Best amara grenade. I like Recurring Hex or Cloning Hex on Amara.
Best amara grenade Utilize the list to SORT, FILTER, and FIND the best grenade mod for your build. tv/imwalther23 Amara is the melee character and there are some crazy Stinger builds out there. When they fall down, drop a Quasar grenade, and they're all staggered again. I usually end up praying with remenant orbs n a kickcharger. Not only can she regenerate all grenades by simply grasping at empty spaces, it sometimes regenerates 2 grenades instead of one (not sure if this has to do with guardian ammo pick up boost). 200% ASA, at least currently, requires you to have the weapon equipped when the action skill starts, with how short Amara's actions skills are it is useless with cast and slam (except the fist one that hits the ground for a while), and barely useful on grasp. Dec 17, 2024 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Kensei Class Mod Guide. But, from what I’ve seen on a Driver build, people run shock and use the Conflux skill where applying a status has x% chance to apply the others. Lets you kill a ton of mobs with 1 melee, cc a dude, and proc Driver and stack Joyful Freedom with fakegrasping. Mesmer works great too with certain builds. I understand this is quite gear specific, but I’ve used the phazerker and the damage potential just isn’t the same. Frozen enemies take 250% extra melee damage ;) Reply reply Transformer shield + shock grenade to refill shields. Phasezerker COM with sniper damage and conflux skill, Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge with fire rate and mag size, fire/shock complex root and fire/shock flipper and incendiary light show all with consecutive hits annoints, x8 monarch with 300% phaseslam for bossing and a couple Nov 1, 2019 · Each weapon has its own strengths and weaknesses, making careful selection crucial for success. Quite fun but if you are looking for something completely different go role like a Zane or something. Good supporting class mods can make a massive, massive difference in damage output. Apart from its unique On Amara, it can put out three elements at once this way - grenade, melee, and shock from charge. Amara deals additional Elemental damage by 30% and Shock damage by 40%. I haven't used any grenade's for anything other than anointment's the damage just isn't worth using by itself. I think this is a great build, its just not technically melee focused considering Amara's pure melee damage makes up a very small portion of the damage and means almost nothing without groundbreaker. BONUS SKILLS: Do Harm. Just started playing as Amara and was just wondering what is the best build for her? I've seen the khaos queen build but was just wondering if anyone had any other recommended builds. Apart from its unique Ive been looking at most all amara builds (found out most things are nerfed). Aug 21, 2020 · Anointments can only be found on certain weapons, shields, and grenade mods. The Fish Slap spawns with any combination of 2 or 3 Behaviors. Contains: max-level Item Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, boosted skills, and more… Aug 21, 2022 · With the way the build is set up, having an elemental shotgun will take advantage of almost all of your damage buffs. For mobbing you would want a melee lifesteal relic. You can continue to boost your Gun damage by picking up the PhaseCast anoint […] Grenade Mod: obviously use porcelain in solo until it gets nerfed, but storm front is great for longevity in boss fights. Watch your enemies melt before you was as you barely go into FFYL! Gun build: Spec down blue and grab the skills for crit and gun damage bonuses relating to action skill use. 1 grenade. If you can get a burning going either through a low level high chance epiccenter or flame grenade you are almost guaranteed to melt a boss w/ 250WD PC fire cutsman or lyudda. May 4, 2020 · Pick your grenade with whatever after-action element you want. The answer is you probably need a better class mod (meaning a Phasezerker with good passives), a better relic (on Hellzerker Amara, accept no substitutes for the Pearl, or maybe a good Company Man), better anointments with good synergies, and though your weapons aren’t bad, they’re not ideal for Amara. I have all Mayhem 10 gear except for my Grenade Mod and Plasma Coil. What would be the best item/armor setup for a softcore character on a master mode "For the Worthy" world without being too OP early game? upvotes · comments r/borderlands3 Welcome to my Ultimate Amara series! Here I'll be taking you through every single thing that you'll need to know about BL3's siren Amara if you want to be ab As for Weapons relics grenade mod's and shields, it really shouldn't matter but I will go over what gear I currently have. Here was an example Moze setup I did with the CMT. This is the Dec 8, 2021 · GRENADES. Upon making an impact, the Storm Front spawns four other grenades that stick to any surface, with each grenade shocking any enemies near before the explosion. What skills in that tree are a must and what are best ignored ? What legendary class mod benefits phase grasp build the most? Best shield for Amara phasegrasp build ? Best grenade? Stuff like that is much appreciated! I have a ton of stuff for Amara saved up in my mozes ba Gonna make this a series eventually going through all my builds. And a grenade is useful for proccing a different element DoT to proc that Guardian Rank Skill which increases damage for every different element DoT. Amara can make anything work if you know how to build. Muse: Amara's best melee class mod and rolling with Laid Bare makes it even better Kensei: rolls with unweave the rainbow, nuff said Golden rule: amazing for action skill upkeep and rolls with Laid Bare which is 50% completely multiplicative damage at 6/3 Yeah, the Shlooter is purely for fun. Dec 1, 2019 · In this build, Grenade Mods are not used frequently and are mostly used for survivability. Since you will always want to be in melee range, a shotgun is the best for this build. Deals melee damage. Level 65, Guardian Rank 103. Build is shown right at the start, then I solo True Maliwan Takedown doing nothing but throwing grenades. I got a solid clear build, especially with a crit nova plasma coil and re-volter. This is a List of ALL legendary and unique GRENADES in Borderlands 3. Use the companion as a backup pistol and it destroys bosses if you hit crits often and are set on fire The best augment is the +300% weapon damage after Phaseslam as it adds a lot more damage than the +200% melee damage because I believe it is multiplicative. Every great build has a grenade that's doing work behind the scenes, whether proccing ef Have a Facepuncher and Psycho Stabber with an appropriate anointment for your Action Skill (or 300/90), a Frozen Heart shield with the On Action Skill Start anointment, and an Ice Breaker or [Element] Stone artifact with passives that makes sense for your build. Apr 5, 2021 · I use Amara. I recently re-speced into avatar instead of forceful expression, it's great fun watching all the damage all over the screen! It really depends on what your build is, as far as I know. Armor: Body armor and helmets can protect players from incoming fire, but they also limit mobility. Jan 30, 2020 · Regardless we will go down the orange tree first . Aug 21, 2020 · Grenades may not be as important to some builds in Borderlands 3 (unless you’re Moze/maybe Zane if you’re using the drone delivery skill or any of his other skills that consume or use grenades) but still, grenades have at least someplace in most builds. Nov 2, 2019 · Borderlands 3 - Top 5 MOST POWERFUL Legendary Grenades YOU NEED TO GET!Click here to subscribe : http://goo. The Pearl is one of the most powerful artifacts in the game. The most useful option for this build is Tran-fusion , which offers a moderate lifesteal effect, allowing you to use them to regain Health at a distance in those desperate situations. I don't see that much talk about Amara with grenades outside of When playing Melee Amara a fishslap grenade and a Blade Fury are killing everything in seconds. I’ve dabled with slam and face puncher/ Blade fury, but i cant get a good boss build. Alternatively, if you are using The Transformer, you can pick up a strong Shock-damage Grenade of your choice to heal yourself via self-damage. Your Max Rush Stacks is increased by 5 Stacks. All Behaviors are equally common. Flipper, Plasma Coil, Lightshow, Hellwalker, Trevonator, Kybs Worth, OPQ System, NoPewPew, SoulRen Jan 23, 2021 · A Spiritual Driver Borderlands 3 Amara build that dips into the green tree for Mindfulness remains the best endgame Borderlands 3 Amara build, but now you have more points to spend in Mystical Assault. I also use a phazeserker class mod, which ups elemental damage and is also just insane. Essentially I go with a Cryo/Cryo old god, cryo annoint grenade and a cryo to all melee attacks white elephant and pretty much every single enemy besides those resistant to cryo gets frozen INSTANTLY on the first shot from the facepuncher. Jun 28, 2021 · This grenade is the best when it comes to taking out huge clusters of enemies in an instant. The Big Boom Blaster can be obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from The Unstoppable who is located https://www. Two grenades in particular are great for crowd control: Mesmer and Hyperion Quasar (non sticky). Though even their best melee build is using the Fish Slap Grenade with the Com that let's Rakks drop grenades. 17% sniper damage along with almost 150 life regen. Ties that bind is also good too Your one-stop-shop for every kind of Amara build imagineable. But yeah, stabbing is still viable anyhow. Mostly, your two best class mods for Moze are going to be the Blastmaster (which increases splash damage, for as long as you don’t reload, for up to +100%, but it takes time to reach its limit), or the Mind Sweeper, which adds a chance to drop a mini-grenade on every crit. Lucky for you, from Amara to Zane, this article outlines the best builds to help your vault hunte Borderlands 3 Best Farm Spots (Legendaries, XP, Eridium) You're going to spend a lot of time farming in borderlands 3, Whether its hunting for the final piece of your solo build, scrounging together eridium for that one skin you've been eyeing Jan 12, 2024 · There are a lot of options when it comes to the best Borderlands 3 grenades, but the best of the best in pre-DLC Borderlands 3 is generally considered to be the Recurring Hex. The most fun is up to you but personalny I love melee build. Amara players quickly discovered ways to allow them to take down even the toughest bosses within Jun 29, 2024 · In this video I showcase the Best Items for Amara in Borderlands 3. I have a personal favorite with it running full cryo for mobbing. Sep 19, 2019 · Why Can’t I Carry All These Grenades: ups your grenade capacity. 5. May 4, 2020 · Grenade damage is busted right now so what the grenade actually is does not matter. I would also just look for any triple roll purples both grenades and shields. At endgame, most grenades are just utility, but a few grenades do do damage. More often, though, I recommend grenades for utility on Amara. You shoot grenades left and right with this build so it wouldn’t make sense to not have the best grenade mod possible equipped. Not sure about best but I'm using Joltzdude "Light Warrior" build rn. The Stone class mod can be obtained in the Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC as a world drop. You can find a Recurring Hex grenade by farming Sky Bullies in The Anvil. Amara is very samey no matter what build you play. Sep 16, 2019 · Best Amara solo build (Image credit: Gearbox) When playing Borderlands 3 alone, the most important thing to consider is your survivability. It can drop from enemies in the Revenge of the Cartels but has a higher chance of dropping from FISH SLAP!. There a only a few rare options for grenades. The Hunter Seeker grenade is best used with the Nov 17, 2022 · Build Description A New 2022 Amara Build by Moxsy that focuses on Jakobs weaponry and being able to one-shot enemies. inb4 an auto-regen grenade like chain lightning exists and a grenade Zane build is made. Other than that you will not find class mods or artifacts with anointments. Contains: max-level Item Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, boosted skills, and more… Nov 29, 2019 · The last gear slot, Grenade Mods, are non-essential for the build, but can add a little bit more damage in niche situations. It gives +50% melee damage when full, and releases a melee Nova when it breaks. 10. Mostly Orange/Blue tree with TTB phasegrasp. However, some anointments only affect certain vault hunters, so the first 4 will be about those anointments respectively. If you haven’t reached the point where The Anvil is available, or you’re simply looking for Here is the Borderlands 3 best gear to get for Amara the Sire, these weapons, artififacts, grenades, class mods are a must get for Amara. Class Mod. Dec 26, 2022 · Hey guys, i almost exclusively play solo and i am looking for the better solo-capable Vault Hunter of those two. For the enemy, see FISH SLAP!. Rocketeer is an awful class mod due to auto bears damage formula 1hp builds are B tier at best; stacking gun damage with no health gate is awful vs things like wotan. Borderlands 3. Borderlands 3 Best Endgame Builds for Vault Hunters: Amara – Zane – Fl4k – Moze. Phasecast and Phaseslam are both good, and come with anointments that do +250% and +300% gun damage boosts respectively. gl/2hcci1Borderlands 3 NEW UPDATE - EVERYTHING YO Amara doesn't need DLC items. Aug 23, 2021 · If you have ever wanted to just spam grenades everywhere on a character that isn't Moze this is the build for you! The level 72 Ghast Call is something to no This is a subreddit dedicated to the video game series named Story of Seasons! Story of Seasons for the Nintendo 3DS was the beginning of a new chapter in the Bokujo Monogatari series, a long-standing and top-selling farming/life simulation franchise. This weapons guide will tell you exactly which grenade mods you should have equipped in your inventory. Contains: max-level Item Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, boosted skills, and more… As it turns out, a "Regenerate one grenade on action skill start" anointment on Amara is pretty damn broken. For every Rush stack, Amara gains a +3% damage reduction. The most useful part of Grenade Mods is that most options inflict good Elemental Damage, allowing you to make use of skills like Tempest to boost your damage. I can do the damage with Moze, but can't stop 5 armored badassess all rocketing me at the same time. If I may expound on grenades specifically for Amara further, the It's Piss has a nice application of removing DoTs applied by a Spiritual Driver class mod (or a Sellout, if you're popping rounds into your feet) for situations where triggering Topped Off is preferable to having Mindfulness stacks (cough Stinger with AS Start Break/Fill anoint Good Amara Grenade mod? [ Question ] I play as melee Amara, so Cryo is the best option. Each bounce increases explosion damage and radius. I am still using Phasezerker which I CMT is the best healing grenade in the game for Moze, and it's also one of the few grenades in the game that you can do serious damage with. Proper grenade usage increases build diversity for you. Working on getting a Mayhem 10 Plasma… Mar 13, 2024 · Best Siren/Amara Gear Suggestions in Borderlands 3. Melee build with facepuncher shotgun, overkill mystic phasecast and phaselock with elements tree. I like Recurring Hex or Cloning Hex on Amara. Here are the top 5 best ones in Borderlands 3 and how to get them. Jul 14, 2023 · The best grenade for this build is the Mesmer because of its ability to turn This build uses Amara's Phasegrasp action skill in combination with the skill Vigor to amp Amara's movement Nov 29, 2019 · If you are using a The Transformer Shield, you should try to find yourself a Grenade Mod that deals large amounts of Shock damage to heal yourself, with Fastball being the best option for this. This setup rests on the “Overkill” perk in your Guardian Rank and utilizes that with Amara’s “Ties That Bind” Action Skill. I use Grave as my artifact because it just boosts stats so effectively, but I have not researched this at all. Red tree is about elemental dots. Amara is quite a beast with 3 viable builds. I've got each VH to 72 M10 ready, and Amara is the one i probably play the most. Explosive Punctuation: Check out the best Amara builds; Get daily insight, inspiration and deals in your inbox. This build aims to have the absolute maximum damage using the Spiritual Driver Class Mod. Level 17 – 20: 3 Points in Indiscriminate Let's talk grenades at Mayhem 10/11. Because it is a guardian perk, technically every character can have a melee build. At first i thought Fl4k might be the best choice because of his pets but ppl say his surviability is sub par and he gets down when he gets hit by a feather. Blue tree is about buffs to Amara through Rush stacks. Hunter Seeker Amara ‘Khaos Queen’ Build Skill Tree – LVL72 – Borderlands 3. Gearbox. In terms of getting this, it’s a world drop like a lot of weapons in Borderlands 3. The core of the relic doesn't offer anything special but the secondary starts are what make it better. Sniper Rifle: Sandhawk or Krakatoa; Assault Rifle: The Monarch or Kaos; Pistol: Beacon or Unkempt Herald; Submachine Gun: Flipper or D. But you can just as easily use Slam or a Phaseflare variant. Consecutive hits is one of the best anointments right now on any character because you can stack it very fast since the dots from the weapons and your ASEs on grenades and shields also help. Reply reply More replies Top 1% Rank by size Oct 18, 2019 · Welcome to our Phasecast Gunmara build guide for Amara the Siren in Borderlands 3. On ASE Next 2 Mags do 100% element x, 100% weapon damage ase, and 200% splash when applicable are great on her. Related Posts: Definitive TOP 5 BEST Borderlands 3 Amara Guns Aug 7, 2021 · Grenade Mod. Amara Phaseslam Anointment Oct 18, 2019 · Welcome to our Elemental Ricochet build guide for Amara the Siren in Borderlands 3. This build is ideal when it comes to bursting down bosses for speed farming. 5 days ago · Best Corrosive Grenades Borderlands 3 Legendary Grenade – Fish Slap While grenades aren’t the most viable damage source during End Game, the Fish Slap is the best because it can trigger the “Ground Breaker” Guardian Rank Perk resulting in massive damage. Golden rule is amara not moze. A NOTE ON ELEMENTAL BONUS ANOINTS ON SHIELD/GRENADE. I am still using Phasezerker which I think is Amara’s best mod for most Phasegrasp is insane, with Ties That Bind still being one of the best skills in the game. If you have these g Feb 26, 2024 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Spiritual Driver Class Mod Guide. Grenades: Frag grenades, flashbangs, and smoke grenades can be used to disorient opponents, create cover, or clear areas. It just seems like Amara gets the best out of it. Ever since the Fish Slap Grenade came back, I gave melee Amara another chance, and she's become and absolute monster. Posted by u/FooPvris - No votes and 2 comments Ive been looking at most all amara builds (found out most things are nerfed). Use whatever you find fun. In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know to gear yourself up and play this build at the highest level. Amara's phasegrasp can. Have an Elemental Grenade Mod. If you get that bored with the Face Puncher though you really should just roll a new character. This build focuses on maximising Amara's damage output in order to deal huge amounts to a single target. It is the only grenade that does melee damage. Like a FishSlap with a melee artifact or a Ghast call with a flesh melter setup. Currently running cryo and radiation on them. Both of them, when used well, can make an off-meta build go from barely playable to breezing through content. But the best grenade for Zane is usually based on the cmod. And, of course, CMT on Moze. Say hello to my little fish! – Significantly increased damage. That's Fl4k's no. 4 days ago · There are a lot of legendary Grenade Mods in Borderlands 3 but like any true Vault Hunter, you only want to best of the best. FL4K gives tons of healing, but that's all he gives outside of the singulariskag and the rad-barrel monkey. I haven't had luck with getting a mirvtactic hex yet so that's why I recommend the recurring. Pick up a spiritual driver/phasezerker class mod. Face Puncher is just nice cause it's ranged and a shotgun. Jun 28, 2020 · One of several legendary grenade mods scooped up from El Dragon Jr on Eden-6, this mod shoots a stream of lighting to the nearest head, inflicting a dangerous amount of shock damage. Hex grenades are great for a seein dead cmod bc the grenade will trigger kill skills fast. This is about right. Fish Slap is a grenade that drops from the sub-boss of the same name (as well as Tyrone Smallums and Joey Ultraviolet himself) in the Revenge of the Cartels event. Rocket Launcher: Backburner or Plaguebearer; Shotgun: Projectile Recursion or Trevonator; Grenade Mod: It's Piss or Miltois Hunter-Seeker; Class Mod Oct 31, 2019 · Why Face-Puncher is Great for Amara: Hands-down the best weapon for an Amara melee build; Enhanced by Find Your Center, Jab Cross, and Illuminated Fist skills; Can be further enhanced with certain artifacts and class mods; One-shot enemies to death; How to get Face-Puncher: World Drop Aug 6, 2020 · Fl4k and Amara have been proven to be some of the most badass vault hunters in Borderlands 3. A pretty freaking good grenade. It's Piss is fine but, if anything, that's Zane's grenade. Green tree increases melee and splash damage. twitch. Each Behavior can occur 1 | 2 | 3 times which increases its effect. Its completely different. As such, most of the skills you want to equip for Amara But overall highest dps build for amara non-melee is elemental projector cutsman/lyuda. So if you can keep feeding on these boosters you can keep your shield up and deal a lot of damage. I don’t play Amara (she’s my least played VH) but I used Joltzdude muse build with a facepuncher, muse com, Static charge, shield with 100% melee damage and a 50% ase grenade and it does damage. A +25% damage on throw anoint is nice if you dont want to use an elemental anoint. I accidentally deleted my Amara before the new anoints were added. Best Weapons for this Build. Fish Slap - Behaviors. Nov 20, 2022 · That being said, a good grenade mod would be sick for this build. Contains: max-level Item Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, boosted skills, and more… Amara is probably my favorite to play. Same goes for Amara. Defuse Kit: In bomb defusal Currently i run Mind Sweeper with 5 Points into Skag of the Den as Class-Mod which i guess is good already and a CMT as grenade Reply reply Knut_Sunbeams UTILITY GRENADES. Set this on in the background, put your own music to it (or none at all) and get some stuff Dec 21, 2019 · Welcome to our Spiritual Driver Boss Killer build guide for Amara the Siren in Borderlands 3. It's just a pain to farm since it takes so long to run through the quest progression. Any crit, even grenade crits, which can chain for massive damage. I cover the best weapons for Amara as well as the Best Class Mods, Grenade Mods, Artifact Feb 26, 2024 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Nimbus Class Mod Guide. Then you should also have a Blade Fury/Facepuncher for flying enemies. For me the best designed vault hunter. Trying to get it anointed. Contains: max-level Item Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, boosted skills, and more… Apr 17, 2021 · Build Description Powerful Amara Build by Moxsy that focuses on the special abilities of the new class mod that came with the Director’s Cut. Jun 29, 2024 · In this video I showcase the Best Items for Amara in Borderlands 3. Feb 13, 2024 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Stone Class Mod Guide. We all know and love those useful anoints on grenades. Not only does it deal tons of damage and has a decent radius, but it also looks highly cool doing so. Alternatively you can use Tran-fusion , which can be used for its lifesteal effect to directly restore your health. Grenade damage is busted right now so what the grenade actually is does not matter. Pretty much you focus into the red tree until you get he capstone, and then put the rest of your effort into the green tree, unless your Moxsy b/c he puts three in blue to get the improved handling and reload speed. Best grenade mod or top 3 [ L00T ] I have the pipe bomb but its a low level one and i feel that now that i am 50 lvl there could be better choices especially after the nerf. In this video we countdown the Top 10 Grenade Mods in Borderlands 3. Blade Fury is far superior to the Face Puncher. Here are the best legendary items for each. Feb 26, 2024 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Master Class Mod Guide. Fish Slap is a legendary grenade mod manufactured by Pangolin in Borderlands 3. Mar 29, 2024 · Pangolin - Rubberized Grenade is thrown in an arc and bounces of surfaces. Since I came up with this build I've messed around with variations on how the anoints are setup and so on, but the basic idea is the same. Guaranteed bouncing prefix and +15% damage for each enemy damaged. Dec 1, 2019 · The last gear slot, Grenade Mods, offers very little utility to the Phaseslam Melee build as they do not offer any stats to contribute to melee damage. This is an "ideal" version though, good luck getting it. May 1, 2020 · Build: I have read to try and get the 50% a ASE on my grenade and shield. Though, I haven’t tested in true takedowns but I imagine it’s still good. N. A ricochet Amara build is crazy good IMO it’s the best build in the game on an overall level. Single-shot weapons work best with Overkill, however, if you are having a hard time achieving that […] 4 days ago · Because when Amara is damaged she has a +10% chance to gain a Rush stack. That said, bonus mag damage does stack with bonus elements from shields and grenades. An elemental Grenade Mod will save you for when you need to heal in a snap. Grenade for ASE bonus element. Tags: Amara Build Guide, Best Borderlands 3 Anointments For The difference between using the Hyperfocus on my Hyperion Amara with my +smg damage, +hyperion critical class mod and not having it is night and day. Grenade is Fish Slap. My personal go-to is an Atlas Quasar for crowd control while mobbing. Elemental projector/ victory Rush / Otto idol (snow Drift versions are good for movement) Any shield with an 50%elemental annoint( Transformer is good i guess) Any grenade with 50% elemental annoint (different from shield) -whatever gun you prefer. Each of her skill trees has a distinct play style. Storm front is bae <3. That would honestly be insane, drone can use a grenade every 15 seconds, clone uses one on spawn and 30% chance per kill, 20% chance for first shot from Zane's gun, and consuming 3 of them for Boom Enhance, but an auto-regen grenade with 20% grenade regen (24% with Death Follows Close) kill skill and the This will restore your shield and will add 1 grenade and 1 rocket launcher ammo to your inventory. The best option for this is Tran-fusion, which will steal a large percengage of its damage dealt to enemies. (and can easily be farmed via the vault cards) If I remember correctly that one time I was oneshotting Hermivorous with a fishslap grenade while holding the Guardian Angel shotgun. It was night, wanted to mess around with my grenade build, decided to just put it out there. Aug 6, 2020 · Fl4k and Amara make for an amazing duo that all the enemies of the Borderlands universe should fear. I cover the best weapons for Amara as well as the Best Class Mods, Grenade Mods, Artifacts and Shields. Amara gives good CC with healing, as does Zane through various cryo damage shenanigans, though Zane can also buff damage of his team shooting through the shield, buff their shield recovery, heal them a bit over time, and spread his shield effects to allies and the . A. Epicenter Depends on the build. The bullet portion of the blade fury has been proven to deal splash damage. This build focuses on Elemental Damage and aims to spread its damage to all enemies in an area, making it excels at dealing with large groups of enemies. A commonly used anointment on your shield and grenade is +50% elemental damage on action skill end. Idk about "best" but this is pretty easy to farm and it can crush almost everything in the game*; most of the endgame content is still very easy with this. And Purple tree has a plethora of bonuses. I'll start with my relic Moxxi's Endowment. Remember, for the Blood Starved Beast, which is incredible on Amara, you want +AR damage. Amara melee is fun but for me personally it's all about allure with ties that bind. For guns are the best anoints going to be to add a different type of element damage, or is it better to have 200% damage during action skill or 300% damage to enemies above 90% health? And why? Does each element type create its own extra projectile? Or is that only on the Mar 15, 2022 · Pistols, Snipers, Shotguns, Launchers, SMGs, ARs, Grenades, Class Mods, Artifacts and Shields, these are the best of the best in every categoryTime Stamps:00 If you can't find Mitosis Hunter Seeker, go for Cloning Hunter Seeker. For action skills, Ties that Bind is probably the best all around. I urge anyone who believes that a phasezerker can one shot graveward, ruiner, etc using a backburner to please try it themselves on Amara. Killing an enemy grants Amara a stack of Rush. I've played Moze about 5 times longer than Amara, and I get clobbered on M3 with her unless I get easy modifiers. The grenade/shield ASE element counts as gun damage, so it definitely wouldn't double-dip anything, nor receive mayhem scaling bonus for melee. Remnant Orbs have a chance to spawn a Blessed Orb that increases Amara’s weapon damage by 250% for 20 seconds. Due to the level cap, I have been refarming some gear, and I need some advice for anointments and other weapon recommendations. Looking for "best" will just be recommendations for the items that are overpowered and thus good on pretty much everyone. Level 12 – 17: 5 Points in Anima Amara’s action skill status effect deals 40% additional damage, with a duration increased by 100%, and other status effect damage is increased by 20%. I’m running an Amara elemental build with the phasezerker class mod, elemental projector artifact, I don’t have a great shield yet, epicenter grenade mod, and my main gun is the Kong’s call with fire on it. rnhno wnyvj syv ixq conjsb ztpt yvmnq nfqfg edma iaezfqj wmh bckiosf qqdbe lsg prcthp