything that's wrong with your target gender. You might even notice that he hesitates to leave when you're saying goodbye. He added "you never know what some people are going through too". I’m still friends with the girl who friendZoned me, but by friend I mean I text her like once every month lol. And even though he won’t take things to the next level, he can’t help but keep talking to you. Recognizing these signs can provide clarity and help you decide your next steps. I mean he has friendzoned me and he really talks to me like lover in group chat but doesn't even text 25 votes, 17 comments. He knows how you feel, he's addressed it verbally, but still continues to act in a way that he admits he knows leads people on. He probably picked up on your initial disinterest and he doesn't want to lose a friend. If she’s truly still into you, pushing her away might pull her closer. Calidad Materias primas. She flirts to keep you happy and hopeful about a future with her. She’s Interested in Someone Else bro listen to u/cstatus94 because that advice was fucking spot on! For a majority of men it isn't easy to attract women and retain their attention. it hurts She rejected me but still acts interested I've had a crush on a girl for about a year and a half now, and she has shown many signs of interest towards me. The Unmistakable Signs She is Interested in You. ” Jan 2, 2025 · After you can make sure of it that you are being friendzoned then you can start taking action on how to deal with a girl who friendzoned you. He looked like he was interested me, even his best friend said that he also thinks that he is. Jan 5, 2023 · She friend-zoned you but still flirts with you because she wants to keep you as an option. Aug 25, 2022 · How Do I Tell If He's Interested? Well, if he's doing any of the following things, he might be interested: His body language. If I friend-zone you, Im not interested at the moment. 7. e. Looking back on it, I felt led on by her with her playing games, flaking, and messing with my emotions. cstart playing an instrument. I told her I’m not looking for friends and that was it. I hope you’re doing well and I wish you the very best. It might seem better than being ghosted, but getting texts from a guy that rejected you can still hurt. Keeping the relationship at a surface level might be a sign of being friendzoned after the first date, for example. Sometimes it’s asking about my day, other times it’s asking about my interests, my favorite vacation destinations, what kind of dog I would get if I got a dog. If she is nervous but still makes time for you and opens up to you, she is interested. Respect each other’s space and be mindful of not crossing any lines that may cause discomfort or confusion. I was happy when he said that to me. . On the other hand, if she has ghosted you suddenly, she might need some time to deal with things. So to answer your question for all 3… the reason why… is because it’s human nature. So why do these guys in the friend zone keep you on the sidelines? Jun 8, 2023 · One of the biggest hurdles in identifying whether you've been friendzoned is determining if the friendly behavior you're witnessing is a result of friendly affection or romantic interest that's taking its time to blossom. I don’t understand. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a 27-year-old viewer who had a college crush reach out to him to say she was moving to Colorado where he lived. and act as if she never friendzoned you. You are just complaining because you saw a word you didn't like. I was thinking to try to make a move but everyday, I get a reason to not to since I feel he only see me as a friend. Nov 26, 2014 · After that he told me that I’m like his real sis for him, most important person in his life after his parents. 2 days ago · Unfortunately, there’s sometimes undeniable and unplanned chemistry between two people, even if one, or both, are in relationships. Usually that says to me that they’re not interested in me. It’s the same thing that guys do, too. He was trying to see me everytime I was in town, asked me out a lot and when we didn't see each other, we always texted. His father was head of the local pro-life committee. Jul 8, 2019 · Hey Bryzow. Now, i feel like because i haven't slept with him that night, he's thinking that i am just a friend. You’re not what he wants in a partner. It doesn't sound like he friendzoned himself. Dec 13, 2024 · When a man friendzones you, many hidden emotional currents swirl beneath the surface. If this is the case, he may have friend-zoned you for obvious reasons but the chemistry can still be felt. Apr 18, 2022 · Here are some of the reasons why he still gets jealous even after rejecting you. 1. Keep reading to find out why a girl who rejected you still wants your attention: 10 reasons the girl who rejected you still wants your attention Nov 30, 2023 · She friend-zoned you but still flirts with you because she wants to keep you as an option. She even put me on her instagram close friends list whenever she posts a story. I now like him and it hurts. So, what do you do when she rejected you but still acts interested? Table of Contents Well, well, well… If dating were a game, it’d be like that final boss battle in Dark Souls you’ve attempted a hund Nov 25, 2023 · She friend-zoned you but still flirts with you because she wants to keep you as an option. The problem is she goes cold when I try to escalate things. or get back together. I want her so bad though, and a part of my instincts tells me she wants me too Dating, flirting, and crushing are complicated. For your own sake best to end the pursuit now - any advances/efforts you make will be seen negatively if she already has negative romantic feeling towards you and will drive her even further away which will likely hurt you more mentally than if you move on now. This strategy almost never works. Because there is no use to keep waiting someone who does not have any intention to be with you. It sounds like he friendzoned you. Check out the most common reasons guys get friendzoned by girls: 1. You try to hang out, but he never wants to schedule something just the two of you. She told me that she likes me too and when we parted ways we even hugged. Eventually though she confronted me about how I was ignoring her and I basically just told her everything I felt about our relationship through a series of texts between us. The thing is that I’m often the one asking to hang out and texting first, sometimes he does but that’s quite rare. But he didn’t completely stop messaging me and every time he does, I hurt bc I can’t have him but I get giddy all the same, even when all he texts is something like “I just fixed the internet” or “I’m at McDonald’s right now. This is a place to discuss dating and relationships over 40. No big deal, as I also saw us as having a good friends dynamic. It’s just going above my head. He did this over text, and at first, I thought it was a prank and wasn't sure how to respond. I had someone tell me they were looking for a relationship and I wasn’t interested in them, so I said I want to focus on my career (which I am) but the thought of him trying to pursue me after I rejected him would probably make me want to avoid him or worst case resent him instead. Now also he calls me sis sometimes but most of the times he calls me jaan,sweetheart n all and always tells me that he loves me. All of these things are not negotiable for me and I don’t think he I’m trying my very best to not get carried away with anything she says. I only respond to her texts by replying without asking to meet her. When he friendzoned me but gets jealous, he disrupts your emotional equilibrium. A few minutes later, he Im'd me saying that he liked me. Girl friend zoned me but still is kind of flirty? So the past few weeks have been me trying to read this girl if she likes me. Initially I was so hurt & I don't think I spoke to him for like 2 weeks & then he & another friend (a girl) were going to a St. What he needs to feel. Numero #1 Mejor tiempo de entrega. He Always Prefers the Group Setting. She clearly is interested still? What do I do? I have been trying not to ask for anything more since she friendzoned me. May 15, 2023 · Signs That a Guy Friend Is Interested in Pursuing a Romantic Relationship. Talking to a girl who wants nothing more than friendship can impact your online dating experience. After deciding to stay friends, I dropped the shy girl act and revealed a more straightforward side, sharing that I can be a bit of an arsehole based on past situationships. But then because of covid restriction he was not able to move to that country, then he reach out to me and such. She also told me to bring people. Certificado ISO 9001:2017. He does find you attractive and probably wishes he could be with you. Jul 12, 2022 · They don’t want you for a boyfriend, but they still want your company. How do I moved on and continue as friends? Dec 22, 2020 · Here are the facts: she rejected you but still acts interested. Of course I apologized, mostly because of my feelings for her, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t annoy me. Last month she friend zoned me after having spent much time together (I must have interpreted her motives wrong), and since then I have kept a distance from her which has been great. I meet one sweet boy, we were on 6 dates. especially if you're grieving over heartache. Tell her politely that you need some time to be normal around her as she’s still your friend. I know I shouldn't hope/expect too much. ” It's not only about flirting, he keeps complimenting that I'm beautiful. See full list on bodylanguagematters. She told me she only saw me as a friend and how I was really cool. In general he changed a lot after holidays. Jan 14, 2023 · 7 Reasons why he rejected you but still acts interested 1. ” “They’re interested in getting serious, but not right now. Jan 29, 2025 · “He loves me, but he doesn’t want to commit. If somebody isn't interested they just aren't interested. Depending on why he’s distancing himself, he might not be a lost cause. I feel like he friendzoned me, but why So there is this girl from work that I have had a crush on for a while. You’re Their Confidant A couple weeks ago I went on a hinge date with a guy that happened to go to the same high school as one of my best friends from college (they don’t know each other). One time he even said I'm hot lol. Things went fine for me, but the person was sad. But if you think he’s playing games, not emotionally available, or just not interested in dating you, let him go. (Notice i said AT THE MOMENT. Let me help you out: he approached me and asked me on a date. We hung out a little but it just served to frustrated me and I told her she was "leading me on". What makes a man interested in a woman. I. Your story will stick with me though. Girls do not have the monopoly on it despite popular belief. Here’s what you do. Ignore how she is acting, she isn't actually into you but wants the attention. I realized later on that it's just because she's insecure. 4) He’s always helping you out. Visit our Location : Act indifferent to her rejection (hopefully you didn’t come on too strong), it projects strength on your end and will make her question herself. It doesn’t matter what you need, if you call him, he will come to you. Whatever the reason, he is not invested enough. But everytime I give him a chance to see me, he keeps flaking at the last minute. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on She rejected me but still acts interested. Jan 8, 2025 · You can still be her best friend; just pursue someone in a romantic sense that will keep you out of the friendzone. Then we talked irl for the last time and he told me he's not interested in meeting as more than friends. Hmm. He might be more affectionate with you, touching your hand or shoulder lightly during interactions, or giving you longer or tighter hugs. I suspect once you do this, she will push it further, I don't know how far but I wouldn't put it out of the range of possibility that she starts to believe she likes you now that she can't have you. Because of us continually hanging out, i am starting to have feelings for him. This can make you feel like a side piece or worse – like something that the person is ashamed of. Why does he flirt with me if he’s not interested? 1) He is interested, just not enough this sub is for advice about specific dating situations not general debates. , “I thought he liked me but he was so quick to move on. she is not interested in a relationship with you. Apr 25, 2023 · There are some crafty but ill-intentioned guys out there who will put a woman in the friend zone but still try to sleep with her. That is what I am saying. I didn't declare myself because she was had a boyfriend at the time. --Reply Apr 8, 2021 · I know it’ll be hard but forcing or manipulating her should never be your option and trust me; eventually, you will realize that she did the right thing. Dec 19, 2024 · Try not to lose yourself in his chaos. If she likes to talk about other guys she is interested in, she is probably not interested in you as anything more than a friend. I told the first guy that he told me he doesn’t want to be with me, and that I am happy with guy number two who does want to be with me. And she asks me how my test went, good luck on tests etc. He describes them as friends. But she keeps wanting to see me, although she must know that I like her as more than a friend. So the last time that we went out, I said that I like him. #2 Take some space. He will still hug me, put his arm around me, hold my waist and hands, but nothing more. He does not reject their friendship or believe it's disingenuous; in fact, he has become friends with some of these women. But the problem is, when he doesn’t ignore, he’s patiently there to listen to me and talk for hours long. How to cre Jan 4, 2025 · For men, it only takes several minutes to know if he is interested in you. Just because you think she comes across as interested doesn’t mean she actually is. Like 5. A woman will still act interested because the guy was feeding her ego, making her feel good about herself. He keeps saying I’m a good friend and I’m important to him. ) But if i brozone you, than i see you as blood, meaning that I will never see you in a dateable way. I said I’ll catch you later after that and went on my way. He’s regularly telling me we belong together, etc. She’s nice on the inside and she inspires me to dedicate myself to my future, but she can also be a bother. She is seeing someone else, but she knows you will be at her beck and call whenever she wants you. Pick your chin up. iumz rxxvv jaxq jwls nkaozq xluhn mgtoks zphyk ogykz wyxye cwcazd nqsrdr xwui xswiv fmiua