Dentron gla 1000b mods pdf Part of the mod is to back off the knob, band switch nut, and re-position the band switch stop to allow the switch to contact the 28MHz position. 3. Comes with a copy of mods to switch to Svetlana EL509 tubes that are still in prodution today. Jan 30, 2025 · More Dentron Radio Co. Dentron GLA 1000B AMP 500W Tube Amplifier, 80-10 Meters Excellent condition Grade A High performance. dk: If you have trouble when you are using mods. 00 plus shipping. pdf Dick_Smith_K-6313_user. Sep 1, 2024 · Selling for a friend a Dentron GLA 1000B Amp. 00 Dentron GLA-1000B Original Mix Lot of Parts Used We Ship Worldwide. C $54. 4 MB) gla1000dentronx. 4 × PL519 Dentron GLA-1000B - 10 meter modification such as I have it. I modified the instructions for my amp (GLA-1000B) by jumpering pin 1 to pin 2. 27 Front panel Rear panel - This Unit serial no# 4075 The original 6JE6C/6LQ6 tubes is in place inside Now tested thru dummy load,- the HF output is as shown: 80m - 380-420W Max (Modulated AM Carrier) 40m - xxxW/Peek 20m - xxxW/Peek 12m - xxxW/Peek Oct 4, 2017 · Please remember these items are used and will show some wear and usage. Power Amplifiers Dentron Clipperton-L (Clipperton L ClippertonL) service manual and specs Dentron DTR-2000L (DTR 2000 L DTR2000L) service manual and specs Dentron GLA-1000 (GLA 1000 GLA1000) service manual and specs Dentron GLA-1000B (GLA 1000 B GLA1000B) service manual and specs I picked this tuner up at a Ham Fest for $100,it is built like a tank, and matches my GLA-1000b Amp. From SK estate. If you are comfortable with this level of conversion, give this one a try. The Dentron GLA(Great Little Amp)1000b is a compact 1200w input HF amplifier which is often found quite reasonably priced on the second hand market because the valves it uses are not really up to the job in this amplifier. This is the manual page for Dentron. But the champ was a Modify your amateur radio to get better performance, or more functions. A good buy, I think. I had the MLA2500 (10m mod and 220V) which was a monster on 10m with a Hygain Long John 10m beam and wiped out all 23 channels on CB if I sat it on channel 14. To date I have sucessfully completed four of the Dentron_Clipperton-L_user. Dec 11, 2009 54,253 24 28. I've had my GLA 1000 about 6 mo. dk have manuals, schematics or other files from. Model: GLA-1000 - Dentron Radio Co. The final tubes are (4) 6LQ6 and produce about 550 watts out. 0. There are some improvements you can do that will protect your meter and tubes: 1. By and large this one follows the steps outlined by W4ZT, W4EMF, and K4POZ and their work is gratefully acknowledged. Dentron GLA-1000B SPECIFICATIONS. The Dentron GLA-1000B is the same as the GLA-1000 with the exception of the addition of a Tuned Input, two position antenna switch, two indicator lamps for transmit and receive, and the zener diode used for cathode bias was increased in voltage from 9vdc to 24vdc. This must have been a limited production since I can't find any info on it on the web,I have been lookiing for a wireing dia but no one seems to have one. I know that there are much bether amplifiers than the GLA-100b, but the tubes for them are so expensive 200$+. DENTRON GLA-1000B HF AMPLIFIE GLA1000B GLA 1000 1000B; If you have any question about repairing write your question to the Message board. 23 Ppi 500 Republisher_date 20230930230548 Republisher_operator associate-mae-mirafuentes@archive. If the site has helped you and you also want to help others, please Upload a manual, circuit diagram or eeprom that is not yet available on the site. Dentron CM-1. $8. Type: Amateur HF linear amplifier: Frequency range / band(s): Export 10-80 m USA 15-80 m Output power: SSB: ~600 W PEP (1200 W PEP The GLA-1000 series of amplifiers were good small amps but to often suffered at the hands of those operating them. GI-7BT Modification. The DenTron GLA 10008 is a commercial linearthat well supports this argument. $175. Type: Amateur HF linear amplifier: Frequency range / band(s): 15-80 m (USA) Output power: SSB: 1. Apr 19, 2020 Manufacturer: Dentron: Model: GLA-1000: Description: Amplifier: Type: Operator, Service Manual +mods: Price: $18 The GLA-1000B gives about 500W and that are more than enough for me. I am very pleased, it gives 500W CW output with 100W drive from my Heathkit HW100. Amp works fine. Dentron GLA-1000 SPECIFICATIONS. Click on the picture to see a bigger picture and if entered the extra description. 00 plus shipping from PA 17815 2 days ago · More Dentron Radio Co. Sign Related Manuals for Dentron MLA 2500. 10 meter mod has been done. Could use the case painted. This requires you to cut the cathode trace (Pin #3) and bridge across it with the resistor. Power multiplication factors of 10x to 14x can be expected with 40-60w drive. ) The Dentron GLA 1000 "Plain" B and C Amplifiers were sold as low cost Amateur Radio "sweep tube" RF Linears. Looking for an old, out-of-print Dentron manual? You've come to the right place. Install a 3 watt 10 ohm resistor MOF (metal oxide film type) between the cathode pin and the cathode circuit. After a bit of operation, they arced. Centers are missing out of 2 of the knobs but can probably be replaced, 375. pdf Dentron_MLA-2500_mod. Becauseof the present unfor tunate FCC regulations, it has to be sold as a 80-15 meter amplifier. Tested and guaranteed 30 days. Drive requirement is 60-125 watts. now. In order to get 10 meters working in the GLA-1000, 1000A and 1000B a modification had to be made. Can be used on 120v or 220v (currently on 120) simply by swaping a lead. Click on the picture to see a bigger picture and if entered the extra description. These tubes are taller then the american tubes, and they are not any tougher. Here you will find instruction manuals, service manuals, user guides schematic, brochures etc. Ebay Active Member. pdf (1. pdf Dentron_DTR-1200L_user. Dentron GLA 1000 Amplifier Time Owned: 6 to 12 months. The GLA-1000B and LA-1000 are 14lbs each being a little light weight for 500 watts out, but failures are very rare. Dentron GLA-1000B (GLA 1000 B GLA1000B) PDF User Manual for Dentron GLA-1000B (GLA 1000 B GLA1000B) : Dentron GLA-1000 Linear Amplifier for 80M, 40M, 20M, and 15M. bands that this amp covers. I recently dug out my GLA-1000 amplifier after having used it only a very few hours. I wanted to avoid using a switched network like the Dentron GLA-1000B's used. Very good operating shape. Manufacturer: Dentron: Model: GLA-1000B: Description: Amplifier: Type: Operator, Service Manual: Price: $14 Dentron GLA-1000B HF KW Amplifier - EXCELLENT WITH UPGRADES. The AL-811H and 30L-1 use 811A tubes and the Yaesu FL-2100B and SB-200 use a pair of 572b tubes. The amplifier has superb styling, one of the features of Dentron amplifiers during the era. There is a direct similarity between the Amp Supply LA-1000 amplifier series and the Dentron GLA-1000 lineup. Rock solid 600 watts ssb 400 watts cw. The choice of the power tube was a major contributor to the low cost of the GLA-1000. 00 … Dentron GLA 1000 Amplifier Time Owned: 6 to 12 months. Includes a full set (3) of used but still good tubes. Dentron GLA-1000 (plain), B & C Amplifiers The Dentron GLA 1000 "Plain" B and C Amplifiers were sold as low cost Amateur Radio "sweep tube" RF Linears. I just rebuilt it and also performed the mods that I found on line. pdf Dentron_MLA-2500_user. Y073 Dentron GLA-1000B $299. Add to cart. I was looking for a cabinet to house a homebrew GI-7B amp that I was moving from rack mount to table top. 34: A Single Triode 350 Watt Power Amplifier with the Svetlana 572B Tube (translations from article published in the Spanish CQ Magazine, August 1997) By Xavier Paradell. 2 days ago · GLA-1000B Radio. DENTRON GLA-1000B TUNED INPUT BOARD ONLY OTHERS HAVE USED THE W7ZT TUNED BOARDS (parts placements and values) (PARTS PLACE OVERLAY) This board fits on back of the bandswitch on in the amplifier. ; Twinsburg; Shape; Tablemodel, low profile (big size). (DenTron offers replace- ment tube kits through its dealers worldwide. The Tuned Input needs to be fine tuned for the EL-509/6KG6 tubes. Dentron GLA-1000B (GLA 1000 B GLA1000B) PDF User Manual for Dentron GLA-1000B (GLA 1000 B GLA1000B) : Manual for Dentron GLA-1000 HF Amplifier. The rear panel has a fan. This is all the manuals for Dentron. pdf GI7B Modifications Manual for GLA-1000: 28 Mar 2007: GI-7B in a Dentron GLA-1000: 28 Mar 2007: Dentron GLA 1000B mod: 30 Aug 2005: Dentron GLA-1000 Conversion: Click here to view all the ABOVE modifications for gla-1000 in one page. The 160 10 AT, when properly adjusted, will tune out load reactance, and transform the load impedance to 50 - 70 ohms. 5 days ago · More Dentron Radio Co. $25. Included with the amp will be all the conversion files and information. Dentron GLA-1000B Schematic Needed. I would GLA-1000B (10-80 meter) amplifier by Dentron. Currently wired for 120 VAC and putting out 400-500W per band with 100W drive. Sign In Upload. pdf Dentron_GLA-1000_user. Dimensions (WHD) 11 x 5. It had the general repairs found in most of these units. Power Amplifiers Dentron Clipperton-L (Clipperton L ClippertonL) service manual and specs Dentron DTR-2000L (DTR 2000 L DTR2000L) service manual and specs Dentron GLA-1000 (GLA 1000 GLA1000) service manual and specs Dentron GLA-1000B (GLA 1000 B GLA1000B) service manual and specs Oct 24, 2024 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Dentron GLA-1000B Original Front Face Used at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!. I have all the instructions for all these models. 10. Sep 30, 2023 · DENTRON AMP GLA-1000 Pdf_module_version 0. dk and you like to share this with others, then upload the picture to mods. 90 Day warranty, Free Shipping to USA (excl. Dentron GLA-1000B (GLA 1000 B GLA1000B) PDF User Manual for Dentron GLA-1000B (GLA 1000 B GLA1000B) : DenTron 160 -10 Super Tuner and 3 kw Models The Den Tron 160 - 10 AT Antenna Tuner (Transmatch), will couple a 160 - 10 meter Transmitter to almost any type antenna system. (19 pages) Amplifier Dentron GLA-1000 User Manual (12 pages) Summary of I have for sale in excellent condition a Dentron GLA-1000B amplifier. Test with 4 × PL-519 and 2 × GI-7B with minor modifications (see schematic) of the original GLA-1000 design. 50: SVETAP34: No. Pictures from Dentron / gla-1000c. This is a good entrance amplifier because its not so expensive, and you can convert it with EL509 tubes, and i have tons of them. The export model had not a 10 m imprint on the front but the band switch was equipped with a fifth state allowing an easy extension to 10 m. Related Manuals for Dentron GLA-1000. It came with 4 good tubes. It was already done in my GLA-1000. This amp is rated at 800W CW/ 1200W SSB INPUT …that’s a stretch! It will, however coast along all day at 500+/-Watts (peak) 350+/-W(av. 50: SVETAP35: No. Thread starter Ebay; Start date Mar 1, 2015; E. Use this information at your ownrisk, and don't attempt to work on the amp without appropriate high voltagetraining! INPUT PASSBAND FILTER This information was hand written into the parts list of my GLA-1000B manual,and as the question comes up from time to time, I'll share what I economical price. Have a nice Day! - Linear Amplifier DENTRON GLA-1000B - Got this amplifier from the previous owner SM2ULZ in 2008. The Dentron GLA-1000 and 1000A did not have a Tuned Input. In addition, I have made a few changes that may be helpful to others going down this same road. The dentron1. Power Amplifiers Dentron Clipperton-L (Clipperton L ClippertonL) service manual and specs Dentron DTR-2000L (DTR 2000 L DTR2000L) service manual and specs Dentron GLA-1000 (GLA 1000 GLA1000) service manual and specs Dentron GLA-1000B (GLA 1000 B GLA1000B) service manual and specs economical price. 00 Dentron Clipperton L Conversion to GI-7B Tubes and Other Modifications Pat Griffin AA4PG Walking out of Dayton, 2014 my eye caught a beat up Clipperton cabinet under a vendor table. pdf GLA-1000 amplifier pdf manual download. Amplifier Dentron MLA 2500 Operating Manual. The Tuned Input Board was designed for the Dentron GLA-1000B amplifier but can be used GI7B Modifications Manual for GLA-1000: 28 Mar 2007: GI-7B in a Dentron GLA-1000: 28 Mar 2007: Dentron GLA 1000B mod: 30 Aug 2005: Dentron GLA-1000 Conversion: Click here to view all the ABOVE modifications for gla-1000 in one page. 95 SOLD HF Linear Amp The Dentron GLA-1000B amplifier is for the 80 to 15 meter amateur HF bands. Do not be tricked into paying for a manual that is The GLA-1000 comes equipped with a tilt-up bail to increase air circulation and a super quiet forced air cooling system designed for trouble free operation. Hawaii, Alaska. 2 KW (PEP input) CW: 1 KW (DC input) Jan 16, 2017 · Well my friends I was gifted a the Dentron GLA-1000 amp in working order. pdf 6. I am very happy with my GLA-1000. com for more info. The second harmonic was DENTRON GLA-1000 HF Amplifier test the exciter drive and 2. However, a simple and economical Mar 29, 2014 · GLA-1000B Dentron Peter Dahl Transformer. I would rated this a 9 out of 10 and is in Sep 8, 2010 · DENTRON GLA-1000B REPLACEMENT BOARDS FOR THE AMP. Review Summary For : Dentron GLA-1000B Power Supply Upgrade Board; Reviews: 1 MSRP: The price is $59 plus $8 shippin; Description: The Dentron GLA amplifiers are just as popular now as they were in the late 70's. These units appear, from time to time, on eBay and seem to sell for up around $130-$150 which seems too high for me. Dentron GLA-1000B Original Mix Lot of Parts Used $ 60. GLA-1000B Radio. zip Jan 11, 2007 · I recall the oft-used nickname for this amplifier said the GLA stood for "Great Little Amplifier. To date I have sucessfully completed four of the Dentron MLA-2500 is clean if the transmitter used to drive it is clean. Many thousands were sold during the early 1980s. Before I dove into the filter project, I decided to verify that a low-pass filter would fix the problem, so I experimented with a couple external ones. 35 I have for sale in excellent condition a Dentron GLA-1000B amplifier. With the help of ebay purchases I added a Dentron WP-1A swr/wattmeter plus Dentron Super Tuner which I discussed elsewhere on this site. power supply for 80·10 meters. ) Dentron GLA 1000B AMP 500W Tube Amplifier, 80-10 Meters | First Class Radio, Inc. My T8-520 has third order products just under 30 db down from the single tone of a two tone test and that's what we found when looking at the output of the amplifier with a spectrum analyzer. or Best Offer +C $32. Have you a picture that not is shown on mods. org The Dentron GLA-1000 was a very popular, low-cost RF linear amplifier. Dentron Circuit Board Descriptions:A set of three (RF Board, Power Supply Board, and a Tuned Input Board) that are in kind replacements for the original circuit boards in the Dentron GLA-1000 series amplifiers. Selling one of my Dentron amps that has been rebuilt. Linear amp (19 pages) A friend gave me an old GLA-1000 a few years ago which he picked up in a west coast flea market. Thread starter Ebay; Start date Mar 5, 2018; E. 30. 55 shipping. zip file is a package of information to repair, modify (includes the original Dentron Factory 10 meter kit installation instructions), update and maintain your Amplifier. The final tubes are (4) 6LQ6 and produce about 500 watts out. Note that page can take a while to load, if there are many modifications. ) SSB output with 100 watts of drive. 5A Pentode Plate Voltage: 990V Pentode Plate Dissipation: 30W The GLA-1000 arrives with the ten meter coil installed, just disabled with a mechanical stop on the band switch. RFI/TVI has proven to be nil in my application of converted Dentron GLA-1000B. The GLA-l000Bis a self-contained linear amplifier with built-In 110/200 volt a. jpg 5. Note that these two links are to sites outside of this one but they are both tremendous sources of information about this conversion. Compliments of Luc Schreurs, ON4CDF. $300. Have too many amps in the shack. Included: The Amp, Original manual and Dentron folder, 10M mod instructions and resources list (the mod has NOT been done). $245. Jun 20, 2017 · The GLA1000B was a cheap low cost 600 watt amplifier to compete against the Heathkit SB-200. GI7B Modifications Manual for GLA-1000: 28 Mar 2007: GI-7B in a Dentron GLA-1000: 28 Mar 2007: Dentron GLA 1000B mod: 30 Aug 2005: Dentron GLA-1000 Conversion: Click here to view all the ABOVE modifications for gla-1000 in one page. You can also click here to see all the manufactories that mods. Asking $350 plus shipping Text 423 580 9889 or email me at k~~~~@e~~~~. The item "Dentron GLA-1000B HF Linear Amplifier 80-15 Meters" is in sale since Friday, March 22, 2019. pdf Dentron_Clipperton_QRO_user. The Svetlana instructions were for the GLA-1000 not the GLA-1000B. It is a GLA dentron gla 1000 conversion modification with 4 pl el 519 or 2 gi 7b. Mine is on its second set of tubes in 20+ years and easily puts out 500 Watts PEP. Have a nice Day! I need to correspond with anyone that has converted a GLA-1000B to use the Svetlana EL-509/6KG6 tubes. One that made a difference was a basic Drake TV-1000-LP inline filter. However, a simple and economical More Dentron Radio Co. UPGRADES AND MODIFICATIONS FOR DENTRON GLA-1000 SERIES AMPLIFIERS. dk: About mods. Download the article (GI-7B in a GLA-1000). This item is in the category "Consumer Electronics\Radio Communication\Ham, Amateur Radio\Ham Radio Amplifiers". Dentron CM-U1. com Pictures of the Dentron / gla-1000c. Opens in a new window or tab. This amplifier is rated for 800W CW and 1200 Watts ( PEP SSB ). Dentron MLA-2500 GI-7B Conversion Based on W4ZT, W4EMF, K4POZ Conversions This is yet one more Dentron MLA-2500 conversion. Jan 15, 2025 · GLA-1000B Radio. 00. Denny Dentron sold a ton of these workhorses. They were not without problems as received thus compounding the grief of many owners. It is a simple little desk top amp that runs on 110 that gets the job done. 1 in stock. Twenty bucks and it was mine. Path: /dentron/gla1000b/ This is the BAMA archive. Dentron CM-1 & Addendum. Whatsapp Me! Dentron GLA-1000B Original Mix Lot of Parts Used We Ship Worldwide. Thread starter nbsr; Start date Apr 19, 2020; nbsr Active Member. 25. 6LQ6's are also now starting to get hard to find = expensive, £35 is the cheapest I've seen them, £60 the dearest! and you need 4! Review Summary For : Dentron GLA-1000B Power Supply Upgrade Board; Reviews: 1 MSRP: The price is $59 plus $8 shippin; Description: The Dentron GLA amplifiers are just as popular now as they were in the late 70's. It appears that someone thought they could use a different tube in it and never finished the job. GI-7B CUT-OFF Some bare Dentron GLA-1000 (Plane) series amplifiers (-??fig) did not have a If you have trouble when you are using mods. GLA-1000B Operation manual. Tubes seem to be pretty good doing about 90% and looks like its been serviced within the last few years, All in all she's pretty clean, No mods that I can see. 00 Including shipping to Lower 48 states tfiebig@juno. It covers 80 to 10 meters and I have the 10 meter mod to get on 10 meters which has not been done. dk, Pictures from Dentron / gla-1000b. Dentron claims third order pro ducts at least 30 db down. pdf Dentron_DTR-2000L_user. For a few $ more, a robust version is available, the GI-7BT designed for tropical climates of high temperature and humidity. I hate to see it sit on the shelf. If you want to see manuals from other manufactories you can click on the manufactory menu in the left side. MLA 2500 amplifier pdf manual download. 375 x 11 inch / 279 x 137 x 279 mm; Notes; Also included are some information on the Dentron CM-U and CM-1 external tuned input for their larger amplifiers. I'm not to sure what if any my plans are for this vintage 70s amp. I had exspected to have to do some repair when I got it but it works perfect. There is an easy mod to replace the tubes with EL509s incase these sweep tubes get too expenisve. economical price. Amp looks new and is very clean. Visit you will not be disappointed. zip Dentron_MLA-2500_review_1977. Ebay Active Member Save Your Dentron GLA-1000 with the Svetlana EL509 By George Badger, Bob Alper, and Eric Barbour. GLA-1000B comes equipped with a tilt-up bail to increase air circulation and a super quiet forced air cooling system designed for trouble free operation. from Colombia. The GLA-1000 didn't have tuned input which was later added with the GLA-1000B. Dentron GLA-1000B Original Mix Lot of Parts Used quantity. pdf Dick_Smith_K-6307_user. The tubes were weak (~300-350 watts out) the last time it was used. The high voltage power supply is all solid state, and there are four final tubes, DenTron D-50A pentodes. pdf Dentron_GLA·1000B_review_1980. Nice condition Asking 300. NOTE: "low" output due to the 221 VAC mains in my home, anode voltage under load 850V. They run four sweep tubes and can produce about 1200 PEP input on sideband. The sweep tubes in the GLA-1000B and LA-1000 are heavy duty enough to produce 125 watts PEP out per tube (4 tubes). Mar 29, 2014 85 92 28 Hudson Valley, NY. 3V Filament Current: 2. (DenTron offers replacement tube kits through its dealers worldwide). Feb 4, 2021 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Dentron GLA1000b. Listed under the Technical Reference/Amplifiers/HF Amplifiers category that is about Amateur linear amplifiers. dk. Dentron GLA-1000B (GLA 1000 B GLA1000B) PDF User Manual for Dentron GLA-1000B (GLA 1000 B GLA1000B) : Pictures of the Dentron / gla-1000b Search help: Support (FAQ) How to donate: Help mods. Dentron Manuals. Files: Enable Javascript to download files gla1000. These manuals are available for download and free of charge. Oct 6, 2009 · Not homebrew but restoring a GLA-1000b. Due to a move and ham inactivity the amplifier hasn't been used for ~4 years. 32: Save Your Dentron GLA-1000 with the Svetlana EL509 By George Badger, Bob Alper, and Eric Dec 11, 2009 · Dentron Model GLA-1000B ham radio linear amplifier w/ 10 meter mod. DENTRON GLA-1000B REPLACEMENT BOARDS FOR THE AMP THREE BOARD SET. Power Amplifiers Dentron Clipperton-L (Clipperton L ClippertonL) service manual and specs Dentron DTR-2000L (DTR 2000 L DTR2000L) service manual and specs Dentron GLA-1000 (GLA 1000 GLA1000) service manual and specs Dentron GLA-1000B (GLA 1000 B GLA1000B) service manual and specs DENTRON GLA-1000 AMPLIFIER GLA1000 HF GLA 1000; If you have any question about repairing write your question to the Message board. The GLA-1000B gives about 500W and that are more than enough for me. "-----Dentron followed the GLA-1000 with the GLA-1000B which added a tuned input circuit, a 2-port antenna switch, an extra indicator light and perhaps something else. jpg 4. Power input is speced at 1200W SSB PEP or 800W CW via four D-50A (6LQ6) finals. Mar 1 Pictures from Dentron / gla-1000. When I did the W8JI center tap mod, I used a salvaged relay out of an outdoor floodlight unit. My amplifier was acquired inoperative and minus tubes. c. Pictures of the Dentron / gla-1000b Search help: Support (FAQ) How to donate: Help mods. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Dentron Gla-1000 HF Amplifier With 10 Meters at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! GLA-1000 Time Owned: 3 to 6 months. Dentron GLA-1000 Conversion Click here to view all the ABOVE modifications for gla-1000 in one page. dk, Dentron GLA-1000B Amplifier w/ Svetlana EL-509/6KG6 Tubes Rebuilt and ready to go. I got it through Ebay for $200. What I am hoping is that someone has one of these on the shelf that can take some pictures of. This site is for HAMs there want all the best from his radioamateur equipment. Pre-Owned. A Tuned Input was offered in the GLA-1000B and 160 meters was added in the GLA-1000C. 2 days ago · PDF User Manual for Dentron GLA-1000B (GLA 1000 B GLA1000B) : PDF Service Manual for Dentron GLA-1000B (GLA 1000 B GLA1000B) : Schematics for Dentron GLA-1000B (GLA The Dentron GLA 1000 "Plain" B and C Amplifiers were sold as low cost Amateur Radio "sweep tube" RF Linears. 58 shipping. For this no need registration. **GLA-1000B Schematic ** Dentron Series GLA-1000 Amplifier Relay Connections ** UPGRADES AND MODIFICATIONS FOR DENTRON GLA-1000 SERIES AMPLIFIERS Two great places to begin are KO4NR's site and a conversion tutorial by W4EMF. Dentron CM-U. Aug 23, 2013 · The pictures are of the (my) older model 80, 40, 20 and 15 m Dentron GLA-1000 (Plane, no tuned input) HF linear amplifier. When you put these into a GLA-1000B or simmilar you have to lower the RF board ever so slightly in order to get the top back on the amp! 6 days ago · More Dentron Radio Co. It has a few minor scratches. Mar 11, 2022 · Dentron GLA 1000B amplifier with 10 Meter mod. Jan 28, 2025 · GLA-1000B Radio. My attempt is to restore back to original since I have some The GLA-1000C Amplifier was the last of the GLA-1000 amplifier series sold before Dentron went out of business or possibly became Amp Supply, followed by Amp Supply's demise. Power Amplifiers Dentron Clipperton-L (Clipperton L ClippertonL) service manual and specs Dentron DTR-2000L (DTR 2000 L DTR2000L) service manual and specs Dentron GLA-1000 (GLA 1000 GLA1000) service manual and specs Dentron GLA-1000B (GLA 1000 B GLA1000B) service manual and specs Disclaimer: Although the greatest care has been taken while compiling these documents, we cannot guarantee that the instructions will work on every amp presented. DENTRON HF GLA-1000b amplifier with the 10M mod and manual. Substitutes: 6JE6 EIA Base: 9QL Filament Voltage: 6. For Sale or Trade Dentron Gla 1000b with BRAND NEW 6lq6 tubes. dk, then look at the Feb 16, 2013 · Zen Cart! 6LQ6 Beam Power Pentode Tube [VT-6LQ6] - 6LQ6 beam power pentode tube, new old stock, boxed. However, a simple and economical The GLA-1000B gives about 500W and that are more than enough for me. pdf Dick_Smith_K-6313_user_other. A friend gave me an old GLA-1000 a few years ago which he picked up in a west coast flea market. biwgqq cczxhraa mbi zfhcfmh msca wiidwcpa bwy esyhnp wfyrryo aaqmlfs umf smhsq usiu ukss ncupia