Android custom dialog transparent background not working. Theme_Holo_Light_NoActionBar_Fullscreen); dialog.
Android custom dialog transparent background not working To allow the color defined in android:background in your custom style to be transparent and show the transparency, all we have to do is change ?attr/colorBackground to @android:color/transparent. My code: In Activity: @OnClick(R. I tend to make the system window background of the dialog, to become transparent. Builder, which had a black background showing in the title and the body when i use: . setLayout(ViewGroup. I read so many articles and user's question on stackoverflow but none of them is helping me out. e, none of what is included in a typical Dialog) but just a ProgressBar spinner on a plain background. setMessage(R. With setting the style item android:windowIsFloating to true (the default), the DialogFragment displays exactly how I want it to, but has a very dimmed background. I want the progress bar to be shown in front of my activity. Feb 18, 2021 · I'm trying to display a custom dialog but it's not showing up but making the background transparent. May 6, 2020 · Step 4 — A bit of style, all the magic comes from here ! To get this effect of the circular icon above the content with transparency we have to set the "android:windowBackground" attribute to Dec 14, 2020 · I have made a bottom sheet dialog with Frame layout. You will need this line in your build. Apr 29, 2016 · Ok I got the solution. CustomAlertDialog); AlertDialog alertDialog Feb 14, 2015 · in my application my created custom dialog dont have full height and i can not change and customize that. Apr 7, 2011 · To make the background of the Dialog transparent you just need to set the theme of dialog to be android. setTitle(dialog_title) . Sep 27, 2015 · I am using Accengage (Ad4Push) and I want to customize its dialog. DayNight. It all works. setWindowAnimations(R. Accengage team said that it is possible to change dialog style with custom theme and I did that. setMessage(dialog_mesg) Jan 17, 2019 · Ok This works, without the need to the Theme part, cause that wasn't needed. Here is my dialog layout: <LinearLa Jan 18, 2014 · You can make a Custom Theme for all the devices. button1 for positive, android. But not as before. support. Every dialog has this, but the default Android dialogs have the window background set to transparent. builder. Nov 21, 2018 · I know i need to set transparency dialog. setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(android. so you can't write a problem without any code, we're just asking for Dialog code (not all project code), you can create a new project and write your dialog codes, then if it still not working you should share it here May 26, 2020 · After making the changes as you said it shows the expected layout now. Everything is fine except the header of the bottom sheet which is not getting transparent. I can change textSize, textColor, May 14, 2019 · I am using this solution to round corners of dialog in BottomSheetDialogFragment and it works fine with API 21 and higher But in Api < 21 it removes the background and the rounded background goes how can i include custom titlebar in alertDialog?I know android sdk provide setCustomTitle method but it does'not work edit: AlertDialog alert = new AlertDialog. Builder(this). Nov 8, 2011 · I need to create a dialog over a fragment (that takes up the whole screen). Though I know it has a default theme but in different version I am getting different theme so I want to fix it for all version. Apr 21, 2020 · I am trying to do a semi-transparent custom layout dialog, I tried to set the DialogPanel background to ARGB of 0,0,0,0 but its not working. android. Sample Code : Dialog dialog; @Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) { switch(id) { case 1: AlertDia Feb 10, 2015 · I'm attempting to create a custom dialog with a semi transparent background. As @sumy7 mentionned, even if your layout background is transparent, the background of the window will still be displayed. It takes the space of whole layout. button2 for negative, and android. show(fragmentManager, "MyDialog") Jul 1, 2012 · I have taken three Views. Here’s Aug 7, 2014 · The problem is that AlertDialog builder is actually not good for designing transparent dialog and will and always have this black background which is actually a Theme for it, instead use the Dialog to create a transparent theme instead. this, android. However I'd rather have it in XML as I use this for several different custom dialog classes. I've tried: dialog. Help me. eg:-new AlertDialog. The dialog shows a list of which the user can choose some items. However if I change android:windowBackground to android:background, the correct behaviour for android:background is seen, and the default background of all the views in the dialog becomes the specified value, as it should. Thanks a lot! Feb 26, 2020 · I made custom dialog and it doesn't make background color dim. AlertDialog. Therefore, if you don't want to use the dialog that shipped with the device's Android version; You need to code a completely fresh dialog from the ground up. DarkActionBar. In the first view I set full (no alpha) color, on the second view I set half (0. This is what I currently do inside WidgetConfig activity:. 1. Everything works well but what I want is that instead of the black background of the alert dialog I want a transparent background. xml: Mar 9, 2015 · With the Androidx library and Material Components Theme you can override the getTheme() method:. Everything is working fine but I am unable to make the background transparent. inflate(R. v7. I've been implementing a custom Dialog. Jan 24, 2017 · I'm using a custom dialog with an image as a background. show (). background="@android:color/white https://demonuts. This is the fragment code: full screen dialog. MaterialComponents. First make change in theme. However, the image background is now no longer showing, and something gray is put in its place - but only over the image background, not over the entire layout! – May 28, 2016 · I had to wait until after setContentView was called in onActivityCreated in order to access the container. 0 only and it also removes blur effect! Jan 22, 2020 · So I made a new Activity that uses a custom transparent theme. transparent); May 7, 2015 · To sum up our combined with the author efforts: The main objective was to get a dialog appearance effect (specifically background dimming) for the progress indicator of a type "material progress wheel" with the transparent background of the dialog itself. I had declared "AppTheme. class ClearDataBottomSheet : BottomSheetDialogFragment { private lateinit var contentView: View constructor() { } override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super. The dialog needs to be a floating dialog that will be positioned over the fragment with the fragment darkened out outside Mar 21, 2016 · Note, the unwanted extra white region at the dialog after animation, is not caused by our custom view. TRANSPARENT)); to make the background transparent. How to have a Semi transparent background? 3. android dialog transparent. newInstance(args,args1) myDialog. I have a panel with all my controls already, and I am just loading and adding the view to the dialog panel. You Oct 16, 2014 · How can I change the background color programatically of a dialog box? AlertDialog. I have given transparent color to both the Frame layout and the p Dec 20, 2012 · Still not working unfortunately. Feb 25, 2018 · So, assuming you want the activity and fragment to be transparent for a particular fragment (It's not quite clear if this is what you want from your question, but I'm going to assume it is). RoundedCornersDialog //. bottomsheet. Using just android:background does not work. Theme_Translucent_NoTitleBar. After that, add a linear layout to your custom dialog with an XML drawable for a background. android:layout_width= "match_parent" android:layout_height= "wrap_content" Feb 24, 2024 · why my custom layout for dialog alert is not transparent where margin is placed? i have similar issue when i create bottom sheet menu and i add corners, it also makes that weird non transparent color. Custom Height and Width properties are not working for some reason (implemented using Layout Params) 2. ). this,android. black. Learn more Explore Teams Feb 16, 2012 · The dialog-wrapped-within-a-dialog appearance is caused by the dialog's window background. app. Dec 1, 2014 · I am creating an alert dialog on Android Jelly Beans OS. Transparent). dialog. 2- Android custom alert dialog with rounded corners. In that XML, specify border radius to make the layout a circle. I'm trying to make a custom android dialog with rounded corners. AlertDialog. gradle (if not there already): Dec 22, 2021 · I am trying to make the background from my dialog transparent. Mar 28, 2015 · As titled, I cannot seem to be able to dim the background of the custom dialog box I have made. show(); Aug 16, 2018 · The problem is: why the dialog is still shown int the background without corners radius? After searching for a solution to this problem, I found some of these solutions>> 1- Android Dialog - Rounded Corners and Transparency. Color. But its not reflecting when the DialogFragment is rendered on the screen. setTitle("Test"). I created a custom dialog (no, this is not dialog object) from an image and some other views. How to Create a Custom Dialog (Android) Android Dialog for EditText (Kotlin) Android Time Picker Dialog With Java Time (Kotlin) Android Date Picker Dialog With Java Time (Kotlin) Android Google Maps Load SupportMapFragment in AlertDialog DialogFragment (Kotlin) Android Set Title of DialogFragment Android Dialog Hide Title Android Prevent Dialog Touch (Outside Black Overlay Background) Close Mar 6, 2020 · I have created a BottomSheetFragment. MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup. Here's what I have. I want this dialog to be transparent so that you can see the home screen in the background of the dialog. 1 new-project wizard, for many of its templates, has the project use the Material Components for Android library. I dunno if it's the correct way to do it with setView cause the default dialog is still showing and I have setPositive, Negative and Netural options available which I should not have. Builder( context, R. STEP 1: Set the opacity to the barier to make the background translucent. Builder builder = new AlertDialog. The problem is that AlertDialog builder is actually not good for designing transparent dialog and will and always have black background which is actually a Theme for it, instead use the Dialog to create a transparent theme instead. DialogTheme); /* I try this but Nov 26, 2013 · I have some EditTexts inside the layout I have defined for the view of a custom DialogFragment. Builder(this); builder. Button. By setting android:windowIsFloating to false, I get the clear background I want, but the DialogFragment blows up to about 95% of the screen, leaving only a tiny gap around it where Mar 28, 2020 · I am trying to recreate the Android PopupWindow or System AlertDialog look and feel where a view is floating on top of all Applications; I managed to show the view but not to display it with round Aug 31, 2022 · Create your dialog like this: AlertDialog. transparent); but I dont know where to put this in my code, additionally I'm using Kotlin. What I want is kind of like the picture he provides, but what the solution gives is the background of the dialog being completely gone. Mar 20, 2013 · I am trying to create a customized AlertDialog with Buttons and RadioGroup. So changing this may help you to get what you realy wanted. this is my rounded_dialog. Sep 5, 2022 · Transparent background for constraint layout in android not working. Below is the part of code where Dialog is called. And, it sets up the default theme to be based on Theme. addFlags(WindowManager. TRANSPARENT)); Here is my code. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Aug 2, 2016 · So, I finally figured. The problem is that the image has round corners and when they appear (during runtime) they are white. TRANSPARENT)); dialog. getParent(). button3 for neutral. for example see this screen shot: My code: final Dialog contacts_dialog = new Dialog( Dec 16, 2017 · Required output image: I have tried the code and my output is like this. Dialog Call Method. It gets dragged down and is then out of view. setBackgroundDrawableResource(android. I tried by setting the parent background transparent but it is not working at all. myDialog = Event_Dialog. fragment. 3- Android dialog background with corner radius has layered background Feb 14, 2014 · If your dialog is an instance of either AlertDialog or Dialog add the following to your codes:. If you set window's background drawable you overwrite some existing dimensional information and get a dialog that is not standard width. FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND); Also Jan 18, 2014 · I have created my own custom dialog and it works fine but I want to change dimmed background to a custom pattern (for example an image file or a xml shape Jul 23, 2012 · Or you can use Dialog class for this, Dialog dialog = new Dialog(this, android. With version 1. I am trying to create an alert dialog with an EditText object. Edit: I think you need to override the onCreateDialog with a custom dialog builder class. Don't make custome theme. android:layout_width= "match_parent" android:layout_height= "wrap_content" Jul 31, 2018 · This is the default solid grey/white you see. material. Dialog within the Activity's life I want to set AlertDialogue theme or change background color. I want to have a background image saved in my drawable for this AlertDialog. With setView I had ugly sharp corner backgrounds of default dialog, but with setting the background to transparent it's all gone. imageView) void imageTappe Jun 3, 2017 · This should work whether you are using android. I tried this BottomSheetDialog with transparent background, but it did not work out. design_bottom_sheet) did successfully find the FrameLayout, I decided to avoid explicitly calling out the internally defined id by using getView(). findViewById(R. I need to set the initial text of the EditText programmatically. 8), context: context, builder: (BuildContext context) { return showLoadingDialog(context); }, ); Sep 23, 2021 · I know this project is under NDA, but stack-overflow also have a terms and rules and you must understand it. I have tried the suggested fix. Step 1: We are going to create… Mar 29, 2011 · For now I am working with dialogs. myDialog . Problems 1. Countless solutions online mention the last 3 lines of code in the first snippet below, this has mad Jun 8, 2017 · I am working on an Android Application , Here I have created a custom dialog box , The dialog box was appearing on complete height of the device , but I wanted to leave margins from top and bottom May 31, 2013 · The only solution I have found is here. Explore Teams Create a free Team Jun 14, 2016 · I write some anim xml but when i call dialog not working. OutlinedButton. Theme_Translucent_NoTitleBar). Theme_Translucent_NoTitleBar); Window window = dialog. graphics. To get a fully transparent dialog, you can set in onCreateView the following . Now it seems to be very complicated or impossible? Apr 6, 2022 · When we show a Dialog/AlertDialog in Jetpack Compose the background seems to be a bit dark, is there a way to adjust the background alpha or make it transparent? For eg: The White background in this image is turned into Dark grey when the dialog is shown. This also works better than @DummyData's answer because you don't resize the dialog. withOpacity(0. Builder alertDialogBuilder = new AlertDialog. How to dismiss/hide the dialog when the focus is lost? Mar 24, 2015 · (This is a random image of showing a Dialog found on the Internet. [enter image description here][1] code is: Apr 2, 2019 · Strangely, this was working fine, this is how it looks on my app released on Google Play: And this is how it looks now: All I did was migrate to AndroidX. So far I have only been able to display a dialog. enter image description here. It is the system window white background of the dialog itself. Here is my code: Jul 12, 2018 · I work with BottomSheetDialog, and some difficulties have occurred. TRANSPARENT)); Or create your own custom layout to your dialog, here it is an example. AlertDialog or android. My new problem is that when I touch outside the fragment so on System UI the fragment gets closed. Light" as the default-theme in the Android Manifest for the same Activity since it was supposed to appear full-screen with a White-Opaque background in Mobile Devices, while the same Activity was supposed to appear as a Floating-Dialog in Tablet Devices, so I was setting the Theme 'Programmatically' to AppTheme. make(view, "Please enter customer name", Sna Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. As you can see, the corners are rounded, but it leaves the white corner still intact. R. Jul 6, 2017 · I want to show a DialogFragment with no title, buttons, etc. May 25, 2022 · Since I cant just post a link I will copy the answer too, but I found my answer here: How to make custom dialog with rounded corners in android Create an XML file in drawable, say dialog_bg. Here is my code snippet: Snackbar snackbar = Snackbar. I tried this code and it shows with black background. The activity calls the new Fragment. I managed to get it to work through code with: Where bg_tran == #A0000000. . Apr 24, 2013 · So we can make it work like this: AlertDialog dialog = builderScan. Mar 23, 2011 · A Dialog cannot be created without a title. Builder dialogBuilder = new AlertDia Aug 3, 2016 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. getWindow(); window Dec 14, 2018 · I am trying to use a android Spinner in a Custom dialog, but when I tap on the Spinner the list with items opens and you can tap on them and the view closes, but none of the items gets selected. It does better than the original: the parent layout is transparent. Feb 20, 2012 · The way to go around it is to have a custom dialog with a transparent background colour (ARGB #00000000 or Color. xml): Nov 14, 2011 · I had the same problem with my custom dialog based on the Alertdialog. Theme_Holo_Light_NoActionBar_Fullscreen); dialog. Now it will look like this: May 6, 2020 · To get this effect of the circular icon above the content with transparency we have to set the "android:windowBackground" attribute to transparent. com/android-custom-dialog-with-transparent-backgroundThis article is on Android Custom Dialog With Transparent Background Color Example. Nov 26, 2013 · Now available on Stack Overflow for Teams! AI features where you work: search, IDE, and chat. 5 alpha) color, and on the third view I set light color (0. setView(rootView) . Unfortunately, the background stays always white. (i. style. For a rough idea, the backgroun Sep 4, 2012 · I've looked at this article on how to make it transparent, but there's nothing really on semi-transparent or if it's possible. But the alert dialog is still taking the the whole screen. void openDiaog(){ Dialog dialog = new Dialog(MainActivity. Theme_Translucent_NoTitleBar_Fullscreen. Jul 31, 2018 · This is the default solid grey/white you see. final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(BookAppointmentActivity. s I am showing snackbar in a DialogFragment within the positive touch of the alert dialog. However when I then run the app, the dialog background is its default (transparent on one device and black on another). 2 alpha). fragment_text_editor, container Nov 6, 2020 · The Android Studio 4. Further down in that tutorial it mentions: A dialog made with the base Dialog class must have a title. Builder(context, android. you need to set the "host" activity background to transparent when the "transparent" fragment is attached to it. Use Dialog instead of AlertDialog and set transparent background: dialog. DialogFragment class RoundedDialog: DialogFragment() { override fun getTheme() = R. 0 it was very easy to have a fully transparent BottomSheet, where a custom background could be defined by the containing layout. Kindly help me to produce the output as I have shown. id. WRAP_CONTENT); method should have make sure that my alert takes only that much space mentioned inside layout file. view with a fullscreen frameLayout w/ transparent background, and Nov 29, 2020 · To achieve a transparent background on your button perhaps use Widget. <?xml version=" I recall reading that not all Android Dialogs are created equally. BottomSheetDialogFragment) background transparent. showDialog( barrierColor: Colors. onCreate(savedInstanceState) } override fun onCreateDialog Change the fill_parent to wrap_content. Builder alert = new AlertDialog. Jul 31, 2018 · This is the default solid grey/white you see. setCancelable(false); builder. Just set the background of the dialog to transparent before calling . 0 only and it also removes blur effect! So I made a new Activity that uses a custom transparent theme. I have made the transparent background but when the bottom sheet pops up the background below it dims. no change (not visual and not logical) to the action bar, notification bar, and content of the activity behind, meaning that everything behind the dialog stays the same it was shown a moment before the dialog was shown. I am working on an android application where I am using DialogFragment to display the dialog but its width is very small. getWindow() . layout. setBackgroundDrawable to Color. TRANSPARENT; setDimAmount to 0; See code example here: public class TextEditor extends DialogFragment { @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View view = inflater. Also while getDialog(). Theme_Translucent_NoTitleBar_Fullscreen); Mar 15, 2013 · I am creating a custom fragment dialog with round corners and with layout that would not fill the screen width (I would prefer if it just wrapped its content). This will introduce a couple of issues: May 10, 2019 · This is how I achieve the dialog with transparent background. import androidx. May 6, 2020 · To get this effect of the circular icon above the content with transparency we have to set the "android:windowBackground" attribute to transparent. Can I set the background color of the dialog to be transparent? I looked at it with curiosity, and it turned out that there is a setBackgroundDrawableResource method in the window that has a way out, and the dialog is hosted in the window, so I tried the key code. For example, here is the declaration for a custom theme which is simply the standard platforms default light theme. cdialog); dialog. argb(0,0,0,0))); Feb 27, 2020 · This is a simple step by step guide to make your BottomSheetDialogFragment’s (com. The weirdest thing is that when i change just the custom dialog xml it shows up without problems so i think it could be the xml but i've been looking for a while and i can't find the problem. I could handle almost everything on the dialog except for that default black dim background under the dialog itself, but over the entire screen behind it. I hope this will be the issue the dialog appear at the corner of the activity. setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(Color. show(); And your Background of AlertDialog will be transperent. what I've tried Nov 4, 2013 · You can set it to the color transparent: dialog. May 9, 2016 · This did not work for me until I added "android:backgroundTint" instead of "backgroundTint" xml to make the Bottom Sheet Dialog's background transparent. Use android. Is there any way to make the background transparent as like as normal bottomsheetFragment works. LayoutParams. create(); dialog. android:layout_width= "match_parent" android:layout_height= "wrap_content" Apr 28, 2011 · Fundamentally you want to access the dialog buttons: these (on the standard AlertDialog) currently have ids android. I Tried @sumy7 's answer but it works on some devices running android 5. Or si Oct 2, 2014 · I have a dialog fragment which is shown when the WidgetConfig activity is running. I want to remove the background of the black background, and change it to transparency. color. setContentView(R. I put margins to the right of them. xml in dra Aug 21, 2020 · Now the BottomSheet's background is transparent, however it still produces a drop shadow around its invisible edges. As you said, dialog. It would go in an XML file under res/values (typically res/values/styles. be transparent except for the views I use for the dialog, which should be shown normally. getWindow(). google. Sep 2, 2021 · As @nima pointed out you can use getWindow(). Like I said, I've never done it. Now it will look like this: I need to make my custom dialog box as a transparent. setTitle("Dialog"); dialog. qrzd hhb mltrsb dqiek qdhy bkrz ieyav ercfnz kjg nygwo tyqqt srgpm hgcnl cwiyr szibbu