Factors affecting the performance of women entrepreneurs in micro and small enterprises. MSEs in Bahir Dar city.
Factors affecting the performance of women entrepreneurs in micro and small enterprises Jan 1, 2019 · Nneka, A. The study contributes to the existing literature on women’s entrepreneurship by revealing the critical socio-economic factors that hamper women’s entrepreneurial performance in small and micro enterprises in Ethiopia and may help the local govern- ment devise ways to support women’s involvement in MSEs achieve economic growths of the country. Dec 20, 2023 · The main objective of this study is to analyze factors that affect women entrepreneurs’ performance on MSEs in case of Jimma town. Through detailed analyses, the study will illuminate India’s contemporary global TL;DR: The need for women participation in management positions in secondary schools in Uganda is significant to ensure sensitivity within schools for the good of adolescent girls and to provide girls beginning to consider career choices with role models of women decision-makers, women leader, and to address issues of social justice by providing gender equity between adults within the Downloadable (with restrictions)! Purpose The purpose of this study was to explore determinants that influence women entrepreneurs’ performance in micro and small enterprises in Gondar city, Northwest Ethiopia, and in turn contribute to entrepreneurship-related literature mainly in developing countries. Therefore, this study aims to identify and examine factors affecting the performance of micro and small enterprises in Addis Ababa, Bole Sub city. For the sake of Mar 28, 2017 · The study employed secondary sources to identify factors that challenge the growth of the women-operated Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to assess the on three factors: women entrepreneurs, the environment around women entrepreneurs, and micro-financial institutions. Data were analyzed using the ordinary least square multiple regression method. The aforementioned research findings indicated that there are multiple factors that affect the performance of women owned micro and small enterprises at country level. I, the undersigned, declare that this study entitled “Factors Affecting the Performance of Women Entrepreneurs in Micro and Small Enterprises in Gulele Sub-City, Addis Ababa” is my own work. 2. Socio-Economic Contributions of Micro and Small Enterprises: The Case of Jimma Town. Lack of information has been reported as one of the key factors affecting women entrepreneurs’ performance in developing countries (Nasri & Muhammad, 2018). Keywords: Factors, performance, women entrepreneurs, micro and small enterprises, Impact, major, characteristics, Factors affecting. Due to such an important contribution of women in economic development, we propose to investigate the factors which affect women entrepreneur’s success in Pakistan. 3, No. Mar 3, 2021 · In the present era, women are recognized as successful entrepreneurs through their strong desire, qualities, and capabilities for robust economic development. A sample of 363 women entrepreneurs engaged in 5 sectors, namely constriction, manufacturing, service, trade and urban agriculture sectors was The results of the study indicate the personal characteristics of women entrepreneurs in MSEs and their enterprise affect their performance. Feb 2, 2021 · Factors Affecting The Performance of Women Entrepreneurs in Micro and Small Enterprises: The Case of Dessie Town. Design/methodology/approach The study adopted an explanatory research design with arrangement of primary data collection via a cross-sectional survey questionnaire followed by mixed research approach. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore determinants that influence women entrepreneurs’ performance in micro and small enterprises’ in Gondar city, Northwest Ethiopia and in turn Apr 11, 2023 · A plethora of studies have been conducted to identify factors affecting women’s entrepreneurial success in micro and small businesses. Feb 29, 2024 · The study sought to examine the factors affecting the performance of female entrepreneurs in small and medium enterprises in Kawempe Division. 4 Research Design Research design refer to the master plan that is used in the study in order to answer the research questions (Nachmais 1996) A descriptive survey research design was used in this Jun 29, 2020 · Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine micro and small scale enterprises’ growth determinants operating in Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State of Ethiopia as emerging region. challenges that women entrepreneurs are facing in the running of their businesses in Kasipul constituency. This research study examined factors affecting success among female entrepreneurs in the IT industry with a specific focus on female incubates who have completed training programs to improve understanding of factors that affect women’s entrepreneurial success and set up a way for viable businesses in Pakistan's IT industry. It also addressed the characteristics of women entrepreneurs in MSEs and the challenges they face in the area of technical and business training supports from training colleges/institutes. For now, a study conducted by Awoke (2019) that assessed determinants of women entrepreneurs performance in Ethiopia the Nov 4, 2023 · women entrepreneurs’ performance who are registered as micro and small-scale enterprises (MSEs). • Getu. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development , [online] 7(6), pp . The research design for this study was descriptive and explanatory research. Mary's University: Abstract: (1) The study is aimed at assessing the major factors that affect the performance of women entrepreneurs in MSMEs and their contribution to economic development in Akwa Ibom State. As a result, many studies have been conducted on the topic in countries outside Ethiopia. • Gitonga. (2) Assessing the major characteristics of women entrepreneurs in MSMEs. 6% of Apr 7, 2017 · Purpose Women entrepreneurship has grown significantly all over the world, and it is widely established that entrepreneurship is important for economic growth and wealth. Key words: Women Entrepreneurs, Small and Medium-sized businesses (SMEs Jun 1, 2019 · Corpus ID: 211746621; Factors Affecting the Performance of Women Entrepreneurship:- The Case of Akaki Kality sub city Women Owned Micro and Small Enterprises The main objective was to explore the factors affecting performance of small and micro enterprises in Limuru town market of Kiambu County. Factors Affecting The Performance of Women Entrepreneurs in Micro and Small Enterprises: The Case of Dessie Town. Declared by Name:GetuGirma This study assesses the major factors affecting the performance of women entrepreneurs in MSEs. Micro and Small enterprises are driving force for economic growth, job creation and poverty reduction in developing countries. Both descriptive and explanatory research designs were used for the study. This study aimed to analyze factors impacting women's success in micro and small businesses in Bangladesh and so add to the body of knowledge on entrepreneurship, particularly in developing nations. 3. Data were collected through structured questionnaires from 181 The performance of women entrepreneurs in micro and small enterprises in Gambella town are affected by Cultural factors like harmful traditional practice, social responsibility or load for women’s, dressing, feeding, working, saving culture of women’s, gender inequalities and bad perception of community were other factor affecting the Several isolated factors were studied, with positive and negative effects on each stage of the entrepreneur process, for women entrepreneurs, so the purpose of this research is identify, classify Factors Affecting the Performance of Women Entrepreneurs in MSEs in the case of Kolfe Keranyo Sub-city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Abebaw Alemneh * Trade and Industry Development Head, Kolfe Keranyo Sub-city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Abstract This study was designed to assess the major factors affecting the performance of women entrepreneurs in MSEs. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Women Entrepreneurship, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), and Government Incentives. Jun 30, 2018 · The role of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in employment and income generation is increasingly recognized for the unemployed people, especially for women, and has become a major playing field Dec 7, 2022 · Thus, this study explores the factors affecting both financial and non-financial performance of women entrepreneurs in small and medium entities (SMEs") in Anuradhapura district in Sri Lanka. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore determinants that influence women entrepreneurs' performance in micro and small enterprises in Gondar city, Northwest Ethiopia, and in turn 34 Abyssinia Journal of Business and Social Sciences Vol. Qualitative approach was used in this study to collect experience and opinion toward the factors influences of performance of women entrepreneurs 3. entrepreneurs in micro and small enterprises in Ethiopia Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Provided in Cooperation with: Springer Nature Suggested Citation: Alene, Endalew Terefe (2020) : Determinants that influence the performance of women entrepreneurs in micro and small enterprises in Ethiopia, Journal of Innovation and Dec 15, 2021 · Factors affecting women entrepreneurs’ success: A study of small- and medium sized enterprises in emerging market of Pakistan: Cross-sectional: Maduku & Kaeeram: 2020: Success indicators among black owned informal small micro and medium enterprises’ (SMMEs) in South Africa: Cross-sectional: Mielniczuk & Laguna: 2020 Feb 8, 2021 · This paper aims to examine marriage and family-related determinants of performance of micro and small businesses owned by women in Tanzania. Factors Affecting the Performance of Women Entrepreneurs in Micro and Small Enterprises in Gulele Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa University [Unpublished master’s thesis available online]. com land ownership, and tax on the performance of women entrepreneurs. Nov 4, 2023 · Based on the Pearson correlation coefficient analysis of the study, lack of training and an increase in tax amount have a negative and significant relationship with the business performance of women entrepreneurs, whereas the rest of the variables, such as access to finance, access to land premises, access to technology, and communication factors that affect the performance of women owned micro and small enterprises in Mizan town. Women entrepreneurs in MSEs contribute to the creation of employment opportunity, on the dynamic front and they a. (2010). , 2018). The conceptual framework was designed by considering factors that affecting small and micro enterprise's independent variables (entrepreneurial, Aug 3, 2022 · Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore determinants that influence women entrepreneurs' performance in micro and small enterprises in Gondar city, Northwest Ethiopia, and in turn the factors affecting the performance of women entrepreneurs in Ethiopia. iosrjournals. 6, No. org 9 | Page Women Entrepreneurship In Micro, Small And Medium-Scale Enterprises In Akwa Ibom State OBJECTIVE (1) The study is aimed at assessing the major factors that affect the performance of women entrepreneurs in MSMEs and their contribution to economic development in Akwa Ibom State. (2015) ‘Factors that affect the performance of women entrepreneurs in the micro scale enterprises in Southwestern Nigeria’, The Business and Management Review , Vol. A. INTRODUCTION Business performance of women entrepreneurs are crucial subject that will leverage their business goals and end in Factors affecting women entrepreneurs' success: a study of small-and medium- sized enterprises in emerging market of Pakistan March 2021 Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 10(1):1-21 Gelata, S. The aim of the study is to examine major factors that determine the growth of variables influencing women-owned micro and small business enterprises' performance using these techniques, and investigate the connection between those variables and business performance. An MSc. Those phenomena get the attention of scholars from diverse disciplines, all of them interested in the behaviour Ayinaddis (2023) investigated the socio-economic factors affecting women's entrepreneurial performance in micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in Bahir Dar City, Ethiopia. Nov 14, 2021 · The micro and small business sector is recognized as an essential component of economic development and a crucial element in the effort to lift countries out of poverty (Wolfenson, 2007). Access to information. 4236/ojbm. performance of women in small and micro enterprises in Kenya. data, researcher have prepared a questionnaire of women entrepreneurs and their enterprises, factors that affect the performance of women entrepreneurs in Micro and Small Enterprises(MSEs) and supports MSEs. 104087 1699 Open Journal of Business and Management Open Innovation on WomenOwned Small and Medium Enterprises in Pak- i- May 4, 2022 · This paper aims to examine Factors Affecting Small and Micro Enterprise Performance with the Mediating Effect of Government Support; Evidence from Amhara Region Ethiopia. 7176/JPID/63-02 Publication date: January 31 st 2024 1. For this study, primary data was collected through questionnaire and interview. In the process of answering the basic questions, a questionnaire that include demographic profiles, characteristics of women entrepreneurs and their enterprises, factors that affect the performance of women entrepreneurs in MSEs and the challenges they face in technical trainings were designed in a closed ended and likert scales. women entrepreneurs and their enterprises, factors that affect the performance of women<br /> entrepreneurs in MSEs and supports MSEs acquire from TVETs was designed in a closed<br /> ended and likert scales. MARY’S UNIVERSITY: Abstract: The main objective of the study is to identify and analyze the factors affecting the Performance of women entrepreneurs in Micro and Small Enterprises in the Case of Yeka Sub-city. This study was designed to assess the factors that affect the performance of women entrepreneurs in MSEs . D. This is to certify that the thesis prepared by Admasu Abera, entitled: Factors Affecting the Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises in Arada and Lideta sub-cities, Addis Ababa and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration in Management complies with the regulations of the University and meets the accepted standards with respect factors influencing the performance of micro and small enterprises in addis ababa: a study of selected mses in bole sub city by kaleleoul fantaye id no: sgs/0184/2007 approved by board of examiners _____ _____ dean, graduate studies signature & date According to the researcher, wereda 10 in the Lideta sub-city has a minimal socio-cultural influence, but there are still significant economic and administrative difficulties. The study employed an explanatory research design with agreement of primary data collection via a cross-sectional survey Abstract: Abstract Purpose The purpose of this study was to explore determinants that influence women entrepreneurs’ performance in micro and small enterprises in Gondar city, Northwest Ethiopia, and in turn contribute to entrepreneurship-related literature mainly in developing countries. The main objective of the study is to identify and analyze the factors affecting the Performance of women entrepreneurs in Micro and Small Enterprises in the Case of Yeka Sub-city. A quantitative research FACTORS INFLUENCING PERFORMANCE OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN MICRO AND SMALL ENTERPRISES: A CASE OF ACCELERATED VALUE CHAIN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IN ISIOLO COUNTY, KENYA PAULINE ALUOCH OCHIENG A Research Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Arts in Project Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), Vol-3(4). Data of 100 MSMEs were collected through questionnaires in the 15 regencies/cities in South Sumatra. (2016). • Support of women entrepreneurs to cross over into male-dominated sectors and industries through social network-based exposure and apprenticeship can significantly decrease the gender profit gap. It also addressed the characteristics of women entrepreneurs in MSEs and their enterprises and the supports they acquire from TVET colleges/institutes. Despite those facts, women’s participation in entrepreneurship is lower than men’s in almost all societies. The findings of the study revealed that access to credit, investment, sector involved in and size of small and micro enterprises are variables that significantly and statistically affect financial performance of male owned small and micro enterprises. The research is conducted to attain the following specific objectives. Feb 20, 2024 · The findings of this paper show the major factors which influence the motivation of women entrepreneurs in small and medium scale enterprises and its close relationship with the entrepreneurial formance parameter (2) Demographic factors affecting the performance of enterprises. The finding of the study shows that out of the total Mar 15, 2016 · This paper aims at contributing to the entrepreneurship literature by identifying factors influencing women entrepreneurs’ performance and the corresponding challenges in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). ,A conceptual model including the factors that impact the performance of micro-level women entrepreneurs is proposed. DOI: 10. Kamberidou argues that the numerous and diverse benefits of women’s entrepreneurship have been researched in great detail since the mid-1980s and are repeatedly associated with concepts of empowerment, leadership, and professional development, increasing factors that affect the performance of women owned micro and small enterprises in Mizan town. The proposed research model used a Structural equation model, growth path modeling analysis, and correlation matrix. The research questions guiding the study are highlighted in line with the objectives of the study. May 15, 2017 · Fac tors Affecting th e Performance of Women Entrepreneurs in Micro and Small Enterprises in Gulele Sub-City. Population of the Study This is to certify that the thesis prepared by Admasu Abera, entitled: Factors Affecting the Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises in Arada and Lideta sub-cities, Addis Ababa and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the From this study, it was observed that although there is the possibility of women entrepreneurs operating business enterprises in the same capacity and magnitude as men, traditional roles and practices such as domestic commitments, low levels of education, lack of property ownership and lack of opportunity driven motive to start enterprises A STUDY ON FACTORS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN MICRO AND SMALL SCALE ENTERPRISES:-THE CASE OF BASKETO SPECIAL WOREDA,SNNPR, ETHIOPIA: Authors: Kanso, Nasir: Keywords: PERFORMANCE WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS MICRO AND SMALL SCALE ENTERPRISES RURAL DEVELOPMENT: Issue Date: May-2016: Publisher: St. 41-51. It also shows that lack of land premises to run their business, financial access given by micro finances or other Oct 7, 2020 · Therefore, access to market and micro and small enterprises’ performance have a positive relationship (Jha et al. The objectives of the study were aligned with the influence of age, education level, gender roles and access to funds, on the performance of women in small and micro enterprises in Kenya. However, different countries have defined SMEs in various ways using parameters Apr 16, 2024 · This study was designed to assess the major factors affecting the performance of women entrepreneurs in MSEs. Micro and small-scale enterprises having enough own Aug 31, 2022 · Micro and small businesses (MSEs) create jobs at a low cost and assist society's progress toward wealth and growth. 1 Impact of Entrepreneur’s Age on business performance According to Bonte et al Background: Women owned enterprises are steadily developing in Ethiopia and they are contributing to the household income and to the growth of national economies. 1 | Performance parameter Entrepreneurs are very important for the growth of the economy. Capitalism based economies make all effort to grow as this growth is dependent on the entrepreneur's growth in the country. Extensive evidence shows that the Factors affecting the performance of Women Entrepreneur's in Micro and small enterprises (the case of Dessie Town) MC Wube A Thesis Presented in Partial fulfillment of the Requirements for Degree of … , 2010 Oct 7, 2020 · Purpose The purpose of this study was to explore determinants that influence women entrepreneurs’ performance in micro and small enterprises in Gondar city, Northwest Ethiopia, and in turn Nov 30, 2019 · Examining the factors affecting export performance for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Tanzania. 7176/dcs/10-3-02 Dec 31, 2020 · Micro and Small Enterprises which had growth rate < 0 categorized into non growing and Micro and Small Enterprises which had growth rate ≥ 0. Mwale, J. [3] Chane M,. The study was a cross-sectional and correlational The study was designed to assess the external factors affecting the performance of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Bedele town. Factors Affecting the Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises in Arada and Lideta SubCities, Addis Ababa. Also Researcher have designed in a closed ended and likert scales. The sample This study aims to analyse the factors affecting the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in the province of South Sumatra, Indonesia. Dec 4, 2017 · Women entrepreneurs contribute to the economic development of Sri Lanka. the factors that affecting the performance of women entrepreneur in SMEs‟ in Anuradhapura district. Apr 1, 2022 · In the global economy, which is characterized by ever-intensifying competition, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) comprise a high proportion of enterprises worldwide and contribute greatly to economic development in innumerous countries (Muller et al. It also looked at the characteristics of female entrepreneurs in MSMEs and their firms, as well as the help they get from the government or other institutions. The conceptual framework was designed by considering factors that affecting small and micro enterprise's independent variables (entrepreneurial, The remaining factors except for technological factors; market, government policy, and regulation, entrepreneurial, managerial, and infrastructural factors had significant contributions in predicting the business performance of SMEs of women entrepreneurs in their respective order and also the results of regression analysis show that 64. • Interventions that address pre-existing market behaviors constraining women-led enterprises can boost women entrepreneurs’ performance. In this study, women entrepreneur’sbe-haviors (self-confidence, risk-taking, and motivation) and external factors significantly affect firm performance. According to the researcher, wereda 10 in the Lideta sub-city has a minimal socio-cultural influence, but there are still significant economic and administrative difficulties. , 2014). A sample of 297 operators or owners of the enterprises engaged in … Expand The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of some economic factors (capital, credit facility, basic and social infrastructures, accessibility to raw material and market, social network) on the performance of women entrepreneurs in the micro scale enterprises in Southwestern Nigeria. Most of small businesses are engaging in innovating byproducts or services and these micro businesses are supporting the Jun 13, 2023 · The study investigates the impact of various factors that affect the business performance of micro-level women entrepreneurs in the UAE and India. Thesis submitted to Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa. Master’s thesis, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. Science, Technology & Arts Research Journal, 2(2), 123-134. The statistical analysis used was Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) processed through AMOS. A sample of 181 women entrepreneurs engaged in 5 sectors was taken for the study using stratified and simple that affect women owned Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)in Ethiopia. , 2017, Gancarczyk and Gancarczyk, 2018). Economic factors that affect the performance of women entrepreneurs in MSEs - "FACTORS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN MICRO AND SMALL ENTERPRISES" www. Moreover, the land ownership, and tax on the performance of women entrepreneurs. The objectives of this study were; to analyze the key factors affecting the performance of women entrepreneurs, the types of industries they are likely to engage in and recommendations on how to promote the women entrepreneurs. The study also examines the opportunity recognition as a mediator between influencing factors and performance of women entrepreneurs. Literature Review Currently Sri Lanka doesn‟t have a generally accepted definition for SME (Attygalle et al. A. 2022. Abera A. The theory explains that those top managers’ values, behavior, and external factors impact business success. study therefore, is designed to investigate the economic factors affecting women entrepreneurs in micro scale enterprises in Southwestern Nigeria. The study also used both primary and . Extensive evidence shows that the The main objective of this study was to examine factors affecting the performance of micro and small enterprises of women entrepreneurs in both Kirkos and Yeka Sub Cities Administration of Addis Ababa. ,The authors surveyed a total of 429 micro and small women entrepreneurs using a one-stop semi-structured questionnaire. Girma, G. MSEs play an important role in creating employment opportunities mainly for the urban youth and women, serve as an engine to transform economies from agricultural-led to industrialled, and are considered the best mechanisms by which citizens This study investigated firm resources, networks, and operation factors that mediate the relationship between the gender of entrepreneurs and firm performance in Lao micro, small, and medium sized Entrepreneurs, Women entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises, Performance: Issue Date: Jun-2021: Publisher: ST. Findings of this study suggest that strengthen women’s entrepreneurship sustainability and minimize the risk of failure should be done through integrated strategies include these three domains. Extensive evidence shows that the performance of women-owned micro and small enterprises (here after called as MSEs) are played pivotal roles for the development of a nation (Shakeel, Yaokuang, & Gohar, 2020)and the well-being of societies by creating jobs, wealth The main objective of this study was to examine factors affecting the performance of micro and small enterprises of women entrepreneurs in both Kirkos and Yeka Sub Cities Administration of Addis Ababa. A sample of 340 women entrepreneurs engaged in 5 sectors were taken for the study using proportionate stratified sampling procedure. Moreover, socio-economic factors aecting women’s entrepreneur - ial performance in small and micro enterprises have not been addressed in the study area. Despite the growing number of women entrepreneurs in Ethiopia and their contribution to the economy and reduction of societal problems, they still own and manage less small business than men. 1, 2018, 32-38 the performance of MSEs in the town (Lense, 2014). The study used all 139 women owned enterprise in Mizan town. Factors Affecting the Performance of Women Entrepreneurs in Micro and Small Enterprises in Gulele Sub-City. P) and it has not been submitted previously Theng and Boon did an exploratory study on factors, which affects the failure of local small and medium enterprises and found that the entrepreneurs’ personal attributes and shortcomings had a significant impact on the performance of a business enterprise: 2. , (2012). Oct 7, 2020 · In the 21st century more attention is given to the subject of entrepreneurship through establishing micro and small enterprises. Thesis Submitted To Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar. Introduction Table 13. Apr 8, 2023 · The paper extends the literature review on the performance of businesses by studying the effects of variables such as digital marketing, sustainable competitive advantage, external environmental Jun 19, 2024 · This research paper seeks valuable insights into the current landscape of women's entrepreneurship in India while offering a comparative analysis spanning previous periods. (2013). Design/methodology/approach The study employed an Oct 20, 2019 · PDF | On Oct 20, 2019, Gemechu Abdissa and others published Factors Affecting Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises in South West Ethiopia: The Case of Bench Maji, Sheka, and Kefa Zones The specific objectives of the study is to assess factors that affect the performance of small enterprises, assess the socio economic characteristics of small enterprises owners/operators and recommend possible solution to alleviate the problem of small enterprises. Towards achieving this, the study used the survey instrument (questionnaire). The following research hypothesis was tested: There is no significant relationship between economic factors affecting women entrepreneurs and their performance in the micro scale enterprises in Factors Affecting the Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises in Wolita Sodo Town Addis Alemayehu Tekele* Department of Management, Wolaita Sodo University, Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia *Corresponding Author: Addis Alemayehu Tekele, Department of Management, Wolaita Sodo University, Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia, Email: tekeleaddis@gmail. is study, therefore, is deemed to ll the gaps by identifying the socio-economic factors that inuence women’s entrepreneurial performance in MSEs and shed light on women business performance. Mixed research approaches (qualitative and quantitative) were implemented. This study used both qualitative and quantitative research methodology. Phiri DOI: 10. Furthermore, Hambrick (2007 women entrepreneurs' performance in MSMEs. Transforming ideas into economic opportunities is the decisive issue of entrepreneurship. (2015). Apr 3, 2020 · significantly affects organizational performance. Questionnaire was used to collect neurs in MSEs are important to almost all economies in the world, but especially to those in developing countries with major employment and income distribution challenges. Sources of Data Both primary and secondary sources of data were employed in this study to meet the research's goal. Mar 1, 2020 · Factors Affecting the Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises in Diredawa City Administration doi 10. An Msc. I have undertaken the research work independently with the guidance and supportof the research advisor. Specific objectives included: to establish the influence of access to business information on performance of small and micro enterprises in Limuru town Factors affecting women entrepreneurs' success: A study of small- and medium-sized enterprises in emerging market of Pakistan Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Provided in Cooperation with: Springer Nature Suggested Citation: Rizwan Ullah Khan; Salamzadeh, Yashar; Ali Shah, Syed Zulfiqar; Hussain, Mazhar (2021) : Factors affecting Nov 4, 2023 · PDF | On Nov 4, 2023, Mr Karo Edward Algasse and others published Determinants of Women Entrepreneurs' Business Performance: Evidence from Micro and Small-Scale Enterprises in Arba Minch Town performance of micro and small enterprises” the case of Kolfe Keranio sub-city, Addis Ababa for the award of MBA General, is an original work carried out by me under the guidance of Mohammed Mohammednur (A. The sample frame was Jan 30, 2021 · Results show a significant relationship between socioeconomic, digital, and financial factors in the performance of women artisans as entrepreneurs through the ODOP scheme, and it has been found Dec 1, 2021 · Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are considerably contributory to social and economic progress and prosperity through their entrepreneurial capacities and capabilities. Keywords: Women Entrepreneurs, Business Performance, Determinants, Micro and Small Scale Enterprise, Multiple regressions. MSEs in Bahir Dar city. The study used both qualitative and quantitative research methods. (3) The support given to women entrepreneurs in MSMEs by government and private institutions. Goyal and Parkash (2011) stated In addition, the study might help women entrepreneurs in addressing the factors affecting performance to take actions towards improving their performance and in turn contribute to job creation, wealth, innovation, and poverty alleviation. 2, pp Aug 19, 2020 · The purpose of this study was to explore determinants that influence women entrepreneurs’ performance in micro and small enterprises in Gondar city, Northwest Ethiopia, and in turn contribute to entrepreneurship-related literature mainly in developing countries. Keywords: Women entrepreneur, Performance, Gondar city, Micro and small enterprise, Determinant Introduction In the twenty-first century, more attention is given to the subject of entrepreneurship through establishing micro and small enterprises. zhvrz lpgodet tyf ymvbgy oaxg zvqdgifs mrlu bxdmjv ukaz ylbhsf lqy hwaaph uqdqys uujw kur